Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 287 There is no unified Western civilization, and it's all because the Persians fought

Chapter 287 There is no unified Western civilization, it's all because the Persians are fighting too much

Thinking about it carefully, this setting seems to be quite interesting.Although it cannot be presented as a historical argument, some scripts can be written.It is estimated that the Greeks would like this kind of tragic heroic story very much...

"But having said that, this topic probably won't be able to reach a 'correct' conclusion." Guo Kang thought for a while, and then said: "Because we don't even know whether such a correct conclusion exists."

"Theoretically, people in the Central Plains are too pragmatic, which will indeed affect the development of philosophy. Moreover, there is another important issue, that is, the 'history' of the Central Plains also assumes the role of 'classics'."

"With the gradual fading of ancient witchcraft, history has essentially become the common belief of the Chinese family, partially replacing the function of religion. As one of the roles differentiated by wizards, historians have actually become 'realistic wizards' But changes in this area have also caused the beliefs of the Central Plains people to be too realistic."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Zhu Wenkui asked in surprise.

"Yes and no." Guo Kang shook his head: "Theological research can be from empty to empty. In theory, only a few conclusions that everyone recognizes are needed to derive a whole set of conclusions. The most typical one is the Proof of the existence of the Heavenly Father. Just ask your sister, she told me that."

"Is there such a saying?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously.

"Didn't I tell you, and more than once?" Little Jeanna questioned, "You haven't read Dr. Angel's book?"

"Who is that?" Zhu Wenkui was still at a loss.

"Thomas Aquinas." Guo Kang knew better than him and reminded him.

"Ah, there are so many nicknames, I can't even remember..." Zhu Wenkui said awkwardly.

Guo Kang heard the words and nodded, expressing his understanding.

These days, well-known theologians have fixed nicknames, and they are generally very...secondary.

In addition to Aquinas called Dr. Angel, there is also Bonaventura called "Dr. Seraphim"-people who don't know may think that this is Aquinas, like Pokemon, performing some kind of supernatural power. result of evolution.

In contrast, Great Albert called "Doctor Omniscient", Anthony called "Doctor of Evangelism" and "Heretical Hammer" are relatively normal, at least it can be seen that they are religious-related names.

In addition, there are a large number of William of Occam, "Doctor Invincible", Rogier Bacon, "Doctor Strange", Bernardo, "Dr. Love" and so on.

These titles or nicknames are generally exclusive and belong to a special honor.A knowledgeable person will know who it is as long as he mentions this kind of honorific.But people who don't understand may sound like they don't know what these people do...

"You'd better just say the name." Guo Kang told little Rangna: "It's good if we can remember the name..."

"Okay..." Little Jeanna could only nod her head: "Simply speaking, the reason why this person has a high status in the church is because he created a new way to prove the existence of the Heavenly Father."

"Can this still be proved?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"Theologians study this. Before him, someone had already demonstrated the existence of the Heavenly Father from the level of conceptual analysis, but he thought that method was not perfect enough, so he proposed a method of logical analysis." Little Jeanne told him : "If you want me to say, you should go and have a look."

"Many philosophers and theologians have researched through language and analyzed vocabulary—'logos' means language, and there is logos in words. The scriptures also say, 'In the beginning there were words, The word is with God, and the word is God.' The same concept is evident here."

"However, Chinese does not have such a complicated case, so it lacks various variations and analysis methods that arise from it, and it is even difficult to translate and understand. In my opinion, let's get a little understanding from other directions."

"Compared to the previous arguments, Aquinas's analysis method is much more concise and clear, even for Orientals, it is relatively easy to understand."

"Chinese is really not conducive to studying philosophy..." Zhu Wenkui muttered.

"It's not a system in the first place. The gap between our civilizations is too great." Guo Kang shook his head.

"In the era of the pharaohs, the Egyptians were able to import spices and fabrics from India, as well as tin mines from England and Spain. This route can be traced back to 2000 years before the Era of the Brothers. At the same time, Mesopotamia One can also get tin from Afghanistan and copper from the Red Sea to East Africa.”

"As early as the Ptolemy Dynasty, it was possible to establish diplomacy with the Mauryan Dynasty and set up permanent ambassadors. Later, at the banquets of Western European nobles, Indian circuses could also be invited to perform elephant performances. It can be said that from India to Ireland is actually a whole. Their connection is actually very close."

"On the contrary, it is very difficult to cross Central Asia. The most difficult road in Asia and Europe is here. Even Alexander failed to pass through this area."

"The same goes to the south. Indians began to spread to Southeast Asia very early, and the south and west of Cochin are deeply influenced by Indian culture. The kings of Khmer and Siam even took pride in their high-ranking Indian blood. Take it as one of the legal basis. But here, it stopped, and never continued to move east.”

"We can draw a line from the storm-prone South China Sea, through the rainforest west of Jiaozhi, the plateau east of Tianzhu, and the desert in central Asia. This line separates the civilizations on the two sides. I think it is this geography Isolated, forming two very different civilization groups.”

"Corporation? Why do I feel that there is only one civilization to the east of this line, and the others are all derivatives of it..." Little Rangna complained.

"Because they were a group from the beginning." Guo Kang argued: "'Central Plains Civilization' is a concept summed up by later generations. In fact, there are many different civilizations in this place, but they were all destroyed later, and there is no civilization in the west. It's just luck."

"You think, if Kusrau really succeeded in annexing Rome and stabilizing the former land of Guishuang, then after a few hundred years in the west, there will probably be only one left. This kind of thing is not impossible, but this It's too late, it's just not practiced."

"That means that the civilization here is not unified, and it's all because the Persians are too good at fighting." Zhu Wenkui concluded: "I think they were the most capable in the classical era."

"Don't say it next time." Little Jeanna decided to stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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