Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 354 Anti-Fundamentalist Planning

Chapter 354 Anti-Fundamentalist Planning
Guo Kang thought about it, and felt that what he said made sense.

To deny that the goodness of the heathen is the same as that of the believer is to think that there is more than one source of goodness, and that there is more than one master.For monotheists, this is even more unacceptable.

Therefore, even if the other party believes in other gods, or even believes in polytheism and does not recognize the basic rules of monotheism, the believer himself has to stick to this belief and recognize the contribution of the other party.Otherwise, there is something wrong with the doctrine itself.

Historically, Orthodoxy has also been relatively lenient in this regard—even to the point of being overly lenient.They even pull atheists into saints and praise others for their achievements...

"Then what if someone doesn't recognize a saint?" Guo Kang thought for a while and asked: "If you don't recognize it, you can 'transfer' the grace like this, so you don't have to thank others?"

"What kind of heresy is that..." said Father Mikhail in surprise.

"Uh..." Guo Kang thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed the case.

He heard back then that some believers didn’t want to thank those who helped them, so they gave credit to God to relieve themselves of moral burdens.In response to this kind of situation, education must be carried out in advance to prevent it, so as not to cause conflicts and drag down subsequent support policies.

But after analyzing it now, this kind of behavior is also immoral in the eyes of the church-if you really don't want to admit it, there are some excuses.Just admit that you have no quality, and don't bring out the heavenly father and brother to hurt others.

Guo Kang couldn't remember for a moment, where did he see the example that made him worry.

Thinking about it carefully, the Tianfang Sect is also trying its best to avoid this kind of problem.

According to the biography of Ghazan Khan, the Persian clerics reported to him many times in the past, hoping that he would supervise the generals under him.Because these generals from nomadic tribes have very impious beliefs: when they fight, if they win, they will brag about their bravery and strategy; if they lose, they will start to blame Hu Da for not protecting everyone.

In this regard, Gazan Khan has nothing to do.

This attitude of giving benefits to oneself and responsibility to God easily undermines the authority of religion.Orthodox priests want to control it, but they can't control it.

It is estimated that it is the "Protestant" movement of God-worshiping religion and Tianfang religion that really let go of this kind of behavior in theory.

Taking the situation in Europe as an example, the theory put forward by Martin Luther was summarized as "three solias": faith alone, scripture alone, and grace alone.These three became the origin of all kinds of Protestantism, and also the most obvious core features.

Faith alone means not to recognize the "good works" advocated by the Roman Catholic Church.The Catholic Church believes that people's faith and good deeds are the key to becoming a righteous person and obtaining salvation, while Protestantism only recognizes faith and does not recognize the role of good deeds.

The fundamental difference here is the understanding of original sin.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that people can do good deeds.Heavenly Father will infuse "righteousness", that is, a sanctified and conceptualized gift, into the person who does good, so that he can be redeemed.If this person persists in doing righteous deeds all his life and is appreciated by the Heavenly Father, then he can enter heaven.Whether to do righteousness or not is a personal free choice, and mortals can decide for themselves whether to cooperate with the Heavenly Father.

But Protestantism pays more attention to original sin, denies the meaning of good deeds, and believes that only faith is the decisive factor.Later, Calvin further demonstrated this and concluded the theory of "the total depravity of man", which means that evil is omnipresent and has penetrated into the foundation and nature of man, so it is impossible for man to do good on his own.

The scope of this theory extends far beyond the realm of religion.Until several hundred years later, when Guo Kang lived, there were still many people in the secular field who still liked to use the term "corruption of human nature" everywhere, and everything could be attributed to this dark "human nature".In fact, this is a typical Protestant idea, and it is very likely that the more radical Calvinism was introduced.

For the Orthodox Church, this theory is even more uncomfortable.The doctrine of original sin is less important to the Orthodox Church than to the Catholic Church.This deliberate emphasis is incompatible on a theoretical basis.

Moreover, denying good deeds and denying that people have the independent will to pursue goodness is tantamount to completely denying the feasibility of "education".If people themselves have the basis for doing good, then the church can enlighten and awaken the "righteousness" in people's hearts through education, so that they can walk on the path of kindness and justice and gain the favor of the heavenly father.But if this basis is not recognized, the role of religion in exhorting goodness and encouraging morality will be completely meaningless...

The Purple Horde Khanate's theory of worshiping God is full of oriental ideas of education and practice, and it is even more incompatible with it than ordinary orthodox religions.If we meet in the future, it is estimated that we will have to fight.

Moreover, as a supplement, there is also the principle of "grace alone" in Protestantism for a straightforward explanation.

The Roman Catholic Church believes that if a mortal wants to be saved, he depends on three parts: the grace directly given by the Heavenly Father, the merits accumulated by himself, and the merits provided by the saints.Therefore, it is worthy of affirmation to work hard to do good deeds and actively pray to the Heavenly Father or saints.

But the Protestant side does not recognize saints, nor does it believe that people can rely on their own choices to do good.Even if a believer does something good, it is God's credit, not man's.Therefore, only God's grace can save people, and all other behaviors are meaningless.

For the Orthodox Church, especially the Ross Church, this is simply fatal, because it denies the saints, and also denies the meaning of the law and moral precepts, making the ascetic tradition a joke.

Guo Kang always felt that even if there was no Rome, the Protestants and these Russians who admire the saints and fools would have to do it sooner or later.The rules of these two sides are almost completely opposite...

Of course, when it comes to truth, in this world, the most contradictory thing is the teachings of the Purple Horde Khanate.In order to emphasize the particularity of divine grace, Calvin proposed that divine grace is unconditional and irresistible.In short, who the Heavenly Father likes has nothing to do with his performance, nor his subjective wishes, and it is not something people can guess by themselves.Even if the behavior does not conform to the rules, and there is no will to practice, as long as the heavenly father is willing, he can forcefully infuse divine grace and make him a god's choice.

This theory is said to have originated from Moses’ narration. He told others that the Heavenly Father had told him that he would have mercy on whomever he pleased, and be gracious to whomever he pleased.The Purple Tent Church directly refused to acknowledge the deeds of Moses, thinking that these words were made by an old barbarian shaman who had gone mad.Obviously, they are the worst enemies in doctrine.

(End of this chapter)

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