Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 254 Shi Huizhen is about to start a palace fight

Chapter 254 Shi Huizhen is about to start a palace fight
Joanna still wants to chat with Guo Kang for a while, but Guo Kang has other things to do today.He had already made an appointment with Shi Huizhen to take her to arrest someone.

Cao Jian dragged on for too long, and the bell of the Chen Shijing had already rang just now.Guo Kang looked up at the clock, it was almost ten o'clock.She is no different than ordinary people, if she arrives late, she doesn't know what else will happen.

However, he couldn't directly state his purpose.Therefore, Guo Kang claimed that he was going back to report the military situation to his adoptive father and was about to leave.

But when he got to the door, Joanna pulled him aside again.

"In the past few days, when you act, you'd better be careful and pay attention to safety." She seriously reminded her with a rare serious expression.

"Ah?" Guo Kang didn't react for a while.

"I know you have other plans. Don't worry, I won't ask." Joanna said, "But recently, the city is not peaceful, so don't let your guard down in places you think are safe."

"How do you know?" Guo Kang said in surprise.

"Do you think everyone is blind?" Joanna scolded, "You took a group of armored cavalry and ran on the street at night, and the whole city knows about it. Everyone is celebrating the victory, but you are in a hurry, He looks very nervous. It’s impossible not to be noticed.”

"Oh..." Guo Kang was anxious at the time, so he didn't consider these influences at all, and he didn't react until she said this.

"But that's not a big deal." He had no choice but to try to appease the other party: "It's just some security cases, maybe these gangsters in the city are making trouble again. Let's investigate here and solve the culprit, that's all."

"Hey, haven't you seen it yet?" Joanna shook her head: "It's not just a security issue. These Ross people want to use Cao Jian to enter the army."

"I already have this feeling." Guo Kang agreed with this, but he still didn't think it was a big deal: "We will strictly screen those gang members. Just look for opportunities to kick them out later, that's fine."

"Can the Alemanni mercenary you're looking for be able to deal with this group of irritable and black-hearted Ross people?" Joanna questioned: "And, it's not just Cao Jian and his group. The relationship between the Cao family and the Li family Very well, the son-in-law of the Cao family is currently gathering people to get the Li family to co-guarantee, and send them in through their way."

"How do you know this?" Guo Kang was even more surprised: "I personally designed the plan, and I don't even know about it..."

"Because I'm in business, the Florence Chamber of Commerce knows, so I know." Joanna showed the expression of hatred that only Jeanna had shown before:

"If you don't pay attention to it yourself, of course you don't know. Are you so careless? When the plan is proposed, leave it all to others?"

Guo Kang was speechless for a while - he really felt that this was all fine and not worthy of attention.

Joanna could only shake her head helplessly, and told him: "Gregory Pronsky is the biggest backer and investor of the Ryazan Chamber of Commerce, and the Ryazan people who go out to seek a living have more or less contact with him. As business partners, they Of course, we will understand some of the situation.”

"I thought it was Grand Duke Liang Zan and Mrs. Cao who promoted it." Guo Kang was a little surprised.

"Grand Duke Fyodor is very dependent on the financial support of the Pronsky family, otherwise he would not even be able to maintain the current situation." Joanna said: "The nobles did not fear him like his father, which led to all kinds of turmoil in the court. Policies are often not implemented well. He can only carefully adjust the relationship between the various families, maintain the balance of interests, and make up for it with additional wealth at the right time, so that everyone is temporarily obedient."

"Then won't it be worse for him in the future?" Guo Kang asked: "If Pronsky can influence the legion..."

"Then he will have to influence the Legion even more." Joanna shrugged: "He can't stop Pronsky's actions, so he can only use the simplest and rude means to directly accept your plan to set up a Legion Manor in Ryazan, so as to Hedging. This will at least allow him to have some influence as well, and will also gain the support of those beneficiary commoners and minor nobles."

