Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 266 Selling the Breast Support to Li Anning

Chapter 266 Selling the Breast Support to Li Anning
Although Guo Kang said his reasons, Theodora was not very satisfied, and continued to ask: "I just mentioned one thing, and you think of so much? Is there someone else who has been urging you to do it?" ?”

"Do you need someone to remind you?" Guo Kang was unhappy: "Are you doubting my technical ability?"

"Isn't this just a bridge? What's the problem?" He poked the baleen bracket: "The supporting structure below is the pier and the bridge deck, and the ropes above are the load-bearing cables. This idea is not difficult to understand." ?”

"Don't you have a sponsor." Theodora said meaningfully: "I thought it was that one who sponsored something."

"This thing doesn't need sponsorship." Guo Kang disagreed: "I saw someone using whale oil as a lamp, so I remembered this material."

"Before, it seemed that whalebone was used to make the skeleton of clothes, but there was a big problem with the design of that thing, and it was far inferior to my structure." Regarding the design issue, he didn't care whether he was modest or not, and said directly: "So you don't I don’t care about that much. I don’t need money for this tool, and I don’t need to consider competitors, it’s just made casually, and it’s not that complicated at all.”

He is still very confident about this plan.Although I only know such a concept - who would remember to study this back then.But as the saying goes, if you haven't eaten mutton with big ears, can you see Sudan eating it?

Therefore, he was very confident that he could use the materials of this era to provide a design with the same function, or even stronger performance, to meet Theodora's special needs beyond ordinary people.

"Also, think about it, who else can I design this thing for?" Guo Kang spread his hands: "I can't find my sister, don't you think there are too few fights..."

"You doubt Joanna every day, but I only had a serious talk with her yesterday, and we were just acquaintances before nodding. Little Jeanna is very familiar with it, but at her age, how can she use this stuff."

"These are the only ones I know. The other friends are all men." He shrugged, but after a while, he remembered someone:

"Oh, no, there is indeed another one—but do you really think that I want to sell this thing to Li Anning?" He tapped on the bust, showing a questioning expression.

"I'm not an ace salesman, and I didn't intend to take on this kind of challenge." Guo Kang shook his head again and again: "Isn't this the same as selling the comb to that who... that... old bald Greek?"

Now, Theodora couldn't refute it anymore, and could only say with embarrassment: "Okay, then you can give it to me. I'll take it back and change it. It should be able to make an underwear."

"No, you can't change it casually." Guo Kang quickly stopped her: "The positions of these beams, brackets and ropes are all calculated by me. If you change them casually, the entire effect will be affected."

"But... how do you wear this thing?" Theodora was obviously not reconciled.

"You wear a piece of underwear, and then fix this up—just like hanging nail plates on the armor, fix these points." Guo Kang pointed to the model: "I have done experiments with sandbags, completely no problem."

"It's like a scaffolding." Theodora pointed out, "If you wear it on your body, it will bulge up in front of you, right? Can you cancel all of the following?"

"According to the experiment, if only the upper suspension cable is used, the pressure on the shoulders and the upper part of the back is still too great. Therefore, it is best to support the lower part and transfer part of the weight to the waist." Guo Kang said without hesitation : "And when I designed, I also considered these factors. These braces will not exceed the waist."

"But how to wear clothes like this? This way the abdomen will look like a bucket, straight up and down." Theodora gestured: "The clothes should be tied here to look good."

"Orthodox ancient clothing is a piece of cloth that goes straight up and down. Let's get rid of those messy things and return to simple traditional designs." Guo Kang disagrees: "Look, this saves money, is orthodox, and healthy. Isn’t it good? We can take the opportunity to launch a retro movement in this field.”

"How could this be?" Theodora said dissatisfiedly, "You..."

She thought about it, and suddenly thought that Guo Kang might really not care about wearing a simple straight gown for a year, and Tuo Huan's group would probably boo and support him.In the end, I could only put it another way, saying: "I am different from you. Women have their own requirements for clothing."

"Why can't women. Li Anning is also a woman." But Guo Kang quickly found an example to refute: "Obviously she wears everything straight up and down, and I haven't seen her say anything?"

Theodora barely froze, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she decided not to entangle him anymore.

"Try to see if you can change the angle of the lower bracket." She suggested: "If you can control the lower angle and form an arc close to the body, it should work."

"In this way, the efficiency will be low. And it will cause the force on the abdomen, which is uncomfortable. Therefore, we can only make more complex structures to allow the waist to provide support." Guo Kang pointed out technical problems.

"It's okay to give up some comfort..." Theodora could only comfort him.

"Okay, okay, I'll think about it." Guo Kang reluctantly agreed.

"In addition, there are too many ropes up here." Theodora struck while the iron was hot, and suggested: "Can you cancel some? Then remove this thing like the shoulder armor?"

"Those two sets of ropes are used to provide tension. If the ropes are reduced, the force will not be evenly distributed. The shoulder armor is used to distribute the pressure. If there are only a few ropes, it will be very uncomfortable, but use a whole piece The hard leather with the right shape can replace the direct force on the shoulders, and it will be much more comfortable." Guo Kang explained.

"I've said it all, don't doubt my seriousness." He waved his hand and said, "I have already considered all the issues you can think about. So many things in the monastery, from tools to guns, are all made by me." Design and supervision. Can I not be as professional as you?"

"But in the end I will wear them," said Theodora.

"I know, so I deliberately estimated the weight, and then directly installed twice the redundancy." Guo Kang said proudly: "You think I will not consider this kind of problem? In order to design it as soon as possible, I put it on my shoulders." Hanging sandbags, personally testing and feeling the impact of force distribution. Don't question whether my professionalism is good or not."

Theodora really didn't expect him to be able to fight so hard, and was speechless for a moment.But when I think about it carefully, Guo Kang is probably the only man who is willing to think so much about her and even do "performance art" himself in this year.Thinking about it this way, I was a little moved.

And Guo Kang seems to have been inspired by her.

"But what you said is also reasonable." He said to himself: "It is true that some parts can be dismantled and made into a less stressed but more general one. Later, I will make a simplified one, find Joanna, and let her go Sell ​​it."

"By the way, you can even make a hollow cage and sell it to Li Anning to fill it with clothes and create the kind of curvature you mentioned." He slapped his thigh: "Indeed, as long as the level is high enough, there is nothing that cannot be sold. ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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