Chapter 241
Facing Guo Kang and Tuo Huan's explanation, Joanna didn't know what to say for a while.

"Don't you, don't you give it a try?" She was too surprised, and she couldn't hide it, so she stammered and begged.

"I, I can do it myself. Let a prestigious young nobleman marry me, and then you can get a strong enough claim." After she finished speaking, she was afraid that the two would misunderstand, pointing to Guo Kang and said: "He Just do it."

Unexpectedly, when Tuo Huan heard the words, he and Guo Kang looked at each other, and the two immediately burst out laughing.

"You girl, you still dream of being a princess!" Guo Kang said with a smile.

"Do you know why my grandfather and the others didn't control my mother and let her choose her own husband?" Tuo Huan also asked with a smile.

"Huh?" Joanna obviously didn't expect it either.

"The territories that your mother can claim are Hungary and Naples. In our grand strategy, these are places to be directly managed by counties and counties, and these are no longer needed." Tu Huan explained: "So, Grandfather will think that she has no influence. Old Mr. Guo Di also suggested, just do yourself a favor and let her live on her own."

"When vying for territory, you put forward your own claim in order to gain sufficient legitimacy. But think about it, starting from Clovis, what was the origin of the earliest nobles? Where did their titles come from?" He spread his hands: "Is there any higher legitimacy than Rome itself?"

Joanna was speechless for a moment.

"Don't be nervous, it's okay. After all, you've helped me Anda so much." Tuo Huan teased, "Besides, you've already asked him for marriage, so you still treat yourself as an outsider? Don't worry about it."

Guo Kang blushed when he heard what he said, but he just smiled and didn't seem to take it seriously.

He could only sigh with emotion, fortunately Theodora was not there.Otherwise, Brother Tian probably doesn't know if they will fight on the spot...

"Since this matter has been brought up, let me explain it seriously to you." Seeing that he was silent, Tuo Huan took the initiative to explain: "If you understand, you can tell others so that everyone can understand our attitude. "

"Of course, I don't read many books. If you really want to talk about the truth, you have to ask him." He pointed to Guo Kang: "However, Italy is very important to us, so my mother forced me to read related books since I was a child." .I still remember quite a few of those cases.”

"At the beginning, the Ostrogothic Kingdom occupied many parts of Italy, so Emperor Justinian sent Belisarius to attack the barbarians and regain their homeland. Belisarius fought some victories, repelled the Goths, and forced them to submit .”

"But after that, Roman officials levied violently in Italy, trying to earn back the expenses of the previous war. The generals and governors also pocketed their own pockets, took advantage of the opportunity to receive lost land, and even got rich from the legion. There are also many nobles and senators, Claiming that a large area of ​​local land still belongs to them, they took the opportunity to forcibly occupy the property."

"Under the repeated bullying of these tax collectors, receiving officials, and returning elders, the Italians, who once welcomed the Roman army very much, quickly became dissatisfied and would rather let the barbarians continue to rule. Later, Belisarius was transferred because he could not be trusted. The Gothic army took the opportunity to fight back again. This time, most people sided with the barbarians, and the garrisons everywhere were in chaos because of the incompetence and selfishness of the generals, resulting in the loss of the acquired territories."

"Later, Justinian sent the more trusted Narcissus to lead the army back to Italy. Narcissus successfully defeated the Ostrogoths. However, when the news of the death of the Ostrogothic King Totila spread After the release, the Italians were sad rather than elated."

"This kind of thing happened again and again in different places. When the Roman army returned to North Africa and defeated the Vandals, the Moors came to welcome them. But after a while, they also began to rebel."

"The records show that many local specialties, such as terracotta and olives in North Africa, and wine in Italy, survived even during the barbarian invasion, but they were hit harder in this era, and even directly Disappeared."

"These people have caused more serious damage to the people's livelihood in the province than the barbarians. The Italians and Moors were originally the residents who supported the empire the most, but they began to rebel everywhere in a few years. How can this kind of rule achieve the goal?"

Joanna nodded, acknowledging that he had a point.

"The rulers of subsequent dynasties often made such mistakes." Tu Huan said: "The Anjou family tried to control the Kingdom of Sicily, but they couldn't even control their own soldiers, and were finally driven out of the island."

"It stands to reason that at least those emerging dynasties can do a lot better in this regard. But in Europe, I have never seen this phenomenon." He shook his head: "There are too many lessons like this, but it seems that no one has been Think seriously."

"When my grandfather arrived in Naples with his army, the locals told him that as long as someone drives out the current king-even the Hungarians will do it. If it weren't for us to attack, Lajos might really not leave. His own I don’t know what to think about my hometown, it’s all run like this.”

