Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 291 From Serris to Rome, the entire civilized world has been attacked

Chapter 291 From Serris to Rome, the entire civilized world has been attacked (seeking a monthly ticket)
When Guo Kang said this, other people could actually understand.

This way of thinking is simple, but in fact it is simple, that is, "If you can't understand it, you don't understand it."

"Anyway, through the summary, I already know what the other party will do in this situation. If this is the case, it is actually enough in many cases." Guo Kang explained: "Anyway, it is enough to know how to deal with it."

"Now there are quite a few people engaged in research in this area. We also support them to find out the ins and outs of history, but this is mainly for research in other fields. For example, summarizing the laws of the barbarian tide is a further research direction. .”

"Barbarian tide?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously.

"It's a periodic phenomenon." Guo Kang said: "Every time, there will be a large-scale barbarian activity in the Eurasian continent, and often all civilized areas will be attacked together."

"Because the barbarians are culturally backward and politically backward, it does not mean that they are backward in other aspects. Many times, these people's armed forces will develop faster than civilized areas, so they will attract invasion. This is the problem we really need to solve. "

"Moreover, every technological breakthrough is often mastered by the barbarians first. On the contrary, they accept it faster and develop faster. For example, when iron first appeared, it was not effectively popularized in Hittites, nor did it make Egypt strong, but it made the sea The nation was able to wreak havoc everywhere. Later, after the cavalry was perfected, it also strengthened the strength of the grassland people in relatively civilized areas, causing another spread of barbarians. Both the Qin and Han Empires and ancient Rome collapsed this time.”

"Our current technological level is more advanced than that of the time. In many places, we have reached the edge of technological breakthrough. But this time is the most dangerous." He put forward his own warning: "It's like the Bronze Age is about to break through to the Iron Age It is the most dangerous to civilized countries when it is not the case. We must also pay attention to this situation."

"This time, if there is another flood of technological barbarians, everyone will suffer together. Whether we are in Rome, the Central Plains, or even the Persians, we will all suffer together. This kind of thing has never happened before."

After hearing this, everyone agreed.But little Jeanna raised doubts.

"Didn't the 'Five Hus' attack the Central Plains at that time?" She asked: "The Five Hus are obviously civilized people. It can only be said that they are not a Chinese ethnic group in the traditional sense, and they cannot be said to be a barbarian tribe."

"Huh? Why?" Zhu Wenkui was very surprised. Even Princess Ma and Monk Daoyan looked at her in surprise.

"I had just learned this part of history, and I discussed it with Brother Kang." Little Rangna told them: "The so-called Wuhu didn't just appear out of thin air."

"For example, the Jie people, they come from Central Asia, and they are of the same species as the Sogdians. Some people think that these two tribes are actually the same group, but they have distinguished their castes according to the habits of the Indo-Persian region. Among them, the warrior caste is called Jie, ordinary people are called Sogdians. It can be understood that Jie people are basically Sogdian warriors who participated in the war.”

"Both the Sogdians and the Jie people belonged to the Persian civilization, and their language and culture were similar to those of the Persians. For example, in the historical records of the Central Plains, the 'Hutian' believed by the Jie people is the supreme god of Persia, Ahura Mazda. "

"So, they obviously belong to a civilized nation." Little Jeanna analyzed: "Not only are they civilized people, but their level of civilization is not low. After all, it was still the 4th century at that time, let alone our Gaul side, even the Greek region, The level of civilization may not be able to catch up with these Persian cultural groups, right?"

"They have all become barbarians, so what are we?" She raised a question: "Everyone is a barbarian. Isn't this theory of barbarian tide meaningless?"

"Huh? There is such a thing?" Zhu Wenkui said unexpectedly: "My impression of them is that they are the most brutal in Wuhuli, but you said they are civilized people..."

"The cruelty depends on who you compare with." Little Jeanna pointed out: "They are Central Asians, and that place is like this."


"Besides, if the Jie people are civilized people, then the other kinds of Hu people are obviously civilized people too." Little Rangna said: "Some of them, I wonder why they should be separated separately."

"It is said in the history books that Qi Wannian, the leader of the rebel Di people, had his ancestors' household registration and belonged to counties and counties. I have never seen a more complete management system than the household registration and county and county systems in Europe. They, and even those The recognition of the imperial court is far less than that of their people. On our side, they are all unsurprisingly native people. They have been farming, paying taxes, and speaking Chinese for several generations. How did the Jin people think of distinguishing them separately? ?”

"Then what if the assimilation ability of the Jin people is too weak?" Zhu Wenkui asked, "Maybe they have stayed for several generations, or should they not regard themselves as Yuan people?"

"Just now I said that you are more civilized than the Persians. Now do you say that your cultural influence is worse than that of France?" Little Jeanna said in surprise: "I heard before that because the civilization of the Tang Dynasty was developed, so Half of the people in Asia are going to convert to Wang Hua. So what did the Jin people do to cause this strange result?"

Zhu Wenkui couldn't answer for a while, so he went to see Guo Kang.But Guo Kang actually didn't know how to answer.

He had previously discussed poetry with Li Anning and others—or rather, watched other people recite poems, and learned about some changes in writing style.After the Anshi Rebellion, the people of the Tang Dynasty actually began to resist Hu Feng.

But if you say it so directly, it seems relatively stingy.It seems that the more you get beaten, the more you like to talk about Chinese orthodoxy...

Moreover, the two Yuan and Bai who advocated the "New Yuefu" movement and criticized the society's Hu Feng and Hu customs were actually Hu people themselves.Yuan Zhen belonged to the Tuoba clan of Xianbei, and the surname Yuan was changed by Emperor Xiaowen.Bai Juyi is from the Bai family of Qiuci. His ancestors were the Western Regions' Fanjun, who rushed to the Central Plains to participate in the suppression of the Anshi Rebellion.

It's a pity that Hu people don't write much poetry.Otherwise, seeing them criticize even the barbarians dancing and performing arts in the neighborhood, I am afraid that I will feel a little bit like "Huer speaks Chinese, but scolds barbarians at the street" or something...

Seeing that Guo Kang couldn't come up with anything, little Rangna continued, "So I think there is something wrong with this theory."

"In my opinion, these are not barbarian invasions. They are raised by the court officials, either to collect money, to accumulate military exploits, or to hold the bandits for self-respect. Otherwise, it is not only looking down on the civilization level of the Central Plains at that time , look down on us even more."

"Instead of thinking about how to deal with the tide of barbarians, it is better to think about how the barbarians came." She looked at Zhu Wenkui: "Seres is the biggest producer of barbarians, and he will throw out a wave of barbarians after a while. This problem should not Is it the Central Plains people themselves who know best?"

(End of this chapter)

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