Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 339 Theodora will be angry too

Chapter 339 Theodora will be angry too
Although he made fun of Guo Kang, Theodora was generally satisfied with his performance.

"Okay, I won't make fun of you. This time is not bad." She praised: "At least I know how to adapt to the situation, and I still have a lot of progress."

"If you really don't want to pretend, you don't need to pretend. You can directly express your emotions, and then guide and explain. Sometimes, it's even better." She also taught Guo Kangxin a little trick: " Some sensitive people will not be deceived by pretended emotions. But no matter how good at observing words and expressions, people can't distinguish the real emotions. At this time, the real one is better than the fake one."

"Of course, people with higher levels can even use these skills. They will directly create the general situation and then use the momentum to overwhelm others. In front of this kind of strategy, the small plan is meaningless. To put it more vividly, it is a game between two people , Some people's arrangements are all clear, but they can also make the other party have only one way to go."

"Just look at it like this." Guo Kang shook his head and said, "I don't have the ability."

"No, you are more talented than me in this aspect." Theodora shook her head and became serious: "So, you can pay attention to what I said. You have your own way to go, and you don't have to follow it all. I studied."

"Hey, sometimes I'm jealous of you." She smiled wryly, "Your potential is far greater than mine."

"I just know more messy things..." Guo Kang didn't care much.

Theodora sighed and did not continue the topic.

"If you are going to have a time difference, seize this opportunity and quickly dispose of the group of people that Cao Jiansai gave you." She said, "Take advantage of this opportunity to settle this side and get the first batch of soldiers After screening, we will deal with the second batch of people brought by Pronsky and the others. This way, it should be easier."

"That's right." Guo Kang said: "The Russian people are not monolithic. People from Cao Jianla, people from Pronskila, people from Grand Duke Ryazan, and even Moscow... and the order in which they can intervene, It also happens to be inversely proportional to strength. The earlier you come, the worse your local strength. Therefore, we can not only fight once, but even several times in a row.”

"I think they themselves are also very contradictory." Theodora judged: "Like Pronsky, he actually really wants this plan to succeed, and he really wants to join Rome-this is good for him. It is obviously bigger. Without the protection of Rome, even if he is not dealt with by Grand Duke Ryazan, he will soon face the threat of force from Moscow. In this case, it is indeed better to sell the power of his hometown as a bargaining chip in exchange for status."

"So this kind of person is actually not that kind of traditional chieftain. We have to take his entangled state and the impact of his dual identity into consideration." She warned Guo Kang: "When dealing with him, we must also pay attention Down the scale."

Guo Kang nodded.

The two walked out while talking.

"How to deal with it specifically, do you have a general idea?" Although he said to let him do it himself, Theodora still cared about the details of Guo Kang's plan.

"I'm going to investigate the background of these people." Guo Kang said: "I feel that this is someone taking advantage of both ends."

"Cao Jian brought the recruits back, and I saw it with my own eyes. It took a lot of effort to bring them in." He shook his head: "These people are definitely not his old servants, they were obviously thrown together in a hurry. .”

"Cao Jian didn't have the experience of working or managing affairs before. It is estimated that these people were brought in for him by other people—it couldn't be his father or grandfather. If the Cao family was helping, it wouldn't be so unbearable."

"So I just found some Rus' folk associations, randomly picked out some people, and occupied the seats first?" Theodora said, "This is also a way."

"I guess so." Guo Kang nodded: "The main reason is that the matter is too urgent, and Cao Jian's foundation is too weak. If he doesn't seize the time, he is worried that he will not be able to compete for this opportunity; but if he seizes the time, he is not ready. Not surprisingly, he will probably come back to find me in two days."

"Pronski got the news, and he probably took the initiative to do so. If he really had the ability to keep an eye on Cao Jian, he wouldn't have let him take the lead. He prepared it himself, and it was also too late. Someone must have thought about it later. Speculate on both sides."

"Then you want to target these speculators?" Theodora asked.

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "Such people are definitely not pleasing to both sides. If I go to take them under the knife, the Cao family will only think they deserve it."

"Behind these people, there must be contacts with most criminal organizations. This is not something a small gang can do. I am going to investigate carefully and get rid of the culprit directly."

"It's okay." Theodora thought for a while, and agreed: "If you don't mention this matter, it seems to be a common thing. But if it goes online, it will be a big deal. But these forces are intertwined, what are you going to do?" Deal with it?"

"To capture the thief, first capture the king." Guo Kang said: "Since the roots are intertwined, there will be important nodes. I have already entrusted Master Wang to ask the church inspector to investigate first. I will go to my father later, and from the legion While setting off, sort it out again. If you find a key person, you will be taken to 'Xibingku' for interrogation, and I don't believe you can't find anyone."

"When these nodes are disabled, the entire criminal organization will lose its ability to operate. At that time, it will be easy to deal with."

Theodora nodded, thinking it was okay.

She was about to say something again when someone ran up from the end of the corridor.

Tuo Huan, dressed in a robe and holding a sword, walked up the stairs and greeted them.

"Hey, you're here too?" Guo Kang was a little surprised: "Another meeting?"

"No, I'm here to call someone." Tuo Huan pointed to Theodora: "Did it delay you two from flirting?"

Guo Kang was a little embarrassed, but Theodora stared back directly: "Yeah, it's delayed, what should I do?"

"Then how about I treat you to drink more good wine tonight?" Tuo Huan laughed.

"Don't mess with her." Guo Kang urged quickly.

"What are you afraid of? After so many years, don't you know? She can hold a lot of alcohol." Tuo Huan said with a smile: "I'm drunk, she may not be drunk."

Theodora seemed a little unhappy, and she didn't want him to talk about it, so she had to wave her hand.

"Forget it, forget it." He said, "Father Khan will entertain the triumphant generals tonight, so mom and you have to go too. Get ready."

"Do you still need to make a special trip for this matter?" Theodora asked.

"Isn't this the way?" Tuo Huan shook his head, "I'm not here for you. I'm here for me, Anda."

"I remember that you have a so-and-so... that kind of lamp for putting pictures, right?" He said to Guo Kang, "Can you borrow it for me? I will show it to everyone at night."

"Of course." Seeing that he had to annoy Theodora again, Guo Kang said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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