Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 230 Can the Grand Duke of Moscow annex Kiev

Chapter 230 Can the Grand Duke of Moscow annex Kiev

Although Tuohuan felt that he could try, Theodora was stricter than him.

"Even if a new battle group is established, it cannot be called the Ross War Group or the Slavic War Group, it can only be called the Ryazan Local Group." organized in different locations."

"I know that you hope to save more Rus people, but unfortunately, it is impossible for Khanting to set up a universal 'Russ standard' so that all people in the Rus region can get access at the same time. Otherwise, it is tantamount to asking them to recognized a common identity."

"The model unit you mentioned can also be established if conditions permit, but it can only be used as a teaching unit for the Ryazan regiment. In the future, we may gradually form the Smolensk regiment, the Suzdal regiment and even the Moscow regiment. They can also be formed. Refer to the cases of Novgorod and Ryazan, but it is impossible for us to create a 'Russian teaching group'."

"It's like this." Guo Kang also understood what she meant: "Actually, you only need to look at Ming Dynasty to understand this matter."

"The area of ​​Seris is very large, but when the Ming Dynasty set up the military region, the guards were all scattered in the local area and were under the jurisdiction of the provincial capital. It would not be like the Southern Song and Yuan, where the southern and northern armies were divided into two systems. Treat them separately. Because that would be tantamount to artificially creating barriers and divisions."

"Similarly, we can't specifically formulate a set of standards for the Ross people to organize various Ross regiments. Otherwise, if someone tells them that the Ross people should obey the Ross people's command and call on these troops to obey the Ross princes, what should we do? ?”

"It's like..." He thought for a while, and said metaphorically: "If the Grand Duke of Moscow wants to annex Kiev, can we allow it?"

"Of course not." Madam Irina said without hesitation: "Moscow is the most powerful Rus country, and Kiev is a traditional cultural and religious center with a very important position. If he is allowed to realize his ambitions, he will soon , all principalities will be annexed by him."

"Right, so we can't give careerists a chance to influence other armies." Guo Kang pointed out: "Otherwise, the Moscow Regiment will soon annex your Ryazan Regiment in the name of 'all Russians'."

"So that's what it means." Mrs. Irina nodded.

"Actually, it's not difficult to deal with. What we need to do is to use the Roman consensus to overwhelm the Ross consensus. Just like the Ming Dynasty is trying to use the Chinese consensus to overwhelm the North-South consensus." Guo Kang continued to refer to the Ming Dynasty, giving an example: "For example, the teaching team you are planning to establish now, I suggest placing it directly under the teaching team, but the members of this period can recruit more Ross people."

"In this case, the goal for the first time has changed from establishing a separate system to expanding the scope of recruitment of existing troops. In the past, the teaching group did not rarely conduct special recruits according to the orders of the Khan Court. In doing so, it was received The resistance is much less. Do you think it will work?"

"It's your idea." Mrs. Irina nodded repeatedly.

Whether in the Purple Horde or Eastern Rome, the teaching group is a very old establishment.Its name already appeared in the time of Constantine the Great, but at that time, in Greek, this "teaching" also meant "a group of people".

Due to the frequent rebellion of the Praetorian Guards, Constantine revoked their establishment and re-recruited a group of heavy cavalry.Known as the "group of the Inner Court", these men actually took the place of the Praetorian Guard.It was not until the 11th century that this force gradually disappeared.

When the Purple Horde organized its troops, it adopted many ancient names.At that time, Guo Gai and others needed to form an experimental force in order to experiment and promote new firearms, so they looked through the pile of old papers and found this name.

Guo Gai is already considered a relatively literate person.It's a pity that even he has only a half-knowledge of Greek and ancient allusions.So everyone just as the name suggests, used the teaching group as a teaching group.

Later, when Queen Mother Helena rectified the battle group, she discovered this problem.But everyone is used to it, so they don't bother to change it.

At present, due to the increasing military needs of the Khanate, the teaching regiment has also increased the training of other arms, but it still focuses on engineers and firearms.Most of them are stationed outside the city.The place where Guo Kang showed Zhu Wenkui brothers and sisters before was their camp.

Since Guo Kang often tinkered with some new firearms, the people there were very familiar with him.It would be much more feasible to ask foster father and old general Cao to be guarantors later, and ask them to accept some Ross people, with Guo Kang leading the team.

"Then you need to be responsible for providing a group of reliable soldiers." Theodora continued to put forward the conditions: "And be careful not to let the existing boyar nobles join. These people must be organized by ourselves."

"Don't worry." Mrs. Yi Lianna assured: "Over the past few decades, I have accumulated some contacts among the folks. Now, there are many people working in Dadu and various ports along the Black Sea. They He is willing to leave his hometown and work hard for his future, so he is a more suitable candidate."

"Are there many of you from your hometown?" Tuo Huan asked curiously.

"Yes." Mrs. Irina showed a look of nostalgia: "My hometown is also a special place in the Ross Principalities."

"If you ask a Rusian from other places, their first impression of the Ryazan people is probably that they don't obey the law and like to work."

"Is there any connection between the two?" Guo Kang also heard of it for the first time.

"It may seem strange to you, but it has to start with the customs in the Ross area." Mrs. Irina replied: "In the countryside, most of the places are managed by the village community called 'Mir'. Among the villagers In my heart, the status of the village community is extremely high, and there is a folk saying, 'Only the heavenly father can judge Mir'. This shows its importance."

"The principality government's rule over the village community is as simple and brutal as I have commented before. The nobles always try to get more supplies, while the village community fights against each other and organizes the villagers to defend. Every time a tax is levied, it is like It's like a small war."

"Then they can't bear it, won't they rebel or run away?" Tuo Huan asked.

"There are quite a few rebels, but basically they will all be suppressed. Of course, there are more people who escaped." Mrs. Irina said, "If you find any river bay or open space in the forest, you can often find people engaged in fishing and hunting. And the people who cultivated are secretly moving. Most of them fled because they couldn’t stand the nobles.”

"That's no wonder the village community has a high status." Guo Kang commented: "We have to count on it to organize everyone to stick together to save their lives."

"That's probably the case." Mrs. Irina nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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