Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 224 Shi Huizhen Likes To Say No To Self-righteous People

Chapter 224 Shi Huizhen Likes To Say No To Self-righteous People
Both Tuo Huan and Theodora were a little surprised by Guo Kang's suggestion, but they also reacted quickly.

"Your method is good." Tuo Huan immediately agreed: "I was thinking about what to do if Li Xuanying is not willing, but you have solved the problem directly."

"In this case..." Theodora also understood what to do, but still hesitated: "It was originally Li Xuanying's fault, but her reputation will be ruined."

"She still has a reputation?" Tuo Huan was surprised: "It might ruin her reputation, so that's why I came to her. She is one of the rare ones, and she is not afraid of ruining her reputation at all."

"This is not just a matter of reputation." Guo Kang also explained: "We are in the open, lacking planning and reaction time; possible enemies are in the dark, and if they have plans, they must have been planning for a long time and have various plans. It is easy to lose money by comparing tricks, and only unconventional and sudden operations can destroy their layout."

"That's right." Tuo Huan also agreed: "Isn't this just like fighting a war? If you want to win, you need to mobilize as many enemies as possible, forcing them to make mistakes in the process of constant response. The plan can never keep up with changes, No matter how perfect the formation is, there will be flaws in the movement. We put pressure on them through sudden actions, and at the same time send people to continuously investigate, which is the best way."

"Actually, we don't even know who the enemy is now." Guo Kang spread his hands: "The planner may be someone close to this woman who wants to fight for wealth; or it may be other forces who want to fish in troubled waters."

"But the problem is that Li Xuanying's involvement in this matter is itself a huge variable. Even people who have no plans, seeing this situation, are likely to get involved. So, find someone who doesn't seem to be directly related It’s really a good idea to come to help with errands.”

"This matter is not difficult." Tuo Huan nodded: "Shi Huizhen doesn't say anything else, the level of force is enough. We don't need all of us to help to catch an actor. But just in case, you'd better let the reliable The person staring at her. I'm afraid that this person will make something out of the ordinary."

"Okay, I'll tell her." Theodora thought for a while, then nodded: "You guys have too deep a grudge against her, so if there is a cooperation, it can be regarded as a chance to turn things around."

"That's not a grudge, it's fear." Tuo Huan corrected: "This guy's deterrent power is at the level of Wu Zetian and Queen Irina."

"How is she like these two people?" Theodora asked back.

"She is a completely reversed version." Tuo Huan pointed out: "It is probably Wu Zetian with the completely opposite distribution of abilities. Her abilities are all about tactics, she can only win over people, and she has no force at all. Her ability only has force. They don't have any brains about how to get along with others. Both sides are people who like to cause trouble, regardless of relatives and friends, and the overall situation. These two kinds of people are equally scary."

"Yeah, I'm not prejudiced against her, this person is really... scary." Guo Kang, who has seen different worlds, couldn't help but shook his head: "Nurhachi passed by, and she had to be squeezed by her." Mao. How did this man grow up?"

"Hey, now Shi Huizhen and my mother's unreliable girlfriends and their children hang out every day. We know that communicating with those people is for coping, but she doesn't know." Dora complained: "I told you, but you still don't care. If this continues, something will happen sooner or later."

"Didn't I put her under control?" Theodora shook her head and said, "You are too impatient. Well, let me tell her, okay?"

Tuo Huan just nodded.

Several people discussed it again, and finally decided that Theodora should assign tasks to Shi Huizhen and look for opportunities to snatch people.And Tuo Huan will organize his own guards, and set up an ambush next to him when the time comes.

If Shi Huizhen does something unexpected again, she and Odosia will be arrested in the name of maintaining order and arresting criminals who rob people.In this way, it is more insurance.

After the matter was completed, everyone directly transferred Eudocia to a church and locked it up in secret.Then look at the reactions of all parties before proceeding to the next step.

After the discussion, Theodora called Shi Huizhen alone and told her to come out tomorrow and meet Tuo Huan and Guo Kang.At that time, Guo Kang, who knows people, will go to the theater and show her the target.After that, all she needs to do is to wait patiently.

At noon, there will be a performance on the street, and the troupe members will come out to support it as usual.At that time, Shi Huizhen only needs to take a few followers and rush up to arrest her.