"You see, what the locals care about is not such an empty title, but a real life. The title of a king may not be useful. That's why we think that supporting a puppet king with claiming rights is not much. Necessary. We don’t need the title to add legitimacy to ourselves.”

"It's not that I look down on your bloodline and family." Tuo Huan scratched his head, comforted him again, and then said: "But if you think about it carefully, no matter how strong your family's bloodline and legal basis are, you can have Emperor Justinian Is it strong?"

Joanna shook her head blankly.

"Our current generals, I also think they are all capable people. But now, have any of them played at the level of Belisarius and Narsis?" He asked again.

Joanna was at a loss, and Guo Kang next to him shook his head.

"You see, even they failed in that situation. What conditions do we have to ignore the most critical factors?" Tu Huan finally said.

"You mean, the legitimacy of the nobles' rule is irrelevant, the most important thing is the attitude of ordinary people?" Joanna tried to confirm.

"Of course." Guo Kang agreed: "Back then, Ji Han Liu Xianzhu was pursued in Jingzhou, but he still insisted on protecting the people from fleeing. His subordinates reminded him that the pursuers may arrive soon, and there is no way to resist under the current situation. Liu Xianzhu replied that people should be the foundation of doing great things. Now that the people are coming to attach to him, how could he have the heart to abandon them and leave.”

"The pursuers are here, will they kill and rob these ordinary people? There is a big difference between Serris' army." Joanna thought for a while and commented.

"Hmm. The army chasing him has the style of European civilization." Guo Kang said tactfully: "So when the locals heard the news, they immediately ran away."


"Although he was still defeated by others afterwards, these actions also gained him the support of many people. Therefore, although he often fails, he can rise again. This matter has been passed down."

"If we can have this spirit, I don't think we need to consider those complicated blood relations and legality." Guo Kang finally said: "To appease the suffering people and crusade against the guilty rulers is a kind of legality in itself. Sex. We didn’t rely on nobles when we started our own business.”

"I understand what you mean." Joanna showed a clear expression.

"However, you haven't directly ruled Naples for a long time. Propaganda and calling on the locals to prevent the local lords from coaxing them to fight against you, these things still need to be done?" She keenly discovered other spaces: " This kind of work is very trivial, but valuable. After all, we still have some connections there, and we can still help."

"This... is fine." Guo Kang said after hesitating.

"It seems that there are quite a few Italians in the metropolis." Tuo Huan thought for a while, and said, "We can select smart people from them and go back to promote them. If you are good at it, you can indeed help organize them."

"They already have a lot of organizations." Joanna told him: "My mother and I do have contacts with some organizations. If needed, we can help."

"That's it." I really didn't know before Tuo Huan: "Then we can try? If their network is also influential in their hometown, then at least it is possible to do propaganda and obtain information."

"These should be fine." Joanna nodded: "Napolitans and Sicilians all like to form groups. The organizations they formed spontaneously often have contacts with the upper class and seek their protection."

"Some nobles will use them to do some shady jobs. They sometimes blackmail the nobles in order to get better conditions for themselves. Anyway, these people should be used to this kind of work."

"Isn't this the underworld?" Guo Kang frowned: "To be honest, I'm a little worried about these people."

"If we really intervene in Naples, we must re-establish grassroots organizations. Will these underworld members take the opportunity to get involved and usurp our control of the local area?"

"Are you going to adopt the method of establishing the Legion Manor and re-dividing the territory?" Joanna replied: "That way, you don't have to worry. When rebuilding, just put them aside."

"I still understand this matter. They are active because in most European countries, there are no people other than priests to go to the villages to organize. You have all established organizations directly, so what are you afraid of?"

"She's right." Tuo Huan said, "Instead, we are the most chaotic here in Dadu. I guess it's also because after your grandfather, no one went to rectify it. Other places don't have such a big problem."

"Is there anything you can do about this?" He asked Joanna, "Can you help us restrain these people?"

"This is very troublesome." Joanna said frankly: "These people are not in the same group, they only have a loose alliance with each other. Not only my family, but also some other Italian businessmen often deal with them. Even some influential The same goes for foreign nobles."

"By the way, do you remember the French princess who came to take refuge before?" She asked, "When she comes here, she can get support from some people in the city. I definitely can't control these people."

"This is really troublesome..." Guo Kang sighed helplessly: "Forget it, there is no rush for this matter. Let's talk about it slowly in the future."

"If I can help, I will do my best." Joanna promised.

She walked to the door and said goodbye to the two.In the car, "Khitan" Damiano seemed to be waiting impatiently.Under his urging, Joanna had no choice but to tell Guo Kang that if she had something to do recently, she would go to him again.Guo Kang felt that there was no problem, nodded in agreement, and she left in a hurry.

