Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 307 There is no Greece after Yadi, and Greek orthodoxy is in Delhi

Chapter 307 There is no Greece after Yadi, and Greek orthodoxy is in Delhi

"I'm here to help out with ideas." Zhu Wenkui was a little unwilling.

"Forget it." Little Jeanna said speechlessly: "Anyone with a little knowledge of this kind of thing knows that the concepts inside are extremely confusing. But there are some things that cannot be said publicly, especially not authorized by authority." People said it personally. You should pay attention to this.”

"I won't talk nonsense outside." Zhu Wenkui explained: "Isn't this a suggestion?"

"Okay, okay, your suggestion is very good, don't mention it next time." Little Rangna prevaricated.

"Then about the Greek..." Zhu Wenkui was still struggling.

"It's not a big problem." Theodora, who had been watching from the sidelines, said, "After all, the situation in Europe is different from that in the East. Our requirements here are not so high, as long as it roughly makes sense, it's fine."

"The requirements on your side are too high. To define an ethnic group, you want to look at bloodlines, characters, and the ruler's dynastic inheritance... This is too difficult. According to this standard, Europe may not even have a conclusive The ethnic group doesn't exist anymore."

"That's right." Guo Kang also nodded: "Even in an ancient civilization like Greece, the language and religion have undergone great changes, and the rulers are basically all foreigners. The situation in Egypt is a little worse than him. And more places, maybe not as much as Egypt.”

"Worse than Egypt?" Zhu Wenkui, who had just acquired knowledge, was a little surprised.

"Egypt is not bad. At least the Copts are still there. Although the language and religion of others have changed, their bloodlines have not changed significantly. Even local customs have many ancient relics." Theodora obviously Carefully investigated:

"The upper-level rulers can often only roughly manage an area. The impact of regime change is also very limited, because the changes at the grassroots level are always slow and continuous. Even if the Arabs occupy Egypt, it is just a matter of smooth sailing—— It wasn’t that there were many conflicts within the church at that time, and many sects that were labeled as heretics would rather take refuge in heretics, and they couldn’t change the local religion so easily.”

"That's right." Guo Kang nodded: "I talked to 'Old Sea Urchin' before, and I also felt the same way. The gap between Egyptian Copticism and Egyptian Tianfang Cult may be much smaller than that of Egyptian Tianfang Cult and Central Asian Tianfang Cult. In most parts of Europe, civilization is not as well preserved as in Egypt. Among other things, you should know about the ups and downs in France."

Everyone was speechless for a while.

In reality, the Middle Ages hadn't always been the "Dark Ages."The Franks rose in time to establish a state in the rich old land of Gaul, before the Roman legacy had fully faded.Their management also improved for a time, allowing the local civilization to breathe and recover.

However, after that, the Frankish Kingdom exploded faster than the Greeks.The kingdom's authority quickly disintegrated, and the lords did their own thing, attacking constantly.Coupled with the invasion of foreign enemies, the achievements accumulated before were quickly lost.

After the Capetian dynasty became stronger and settled in the country, it is hard to say how many Romans and Gauls there are after these ups and downs.Even Frank's concept gradually took a backseat.In their country, even Copts, old and young, are nowhere to be found.And this is already a place where civilization is better preserved within Europe.

Therefore, the situation in Europe is actually that everyone compares to each other.

"His idea is to stabilize the foundation of Rome as much as possible." Theodora continued to explain for Guo Kang: "But in my opinion, the effect in this regard may only be secondary. When negotiating with the Ming Dynasty, put aside With a suitable identity, the value is higher than this."

"We are actually not too worried about the unstable foundation. Although in the eyes of the Central Plains people, it may be a structure of a small clan facing a big country, but in fact, we are neither an independent small clan nor a unified big country under our management."

"There has never been a 'Greek country' in history. The earliest called Greece was a group of city-states. They all have enemies with each other. How could they form a unified country."

"As for the later 'Hellenization', it was actually a reputation that the Macedonians took some Greeks to fight around. But most of the Greek city-states never liked the Macedonians. They always regarded Macedonia as...probably' Shufan' This kind of thing. In short, they are also barbarians. Later, they were forced to join because they couldn't beat them."

"Even so, many Greeks still chose to serve Persia. Until the death of Darius, there were still Greek mercenaries moving around under his banner to fight against the Macedonian army. I hope that the king of Persia will return again and lead everyone Launched a counterattack. The Greek city-states in my hometown rebelled twice in three days and have been trying to get rid of the control of the Macedonian Kingdom until everyone was annexed by Rome.

"The current Greek region is still a concept established by the Romans for them - they didn't even want to recognize the Thessaly and Macedonian regions." She shrugged: "So, the Greeks can't establish a reliable common understanding, because Really never."

"As for other places, it's even more scattered. Bulgaria is actually a group of tribes that form a state with a leader. In other places, even this step is not perfect."

"So, almost all Slavic countries, from Serbia to the Ross countries, are extremely dependent on strong rulers. Once a strong monarch dies, a seemingly powerful country will often become vulnerable and even disintegrate quickly. Because Their civilization foundation is too poor, and there is almost no accumulation, so as long as the country cannot be stabilized, it will quickly disintegrate. It doesn’t even need a strong enemy to give it the final blow.”

"You see, what we are facing is actually this kind of situation." She spread her hands and said.

"Yes, if the Greeks traced history according to the Seris standard, they would probably disappear after hundreds of years." Guo Kang nodded: "We can even say that after the Battle of Chaeronia, there was no real Greek civilization. Existed - they've been conquered by outsiders like Macedonia, Rome, etc."

"So what is the equivalent of Macedonia to Greece?" Monk Daoyan seemed to have not filled enough with his foreign history, so he had to ask humbly.

"Probably equivalent to Mongolia. They all occupied the southern region with a higher level of civilization, and then organized a group of local supporters to launch an expedition." Guo Kang couldn't think of anything else similar, so he directly compared it.

"After that, there will be no Greece?" Zhu Wenkui was also taken aback, as if he just realized the seriousness.

"Yes, even the traditional city-states in Greece soon declined." Guo Kang nodded: "Rome is a unified country after all, and it is still different from Greek civilization."

"In that case, where is the Greek civilization?" Zhu Wenkui asked.

"The east side is definitely gone." Guo Kang spread his hands: "Those places were originally the old land of Persia. After the collapse of the state of the industry, the Greek immigrants were quickly assimilated."

"I have to find a place with a lot of relics... probably India." He thought for a while: "After the split of the Indo-Greek country, it seems that it has persisted for a long time, and carried forward the tradition of city-state infighting, and has been fighting civil wars with each other and compatriots. .Fortunately, the local Indians are weaker in fighting power, so even this cannot eliminate them. So, they are probably the last orthodox Greeks."


(End of this chapter)

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