Chapter 251 The widow wants to buy the Vatican with a land of five hundred miles

Compared with other people, Guo Kang is indeed the kind who prefers to reason with others.Of course, he was not only talking about the Ross people, but also reminding Joanna.

Although her attempt to intervene in military power seemed a bit ambitious, she really couldn't be blamed for it.These days, she is not the only Italian who wants to build her own armed forces, and it can even be said to be a trend.

In today's Italian peninsula, the economic and military strengths are really out of proportion.This is actually a very dangerous situation, which is equivalent to telling other people that there are fat sheep here, and they can be slaughtered casually.People with a little knowledge will not be reconciled to this.

Regardless of this era or later, the local people have always imagined, through various means, to protect their own safety.Unfortunately, almost all of these attempts failed.Things got even worse in Italy, with little sign of improvement until modern times.

"I know that in Italy, there are many people who want to learn from the experience of ancient Rome and revive military power. Among other things, I have seen more than one case. It shows that this may not be an idea of ​​a few people. It's gone." Guo Kang said to her.

"After our rise, some people even believed that our system combined the powerful Eastern military system with the Roman tradition, and proved with practical actions that there is the same logic behind the powerful military system—this is not me. It’s what an Italian scholar said directly to Master Wang before. They believe that as long as they understand this logic and follow this ‘formula’ step by step, they can get the same good results.”

"But you see, political, military, economic and other elements are closely integrated. Sometimes it is even related to geographical environment and cultural traditions. Whether the 'formula' exists and can be used, I am not very good Sure," he cautioned.

"Then, aren't you also trying to expand the scope of the military region, building new legion farms everywhere, and promoting this system to other places?" Joanna asked: "What's the difference between this and the locals doing it themselves?"

"The difference is that other people need to change too much to do this. They can easily touch the interests of various enemies inside and outside, arouse their dissatisfaction, and be extinguished." Guo Kang replied: "For example, your activities in Italy , wanting to control the army of the city-state. But it doesn’t make much sense. The hostiles can easily attract external interference and put an end to your attempts.”

"But we have a whole set of ready-made systems, a group of bureaucrats who can implement policies - most importantly, there are enough troops to deal with various contingencies to guarantee the new military region. In this way, the situation is completely different."

This matter is also a very real problem, and the Florentines themselves will encounter it later.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Machiavelli, who got the opportunity, trained a militia for Florence according to his own ideals and referring to the way of ancient Rome.

At the beginning, this army performed really well, winning the war of Pisa and successfully annexing it.However, a few years later, the pope brought in the Spanish army, which without any suspense crushed Florence and crushed Machiavelli's efforts.

When facing opponents of different sizes, these training methods, organizational techniques and other issues lose their meaning.

Small countries are indeed relatively easy to reform.But once big countries start to act, there is often nothing wrong with small countries.Moreover, in the face of really difficult situations, the fault tolerance rate of big countries is much higher.

Guo Kang was also a witness to this conclusion back then. He knew how the Seres people tried almost all the methods that could be tried in the world in the past 100 years. It is not a better method to switch to other civilizations. The problem is that no one can bear the cost of trying again and again, and of course there is no condition to find a more efficient method.

The peak period of civilization can be evaluated in many different ways.But the most critical thing is its performance in the low period.This extremely resilient civilization is like an unkillable Hydra.The enemy could only look at it in horror, and gradually regained its state under constant attacks.And this may be the most precious trait of a powerful civilization.

Although Joanna has not experienced it yet, this conclusion is not difficult to understand.

"Hey, it's really difficult to start everything from scratch, especially in places like Italy." She sighed and said, "That's why I hope I can ask you for help."

"It's not the best to ask us for help." Guo Kang pointed out: "This involves a complicated exchange of interests, and if there is a slight difference, it will make everyone dissatisfied."

"If you want me to say, why don't you join Rome directly. Anyway, Italy is the homeland of Rome. It's not a shame to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors."

"Our two sides have different sects, how do we recognize our ancestors and return to our ancestors?" Joanna said unexpectedly.

"There are too many people with different sects, so it's not a big deal." Guo Kang shook his head: "Rome is a universal empire, and whatever religion you believe in doesn't affect the organization of the empire itself."

"I have discussed this kind of thing with Tuhuan before. If Egypt goes well, we can consider re-establishing the four patriarchate districts." Guo Kang has always liked to introduce his strategic plan:
"The Patriarchate of Constantine on our side maintains the current state and is mainly responsible for managing the Orthodox Church; the Patriarchate of Alexandria lets the Caliph serve as the Patriarch and is mainly responsible for managing the Tianfang Church; the Patriarchate of Rome lets the Pope serve as the Patriarch , mainly responsible for the administration of the Roman Catholic Church.”

"In addition, in Antioch in the east, the religious situation is very complicated. There are both Orthodox and Catholic activities there, as well as many Catholics, and even ancient sects such as Nestorianism and the Armenian Church. We can just set up a Let them elect the patriarch by themselves, jointly manage and coordinate educational affairs, and serve as a specific test site for the concept of 'three religions in one'."

"..." Joanna was stunned again, and it took a while to react.

"In this way, believers can accept it?" She asked in surprise.

"The vast majority of believers don't even care much about the situation outside their own village. As long as they don't take away their favorite priest or imam, they don't bother to care about you. These measures are too high-standard, as long as the nobles and senior church figures are dealt with. .” Guo Kang said.

"As we all know, these high-level personnel generally cherish their property and life, and are very talkative. So they just listen to the noise, but in fact nothing will happen. When these measures are stabilized, we can go further. Set out to heal the great church schism of the year."

"Are you confident in doing it?" Joanna asked quickly.

"Of course. Bring the Bishop of Rome back to Dadu and work together with the Patriarch, that's fine." Guo Kang said.

"Then other people will fry the pot!" Joanna still couldn't accept it: "The French were not so exaggerated back then."

"It's okay, we can learn from the ancestors of the French." Guo Kang told him: "I have discussed it with Tuo Huan. If possible, let the Great Khan come forward and send territory to the Bishop of Rome. Didn't the Pope lose a few lands before? Well, send him back."

"Huh? Why is this?" Joanna asked.

"If there is a gift, there must be a gift in return. This is a formality, and it is actually a land exchange." Guo Kang explained: "We plan to exchange five hundred miles of land for the Vatican. The Bishop of Rome will definitely agree."

"After the exchange is completed, we will be responsible for replacing the Pope and managing various institutions there, including the entire Papal State. However, the bishop of Rome himself will have no cathedral after the exchange. So, we will take him to Dadu to give He built a new church. You see, isn't that fair?"

Joanna began to think hard.Although she looks like a very intelligent person, this ancient wisdom of Siris seems to be a bit out of class, and it takes a while to react.

Guo Kang is not in a hurry, just wait for her to think.

At this time, the voice of password and response came from the door.

"It's coming." Guo Kang looked at the clock tower in the distance, and couldn't help complaining: "It's almost a quarter of an hour. Are you going to put on makeup?"

(End of this chapter)

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