Chapter 348 The Roman Nation
In this environment, Guo Kang very much hopes that the core concept of "Romans" can be determined and a stable group like the Central Plains people can be formed.

Before this, it is not that no one has tried it, but to be honest, the level in Europe is really not good.Even the Romans themselves couldn't figure out what other than a citizenship could be used to form a cross-regional "Roman" consensus.

The Greeks tried to bind Rome and Greece.But they quickly entered the rhythm of constantly "expelling Greeks", and it was obvious that they could not continue like this.

Although it gives everyone a very unreliable feeling, the Greeks are already the oldest and most culturally developed civilization in Europe.He can be deflated for more than 2000 years, provided that he can really live for more than 2000 years.Although the other barbarians can indeed fight, but expecting them to do this is not as good as the Greeks...

Therefore, Guo Kang feels that it is still necessary to refer to the example of the Central Plains.Like Yongzheng's "regional" theory, it can be used directly.

The Purple Horde can declare the "Roman family", as long as it is under Roman rule, everyone is Roman.Different languages ​​and cultures are normal phenomena, because regional differences will cause such differences.

Ordinary people here don't have a view of the world, but they at least know Heavenly Father and Heavenly Brother.I can tell you that the world was created by the Heavenly Father, and all people come from the same ancestor.We are originally of the same origin, and we must eventually converge into one body. This is the goal of establishing the universal faith of Brother Tian, ​​and it is also the place of human salvation.

This theory is not even afraid of the impact of science on theology in modern times.Because even with biological analysis, human beings have indeed evolved from one ancestor.

On the other hand, the belief in the Heavenly Father of the Purple Horde and the understanding of Rome were originally bound.

The Church of Rome believes that there is a corresponding relationship between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of the mortal world. The definition of Rome can cover all people in the world, and the concept of "Roman nation" can be created to directly replace the concept of members of the Roman Church.In this way, even if various modern methods are used, the self-consistency of the theory can be maintained.This theoretical foundation can also be carried out from now on.

As for the concept of "Tianxia", it can also be gradually derived. Not only will it not be abandoned in modern times, but it will be continuously strengthened due to the improvement of transportation and the strengthening of connections around the world.

In Guo Kang's world, modern Serisians actually still have the concept of the world, but their own strength is not enough.They are like the Great Song Dynasty. Although they still have a theoretical basis, they are not capable of co-lording the world, so they can only temporarily give up this requirement.But in fact, this is a question of military strength, and it does not have much impact on Rome.

In short, this trick can also be learned from the Central Plains people.

The concept of ethnic groups in the Central Plains is a theory that can be expanded infinitely.From the Xia tribe, to the Huaxia Alliance, and then to the concept of the Han people, it has been "stacked" from generation to generation.

When it comes to the speed of cultural expansion, the Central Plains people are actually not good at it, and their method has progressed very slowly.But the good thing is that, compared with the barbarian culture that "it flourishes and dies suddenly", this kind of expansion is very stable.

Not to mention the Central Plains people, even the other secondary civilizations attached to it.After Vietnam defeated Champa, within a generation, the local Hindu and Tianfang cultures were washed clean, and they never reappeared after that-you know, these two are already very popular in the world. advanced civilization.

In modern times, the construction of the concept of the Seris country is a replica of the process from the Huaxia to the Han people, which is equivalent to another upgrade and expansion.Judging from the results, compared with history, this expansion is extremely smooth. Although there are counterattacks and resistance, compared with other civilizations, they can basically be regarded as negligible.Obviously, this is the best reference object.

Although it claims to refer to the national construction of the French, this oriental ethnic group model is obviously another situation.According to the European theory, it is completely impossible to explain this structure.In the era of Guo Kang's previous life, a series of troubles arose because of his poor historical background, but these were also technical issues, not ideological issues involving the core of civilization.

This model can be roughly divided into two parts, one part is the model of the Red Horde Khanate, and the other part is actually the "Yongzheng Model" after several modern reforms.As for the red account model, Guo Kang felt that it was better to give up directly.The level of this thing can only be said to be inferior to that of Daqing, let's forget it...

And the biggest problem of Yongzheng's thinking is not difficult to solve here.

Can "Huayi Family", "Tianxia", and "Legitimacy" be obtained?In fact, it is not impossible.

The biggest problem in Yongzheng's theory is that he wants to be legal and at the same time prohibits others from obtaining legality.In fact, as long as he gives up the superior status of the Eight Banners, he can directly realize the "Huayi family"; as long as he does not insist on hereditary system, he can directly obtain legitimacy.However, these two points are precisely the most unlikely.

In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, there were already serious livelihood problems among the bannermen of the eight banners.Because the Eight Banners pay, which is commonly known as "hardcore crops", is only issued to soldiers and bannermen.If the men of the Eight Banners do not have titles and have not been enlisted in the army, they will not be able to receive them directly.

The population of the Eight Banners continues to grow, but the number of banner soldiers remains unchanged.By the time of Qianlong, there were about 60 men in the Eight Banners in the capital, but the number of soldiers was only 12.As for those who have titles, they are less than 1% of the total number of bannermen, and the remaining four-fifths have no money to take.

Moreover, the Qing government did not allow them to farm, work, or do business, so they had no income at all.What should I do if I have nothing to eat?Find a way by yourself, anyway, the court doesn't care, it's your own business if you starve to death.

This is still the Beijing camp with the best treatment, as can be imagined in other places.

Under such circumstances, replenishing the shortage of soldiers has become the top priority of Bannermen's families, but the number of places is limited, and most people can't make up for it anyway.Qianlong tried to reduce the number of men in the Eight Banners, and reduced a large number of Han Eight Banners, but this phenomenon still cannot be alleviated.

It is very dark and humorous that the real improvement in the situation of the banner people was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom War in the late Qing Dynasty-because many banner cities were destroyed, a lot of vacancies were vacated at once, making life easier for the remaining banner people...

But even so, the Qing Dynasty had to emphasize the preferential treatment of bannermen verbally.This is not an economic issue, and has nothing to do with reality, but is caused by the court's ruling theory.In the end, this kind of "you can't do it but you have to say it" situation that offends everyone is formed.

Therefore, the best way is to avoid this situation directly: don’t bind Rome to an ethnic group that cannot be expanded or changed, otherwise it will only be abandoned by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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