Unexpectedly, Shi Huizhen herself disagreed.

"This joke is too big." She refused: "If you break the law, just let the officials take the person directly; if you don't break the law, you don't need to bully an ordinary actor, right? He also has a serious business, so it's like this , it will not only scare you, but also delay the business."

"You still know how to care about people." Tuo Huan couldn't help complaining: "When you toss me, why don't you care?"

"We are different from others." Shi Huizhen didn't care about his accusations, and said with a playful smile: "He is an ordinary citizen, and troubles will happen. But we all have family property, so what's the point of joking?"

"Look, it's also an animal. I dare not touch An Ning's cat. But little Rangna's wild boar is fine if you grab it casually. Anyway, it has rough skin and thick flesh, don't you think?"

What she said was so straightforward that Tuo Huan didn't know from which angle to refute it.

"Besides, I can't rob people by myself. I have to call a few companions to go together. But you think, how can I convince them? Just say, 'Brothers and sisters, go and rob men with my mother!'" Shi Huizhen kept shaking her head: "This is not good."

"You can't command those people who have been following you all this time?" Tuo Huan was a little surprised.

"It's not that the command doesn't move." Shi Huizhen frowned: "How can I explain this to you..."

"My group of companions are not serious soldiers. After my uncle ordered me to be grounded, those who followed me secretly were the ones who usually played better."

"My father passed away early, and my younger brother has been studying and training with my uncle. My mother and I are the only ones at home. Although we won't be bullied, the family is also very cold, so various other people are helping."

"Your family is also a big family, don't you care?" Guo Kang was a little surprised.

"The clan can't take care of it." Shi Huizhen rarely restrained her smile: "Like when I wanted to practice martial arts, the instructors in the clan felt that all the boys were already overwhelmed when they started teaching. No matter how many daughters, not only do you care No, it’s too inconvenient—it’s definitely not good to touch the limbs and even correct the posture with hands when teaching.”

"In the end, it was my mother who found a family who came back from the northern front through the family servants. The elder brother taught me how to ride a horse, and the elder sister taught me boxing, bow and arrow, and I learned some basic military skills."

"There are quite a few people like this. I grew up and got a lot of care. I also promised them that if they are recognized by the family in the future, they will have a future and will bring everyone with them. That's why they will always follow me .”

"Right now, I'm still trying to find an opportunity to make a career. But I'm not very lucky. I also played against the Poles before, and I also participated in the exercise. Obviously I think the result is okay, but the officers are not happy..." She was confused Scratch your head.

After talking on the phone, Guo Kang and Tuo Huan looked at each other in blank dismay.

Shi Huizhen still doesn't seem to have any awareness of what she did before and the results.But it doesn't look like she doesn't care about everyone.This probably can also explain why after every trouble, there are still people willing to follow her - even giving her a bigger bargaining chip to cause trouble.

"You still know that people are not happy." Tuo Huan said speechlessly: "Now is an opportunity to please people, hurry up and do it."

"That can't be done." Shi Huizhen waved her hands again and again: "I have not led everyone to make contributions, so I went to grab the men first. My companions, let alone come to help, it would be good if we didn't just break up. Your idea is not good."

"I'm Taiji, just follow my orders." Tuo Huan found that he couldn't explain to her, so he forced himself to say.

"How could you be such an auspicious person. If you agreed to fight the enemy, why is your first mission to bully your own civilians?" Shi Huizhen said unconvinced.

"What are you talking about?" Tuo Huan was unhappy: "I'm your boss, subordinates can't quarrel with bosses like this, you understand?"

"Then you are auspicious, just like the foolish king in the storybook." Shi Huizhen immediately retorted: "Unfortunately, I am not a treacherous minister who follows power—I, Shi Huizhen, like to say no to self-righteous people!"


With an expression on his face about to collapse, Tuo Huan turned to look at the other two.

Considering this guy's previous "records", Guo Kang deeply doubts that she might really think so, rather than yin and yang.He hurriedly let Theodora talk, pulled Tuo Huan aside, said a few words of comfort, and advised him that normal people should not care about such people.

