Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 243 Swear by the Sea of ​​Marmara!

Chapter 243 Swear by the Sea of ​​Marmara!

Seeing that his adoptive father and adoptive mother did not speak, Guo Kang had no choice but to continue to explain himself.

"If I really need it, I can do it for a while, and then hand it over to someone better. It doesn't matter if I don't do it, I really don't care." He said bluntly to Guo Puonu: "Guo's wealth, the Roman Pillar Kingdom Although the status is very attractive, to me, it is nothing more than that. The difference between different worlds is too great. After seeing that kind of life, to be honest, it is difficult to indulge in the enjoyment here.”

What he said is indeed true.

Although Rome's material life was relatively advanced in the Mediterranean world of this era, it was really difficult for him to really have much "material desire".

"In my life, I probably won't be able to go to that heavenly world. I can only visit it in my dreams." He sighed: "With our current ability, most of the scenes may not be realized."

"But even so, since I have seen things in the sky, I want to bring them to the human world as much as possible. Otherwise, what is the purpose of my life? Is it so meaningless to experience the heavens and the human world? Is it?"

"I know that some people also like to manage others. But in this regard, the nature of different people may be different." He shook his head, trying to organize his words:

"It may also be because I have seen the world of 'heaven', so these powers in the world... To be honest, in this environment, it is difficult for me to experience a sense of accomplishment and pride in the process of ordering others. Compared with I asked them to build workshops, and after the workshops were completed, the lamps that were successfully produced were the things that made me happiest during this period of time.”

In fact, Guo Kang also knows that his way of thinking is somewhat different from people in this world and this era.

Moreover, not only this world, but his thinking is also very different from the mainstream thinking of the previous world.

His "idea" does not belong to mainstream theology and philosophy, and it is even difficult to be included in a certain step in the history of development.It can be said that it is not on that "tech tree" at all, and it is completely his own private goods.Therefore, it is normal not to be understood.

It stands to reason that in the era before he traveled, the mainstream thought in the world advocated personal enjoyment, rather than the "pride" and "meaning" he emphasized.

According to that era, the prestige in the world, these prides and meanings, have no meaning in themselves.They are all a kind of "faith", a kind of artificially constructed "divinity", and these artificial consciousnesses, and even human existence itself, are also meaningless.

Therefore, whether it is human noble feelings or human liberation, they are all constructed and non-existent concepts.People can only confirm their own existence through specific materials—for example, comparing who has more money, seeing whose life is more luxurious, and so on.

In this environment, what he said, those behaviors that seek to show off strength, show off wealth, and show off power, are what everyone respects the most.

But Guo Kang's own thoughts are different.

Discovering that divinity is a fiction, he abandons faith and pursues material things. In his opinion, it is a manifestation of relying too much on God.He doesn't care about these at all.

It doesn't matter to him whether the concepts of "meaning" and "existence" have meaning or sanctity.After all, he himself is a person who often fabricates scriptures for use.If the meaning can be used, it has meaning; if the sanctity helps him, it has sanctity.It's that simple.

Are the rich history, glorious collective honor, and belief in unity constructed out of thin air by people themselves?of course.After all, these are indeed purely man-made products produced in human society.

Do they make sense?Of course there are.Although it is "made up" by people, it does make people organize.After being organized, the power generated is not "virtual".

At that time, the ancestors of Homo sapiens fought all over the world, relying on "storytelling" with one hand, uniting more people with an imagined community, and finally defeated all competitors.But in the era he lived in, this kind of skill was equally important-no way, unorganized people just couldn't beat organized people.

So, fiction is fiction.He doesn't care about the concept itself.Anyway, as long as the fictitious fist can really hit people.

Guo Kang has never been able to understand the feeling of "lack of faith" - because he doesn't care about religious belief at all, and if he doesn't have it, he won't have it.

This also made him unable to understand the worship of gods and lofty beings; nor could he understand the spirit of pursuing material desires after the loss of divinity.It's not sticky at both ends.

After a long time, he even wondered if he was an extremely indifferent person in essence—he had always regarded other people's beliefs, whether positive or negative, as tools that could be analyzed and used.According to the popular science knowledge given to him by Little Jeanna, this is called "arrogance", which is the biggest crime in the religious system.

Of course, this also made him out of tune with many people in his previous life.It makes him not like a civilized and advanced modern person, but a violent madman with conservative and backward thinking, and his mind is full of scrambling and killing.

