Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 237 The Fox and the Wolf——But the Khitan War Wolf

Chapter 237 The Fox and the Wolf——But the Khitan War Wolf

After clarifying these situations, Guo Kang probably knows what Cao's request is.

The influence of the Cao family in the army has not been too strong, but their connections have always been well managed.In particular, the diplomatic environment of the Purple Horde was a disaster level in the early days.At that time, their efforts gave us a lot of help.

When it comes to Cao Xun and his nephews, because there are more and more professional civil servants, they, like other families, began to "retreat" to the army.Coupled with Cao Xun's own personal interests, he has done a good job in this regard.Although his eldest son Cao Zhonglin changed his career again, his two sons-in-law are still generals in the army.

But even so, other aspects of the relationship were important to them.For example, the impact on the Ross region is an important part.The important fulcrum for this kind of influence to be exerted lies in the special role of the Principality of Ryazan.

During the reign of "Viper" Oleg, the Cao family encountered the biggest crisis.But facing the pursuit of the Queen Mother Helena, the strong and astute Oleg decided to help his son-in-law hide.As he expected, the Queen Mother Helena was not capable of sustaining the hunt, nor could she extend her hand so far without help.In the end, the matter did not come to an end, and Oleg also consolidated the relationship with the Cao family.

Relying on this layer of special contacts, Oleg's career has also gone smoothly.According to Guo Kang's understanding, it will only be more radical than the historical situation.It's just a pity that these measures are still unable to completely change the local social situation in the short term.

As for now, Grand Duke Fyodor, who is struggling to maintain the situation, needs the support of external forces even more.Others may question his authority, but everyone knows that Irena Olegovna of Dadu is his sister and has always supported his rule.In this case, opponents have to think more.

According to history, after that, Ryazan, which has no tyrants, will gradually decline, and finally be annexed by Moscow, which has a less perfect system but has many tyrants.Even now, people with a discerning eye can already see that the decline is gradually emerging. Therefore, the local rulers are indeed willing to pay part of the price in exchange for more direct intervention by the Purple Horde Khanate.

Mrs. Irina may have used this opportunity to successfully persuade them.

"I probably understand." Guo Kang showed a clear expression.

Although it might sound a bit strange to a Serisian.But let alone the current era at the end of the Middle Ages, even in modern times, it is not uncommon to allow other countries to recruit troops on their own territory.As long as the salary is high enough, it is not surprising that the whole country becomes a mercenary.

Ryazan is theoretically a vassal of the Purple Horde, so this kind of thing is even more indifferent.

"I also understand. If this plan is successful, then more farms can be set up in the Ryazan area as bases and demonstration areas." Not surprisingly, Theodora also figured it out: "In this way, they can also Watch us and try to solve management problems."

"Yes, and they will also be guaranteed to get through this unstable period." Mrs. Yi Lianna said: "The Ryazan court is somewhat worried about the current situation."

"My father's measures in the past, although there are many gaps in the current situation, at least it proves that even in the backward Ross area, this method still has the hope of being successfully realized. If Rome can help organize, then the biggest problem will be solved. .”

"I think it's okay." Tuo Huan also said: "Although their idea is old, isn't it the Qin system when it develops in the future? Our Great Qin Kingdom also understands the Qin system. If you help them change it, everyone will gain something." .”

"Uh..." Guo Kang thought for a while, and felt that this was not too wrong, so he nodded.

"That's good." Mrs. Elena couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "I want to talk to you this time, mainly because I want to introduce these situations. In this way, it will be more convenient for future cooperation. Since everyone feels that It's okay, I'm relieved."

When it comes to this, the matter is over.Mrs. Yi Lianna asked Cao Jian to bring a few brochures, saying that they wrote the conscription plan they had discussed.If there are no problems, it will be submitted to the Senate and the 13-member meeting as part of the plan.

According to Cao Jian's words, he distributed the brochures to everyone.In the end, he hesitated for a while, and asked Mrs. Elena: "Grandma, if you really want to send a demonstration team to Egypt this time, can I go with you?"

"It's not necessary this time." Mrs. Yi Lianna shook her head and said, "This time the situation is special, Mr. Guo is leading the team. You don't need to argue, your grandfather and I will find you a good opportunity later."

Cao Jian was obviously reluctant, he struggled for a while, and sat back resentfully.

"Or, let Mr. Cao follow." Guo Kang felt that this was not good, and said proactively: "There will be no shortage of vacancies in the expeditionary army, and it is no problem to change them. If you go together, you can also help each other. "

"Don't mess around with him." Mrs. Irina shook her head.She had been consulting Guo Kang for his opinion before, but for this matter alone, she put on the posture of an elder and denied: "We have discussed with all parties several times before we have roughly determined the officer's arrangement, and now we will make temporary adjustments. How can I tell people?"

Guo Kang has nothing to do now.He looked at Theodora, and found that the other party also shook his head slightly, not letting him speak any more.I had no choice but to smile bitterly at Cao Jian, saying that I could only help here.He can't do anything about other people's family affairs.

There is no need for Guo Kang to worry about the next thing.

The queen mother and Mrs. Irina let Tuhuan and Theodora stay, and there are things they want to talk to them alone.Guo Kang and others are preparing to leave.However, seeing Joanna walking towards Guo Kang and starting to talk, Theodora became worried again.

"I'll just discuss things here." She was quick to wit, and said to Tuo Huan, "You can go and play with you, Anda."

Mrs. Elena seemed to think it was not very good, but Queen Elizabeth looked back and forth, and seemed to understand what her granddaughter meant.

"It's fine." She said, "Just ask Theodora to tell you and your father later."

Tuo Huan was quite happy with this, so he turned around and ran to Guo Kang.

Joanna did not show any displeasure, and went out with them, walked to the wall, and stopped.

"Mr. Guo." She took the initiative to ask: "I said half of what I said before, and I haven't finished it yet. Is there any new progress in your experiment with that car? Do you need my help?"

"That would be great." Guo Kang said hastily: "I believe that these electric power supply vehicles that are more convenient to move will have more practical effects."

"Speaking of which, I was in a theater troupe before, and I saw that reflector." He remembered the equipment in the theater before: "In fact, this is quite good. If the equipment we manufactured can be put into use soon, it will The cost can be recovered as soon as possible, and it is convenient to continue research. Moreover, more people will be willing to invest and support in this way."

"Speaking of which, how did you contact Guo Kang Anda? How did you remember to invest money in him?" Tuo Huan next to him asked with great interest: "His experiment was quite troublesome. I used to help him , but it took a lot of effort to raise money. Did you know each other before, and you helped so much when you came up?"

Joanna chuckled lightly upon hearing this.

"I did recognize him before—however, this is normal. Like ordinary citizens, I recognize him, but he doesn't recognize me."

"As for helping him raise funds, it's not just about money." She explained: "It's an opportunity we dream of to get closer to someone like Mr. Guo."

"Do you remember my previous analogy? We are city merchants who come from minor aristocrats, and our status is similar to that of a fox in the forest. I am just a female fox, and he is a mighty lion to me." Joanna looked at Guo Kang, her eyes fluttered, and she inadvertently started to approach him: "In this way, you can understand my choice."

"I understand the meaning, but your analogy is not quite right." Tuo Huan shook his head: "We are actually not lions, but wolves."

"Huh?" Joanna was a little surprised, paused, and seemed to be thinking quickly about the meaning of this metaphor.

"Because we are Khitan Warriors!" Tuo Huan suddenly spoke out his setting loudly before she could think it over.


Guo Kang was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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