Chapter 325 "Free Rose"
Speaking of this, the others basically understood what Guo Kang meant.

"You see, in the language of the Mongols in Mobei, Taiji is a direct copy of the crown prince, and the pronunciation of the princess has not changed much at all. Other official positions, year names, and titles also come from Chinese. Appearance means great cultural influence." Guo Kang continued to give examples.

"Of course, in most cases, this kind of influence will only appear in the language of the ruled-such as the Normans to the English. How the Mongols did this, I can't tell... logically Say, they haven't been managed by the Central Plains before, have they?"

"Haven't they just been managed by the Yuan Dynasty?" Theodora asked back.

Guo Kang was momentarily speechless.

"I read the early Mongolian records recorded by the Persians. It is said that the daughters of Genghis Khan, from the eldest daughter Begi to the fire minister, all use the name 'Begi' from the Turkic language." Another assistant, Father Leo Interjected: "I don't know when it became Chinese."

"Beiji probably also comes from Chinese." Guo Kang told him: "Beiji is a feminine word for Burke, and Burke is said to come from the ancient Chinese word 'Bo'. This is the name of the lords of various places in ancient times. After it spread to the west, it was learned by the people who lived in the western regions at that time."

"The Turkmen lord's name is Bey, does that also come from this word?" Father Leo asked.

"Probably not." Guo Kang shook his head: "Bei and Boyan in Mongolian are words of the same origin, and they should come from ancient Persia, meaning rich people."

"The ancient Turkic language originated from the Western Regions, which is now the boundary of the Chagatai Khanate. The local people still use 'Bayi' to refer to the rich man and 'Boke' to refer to the local ruler. These two The meaning of the words is different."

"That is to say, these Turkmen tribes in western Asia actually messed up their words?" Father Leo reacted.

"Yes. They should call themselves lords. The result may be that they misunderstood the vocabulary, which led to the leaders and local lords becoming Lord Bai." Guo Kang said.

"It's normal. We have dealt with the Chagatai Khanate. It's not like everyone doesn't know the details of these tribes." Father Marco said, "What Turkic language does the Turkmen know?"

"That's true." Father Leo nodded: "Looking at it this way, it really makes sense. These words are either Chinese or Persian, which actually proves the previous guess. The spread of 'upper' words does not necessarily require direct communication. Control, if there is a big gap between civilizations and the entire system is copied, it is likely to be copied along with the words.”

Everyone agreed, and the two priests of Ross joined the discussion, and began to analyze whether the titles of the nobles, as well as the honorific titles for Brother Tian, ​​Our Lady and Saints, came from the Baltic Sea or from Greece. .This is also more meaningful to them.

As they were talking, someone came over from outside.A middle-aged man of medium height and wearing a fur hat strode in.

"Master Pronsky is here, welcome!" Lama Wang immediately stepped forward to greet him with a smile on his face.

The visitor was wearing a gorgeous woolen coat, and the belt around the waist was decorated with a row of gold and silver jewels.Seeing Lama Wang, he immediately stepped forward, grabbed Fuchen and kissed him, then went up to give him a hug.

Maybe that's the habit over there, so the priests were unmoved, but got up again and greeted him.

"Oh, Your Royal Highness is here too." He turned to Theodora next to him, took off his hat, and bowed deeply: "I didn't expect you to be here, it's a great honor."

Theodora nodded to him, smiled back, and then said: "Mr. Guo said, there are a few things, I'd better come and listen. You discuss yours, I just listen here. "

"I believe your wisdom will give us better guidance." Pronsky responded immediately.

He looked at the crowd and asked again: "I seem to be a bit late. Did everyone start discussing just now?"

"It's okay, it's not too late, it's not yet three o'clock." Da Lama Wang told him, "We were just chatting just now, talking about our experience in translation."

"Everyone is an educated person with a sense of elegance. I just got the news not long ago that the Polotsk people want to negotiate with us. This translation technology will be used soon." Pronsky is obviously a courtier. The old hand, following the topic, offered flattery and raised his own topic.

"I've heard about this too. They sent a letter to the Church in Kiev, another letter to Novgorod, and finally a letter to me." Da Lama Wang did not evade , Said directly: "It is estimated that they want to negotiate with us through the coordination of all parties."

He said, calling everyone to sit down.Father Leo and Father Marco had already started a discussion.

"Oh? What do they want?" Guo Kang asked.

"It's still the same. They want to borrow us to get rid of Lithuania." The Lama Wang said: "Lithuania has suffered a defeat in the past few years, and it has begun to extort money from the country, and the tribute to them has increased. Moreover, in the Inside the principality, Lithuania values ​​the revitalized Minsk more, so they are probably also very upset."

"Minsk is not a new place. They competed with Polotsk for the leadership of the principality very early on." Pronsky said: "But the reason, what the patriarch said is indeed what we understand Same."

"The north of Polotsk is close to Novgorod. In the name of the same post-Rurik, I asked them for help and asked them to forward the Russian countries. In fact, I guess they just want Rome to take action, but I am sorry to directly Just say it."

"What's so embarrassing about that?" Guo Kang was a little surprised.

"The area from Polotsk to Turov was one of the few Rus regions that had never been conquered during the Mongolian Western Expedition. Later, they were also the only Rus who never paid tribute to the Golden Tent country." Pronsky really knew a lot, and he introduced it: "They call themselves 'Belarusians'. It is said that they refer to the free Russians who have not been conquered by the Mongols. And those of us who pay tribute to the Great Khan , called 'Herosians'."

"It's just that the good times didn't last long. Although the Golden Horde in the east was held back, Lithuania behind them also came to beat him. This time they didn't hold up, and they were finally annexed by Lithuania." He changed the subject and said: "So , It's normal for them to feel very entangled."

"Then why don't they just say it out and form a 'Free Rus' alliance to recruit Rus people who don't like the rule of Poland and Lithuania. As far as I know, there are quite a few people like this." Father Leo shrugged and said: "Even if it is If you need foreign aid, you have more bargaining chips, which is also conducive to negotiations."

"Isn't this really unbeatable?" Pronsky spread his hands and said bluntly.

 Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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