"So it's like this..." Guo Kang scratched his head: "I knew there was a Ross gang in the city before, and I didn't think about so many things."

"Strictly speaking, none of them are actually 'one'." Joanna said: "Russians in different places have many different organizations. That gang is more like an alliance."

"Of course, it's not just them. In fact, all gangs are like this. Like our side, although it is called Italy in a broad sense, some gangs from the north even have close ties with the French. For the Sicilians, this is obviously completely unacceptable." of."

"Is there such a distinction?" Guo Kang hadn't paid attention to it before, so he was quite curious.

"Yeah, I saw a group of Milan businessmen visiting Princess Jeanne of France before, and even some gang leaders went there." Joanna gave an example.

"For the Sicilians, the French, especially the French royal family, are natural enemies. It is said that the origin of the Sicilian gangsters was the Vespers event in 1285. At that time, it was ruled by the Anjou family from France. Officials and soldiers are very licentious and brutal."

"Finally, a woman in Palermo was raped in public by a French officer outside a church. Her husband, unable to bear this 'French custom', drew a knife and killed the officer. Other French soldiers present joined the fray , but they were all killed by angry locals in the end."

"Those locals originally had some loose associations, so they organized and killed all the French on the island. Their slogan at the time was 'Morto Alla Francia, Italia Anela (Destroying France is Italy's thirst)', The acronym for this word, Mafia, has since become the collective name for this type of association."

"After that, the Anjou family retreated to Naples. The Sicilians hated them very much, and they can't accept these French rulers until now. This has also led to the existence of two Sicilian kingdoms. Even if these people go to a foreign land, they will not like France. Noble."

"This is really complicated." Guo Kang thought for a while, and felt that he might not understand it for a while: "But I understand what you mean. Thank you for reminding me. I will be more careful in the future."

Joanna took half a step back, lifted her skirt, bowed slightly, and saluted him farewell.

Guo Kang nodded to her and turned to leave.

"Mr. Guo." Joanna said dissatisfiedly behind her: "I know you have a higher status than me, but it's too perfunctory for you to treat a lady and supporters like this."

Guo Kang turned around, a little embarrassed, but he really didn't know how to return the courtesy in this situation.Under normal circumstances, he either nodded to others, or greeted each other with religious gestures with the priests.

Thanks to the crude etiquette system of the Purple Horde Khanate, he thought about it for a long time, and found that the ones he remembered were all Seris etiquette, which didn't match others.Although the etiquette of bowing is commonly used every day, he remembers that it should be used to express respect to people with higher status, and as Joanna reminded, he himself is the person with higher status here.

And Joanna showed a mischievous smile even though she complained in her language.She tilted her head and opened her arms slightly, as if encouraging him to respond quickly.

Seeing that he could not answer this temporary test question, Guo Kang could only use the most common method: he also stood up straight, stretched his arms, and shouted: "Long live Rome!"


Joanna didn't speak for a while.Seeing this, Guo Kang quickly smiled at her, turned around and hurried on his way.

Fortunately, the agreed place was not too far away, and they still arrived on time.But at this time, Shi Huizhen was already waiting there - and Theodora was beside her.Obviously, she also has doubts about letting this guy move freely.

"You guys came quite early." Guo Kang greeted.

"I thought, we'd better hurry up." Shi Huizhen told him: "Hurry up and finish this ticket, I have to change clothes, I'm in trouble."

"Ah?" Guo Kang couldn't understand for a while.

"She has a banquet to attend at noon." Theodora explained for her: "It is a routine gathering of the nobles. This time it will be held at Sir Frajos's house, and there should be many famous ladies attending .”

"That's right." Shi Huizhen nodded: "This time, I must beat those annoying guys!"

Guo Kang listened, hesitated to speak, and finally decided to respect the freedom of others.

"Then let's start working quickly." He said, "My plan is this..."

(End of this chapter)

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