"Oh, I always feel like I'm going to be busy again recently." Tuo Huan stretched her waist and said with emotion.

Guo Kang was noncommittal.

It is on a small slope, not far from the civilian area.Looking around, you can see rows of houses, inconspicuous narrow streets, and the tall city wall of Theodosius in the distance.

Looking up, a big bird is soaring in the blue winter sky.

"What's the date today?" Guo Kang suddenly remembered and asked.

"Which calendar?" Tuo Huan said, "According to the Julian calendar, it's December 12rd."

"It's not a special day either."


After everyone left, only Theodora was still discussing things.Cao Jian had nothing to do, so he said goodbye to his grandmother and went out for a walk.

He walked out of the monastery, walked for a while, came to the edge of the business district, found a tavern, and went in.

"Where's your boss?" he asked the young Ross who looked after the store.

"It's in the backyard. Wait a moment." The waiter obviously recognized him, and quickly greeted him, put down the ledger in his hand, and trotted away behind the curtain.

Not long after, a burly man poked his head out.

"Young master? Please, please, this way." He opened the curtain and called Cao Jian to come in.

The two walked all the way to the backyard, and Cao Jian asked bluntly, "Has Andre been doing anything lately?"

"We have people watching him all the time." The strong man Ross said, "Since what you said last time, he and Master Gregory have been visiting people everywhere."

"Did you go to Li's house again?" Cao Jian asked in detail.

"Yes." The other party nodded: "Master Li must have something to do recently, so he has not been at home, and they went there several times. Maybe they met two or three times."

"Alas..." Cao Jian sighed, but still nodded, approvingly said: "Good job, Victor. Next time I will give you half the reward."

"Thank you, master." Victor bowed slightly, and then asked, "Then, is there anything else we need to do now?"

"You should be able to see the current situation." Cao Jian tried to maintain a calm expression, but there was still some worry in his eyes: "Since two years ago, my grandparents wanted the Ross people to be qualified as formal legionnaires. The father and son have been moving up and down. I guess they have already prepared a lot of backhands."

"I don't think you need to be afraid of them, young master." Victor frowned and pointed out, "You are the heir of this family. Although Gregory is very slippery and well-known among the Ross people, he has never beaten them." Famous battle. Most of his current status is because he is the son-in-law of the Cao family. But Andrei is even further away—he is an outsider. They cannot be compared with you. "

"That's what you said..." Cao Jian's eyes wandered, obviously he didn't have much confidence: "Now it's time to recruit Russians as soldiers, and they will not let this opportunity pass. Gregory's family is in Ryazan Both Suzdal and Suzdal have influence, if they can take this opportunity to further enter the legion, my heir will have no practical significance."

"After all, Andre's mother is the favorite daughter of his grandparents. And I have no blood relationship with them at all. If he passes the performance, then I guess there is no need for me to exist."

Victor was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"Where are Daoxing and Ziming?" Cao Jian asked again without saying anything.

"Oh, your brothers and sisters didn't move much." Victor replied, "I don't think they know about it at all."

"They and Mr. Guo probably didn't think so much. They are carefree..." Cao Jian sighed again, and finally said: "Then follow Elder Peter's suggestion. Those people are ready Is it gone?"

"It's been selected before." Victor said: "We also used the black market channel to purchase some weapons in advance so that they can adapt and train them. Now, at least they have some foundation, so they can pass the assessment."

"Okay." Cao Jian nodded: "Then I'll go to make an appointment with Mr. Guo right now. It's not too late, you tell him, and immediately gather people together. I'll take them to the military camp to report tomorrow, and let him review it."

"So fast?" Victor was a little surprised.

"It can't be done otherwise. Gregory will definitely put his own people in and actually control this army. So we have to be faster than him." Cao Jian analyzed: "We can only do it before he convinces his grandparents and finalizes the candidates. Create an established fact on Mr. Guo's side, and determine our people. In this way, even if he starts to act, he can't ask to exclude the part of the people that Mr. Guo has already recruited. He definitely dare not treat the Guo family like this .”

"It could be earlier. Let them stop being lazy." He said

"Don't worry, even if we smoke them, we will gather on time." Victor finished his promise, and couldn't help asking: "But, Mr. Guo, are you sure he will help?"

"He should have been trying to help me, I can tell. It's a pity that grandma doesn't want him to get involved too much, and he doesn't know the specifics." Cao Jian said, shaking his head with a wry smile: "We It's normal for outsiders to not be able to figure out these messy things at home."

"Okay, I'll go to work now, and you should hurry up too." He patted Victor and urged.

"May the Holy Mother bless you, young master." Victor nodded and strode away.

(End of this chapter)

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