Chapter 313

It was precisely because of this "historical experience" that Guo Kang dared to assure others that the Greeks would not be able to create a legal system that broke away from Rome.

"We don't have high requirements for language." He said: "Language barriers are indeed easy to create divisions, but it is also impossible to build a stable country just by relying on language."

"So, we don't actually need to meet such high requirements. As long as we can unite the core group and form an overwhelming advantage over the forces that attempt to split, we can solve these problems. Continue to develop, restore the homeland of Rome, and rebuild the great unity of Europe. It's not impossible."

"Can the Mediterranean world really be unified?" Princess Jeanna smiled, apparently not taking it seriously.

"Of course." Guo Kang also smiled.

"Then Mr. Guo, who do you think can unify it?" Monk Daoyan also smiled and asked.

"If you don't like murderers, you can unify them." Guo Kang replied.

"This request is not low." Monk Daoyan said with emotion.

"On our side, it's actually okay." Guo Kang answered truthfully.

Thanks to the tyranny of the surrounding countries, this request is indeed not difficult-as long as it is more decent than the Ottomans in history, it is enough.

After all, the Ottoman rule cannot even be said to be religious oppression.The other Turkic tribes of the same family and faith suffered the most massacres.

The same is true for the Greeks.After the beginning of the Greek War of Independence, the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church has always opposed the independence of Greece, and went around calling for it, telling believers that the Heavenly Father is on the side of Rome and the Sudan, so that everyone should not rebel.But the Ottoman sultan insisted that he was ineffective and ordered his execution.

The order was resisted by the duty judge.He thought that this kind of handling would be harmful to the chaos, so he was unwilling to cooperate with the procedure, and he was killed as a result.

A Mufti admonishes the Sultan, hoping that he will stop the massacre, and is executed as a traitor colluding with Greece; some jurisprudence advocates that Greeks who live in the safe zone and do not participate in the riots should not be killed are also regarded as The traitor was killed; the mullah in Smyrna couldn't stand it, and said that the murder should go through a procedure, and asked to issue a formal edict to allow the massacre of Orthodox Christians before doing it.In this way, he was still treated as "Tongxi" and killed together...

There have always been a lot of human killings, but even for famous people like Genghis Khan and Timur, the killings have obvious purpose.However, many of Osman's killings were almost illogical, and even exceeded the scope of religious vendettas, making it difficult for many religious people to understand.

Even so, there are still Greeks willing to work for them.Until World War I, there were Greek soldiers in the Ottoman army, which shows how outrageous the others are.

To be honest, Guo Kang feels more and more confident that this kind of country can last for such a long time...

"I still don't know much about Haixi's history." Monk Daoyan looked very curious about his thoughts: "Mr. Guo thinks that if you achieve the level of generosity of any historical figure, you can meet the standard here?"

"In comparison..." Guo Kang thought about it for a moment, and said, "Being more lenient than Shihu, it should be fine."

"Uh..." Monk Daoyan didn't answer for a moment.

"Are you serious?" Zhu Wenkui reminded.

"Seriously." Guo Kang nodded.

"In our circle, Osman is the best at recruiting heroes from all walks of life and buying people's hearts." He gave an example: "Their behavior style, as you know, is a group of bandits. But even such a ruler can Recruiting a large number of pagans to serve yourself shows what the hell other people are like."

"In comparison, Shi Hu is indeed cruel, but he also knows that he must persuade farmers to teach mulberry and restore production in order to stabilize his rule. He also accepted Fo Tucheng's advice to relieve famines and reduce corvees, so as to win over the lower classes. And we The monarchs of the countries here, when the cruelty is over, there is nothing else." Guo Kang spread his hands: "They don't even know how to act. This is not as good as Shihu."


Zhu Wenkui didn't know how to answer.After being stunned for a while, I had to say: "Well, it seems that I still underestimated these people..."

"It's like this on our side." Guo Kang has long been numb to this.

"Hey, if it were 100 years ago, there might be hope for France." Princess Jeanne couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Unfortunately, looking at it now, it seems that there is no possibility."

"It's normal to encounter a low tide period." Guo Kang said: "Did I say it before? When the flowers are blooming, you can't see the true background of a civilization. The threshold of civilization is in this low tide period."

"If you can overcome the trough with as little loss as possible, then this civilization will undoubtedly be quite strong and can embark on the path of positive development. In the next round of prosperity, you can accumulate more. To be able to embark on this process, Even if it succeeds."

"Not many civilizations can meet this requirement." Zhu Wenkui said, "Our hometown still has the Great Song Dynasty."

"The Song Dynasty at least opened up the south and increased the capital of civilization." Guo Kang said: "And whether it is the accumulation of this civilization is not up to him. It is useless for him to expel people? After expulsion, is it not It was wiped out by the northerners."

"As for France, I think it's a matter of method. They established the country by integrating various lords from top to bottom, and bringing them into the scope of the king's direct control. Although this is also effective, some areas will be converted to land, but the overall It's still empty."

"On our side, it is managed from the bottom up. Every inch of Rome's land is now conquered by us; every citizen is trained and organized by ourselves. Except for some mountainous areas from Zhao'an, just There are almost no places where others surrender and we take over as a whole. Therefore, we have much control over the place."

"Although France is strong, but you see, once it loses a battle against England, there will be problems in the country." He analyzed: "The local nobles will be disobedient, and various places will resist the king's orders. Everyone has power, but If we can’t get together, if we continue like this, we will naturally be defeated one by one.”

"It does feel like this." Little Jeanna nodded, and said to her mother: "When my great-grandfather was able to organize forces from all over the world, even after a big defeat, he was still able to recover quickly, and finally drove the English back to the seaside. .But my grandfather didn't have the ability to manage, so the situation quickly took a turn for the worse."

"The country may really have some problems." She judged: "The whole kingdom looks powerful, but it is almost completely maintained by the king's personal ability. If this is the case, isn't it the same as the Slavs that Brother Kang said?"

"Yeah, it's not like..." Guo Kang quickly comforted.

(End of this chapter)

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