Chapter 35 "Romania"

As far as it sounds, Hellenization is a thorny issue in the current Roman Khanate.Moreover, not only the Mongols are Hellenizing, but even the ministers of Bulgaria and Serbia, and even the Han military and political leaders who have always claimed to be educated, are always facing this troublesome situation.

This question was first raised by some Bulgarian officials.As the place where the Khan court made its fortune, Bulgarians make up a large proportion of high-level officials.But with the expansion of the Khanate, more of an order based on "Greek rules" was established.

The purple tent system is claimed to have originated from the Tang system, but in fact it incorporates a large number of organizational methods and nouns from the Liao and Yuan Dynasties, but in terms of implementation, it is biased towards the Greek tradition.For example, their military mansion is the product of the combination of the system of the Tang Dynasty and the habits of the Greeks.So far, in some Greek documents, it is still called "military district".

In Europe, only the organizational system of the Greeks is the most similar to that of the Tang Dynasty, which can be easily understood by officials and people.Those other countries, even France, which has the most perfect system, are far behind.Therefore, this situation may be difficult to avoid.

These Bulgarians questioned, are we using the Han system that has been properly modified to adapt to the local system, or the Greek system that has been upgraded with the help of the Han system?

If it is the former, it is still acceptable, which is equivalent to learning the advanced experience of the Seris people together.If it is the latter, these Bulgarians will inevitably start to whisper in their hearts.

The Kingdom of Bulgaria has been established for hundreds of years and has been at war with the Greeks all year round.Although heavily influenced by Greece and even ruled by the Roman Empire on several occasions, their independence has always been strong.

As experienced officials, they can also see that the Han system introduced by the Purple Horde puts more emphasis on centralization than the Eastern Roman system and can eliminate local independence.Will this cause the Bulgarians to disappear and be assimilated by the Greeks?
In short, as a part of Rome, they are completely acceptable and even proud of it. After all, they are the first to respond to the current Roman Empire and develop it bit by bit.But to turn them all into Greeks, everyone must feel uncomfortable.

In Bulgaria, the situation is even better.

Bulgaria has been established for nearly 800 years since Asbaruch Khan led the Bulgar tribe to migrate here, and has its own heritage and historical memory.But other regions, such as Wallachia and even Serbia, only became independent countries in the true sense when Rome declined and shrank, which is only one or two hundred years ago.Now that the Purple Horde has unified various regions and implemented the Greek system, it is likely to assimilate them back at once.

As for other places, such as Moldavia and Crimea, they lacked even a formal regime in the past.Now the Zizhang Khanate is promoting reclamation there, establishing a military region, and organizing legions.It is conceivable that the future will also be Hellenized.

Doesn't this mean that everyone is fighting desperately, but making wedding dresses for the Greeks?

The Easterners at the top of the Purple Horde may not care much.Even if this is the case, it is enough for them to join Greece themselves.But the Bulgarians are obviously the most unacceptable.

The last time the Greeks invited an Armenian emperor to heal the eyes of the Bulgarians, everyone still remembers it.When Greece is so strong, if someone who can play is found to lead the team, the Bulgarians will probably suffer again.

In this regard, the Khan court's current strategy is to use the Roman flag as much as possible to avoid Greek elements.

No matter what the name of the new administrative region established in the Zizhang Khanate was, it now uniformly uses the Chinese character "Daqin" as its official name and the Greek word "Rome" as its pronunciation.

It stands to reason that Latin is the most orthodox, but now "Latin" has other meanings. When it comes to Latin and Latins, everyone thinks of the barbarians in the old land of Western Rome.The word has been tainted by barbarians and is not easy to use.

In this way, the only mature characters that everyone can use are Greek and Chinese—the Mongols didn’t even decide what alphabet they used for writing, and the Yuan Dynasty couldn’t decide whether to use Uyghur or Basiba; And other countries here, all use Greek letters or derivative characters to record, and have not yet formed their own unique writing system.

And in order to avoid "Hellenization", the Greek also had to be removed.This is all right, only the Chinese characters are left...

Therefore, in the Purple Horde, there is a strange phenomenon: in the legion farms along the Black Sea, whether it is the Bulgarians who migrated, the local Slavs, or the grassland people recruited, they all call themselves "Romans". weave together.

There is a "Great Qin" signboard hanging at the gate of the manor, and there is even a traditional Roman red flag with "Qin" written on it.It's a pity that it's not "Han", otherwise it's probably impossible to tell whose flag it is...

The soldiers for training set out from the manor to go to the field for training.The passwords and written orders of these people are also in Chinese.The Purple Horde Khanate started from the Legion, and the power of Han Shihou also came from here. Hundreds of years ago, everyone was training soldiers in this way.Therefore, this unique legion culture was formed very early.

But having said that, the officers really like this set of things, because it is very concise in pronunciation and writing, which is very suitable for giving orders in the army, and even the Greeks use it.Therefore, there are still no signs of decline.

Of course, it's hard to say that this thing is real Chinese.Due to the cultural level of the users, this set of "language" is very simplified, often consisting of only one word, and then roughly organized using the grammar familiar to the locals, so that everyone can understand it.In the local area, it is commonly known as "Roman Chinese characters" or "Legion Wen", which is different from the long-winded "Chinese" written by clerks.

In a broader perspective, with the legion farms and Roman towns as the center, the real foundation of the Purple Horde - "Romania" was formed.

This word is not the specific country of Guo Kang's previous life.Today, that concept is far from taking shape, and it's hard to say whether it will take shape in this world.

Originally, the Wallachians would have repelled Hungary in 1330 and established the first precursor to modern Romania.But according to the history books of the Purple Horde Khanate, it was the army of the Golden Horde Khanate in name led by Boyan Timur and Guo Gai who expelled Hungary at this time.So, there is no such thing as the latter.

In the past, the regimes in Eastern Europe were often just kings who changed back and forth, and the local changes were not great.However, after the establishment of the Purple Horde Khanate, it suffered from too many enemies and insufficient combat effectiveness all the year round.The Golden Horde was still a giant at that time, and it was possible to come over to pursue their treason at any time.Hungary and Poland are among the most powerful countries in Europe.In this case, everyone can only do their best to improve their organizational capabilities and combat effectiveness.

Therefore, under tremendous pressure, the Khan Court began to promote the abolition and relocation of local nobles, and established military palaces locally.Guo Gai, the ancestor of the Guo family, and Li Tianying, the ancestor of the Li family, were the main promoters of this measure.

The Khanate has spent decades of energy and a huge price. Many people, including Li Tianying, died in internal and external wars.Later, when Li Tianying's younger brother, Li Tiance, who likes to watch operas, was in power, the core area was considered stable.The reform was basically completed after Li Yinglin won the Civil War.

The result is that in these places, a fairly complete bureaucratic system has finally been established, and the restoration has been successfully realized, returning to the era before the feudalization of Eastern Rome.Therefore, the mobilization ability of the Purple Horde Khanate is much higher than that of the surrounding countries. It does not take much effort to have more than a dozen all year round, and this is where the confidence lies.

As the original nobles and territories were dispersed, the Khan Court also adopted a new naming method.

These pioneered territories stretched from Thrace to Crimea, and even included Georgia on the Black Sea coast.The Khan court referred to them collectively as the land of Rome, "Romania".

However, "Romania" itself also adopted a large number of Greek cultural and institutional products.Over time, even Rome has become more and more Greek, which is very worrying.

It's not that everyone is hostile and repulsive to Greece. In fact, Li Xuanying and his group like Greek culture very much.But everyone is also very clear about the consequences of Hellenization.

(End of this chapter)

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