Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 352 The Basic Quality of the Great Khan

Chapter 352 The Basic Quality of the Great Khan

Guo Kang has a habit. If possible, he would like to find a similar historical case as a reference.

Of course, this is just a reference.After going through so many things, he also understood that even though they look alike, two things may be very different.Historical experience is used to eliminate wrong options, which is more reliable than direct copying.If you want to copy, you must think about it yourself, and then change it.

For example, how to establish a Roman-style country in Europe in modern times, there is no case that can be copied directly.Because during this period, Europe was basically dominated by nation-states, and this model was inherently opposed to Rome.If it spreads further, then the Red Horde Khanate is the closest.

The Red Horde Khanate is composed of dozens of Ulus, but its state construction is not based on regions and ethnic groups, but on common beliefs.From this aspect, it looks more like the Great Food Empire.Of course, these universal empires have many similarities, and they can indeed be used for mutual reference.

If it is impossible to build a "civilized country" like the Central Plains regime, this is the best choice.The fact that the Red Horde can be successfully established and become the most powerful Slavic regime in history has already demonstrated the feasibility of this kind of state formation.

As for the ending of the Red Horde Khanate, don't worry too much about it.Because to put it bluntly, it was done with death, as long as you don't cook to that extent, you don't have to worry about it.

This question is not difficult to understand for Tuo Huan and the others, because to put it bluntly, it is "what is the most important quality of a sweat".

The history of grassland hegemony may give people the illusion that military capabilities are the most important.But in fact, for King Khan, the military level only needs to pass.What really determines the upper limit is the ability to organize.

Back then, Genghis Khan was chased away more than once, losing to Sangkun and Jamuka.The reason why he can save the defeat every time is not because of his outstanding performance in commanding operations, but because of his political ability.This is also where he stands out the most compared to other leaders.

Later, the entire grassland was reorganized by him from scratch, breaking the boundaries of various tribes, reorganizing with thousands of households and ten thousand households, and achieved great results.After the success of these political means, the fighting power of the Mongols got a chance to play.

At the same time, the system he established completely changed the history of the grassland.

Before him, every once in a while, a new tribe would rise up, and everyone would change their names accordingly.But after this reform, there are only "Mongolia" in the hundreds.

The system he established also went out of the desert and spread to the entire continent.The Mongolian khanate with the "golden family" as its legitimacy did not disappear until the 20th century, and its vitality far exceeded that of the previous nomadic tribes.If you count other countries that followed this system, then the impact of this system goes far beyond the Eurasian steppe, and has had a lasting and huge impact on neighboring countries.

Therefore, in fact, Genghis Khan is not a character like Xiang Yu or Bai Qi, but Liu Bang on the grassland.Relying on his political skills beyond his contemporaries, he established a far-reaching cultural system and created a nation when force was not the best.

If it hadn't been repeatedly attacked by external forces, it would have lasted longer than the Han Dynasty and become the source of legitimacy of the Wanshi line.

The problem of the Red Horde Khanate lies at the root.

The most outstanding ability of the Mongols back then was not fighting, but pulling people.When you go to the Central Plains, you can win over Han Shihou, when you go to West Asia, you can win over Armenians and Nestorians, and when you go to the grasslands, you can win over various Turkic tribes... So although there are many defeats, you can always fight more and more, and finally win enemy.

But the ability of the Red Horde Khanate to attract people can be called the shame of the grassland.

Kublai Khan knew that if he wanted to gain a firm foothold and even counterattack his hometown, he had to win over the Han army.Regardless of the worrisome performances of the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, this is not a problem of ordinary people, but the officials on both sides are too unbelievable.

However, the Red Book Khanate likes the officials in the south of the Yangtze River and dislikes the Han army.Not only could it not pull out the Han army to defend the Khan, but it also forced them to the opposite side.With such a political level that Kublai Khan shook his head after seeing it, he obviously lacked the basic qualities of a great Khan.Guozuo is not as good as Yuan, which is quite normal.

And the final disintegration of the Red Horde Khanate is also a very familiar process.

During the Northern Yuan Dynasty, it often appeared that the grand master controlled the state affairs.Taishi was originally an official position in the Yuan Dynasty, responsible for managing Lingbei Province.But when the Yuan Dynasty fled north, most of the remaining territory was under the jurisdiction of Lingbei.As a result, the power of the grand master expanded rapidly, and finally went out of control.It was not until the reorganization of Wanhu in the Dayan Khan era that this problem was solved.

And within the Red Horde Khanate, there is actually a huge Orolus Ulus, who controls most of the Khanate's strength.This is no longer a matter of group distribution...

Under this kind of administrative operation that angered Dayan Khan, no matter what he did, some people would be dissatisfied.Some people think that the Red Horde Khanate oppresses the main ethnic group and persecutes the Oros people; some people think that the Red Horde Khanate pursues chauvinism and favors the Oros people... These two views can coexist, anyway, no matter what they do, they are wrong.

In the end, the Khanate disintegrated as Oros Taishi deposed the last Red Horde Khan.And the new country, like the new khanate established by killing the Great Khan in the past, is in a state of lack of legitimacy, and I can't explain what I am doing.Fortunately, in Eastern Europe, the overall requirements are not high, and it can be maintained. It is not the same as Yexian, and was attacked and killed by various princes.

In fact, from the perspective of civilization, such low-level mistakes should not have occurred.Later generations sometimes believe that bureaucracy problems appeared in the Red Horde Khanate, but the Slavs were able to suffer from bureaucracy. This is a miracle of civilization in itself...

However, the actual ability and background of the local people are unable to support this new situation, resulting in a result that almost encourages the growth of seedlings.In the end, sure enough, it was back to the state where boyars from all walks of life actually controlled the country.

Therefore, Guo Kang felt that it was not their philosophies and legal arguments that had problems, but that the Slavs themselves had problems.If the Purple Horde operates with reference to this model, many problems will not be a problem.

Therefore, this pioneering attempt really had to be done by the Romans.

In the plan, he plans to recruit a large number of Slavs. On the one hand, it is to expand the basic plate of Rome and increase the foundation of civilization; on the other hand, it is also a preparation. If he encounters internal obstacles in the process of promoting new ideas, these people will It is his most loyal support.

However, no matter what the goal is, the current "original ecology" of the Slavs will definitely not work.As for what to do, he had to try it himself.

 The posting of the first few chapters is because the two days can't be published, it's not a problem with this book or chapters, it's like this on all platforms.

  I don't know if it can be restored, anyway, it won't affect the speech later

(End of this chapter)

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