Chapter 28 The Mongolian One Piece
The Novgorod representative was a master negotiator and clearly knew what he could get from the Purple Horde.

The strength of the Purple Horde is not enough to occupy Novgorod for a long time.From their home on the Black Sea coast to the extreme north, the middle is too far away.The bunch of Rus countries along the way have their own ghosts. Although they usually pay tribute, if the Khanate shows a desire to annex it, they will definitely join forces to resist.

But on the other hand, being able to take root in Novgorod is very important for the Purple Horde.As long as they have a little strategic vision, they will know the importance of this cooperation.In order to extend its power into the North Sea and at the same time form a pincer attack on the rebellious Ross country, the Purple Horde will also make concessions in other directions, trying to seize this opportunity.

The pursuit of business is to sell at a good price.Since it is a period of high prices, we should turn passive into active and sell decisively in order to achieve the best results.

More importantly, for the Republic Wecher, now is indeed a very troublesome time.

Novgorod was not a Moscow-style country of contiguous farmsteads.Here, the territory was divided into two parts: the homeland known as "Ithiaches", and the vassal and colony known as "Frostes".Although theoretically, Ross people live in all territories, but the status of the two is still quite different.

There are intricate contradictions between local towns and colonies, and between the city of Novgorod as a special local area and other local towns. Compared with the Rus country, it is more like the Greek city-states of the classical era.

In order to obtain as many cheap raw materials as possible and gain greater competitive advantages and profits, merchants in the city of Novgorod often try their best to squeeze the residents of other regions, regardless of the friendship of their compatriots.

Of course, the other party is not easy to mess with.The local residents are likely to collude with the bandits, or they will go to the grass secretly to rob the businessmen in the city.In some city-states, people will also collude with foreign forces, introduce support from Moscow, Lithuania and even Sweden, and fight against the mother state.

In order to suppress these troublemakers, Novgorod spends a lot of precious wealth every year, especially now that the situation has changed dramatically, and many people's minds have become active.Some congressmen worried that if they didn't make a good price quickly and let their opponents attract the Roman army first, it would be bad.

These people's worries are not without reason.

Southwest of Novgorod, near Lithuania, there is a city called Pskov.Here, you can also easily enter the Gulf of Finland through the river, and there are road connections with the important ports of Tallinn and Riga.

As an important transit point between the Hanseatic League and the Ross region, Pskov quickly developed. With its own handicraft center and chamber of commerce, it became increasingly dissatisfied with the control of the mother state Novgorod.In the end, with the support of Lithuania, Novgorod was successfully forced to recognize its independence and break away from the republic decades ago.

Novgorod has a grudge about this, but unlike other Rus cities, it may be because of its proximity to Europe and the huge military pressure. As early as independence, Pskov built a stone city wall.For the Ross people, this thing is a bit too high-end, and it is really not easy to play, so I can only admit it first.

After Lithuania's defeat, Mrs. Pusko, who realized that she was in danger, immediately acted and contacted the victorious Purple Horde, hoping to ensure her safety and prevent being robbed.

Although Pskov is smaller and theoretically cannot give more than Novgorod, they are not stupid themselves.After realizing this, Mrs. Pusko is likely to be determined to transfer more sovereignty, only to retain free trade and the autonomy of the chamber of commerce.

In this way, it became a competition between the two sides to make a price for the Purple Horde Khanate, to see who would pay more.And this situation is very unfavorable for the seller of sovereignty.

Therefore, Novgorodvicher decided that he must act quickly and give enough at one time. Before the Purple Horde Khanate fully understood the local situation, he made a poor message and cooked the uncooked rice.Otherwise, they will definitely ask for more.

For this reason, they specially listed a contract and proposed a series of transaction contents.Khan Ting knew very little about the north at that time, and he didn't know that there were so many routines in it. He was overjoyed by this and quickly agreed to most of the requests.

The Novgorod region was divided from the Xingzhongshu province of Uros and other places, and a separate Beihai province was established. A Zhongshu Pingzhang was sent to lead [-] troops to station there.

After arriving at the place, the purple tent officials discovered why they were so active.

It turned out that these people had settled the account a long time ago, and found that the cost of paying tribute to the Khan Court was lower than that of hiring an army, so when they came, they disbanded many mercenaries directly, saving a lot of money .When Han Ting made the decision before, his thinking was too simple and the price was too low, which was calculated by profiteers.

And the tribute paid by the local area was carefully calculated by them.

In recent years, with the increase in population, the Novgorod people have opened up a large area of ​​new hunting grounds, which has greatly increased the output of the traditional specialty squirrel skin.But businessmen realize that increasing production does not mean a simultaneous increase in profits.The representatives of the Chamber of Commerce from Lübeck, the central city of the Hanseatic League, told them that due to the increase in supply in the market, the price of squirrel fur has dropped, and the original purchase price can no longer be used.

In this case, the best way is to open up markets in other directions and reduce the export of animal skins to the North Sea region in order to maintain prices.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to pay tribute to the Purple Horde, merchants regularly carried a large amount of supplies and swaggered southward, directly entering markets in Kiev, Crimea and even Dadu.Other Rus countries, at least for now, still dare not openly make things difficult for the tribute envoys, which means they have obtained a safe and reliable opportunity to enter the Mediterranean market by bypassing middlemen.

The diplomatic thinking of the Purple Horde was deeply influenced by the Central Plains people.In the thinking of the Great Khan and the princes, it is an important achievement to make the other party pay tribute.If officials and garrisons are accepted, the achievement will have to be raised by another level, because this means that the local area has become a more "local" area, which is of great political significance and enough for everyone to brag about for a long time.

Even the traditional Romans had a similar complex.In the systems of these traditional empires, this is a very face-saving thing-this kind of face is not just a name, but means authority and credit, and it is an important way to reduce the cost of governance and improve legitimacy.

But many times, other people's way of thinking may not be like this.A commercial country like this may not care about these names, nor does it want to establish an imperial organization, but pays more attention to financial benefits.It can only be said that the choices of different countries are often not the same.This time, both parties at least got what they needed, so they agreed afterwards.

However, the garrison of the Purple Horde Khanate soon discovered that relying on their own strength was not enough.Soon, they even demanded that a navy must be established here.

(End of this chapter)

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