Theodora didn't intend to tell her the specific situation, because she herself doubted whether Shi Huizhen could keep her mouth shut.But there is no other way now, so I have to follow Guo Kang's words to Wang Da Lama and tell her that this person may be the enemy's secret informant.

"Oh, should I have said it earlier." Shi Huizhen patted the breastplate: "Don't worry, I promise to bring her."

Theodora nodded, telling her to go back and prepare first.

When Shi Huizhen left, even Tuo Huan seemed relieved.

"Hey, on the bright side, this guy probably can't fight normally." He comforted himself.

"What's wrong?" Theodora asked.

"If she didn't have her own unique survival skills, I wouldn't believe that she could live to such a great age." Tuo Huan shook her head and said.

"If you think about it, this is why we can become stronger in Rome." Guo Kang commented: "Such people can survive, and no one finds a chance to kill them, which shows that we are actually very tolerant of talented people. Look, this book is a good thing."

"Besides, she hasn't been with us for a long time. Didn't we find out before that she often hangs out with those ladies before." He reminded.

"Yes. But to be honest, I don't like those pretentious guys..." Tuo Huan shook his head.

"Then, who do you think Shi Huizhen is tossing around most of the time?" Guo Kang asked.

Unable to hold back his joy, he burst out laughing.As far as Shi Huizhen's style is concerned, the ladies are probably more embarrassed than he was just now, and even so, they have to pinch their noses to get close to her.When I think of this, it really makes people laugh.

"Then let's think about what to say afterwards." Theodora said.

"It's quite simple." Tuo Huan said, "It's easy for a male nobleman to rob women by everyone, but it's rare for a female nobleman to rob a man, and it's more dramatic."

"Besides, Shi Zetian's appearance..." He turned his head and looked at Shi Huizhen who was getting on the horse outside: "Don't tell me, it's still okay. The citizens don't know the inside story, and we can fool us by saying that it was a young couple. past."

"Uh... It's fine if it can be rounded anyway." Guo Kang thought for a while, but agreed.

If it was the time when he just crossed over, he would probably be suspicious.In his impression, even those romance novels seemed to be about male domineering CEOs robbing women.

But after arriving here, he has never seen all kinds of dangerous situations where the domineering heroine intends to kidnap people, and even himself was almost snatched by the strange aunt.After going through this kind of thing too much, the whole person is numb...

Look at Shi Huizhen again, she is tall and slender, and she has been exercising for a long time to make her figure look very healthy. Under the soft armor, she can still vaguely see the lines.Her jet-black hair was tied up in a bun at the back of her head, and she quickly tucked it under the helmet.The face is not too fair, but the facial features are correct, the eyes are piercing, and it looks a bit heroic.

"It's a pity that I opened my mouth, otherwise I would be considered a beauty." Guo Kang said helplessly, "Forget it, that's all."

After sending her away, the three of them got on their horses and left the Empress Temple.

"Where will we meet this time?" Guo Kang asked.

"In the Monastery of Santa Maria of Mongolia." Theodora said, "Mrs. Irina and Grandma are over there, and they are probably discussing each other again."

Guo Kang nodded.

The strange name of this monastery comes from Maria, the daughter of Michael VIII.She was betrothed to Ilhan Hulagu by her father, but Hulagu died on the way, so the two sides changed temporarily and asked her to marry his successor, Abaha.More than ten years later, Abaha died of alcoholism, and Maria returned to Constantinople.She refused to marry again and entered a convent instead.

Later, the Ottomans gradually rose, and the Greeks could not resist.Maria's elder brother Andronika hoped to get the support of the Ilkhanate again, so he planned to marry her to Abaha's grandson Wanzhedu.In the eyes of the Il Khanate, this plan was quite surprising, and it did not succeed in the end.However, Mary went to Nicaea herself to encourage the defenders and meet the Mongol envoys.The Ilkhanate sent an army of 3 to support her and drove the Ottomans away.

After this, Maria returned to the monastery for the rest of her life.The monastery and church where she is located have also been called "Saint Mary of Mongolia".

In Guo Kang’s original world, this church was more conspicuous—it was the only Orthodox church in the city that had never been converted into a mosque after 1453, and it was always open to Greeks.

At this time, like other monasteries in the city, it was also borrowed by Queen Elizabeth and became one of her venues for sheltering and training orphans.

(End of this chapter)

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