Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 246 The Legion Recruit Who Trained for Two and a Half Years

Chapter 246 The Legion Recruit Who Trained for Two and a Half Years

Along the way, Guo Kang chatted with the new officer a lot and got a general understanding of his situation.

According to him, he previously served as the Quartermaster Adjutant at "Basil's Hammer".In fact, it is to help buy things around.

Previously, he came to Dadu to study.As a result, after arriving here, it has not been very smooth, and he failed to settle down after spending all his money.Fortunately, at that time, the army was temporarily recruiting logistics officials according to the custom.

He had learned mathematics in Nuremberg before, and he also ran errands with his uncle who ran an armor business, so he had relevant experience.Therefore, it was successfully hired.

There is a tradition in the Purple Horde Khanate, that is, after the direction of the expedition is determined, some people who are more familiar with the local conditions will be recruited from the entire army.Because manpower is often insufficient, additional recruitment is often made as a supplement.

Guo Gai left behind the doctrine that when marching in non-native areas, it is necessary to appoint honest and rigorous quartermasters, and when conditions permit, it is necessary to find credible people to act as deputy, instead of letting the soldiers go directly to the civilian procurement.

Because letting everyone go out and collect food separately is likely to cause chaos.There are always people who don't want to spend money to buy, want to swallow the funds, and then get them locally for nothing.This violates the original intention of stabilizing order and creating a good image.

Therefore, it is better to choose reliable people, conduct centralized procurement, and then find some people who are familiar with the local market and other specific conditions to help, so as to avoid confusion and prevent being deceived.

Of course, the quartermaster is a fat job, and there must be people who take bribes and take bribes.But in reality, it is good enough to maintain a relatively not bad system.Anyway, dealing with a quartermaster is much easier than dealing with a group of disorderly soldiers.

Due to operational requirements, the quartermaster in charge of procurement often also acts as a spy and scout.They must enter the enemy-occupied area before the army, and understand the local reserves of various materials.If possible, contact the locals to negotiate prices and prepare supplies in advance.

People in many places don't have a strong sense of belonging to the lord.When encountering those who are willing to give money, the locals are often very surprised and are willing to cooperate and sell supplies to these "enemies".

About ten years ago, when the Purple Horde attacked Alemanni, a phenomenon known as the "Indulgence Belt" appeared.The Roman Catholic Church later discovered that sales of indulgences increased near the marching path of the Purple Horde.

The church specially sent people to investigate, only to find out that the local people were keen to sell supplies to the Purple Horde Khanate and gained a lot of money.Afterwards, some people felt that it was not good to collude with heresy, so they had an idea and bought indulgences to offset this last resort, and then they could live with peace of mind again.

I don't know which great cleverness invented this method, and it has been widely spread for a while.

Of course, the church was happy to see the success, and did not ask the lords to strictly control heresy.Just to remind everyone that in this case, you should buy the corresponding gear instead of finding the cheapest one to deal with it.Don't get it wrong here.

Over the years, the system has gotten better and better.Due to their good reputation, the legion quartermasters can sometimes even appear in the hinterland of Shinra, pre-order the supplies hoarded by merchants in advance, and secretly transport them from the enemy-controlled area to the front line of their own side.

The great nobles of Shinra and Hungary once formulated strict rules to prohibit such behavior.However, due to the lack of local management, it is still difficult to produce practical results.Some cities that didn't like nobles in the first place even intensified, taking advantage of the threat of the Purple Horde to openly confront the local lords, causing even more trouble.

Therefore, this set of systems can be regarded as a relatively important part of the current war.The candidates for the quartermaster and deputy are also very important.

Lucas's position is likely to be the one to enter the enemy's rear, so reliable locals with certain knowledge are needed.Although there are certain risks, this is indeed a fast track to promotion - he only has one war, and he has the hope of becoming a full-fledged officer, so he was recommended here.

Guo Kang felt that with this qualification, it should be enough to lead a group of recruits.And let the Alemanni train the Slavs... Since Cao Jian said that he was looking for qualified soldiers, at least he should be able to understand the general password of the legion.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

When he got to the gate of the training ground, he not only saw Cao Jian, but Joanna was also there.

"Why are you here?" Guo Kang asked curiously: "Are you still planning to sponsor this army? No need. Our army doesn't need private money."

This sentence seems to be common sense, but these days, it is a special case.

Most of the army does not belong to the local government, but is hired by money.If someone is willing to provide sponsorship, then of course everyone will be very happy.

Even the specially formed national army basically adopts the contract system.A monarch who is preparing to organize an army will appoint an officer and let him take full charge of recruitment, training and other matters.The appointees were not so much state officers as mercenary managers.His job was to take the money and raise an army for his employers to use.

Due to the sloppy management during this period, the funds and actual expenses received by the contracting officers often did not match at all.In many cases, they will deliberately withhold military pay and supplies, and even falsely report the number of people in order to fill their own pockets;

But sometimes, these funds are really not enough, so they can only contribute money themselves-of course, the monarch generally gives other remuneration such as titles and real estate.If it doesn't work, after organizing the army, you can grab it back by yourself.

From the perspective of the Central Plains people, this kind of situation is almost completely a military situation, and if you don't add a yellow robe, you will be sorry for your employer.However, it has been operating for hundreds of years here, and it will continue to operate for hundreds of years in the future.For such a long time, the number of accidents is very small, which shows that the safety is still enough.

This contracting system was used until around the 19th century.The latest British, used in 1871.It is even compatible with the military rank system and unified training of the modern army.

For example, during this period, British military officers were basically acquired by purchase.Some popular positions require bidding.There are also people who are promoted through seniority and merit, but they will be looked down upon by the officers who bought the official position, thinking that this is not in line with the status of a gentleman.And in many cases, money alone is not enough.Without the status of nobility, no matter how rich you are, you can't buy it.

Although this kind of method may be directly regarded as a sign of the country's subjugation in Seris, but relying on this method of organization, not only did they not perish, but they also fought all over the world for hundreds of years.

Guo Kang sometimes feels that there is no relationship between combat effectiveness and military system...

However, Joanna shook her head, saying that it was not what he thought.

"I just heard that you are going to recruit and train new troops, so I came here to take a look." Joanna said calmly, "Didn't it be agreed before that I will come to you again if I need something? Now I want to see if I can help you. Can you?"

Guo Kang didn't know about this kind of thing, how could she help.He looked at Cao Jian and found that the other party was also in a daze, as if he didn't know Joanna.However, Joanna looked confident and seemed to have something to tell him at this opportunity.

Guo Kang thought for a while, and felt that this was not a formal performance, so it was okay to show her, so he nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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