Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 341 Maid, women really have a salary, how can I fight!

Chapter 341 Maid, women really have a salary, how can I fight!

"Then can you calculate this?" Tuo Huan asked after hearing what he said, "For example, how much manpower can be saved for a woman to go to war if she goes to weave?"

"Uh, I really haven't calculated this." Guo Kang said awkwardly.

"Then let's count it if there is a chance." Tuo Huan persuaded: "And didn't it mean that these people can also engage in other things? You also calculate it and see how to arrange it, which saves the most manpower. After estimating these results , you can make a plan to convince others.”

"Okay, let me give it a try." Guo Kang thought for a while and said, "Before, I simply thought that as long as I found opportunities to allow women to participate in the labor force, so that they could obtain higher rights and development space, I really didn't think about it. Quantify it."

"Let's chat, of course we can say whatever we want, but if we want to make it a national policy and officially promote it, we must not use this as an excuse." Tuo Huan shook his head: "We can never use 'give women more power' as an excuse. Take this as an excuse. According to the basis, even the first trial of the Senate could not pass."

"People may not like this statement, but I can guarantee that it is good for Rome to pay attention to women." Guo Kang explained: "Actually, to see the efficiency of a society's use of human resources, you only need to look at the efficiency of women. Performance is enough. The deeper these people participate in production and war, the higher their status will be, which also shows that the mobilization ability of society is stronger. These performances are interrelated."

"The crux of the problem is 'good for Rome', not 'valuing women'." Tuo Huan rarely did not support him, and emphasized: "If the target is chosen wrong, something will happen sooner or later. "

"Think about it carefully." He began to sort it out: "What is our goal? It is to make Rome strong, to make our country and civilization prosperous, and to let everyone live a good life, right?"

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded.

"So you can't say what you just said." Tuo Huan said bluntly: "What you said just now cannot be regarded as a 'system'. Because if it is really implemented, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble."

"You said you want to give them more rights, but the question is, who should give them? Which aspect should be given to them? How much? How will they be assessed and how will they be given feedback?" The exact 'degree', when it is actually implemented, will definitely go too far, causing new problems and causing greater dissatisfaction."

"It's not that serious..." Guo Kang hesitated.

"If you really let all levels of government implement it, you will know what is serious." Tuo Huan said: "What you say is the following implementation standards. Whether they do it well or not will affect their political performance. Therefore, officials We will definitely do it according to this 'serious' level."

"Everyone knows that 'Little Warlord sympathizes with women', and you know that 'the higher the status of a woman, the better the situation here'. You can imagine what will happen after that." He spread his hands: "Other Political achievements are not easy to achieve, but this standard is easy to meet. As long as you organize some activities and make more fancy displays to show that the status of women here is getting higher and higher, you will be able to meet the standard."

"As long as one person does this, other officials will immediately compare themselves. If you do one thing, I will have to do something more exaggerated. The Han Dynasty advocated filial piety, but in the end, showing filial piety has already It has reached the point of competing to compare who is more outrageous. I am afraid that your idea of ​​women's rights will also go down this road."

"Besides, this is more dangerous than filial piety in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Those people are tormenting themselves and those around them. If you are promoted, you will torment the entire country. What is the simplest and most intuitive way to improve the status of women? Of course It is a 'contrast'. Therefore, the executors will definitely show their positions and credits by deliberately favoring the interests of male citizens at the expense of male citizens."

"During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Yi of Wei liked cranes, so he favored cranes according to his preferences, and gave him a lot of preferential treatment. Later, when the Di people attacked the state of Wei, Duke Yi of Wei called the citizens to arms, but the citizens said, 'Let the cranes go to war. , Cranes have salaries and official positions, how can we fight?'. As a result, the state of Wei was destroyed by the Di people, and Duke Yi of Wei also died."

"If you really do this, sooner or later the legionnaires will tell you, 'You like women so much, let women go to war. Women have preferential treatment and rewards, how can we fight?' At that time, what will you use to resist? Barbarians?"

"Okay, don't scare him with such exaggerated assumptions." It was Theodora who stood up and interrupted him.

"Because we all know the problems here, it is impossible to pass this kind of policy, so this result is an exaggeration." Tu Huan said: "If no one stops it, it's really hard to say."

"Besides, even if someone is guarding the gate, you can't talk nonsense. It will make everyone look down on you and doubt your authority." He warned Guo Kang: "The pillar of the country must look like a pillar. If there are some things that cannot be said, just Don't say it. Because when you are in that position, you are not an ordinary person."

"The personal morality is not necessarily the same as the political morality that needs to be observed in the position of Zhu Guo. You can usually sympathize with the suffering women and help them, but in this position, you have to consider more. "

"As opposed to power, there are stricter requirements. You have to seriously consider your influence, because every word you say may affect many people. Moreover, this influence is likely to be different from your original intention. "

"I've heard a story." He gave another example: "At the beginning, when the Southern Song Dynasty fell, the Yuan Dynasty army took the little emperor, the Queen Mother Xie, and others to Dadu. Kublai Khan treated them well, let His first wife, Cha Bi Ke Dun, was in charge of the resettlement. As a result, Cha Bi Ke Dun, for some reason, became more and more familiar with the palace people of the Southern Song Dynasty, and even became friends with the Empress Dowager Xie."

"Later, Chabiketun went to Kublai Khan and said that Empress Dowager Xie and others were all from Jiangnan. They were not used to staying in Dadu after all, and hoped to send them all back to their old residence in Lin'an. But Kublai refused. , and said that Chabi Ketun's knowledge is too shallow."

"He said that there are still people in the south of the Yangtze River who miss the Song Dynasty and put the Queen Mother and others back. There is a high probability that someone will take the opportunity to support them and revolt; and the small court of the Southern Song Dynasty is not good at fighting, and they have to be suppressed after the rebellion; There will be a military disaster in the local area, and the Empress Dowager Xie and others will also be very dangerous. Therefore, if it is really for the sake of friends, they should be allowed to stay in Dadu."

"Look, aren't you the same?" Tuo Huan reminded: "You sympathize with women and want to focus on taking care of them, but this will definitely cause dissatisfaction from others; they encounter dissatisfaction and hostility, but they can't beat themselves For men who compete, the result will be worse than before. If you want me to say, I have to think more about it for their own good."

(End of this chapter)

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