Chapter 256 Living Retro Movement
Guo Kang looked around and saw that several of Shi Huizhen's subordinates had dispersed to the streets around the intersection, but the others hadn't noticed much yet.

On the other side of the street, Nanny Rong and Nanny Gui came out first, stopped the actors, and wanted to collect donations from them.Everyone's footsteps slowed down, some asked them curiously, while others walked around unhappily.The crowd that was originally gathered together dispersed.

Shi Huizhen came quickly from behind on a tall horse.Several people in the middle of the road gave way ahead of time, and Eudocia also looked back at her.However, the moment she turned her head to avoid the side of the street, Shi Huizhen suddenly kicked her horse and galloped away.

Eudocia was stepping to the side, but somehow noticed the abnormal movement, and jumped to the side suddenly.However, Shi Huizhen moved faster, and she also jumped up from the horse, supported only by one foot, and leaned her whole body outward.Stretching out his left arm, he directly grabbed Odosia's clothes on the back, and with the speed of the horse, pulled her feet off the ground.Odosia was still twisting in mid-air, as if she still wanted to struggle, but Shi Huizhen was so strong that she directly held her under her arms, and rode away like a straw mat.

"This man is quite alert." Guo Kang thought to himself.

But the rest of the matter, he can't control it for the time being.Shi Huizhen would run several blocks in one go, but he couldn't just follow.So Guo Kang also slipped away from the other side of the alley.

On the other side, the troupe members exploded on the spot.Some people hadn't reacted yet, but those who had witnessed it immediately shouted.

"Kidnapped! Kidnapped!"

While shouting, they ran over, trying to attract the attention of others and stop the uninvited guest.However, Shi Huizhen's horse was too fast and had already gone far.

She ran half a street away, looked back cheerfully, only to find that Li Xuanying was just walking from the intersection on the right, still carrying something in her hand.Seeing Shi Huizhen running over suddenly, he seemed to feel something was wrong.

"Huizhen? Eh? Huizhen!" He greeted from afar.

Shi Huizhen was not afraid of him, she turned her head and smiled at him, and ran away in a hurry.

She turned two corners, and sure enough, she saw a carriage with the church logo printed on it.A few people in black robes nearby rushed up to catch her, and skillfully stuffed her into the carriage.

After that, they turned a few corners familiarly, and left with the people.

After completing the task easily, Shi Huizhen was very proud.She arrived at the agreed place, and not long after, several attendants also rushed over.Seeing that everyone was here, she took out a handful of silver coins and asked everyone to find a place to eat something good.He brought Nanny Rong and Nanny Gui and left first.

The three of them went back to the yard rented by Shi Huizhen.Nanny Rong went outside to greet the coachman, while Shi Huizhen and Nanny Gui entered the main room.After a while, she really changed clothes and came out.

This gorgeous light yellow dress was chosen by Theodora for her.According to her situation, the court tailor specially made a set of belts and lace to accentuate her figure, but these elaborate designs made her feel uncomfortable.

"I feel like I can't even walk anymore." Shi Huizhen walked cautiously: "Why do you all wear such uncomfortable things?"

"Things that are easy to walk on can't be distinguished from civilians." Nanny Rong, who just came back, walked up to her and looked around her: "No, miss, your back is still not fastened."

"I did it on purpose." Nanny Gui explained, "If it gets tighter, she won't be able to take it anymore."

"No. This outfit was ordered by the princess herself. You must be serious when you wear it for the first time." Nanny Rong retorted in a serious manner: "This is also a form of etiquette and a way of showing respect."

"Hey, you just have to bear with it, miss." The nanny also had no choice but to say: "After all, this is related to the problem of food for so many of us. Taking other people's money is the only way to go."

"It's better to let me kill the Poles." Shi Huizhen had no choice but to let Nanny Rong tighten the waist belt, fix the hip pad, and then fix the lace belt that she thought was too fancy: "I think, That's much simpler than that."

Aunt Rong and Aunt Gui looked at each other with wry smiles, and they both agreed - after all, they are also quite good at dealing with Poles.

"And this sleeve." Shi Huizhen continued to complain: "Why do you have to make it so big? The official uniforms of the Ming Dynasty would not be so stuffed. Where should I put this hand?"

"Everyone is dressed like this, so there should be a reason for it." Rong Nuo said.

"If they don't force me, I don't want to wear it like this." Shi Huizhen reached out and stroked the belt around her waist: "Damn it, this belt doesn't even have a place to hang a sword..."

"You don't need a sword to wear this attire." The nanny pointed out: "Besides, this kind of attire is really not forced. When I was in school in Dadu, I heard other nuns say it. The situation at that time , or vice versa."

"On the contrary? Forcing everyone not to wear it?" Shi Huizhen turned around and asked.

"Miss—" Rong Nuo snapped her back and began to fix her hat.

"That's right. At that time, 'Old Peter' rectified the order of the city and formulated a series of laws and regulations, saying that it was to restore the orderly appearance of the city." The noble mother smiled, as if she was not used to it to relieve her boredom: " There are many items included there, from the appearance of the city to the dress of ordinary people, there are regulations."

"There's another thing... do you care about the clothes?"

"Old Peter, like the current Godaus, actually advocates Stoic philosophy in thought. In addition, one of his important assistants is Mr. Spenderlis, the dean of the Philosophy Department of the University of Constantine. This person not only edited our current teaching materials, but also has been lobbying high-level officials." Your mother told her: "He has great influence, because he may be the first philosopher to use the new printing press to publish his works."

"Just something like movable type?" Shi Huizhen asked.

"Yes, that's the kind of material I used when I was studying in Dadu." Madam Gui said, "Books with Chinese characters are generally engraved in full pages because they have too many characters. It's easier to use movable type for Greek. "

"But these are small problems. The main reason is that these people feel that the life of extravagance is the root of Rome's decline. People have deviated from ancient traditions and made everything beyond recognition. Therefore, order should be restored and those who act recklessly should be cracked down. .”

"In addition to cracking down on gangsters in the city and re-planning the city, Old Peter also asked people to return to normal attire and not to walk around the city in fancy clothes every day."

"At this time, people's clothes were very different from those in ancient times. And since Italian tailors brought the technique of draping, even the Seris-style clothing has changed. Old Peter believes that these are a mixture of Italian and Seris styles. The clothing—such as the one you are wearing—is too heretical. So he referred to the materials of the Tang Dynasty and compiled a regulation, requiring that all cuts should be made in the ancient way in the future, and these close-fitting designs and intentionally added ties should be cancelled. Tape, padding."

"It looks like he didn't succeed, it's a pity." Shi Huizhen said angrily, "If I get ahead in the future, I must enforce the ancient laws and drag people who wear this kind of thing to build the city wall."

"Okay, as long as we can fill our stomachs now, let's talk about it when we have this opportunity." Mother Rong didn't take it seriously at all, and pulled the belt suddenly: "Okay, it's done!"

(End of this chapter)

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