Guo Kang himself could not even refute.Because he does often think about what to do in a society that has given up "meaning" when it encounters a war?
He has never gotten a satisfactory answer in the past, people just keep telling him that the world will be peaceful and there will be no large-scale wars.So those once grand narratives no longer make sense.

But will humans really never fight again?

Fortunately, now he doesn't need to care about this issue.

Around the Purple Horde, there are literally violent barbarians.Whether the sense of honor and historical responsibility exist in theory, everyone certainly does not know.But in theory, if a person is killed, he will indeed die—this is easy to understand.

After he finished speaking, foster father nodded quickly.Maybe he is also a relatively simple violent maniac, so it is easy to understand Guo Kang's thoughts...

The mother-in-law looked at Guo Ponu with some worries, then at Guo Kang, and said, "Go ahead, I probably understand what you mean."

"My idea is that status, power, wealth, these are just tools." Guo Kang hopes to make it clear: "I really need them, but they can be used to help. So it doesn't matter whether it's the owner or the consultant. , I really don’t care. It’s enough to help me, give me a chance to try something, and make my wish come true.”

"Anyway, I don't have to be in charge of family affairs before I can serve the country." He thought for a while, and gave an example: "At that time, I will work for Tuohuan's subordinates, or even go abroad with Little Rangna and the others to work hard. is allowed."

"Of course, I think the church might be the best place to go. Master Wang has always wanted me to work in the church..."

"You want to become a monk? How can you do it!" Before he finished speaking, Guo Ponu interrupted directly: "You must get married!"

"Didn't I follow your wishes?" Guo Kang couldn't understand her logic anymore: "Don't you want to grab the head of the house from you, aren't you happy? It doesn't matter whether I get married or not?"

"Besides, going to a church is not going to be a monk in a temple. The church has a lot of administrative and research positions, and those are suitable for me. And even if you are a monk, only some religious orders say that marriage is not allowed. Don't you even know that?"

In the tradition of the Greeks, priests have two gods, black and white.Priests of Baishenpin can marry, but their position can only be lower than that of a bishop.Priests of the Black Divine Grade need to become monks, and theoretically there is no upper limit to their positions.Of course, since the emperor often manipulated church affairs, and even appointed and removed the patriarch according to his own preferences, this system was not very strict.

As for the Purple Horde's own church, it is already close to the administrators, with almost no restrictions.The three patriarchs had no wives when they took office, which was more of a personal behavior and a compromise made for the Greek believers at that time.Guo Kang didn't want to be the patriarch, but he just wanted to use the church to conduct research, and these unspoken rules had nothing to do with him.

Guo Kang suspected that Guo Ponu might not know much about the church at all.Such an important organization is unclear, and I don't know what she is thinking every day...

Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone knew what Guo Kang wanted to express by looking at Guo Kang's expression.After being tossed so illogically by her a few times, Guo Kang's patience has dropped a lot, and he almost wrote "You can be the head of the family like this?" written on his face...

"Okay." The mother-in-law said quickly to prevent the two of them from arguing again: "Kang'er, sometimes your sister likes to say angry words, so don't take them seriously."

"In the future, who will succeed your father and manage the affairs of the family is not up to her. When it is really necessary, your father, me, and your uncles will discuss it carefully and determine the candidate. Whoever is talented, everyone They will all see it.”

After she said that, Guo Kang could only nod his head.

"There shouldn't be such a big misunderstanding between our family. Don't look hard on your sister, but it's all for your own good." The foster mother continued to persuade: "She is the same as her parents, and she will not harm you. You Are you right, slave?"

As she spoke, she glared at Guo Ponu who hadn't moved, and wanted her to express her opinion quickly.

"That's what I said, but how do I know what she said is true." Guo Kang couldn't help but complained: "Should she swear by the Sea of ​​Marmara?"

"Also... that's okay." Guo Ponu actually thought about it seriously, and replied coyly.


This time, Guo Kang became silent.

Next to him, the adoptive father couldn't help laughing.

"I heard this allusion before, and I still remember it now." He smiled and said, "Po Nu, you really haven't read any books! Hahaha——"

"What are you laughing at?" The stepmother couldn't take it anymore, she slapped the table and interrupted him: "Is there anyone who laughs at their daughter like that?"

"Hey..." Guo Kang rubbed his forehead with a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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