Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 258 Old bald man, your playbook is the most useless!

Chapter 258 Old bald man, your playbook is the most useless!

Hearing her words, the people around fell silent instantly.

Frajos is an expert in the study of drama, and also participated in the creation of it himself.Unfortunately, his work has been unpopular.

The family of Vlajos, said to have existed during the Macedonian dynasty, was one of the nobles who joined Rome when Basil II expanded into Armenia.They claimed that the family has always existed as a local aristocrat, and during the Paleolio dynasty, because it supported the change of dynasty, it was quickly promoted, and many important figures emerged, ranking among the ranks of the great aristocracy.

In modern times, the Frajos family has also been quick to respond.When the Zizhang Khanate took over Dadu twice, they were the first batch to turn their backs in time to welcome the new government.They also took advantage of the time when the Purple Horde was still married to the Greek nobles, and through the intricate relationship between the nobles, they successfully hugged their thighs and kept their titles and wealth.With the expansion of the Purple Horde, the family's business has also grown, extending to the entire northern part of the Black Sea.

But even so, like many Greek nobles, they have actually withdrawn from the political core.

Although the Purple Horde still gave them preferential treatment, the main purpose was to show the Greeks their generosity, to show that they were not foreign invaders, but inherited the regime of the previous dynasty.But with the passage of time, the management of the Khan court in the Greek region brought stability and wealth to the local area, and was gradually accepted by the local people.Therefore, this function is less and less important.

The old nobles did have some knowledge and skills, but the Purple Horde didn't really need them.For local managers, Khan Ting is also more inclined to educate and promote civilians, especially likes to select talents from retired legionnaires.

Therefore, as long as states and counties are established in a certain place, there will soon be a group of people who have received basic education, understand military discipline, and are proficient in management methods.The most important thing is that these people are generally from low-level backgrounds, and their contacts and promotion channels are completely in the "Romanian" legion and government, and they have almost no contact with the local nobles and tyrants.This made the power of the nobles weaker and weaker, and even those local nobles who had been local snakes for hundreds of years were directly squeezed.

Of course, the nobles were very dissatisfied with this, but it was a pity that their strength was not strong - after all, if they were really strong, they wouldn't be beaten up by guests from all directions every day.

After the "Anda War", the local snakes on the Greek peninsula lost the ability to challenge the Khan court.The tribes in the mountains are also satisfied with the imperial knight system, and their relationship with the great nobles of Constantinople has not been very good.In this way, it completely lost its foundation and became a mascot-like existence.

Now, the Frajos family is in this situation.Although he is still a rich man, he is far from a status compared to before.

At present, besides running his business, Mihail Vlajos's main hobby is criticizing and composing plays.And this is also the traditional habit of the Greek nobles.

In the Eastern Roman era, gatherings called "literati theater" were often held among the upper classes.Ministers, high church officials, elite citizens, etc. would join such gatherings and perform poems and plays of their own creation.

They have all received rigorous education, mastered the basic skills of grammar and rhetoric proficiently, and are also familiar with various allusions from the Homer era, and are able to use common standards to create and comment at any time.

Therefore, upper-class literati often take this opportunity to gather to express their opinions and recruit friends.Therefore, the literati theater has political significance.

On the one hand, people with higher status can call a "theatre" with greater influence and attract more and more important people to participate; The appreciation of the small circle, the support of the crowd and the favor of the organizers will be of great benefit to the future political future.

Many important figures, even the emperor himself, would host this kind of literati theater.Therefore, people flock to it.Creating and commenting on poems and dramas has become a compulsory subject for the upper class literati.

However, under the rule of the Purple Horde, this kind of theater has been reduced to a pure hobby club.The Great Khan and the Pillars neither knew nor had any interest in this kind of organization.

The Khans in the early years did not have this level of education, and the Li Tiance incident occurred shortly thereafter, which led to the high level of the Khan court not having a good impression of these Greek arts.Even those who were literate afterwards were also too lazy to participate.

Therefore, the gatherings of the old Greek nobles are only used for bragging and whining.However, this way of gathering has always been popular among the upper classes.Banquets like today have actually been affected.

As the host, Master Frajos is also a theater lover, often participates in such activities, and also writes scripts and publishes them publicly.But unfortunately, his script was not very popular.

Frajos's works are full of nostalgia for the past era and the life of the nobility.His scripts are all stories in the courts of previous Greek dynasties, full of embarrassing love scenes and inexplicable conspiracies.Therefore, many people don't like his works, and no troupe is willing to perform.

In the end, Vlahos' friends worked together, spent a lot of money, bribed and threatened, and finally got a group of troupes to perform his plays, saving some face.

However, everyone knows that this is actually a very loss-making business.

In the final analysis, Frajos and others are not figures in the center of power after all.It is because people look down on this field and feel that it is not a serious business at all, so they are allowed to operate here.

For the sake of face, to force promotion, you must exchange benefits with other people-others will not help in vain, and you have to pay a price.Once or twice is fine, but if this continues, no one will be able to fill this bottomless pit.

Therefore, this incident can be regarded as the most painful memory of Frajos.Asking him how the script sold in public is tantamount to directly reminding him how embarrassed he is.It can even be said that it is denying his persistence and implying that the culture he cares about has neither meaning nor future.

This is probably more uncomfortable than saying that he is bald.

The surrounding guests didn't know what to say, so they could only keep silent.

However, Shi Huizhen didn't pay much attention - or maybe didn't care about the atmosphere at all.She glanced at Frajos, who was trying to maintain his expression, and suggested, "Why don't you write it. Why don't you play while you have time."

"In this matter, I don't think I need your advice, Miss Smith." Vlahos frowned and said with restraint.

"But it's not up to me. If people don't buy it, there's nothing I can do about it." Shi Huizhen spread her hands, dangling her huge sleeves: "To be honest, your playbook is so useless."

(End of this chapter)

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