Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 293 The Englishman Who Can't Be Saved

Chapter 293 The Englishman Who Can't Be Saved

In the end, it was little Rangna who spoke and said, "It seems that this is really the case."

"Let's not talk about the other small countries ruled by the Mongols. It might be different in Europe. Before, except for my grandfather, I've never even heard that there are people who acted under the slogan of resisting alien rule—the lords of alien races seem to be It's part of order." She thought for a while, shaking her head.

"Even the war against the Saracens back then was aimed at pagans, not aliens. According to a series of records, as long as the other party is willing to convert, our king and lord will even welcome them very much. It is said that some nobles, The ancestors were those Saracens who converted back then, and on the other side, there has never been a shortage of people who defected from our side."

"There is no shortage of these in storybooks." Zhu Wenkui thought for a while, and then said: "I think whether it is Franks or Saracens, they especially like to write stories about their own heroes falling in love with women from the opposing camp. .And both of them are very convinced that the other party has a lot of characters like female knights. Many stories start with the arrest of these people..."

"What's wrong with you, looking at this kind of thing?" Little Jeanna questioned.

"Is it my fault? They write this kind of thing every day, and I didn't write it." Zhu Wenkui firmly denied.

"This... is also normal." Guo Kang explained: "In a long-term confrontation, there will definitely be women participating in the battle, and then leave this impression on everyone."

"Besides, there are many examples of this kind. I heard that in Spain, the local nobles specially awarded honors to women who participated in the defense of the city. In the east, where we came into contact with, there are similar deeds. In fact, I... er, According to the news I have heard, such female warriors have appeared in our Catholic countries in the northwest and Turkmen in the east."

He originally wanted to talk about his adoptive father's experience, but after thinking about it, he changed his words and avoided the topic: "It can be seen that when the fighting becomes fierce, these things are possible."

"You're right." Little Rangna admitted directly, but she changed the subject and asked again: "But think about it, is there such a story between the Central Plains people and the grassland people? Such a long history, you Have you ever seen a writer or folk singer on this subject?"

"Uh, I only know about Hua Mulan..." Zhu Wenkui thought for a while and said, "Is it because I haven't studied too much? I can't think of anything else."

"However, Hua Mulan can be regarded as the author's own heroine." Little Rangna pointed out.

"Women on the enemy side are generally not good at writing." Zhu Wenkui said: "It may be the same as what I said just now. The lessons of the Zhou Dynasty were more tragic. Therefore, no one will talk about marrying a barbarian after that."

"This may not be just a moral issue-the scholar-bureaucrats objected at the moral level, but the folks are still very popular. In fact, there are too many, and it is impossible to control it. This kind of subject matter that the folks don't have, can only be said that everyone really I don’t like it anymore. People in the Central Plains probably really look down on barbarians, and they don’t even want to fall in love with them.”

"In this way..." Little Rangna thought for a while, and then asked: "Hua Mulan is a character from the Northern Dynasty. These people are already relatively high in civilization. What about the Southern Dynasties? Are there any works in which people from the Southern Dynasties captured the female knight Hua Mulan, or fell in love with them?"

"It's even more impossible." Zhu Wenkui said in surprise: "The armies of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties can only fight occasionally. Most of the time, they are 'defeated by the king' as soon as they go out. And when it comes to fighting When the battle is won, everyone is not in the mood to care about such things."

"Right, look, I said the difference is quite big." Little Jeanne nodded confidently: "It turns out that the people of Seris are really serious all the time. I have never seen the English want to expel the invaders Pass."

"Ah, this is really..." Guo Kang thought for a while and found that it was true: "I doubt why you call them 'Angles'. The Angles are already extinct, right?"

"It's just a customary address." Little Jeanna could only explain in this way.

"Hey, that's what it's called in French." Zhu Wenkui didn't realize it yet: "Actually, it's gone already?"

"There must be survivors, but they are gone in the ethnic sense." Guo Kang told him: "The Anglo-Saxon tribes did not enter England until the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century. There are not many of them. , after conquering the local area, it only exists as the upper class. Of course, this is not surprising, it is the same in all parts of the world. Since ancient times, it has been difficult for outsiders to replace the locals in terms of blood."

"After that, these people did not rule for long, and they were constantly attacked and cannibalized by the Vikings. Later, the Normans gave them a fatal blow. Records from the era of William the Conqueror say that a thousand first-level lords across England , after the conquest, only 13 people survived, and [-] second-level lords, only [-]% remained. In the relatively prosperous York, the population is only a quarter of the previous population, and there are more than half of the other counties. The settlements were destroyed. These places have not been restored until now, hundreds of years."

"Afterwards, the Normans took over the upper strata of society, and the Anglo-Saxons, who were already shaky, practically disappeared."

"I thought the war in the Central Plains was already miserable enough..." Zhu Wenkui muttered.

"In fact, the whole world is in the same situation. The Central Plains is even worse because there are more records. England only has detailed records this time, so we only know this time." Guo Kang shook his head and said: "As for other civil wars and conquests, There are no reliable records. People don’t know, so they just pretend it didn’t happen.”

"Moreover, the rule of the Normans is also extremely stable. Over the years, although the king has changed several families, the overall composition of the nobles has not changed. If there are no accidents in the future, it will probably continue."

"It's normal, it's a common occurrence here." Zhu Wenkui was not surprised: "It was the Northern Song Dynasty when they occupied England, right? I guess it will be no problem to persist until all the remnants of the people are wiped out."

Guo Kang thought about it and felt that he was still too conservative.

Not to mention the demise of the Yuan Dynasty, the demise of the Qing Dynasty, this time is too short-in the original world, until the time when Guo Kang crossed, this pattern did not change.

According to the research of modern British scholars, at the rate of decline of the local aristocracy, it would take 1000 years for a family to drop to the average level of society.This is still an ideal figure. In fact, because of intermarriage, changing shells and other methods, it will be longer.Of course, the rise of civilians is also very difficult. It takes an average of 10 generations to be promoted from the lower class to the middle class.

In the 800 years when there is data, most surnames have no ups and downs, and they are still in their positions.Comparing the student lists of top universities in the 13th century and the 21st century, you can also find that many noble surnames are still particularly prominent.

This is even different from France next door.In this era, the French knight family can only maintain an average of three or four generations, and it will decline.The big nobles persisted longer, but they would soon face the increasingly powerful king and gradually lose their privileges.

As for the Ming Dynasty, let alone.According to statistics, nearly 50% of Jinshi have not even had a student within three generations of their ancestors, and they belong to the lower class of society in the true sense.No matter how it is feudal and backward, it is also a bureaucratic empire with an imperial examination system, which is not comparable to an aristocratic country at all...

"People in this country probably cannot be saved." Guo Kang said to them.

(End of this chapter)

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