Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 272 Capture Anglo slaves and take the orthodox British industrialization road

Chapter 272 Capture Anglo slaves and take the orthodox British industrialization road
Hearing Theodora's judgment, Guo Kang felt that it made sense.

"Then do as you said." He nodded: "Anyway, we have to start from scratch now, so we don't have to worry about the lack of Slavic slaves for the time being."

"It doesn't matter." Theodora said, "I heard from Tuhuan that you have a plan to march from the north, don't you?"

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "I thought at the time that we could go out of the North Sea and land on the British Isle. There is no need to rush this matter, but it is also feasible."

He and Tuo Huan had already argued this matter before.The advantage of Rome is that as long as it is militarily feasible, there is no need to consider excuses and propaganda mobilization.At worst, we want to restore the province of Britannia.No matter how strong the claims of those barbarians are, can they be as strong as this?

"Well, I think it's okay." Theodora also admitted the feasibility of this plan: "Even if it is untenable, we can continue to plunder England and capture Anglo slaves just like the Norse people back then. Meet the needs of the factory."

— Angles, the French name for England.

Among Western European countries, France has a relatively long history and the most developed culture, and it still has a deep memory of its early history.Therefore, just as the German country is called "Alemanni" in French, England has always been called "Anglo", and these terms have been used until modern times.The Purple Horde has a close relationship with France, so for these relatively "distant" words, their names are often directly borrowed.

"In addition to looting, we can also buy at a low price." Theodora added: "The English, Scots, and Welsh there are all hostile to each other, and they are still fighting each other. We can intervene in their War, let them catch slaves and sell them to us, which can save costs even more.”

"I heard that two years ago, the leader of Wales, Owen Glendal, was defeated and disappeared. However, if we have spare capacity in the future, we can give some more support and let them continue to quarrel. Not to mention Scotland, both sides have so far are attacking each other. Trust them to have many captives, happy to sell as slaves."

"That's right, I never thought of this method..." Guo Kang said unexpectedly.

"Actually, this is a very simple strategy." Theodora said with a smile: "This method also has the advantage that it can further intensify the conflicts among the people. I heard that the King of England has always wanted to annex Scotland and Wales. , so what we have to do is to ensure that there will always be a blood feud between them."

"Capturing slaves can satisfy this. Moreover, its requirements are not high. For example, although the Scottish army is backward, their clans and tribes are brutal and fierce, and they are good at fighting in small groups. Let them continue to send small troops to attack the English. Settlements, the total number of slaves that can be obtained will not be small. Once the English take revenge, they will also attack Scottish towns and massacre the residents. If this continues, the two sides will never be able to achieve unity. "

"Of course, England's military strength is much stronger, so we have to add some material to them. I think that the German pirates in the North Sea and the North Sea pirates can all join in. Moreover, it is absolutely possible to let the ships of the Hanseatic League The team also went to help us loot and transport."

"Didn't you say that there are rich mining areas on the northern shore of the Black Sea and the southern part of the Ross region? We can use the water network there to build around the mining area." Theodora planned: "We get more high-end mines from the south. The goods passed through the Ross area were sold to North Sea merchants; slaves were purchased from the North Sea merchants; slaves were sent to the mining area in the south of Ross for mining and production, and the raw materials and low-grade products produced were transported to the more developed south for further development. Refined processing and sales."

"You see, in this way, we have formed a three-point-one-line trade route with the help of water transportation." She finally concluded: "In this way, raw materials, labor, and markets are all available."

"Moreover, this business route can be operated in a circular manner. By continuously capturing slaves, North Sea merchants have more resources that can be sold to us, preventing them from being in a long-term deficit, and finally collapsing the fragile city-state alliance due to lack of money. The Ross region has also been built and developed, and we will also get the support of local legal residents; finally, these industries and resources can provide us with great supplements, making our country stronger and more solid. Facing the future North Korea’s commodities also have more confidence.”

Guo Kang was amazed when he heard this.

This idea is not only feasible, but also in line with the common sense recognized by people in the previous life!
The education and all kinds of scattered knowledge in his previous life kept reminding him that the road taken by Britain was the correct way to realize industrialization first, and those who came later had to learn along this route.People around me are also thinking in this way, thinking that this is the only reasonable way.Even the senior traversers have to repeat this path constantly.

But now, Guo Kang suddenly figured it out!
As discussed with Tuo Huan before, according to the classics of the previous life, the purity is too low to rely on learning and reference alone, so it can't be regarded as really adopting the British route.

In addition to occupying the local area, it now seems that there is an easier way, which is to capture Anglo slaves.

For reference, just look at the Javanese dollar.

The wealthy merchants in the south of the Yangtze River care about Dayuan.Although there is no longer even the clan of the Yuan Dynasty over there, the rich merchants have always owned many Mongolian slaves, so they still retain many of the characteristics of the past, and they can still claim to be the orthodox continuation of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

In the same way, as long as these slaves from England are working in the factory, it is of course an orthodox British factory.

Knowing more, it is easy to find that a lot of historical common sense will fight with each other-for example, a very traditional idea that the rich people in Seris used their wealth to annex land, resulting in the inability to accumulate capital and technology.But on the other hand, the 18th and 19th centuries of industrial development were also a period of time when rich British people acquired a large number of land.

By the mid-19th century, 400 big nobles owned a quarter of the country's land, while 7000 big landowners had annexed four-fifths of the country's land.This number is indeed different from Serris, because generally speaking, the dynasty will be over without reaching this level...

Not to mention, there are also theories that it is a good thing for landlords to annex land, because they can better promote the promotion of advanced technology.According to this theory, the more mergers and acquisitions, the more efficiency can be improved, and the excess labor force can be squeezed out to engage in industry.In this way, there is another theory that fights with each other, and who knows which "historical common sense" is correct.

But now, Guo Kang understood that all of these were false.It's normal for them to fight each other, because they are all irrelevant nonsense, and none of them touches the real core truth!

On the contrary, capturing Anglo slaves and stuffing them into factories will have the purest British elements, which perfectly meet the requirements of the scriptures!

Guo Kang suddenly realized again!

He felt that even Rome's national fortune seemed to be increasing, increasing, increasing!Go in go go in! ! ! !
Rome's industrialization potential at this time is fifty times stronger than it has ever been!Incomparably domineering, incomparably crazy... such a hateful empire, what barbarians in the world can resist it? Damn it!What savage in the world can resist it!

Guo Kang looked at Theodora and stood up excitedly!

Just like Long Aotian who got the secret book of exercises, by accident, he accidentally got a glimpse of the essence of the "Industrial Scripture", and realized the "modernization of magic skills" in Rome, what a precious opportunity he got!A lot of Long Aotian exclamation points must be added!Only then can he express his mood at the moment! ! !

"...What the hell is going on all of a sudden?"

Theodora's puzzled voice came, but Guo Kang was still thinking about it and didn't react for a while.

"Sit down!" Theodora slapped the table.

Only then did Guo Kang recover from his excitement, and quickly sat back down.

(End of this chapter)

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