Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 321 People's Physiques Cannot Be Generalized

Chapter 321
Theodora can also agree with Guo Kang's point of view.After all, capable people often have some special requirements.It is not surprising that Monk Daoyan behaved like this.

Thinking about it carefully, she was indeed worrying too much.Among other things, the parental problems that Guo Kang pointed out definitely exist.

"I suspect that in the future, Princess Ma and Princess Rangna will also compete." Guo Kang said: "It's okay if it's just little Rangna, but if Zhu Wenkui inherits, the two of them may have to snatch their son. So this We don’t need to get involved, otherwise, no matter which side we stand on, we won’t be pleased.”

Theodora thought it made sense too.

In the eyes of Ming Dynasty people, the identity of the child's mother is also influential.The same is true for monogamous churches.Letting Zhu Wenkui inherit is indeed no problem, but it is easy to become the situation that "Zhu Wenkui is the son of Princess Rangna" in terms of legal principles.

For the Romans, it doesn't matter, as long as he is the adopted son of Princess Jeanne.But for the people of the Ming Dynasty, it was equivalent to having a different mother to recognize.The age gap between the two of them may be a small problem, the most serious thing is that this is tantamount to threatening Princess Ma's direct lineage status.

People who traveled thousands of miles to accompany their husbands here, but they would not be happy if they encountered such a bad thing.She became dissatisfied, and the entire Wu Palace was in chaos.So, if you think about it, you know that this matter is not as simple as it seems.

"Actually, the best way is to let Zhu Wenkui intermarry with the French royal family and establish a direct marriage relationship." Guo Kang told Theodora: "But in this generation of French kings, there is only one princess who has not yet married."

"Regardless of whether we can grab it or not, even if we persuade the French royal family to marry this or other princesses to him, the family relationship will be chaotic-he and Princess Jeanne will become 'you Call me mother, I call you brother-in-law, everyone is talking about this relationship."

"That's true." Theodora nodded, "Because of the division of fiefs all the time, the other close relatives of the King of France are almost all independent powers, and at the last time they were also princes of one side of the separatist regime. If you marry them, even if you seize power in the future , it must be the local snake taking advantage of it."

Guo Kang thinks so.

"And the next generation has nothing to choose." He said, "If this generation can't choose, it will have to be the daughter of the next French King, that is, the daughter of Crown Prince Charles, or the daughter of the King of England."

"The English are definitely not happy about it. Prince Charles is currently in a weak position, but he can be persuaded. The problem is that he doesn't have a daughter. Just like the son of 'Wu Wang and Princess Jean', he has to gamble on the future...even if The French royal family has always been able to give birth, and this cannot be counted on in a vacuum."

Gambling on the descendants of the royal family is like betting on card draws-the number of card draws is still very small.In this world, giving birth to a woman is actually a very risky job. Even if Guo Kang has managed to improve the technology, the risk is still not low.

The only good thing is that the genes of the Fawang family are probably really good.Princess Jeanne's mother gave birth to 12 children in total; and in the history of Guo Kang's previous life, she married the Duke of Brittany. Raised 7 children.

The younger sister, Catherine, was married to King Henry V of England in history and gave birth to a child; after her husband died, she remarried to Owen Tudor and gave birth to at least 6 children.Of course, some people think that the latter marriage is illegal because it involves complex power struggles in later generations-Catherine’s grandson Henry founded the Tudor Dynasty, and the legality of her marriage has of course become the focus of debate between the royal family and opponents .

In short, no matter what the method is, the noble ladies married in and out of the French royal family are generally ruthless people who started having children in their teens and then continued to have a group of children.In that environment where sanitary conditions are worrying and nobles often die out, the line of French kings has lasted for thousands of years, which shows its strength.

"If you think she can bear children, why don't you just find her? Anyway, the Valois family and the old Zhu's family are both capable of giving birth, and they will definitely make you flourish." Theodora became angry.

Guo Kang looked puzzled.

"I didn't say anything, why care about this all of a sudden?" he asked in surprise.

Seeing that Theodora was struggling with this, Guo Kang had no choice but to comfort him: "Don't think about it, your old Liu family is also very capable of giving birth. Look, isn't this the whole of Eurasia, where there are relatives everywhere..."

——That's right, the Zizhang Khan Room actually has a Chinese surname.For example, Tuohuan has a name named Liu Huan; Theodora is named Liu Diduo.These two names were specially chosen by Guo Di, who was proficient in various languages.

Of course, this surname is completely clinging. It was Basil III who specially hired someone for the convenience of dealing with businessmen in Nanyang at that time.

At that time, Guo Di's original idea was to use the country as his surname, so his surname was Luo.But this surname could not find enough relevant allusions, so a businessman recommended "Liu" with a similar pronunciation.Although there is no specific regulation to confirm, it has also formed a habit.So far, this name is still used from time to time when dealing with the Javanese dollar.

However, after hearing what Guo Kang said, Theodora became inexplicably shy again: "Then, let's have more children..."

"Don't be like those people." Guo Kang hurriedly stopped her wild thoughts: "Have you noticed? There are many noble ladies over there who live to be in their 40s and [-]s before going to see the heavenly father. I have always suspected that life The lamps born by children are exhausted."

"Besides, when I was researching the disinfection of the delivery room, I found many such examples. Several princesses were in their 30s and died after giving birth to their last child. Those middle- and lower-class ladies who did not have so high requirements for the number of offspring , and live longer."

Of course, having said that, there is indeed a French superman like little Jeanne's grandmother who gave birth to more than a dozen children and lived to be 70 years old.It can be seen that people's physiques cannot be generalized...

As a result, Theodora also stopped talking.The pursuit of Guo Kang's responsibility ends here.

Guo Kang ordered her a few more words, asking her to pay attention to the activities of Princess Xiama and Princess Rangna recently.He always felt that these two people were actually not easy-going lamps, but one was playing a good wife and mother, and the other was playing a harmless outsider.

But for this kind of thing, he can't come forward directly, and he can't tell Zhu Wenkui—or, with his current level of ingenuity, it may be useless to tell... So, please ask Theodora to come, compare Be safe.

While talking, he saw Wu Han walking over quickly.

"Princess, Mr. Guo." He greeted the two of them, and then said to Guo Kang: "My lord, Master Wang asked me to call you over."

"What's the matter?" Guo Kang was a little surprised.

"That Ryazan nobleman, Master Pronsky is here." Wu Han replied.

(End of this chapter)

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