Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 300 Chinese Character Garden of Eden

Chapter 300 Chinese Character Garden of Eden
In fact, Guo Kang didn't quite know whether Monk Daoyan represented the official Ming Dynasty or mainly represented himself.Fortunately, this effect is not very big.Even if he is not currently taking on official responsibilities in this regard, it is worthwhile to consult his opinion and understand his reaction.

However, Monk Daoyan still did not give a clear answer, but looked at Xiao Rangna and the others, waiting for them to ask questions first.

And little Rangna was not polite, she came up and asked: "Are you sure, other people will recognize your special status?"

"Of course." Guo Kang replied without hesitation: "Didn't I say that, according to the materials of the Han Dynasty, the Great Qin Kingdom is close to the Central Plains. This was confirmed by the ancestors more than 1000 years ago. Whether it is true or false, check If you look up the classics, you will know that there is nothing suspicious about this."

"Okay..." Seeing Guo Kang proficiently carry out the old ancestor, little Rangna had no choice but to admit it.

She thought for a while, and then asked: "Then can you organize a structure similar to the Central Plains?"

"Of course, it is now." Guo Kang said with a smile: "Our civilization is more developed than Rome and Greece in the past, and even the language and writing have begun to be unified. This is an obvious thing."

"How is this done? Can we refer to it?" Princess Jeanna was obviously interested.

"Of course, everyone's problems are similar anyway." Guo Kang introduced: "Our experience is how to use Chinese characters as the basis to rearrange a common language. As long as this goal can be achieved, whether to use Greek letters or French letters There's really no difference."

"For example, now, for the children who have just started school, we first distribute booklets such as "Four Words of Conversation" to them, which can be learned by looking at pictures. Because Chinese characters have a benefit-according to our people, this is not learning. To write is to learn to draw. Of course, it is very simple to learn stick figures according to the original pictures."

"While learning these hundreds of pictographic characters, schoolchildren also need to learn 24 Greek letters. These letters and the corresponding pronunciation can be used to phoneticize Chinese characters. After learning both sides, the system will be considered complete."

"What kind of statement is this?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously.

"In their view, Chinese characters are to use a stick figure to replace a long string of characters." Guo Kang said: "It's like drawing a sun, and then the sun can replace a string of letters."

"Moreover, the stick figure of the sun has nothing to do with the local dialect. Whether he originally said the 'sun' in the Greek language in the mountains or the 'sun' in the Slavic dialect in the Kiev area, it can be represented by such a simple 'stick figure'. "

"You can think of it as a kind of text from different languages, but in fact it is not necessarily the case-Chinese characters are also very versatile and can be used in almost any occasion. The shape and pronunciation of this thing are not linked. In theory, any Dialects can be used."

"Moreover, its 'information density' is too great, so it is very suitable for beginners. Therefore, the promotion is also very fast. Not only schoolchildren, but even adults, even adults in different regions and speaking different languages, can use the same system."

"How about grammar and pronunciation?" Princess Jeanne asked.

"Uh..." Guo Kang didn't expect her to think a lot.But thinking about it, it seems normal.

In France these days, aristocratic women are often more educated than male aristocrats.She should also have received a grammar education, so she is still knowledgeable.

"Pronunciation is not difficult. Like Chinese characters, Greek letters are actually universal." Guo Kang explained: "These letters are phonetic symbols in plain language—then of course they can also be used for phonetic notation in all languages, including Chinese."

"So, inside the Khanate, everyone uses a phonetic dialect of Greek. It's just that Chinese has characters, and other languages ​​don't have characters."

"Greek letters don't count as words?" Princess Jeanne said in surprise: "Then, doesn't Latin also count?"

"This is actually a matter of definition." Guo Kang told her: "We believe that the alphabet is a system of phonetic symbols, not characters. Because the alphabet itself has no meaning, it is just a coded symbol. In our opinion, 'text' is Patterns mean patterns that embody information through the shape itself. Therefore, only Chinese characters are what we call 'characters' in the standard."

"Is this deliberately belittling other words?" Princess Jeanna doubted.

"It's not necessary." Guo Kang said with a smile: "I have done a lot of research on this aspect. I can prove that Chinese characters are the only and real characters. Other writing systems have more or less essential There is no way to make up for the problem. Only Chinese characters are the most perfect solution.”

"Since the Yuan Dynasty, we have seen and even used too many characters. From Uyghur to Latin, we have experience and are very clear about their problems." He explained: "These orthographic Language, unable to maintain the consistency of phonetics and semantics. And this is very fatal for the lingua franca of an empire."

"Just like during the Great Flood, the Heavenly Father only favored the East; after the Tower of Babel, there is only one original language left in the world. Compared with other chaotic languages ​​that only appeared after the Tower of Babel era And the way of writing, Chinese characters are the 'language of the Garden of Eden', the real language promised by the Heavenly Father."

"There are too many examples in this area, and I can't list them all. If you are interested, I can provide information later." He said: "Our practical experience for so many years can also prove these."

Princess Jeanna looked a little unwilling, but she nodded and admitted.

Guo Kang was not surprised by this.The French aristocrats are somewhat emotional about their own language, but people in other places are actually more exaggerated.

Those "primary characters" and "Garden of Eden characters" that he blew up just now are really not his own inventions, but those blown out by European scholars themselves in the previous world.

Although it may sound counterintuitive, and few people promote it, at that time, there were not a few European scholars who advocated learning Chinese directly.

Compared with the French, the English scholars next door who are more backward in writing and looked down upon in Europe are even more fanatical.Francis Bacon and John Locke, etc., have published works, pointing out the chronic problems of alphabetic writing, and believing that only a language like Chinese can solve these fundamental problems.

In 1669, John Webb published a research article with a straightforward title: "Historical Essays: On the Possibility that the Language of the Chinese Empire Was the Original Language". In 1678, when this work was republished, it may have felt that it was not straightforward enough, and added a sentence "Discussing the possibility that the language of the Chinese Empire was the common language of the world before the Tower of Babel".

In terms of bragging, Guo Kang's level is actually the same.What he blows up is what other Europeans blow up by themselves...

(End of this chapter)

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