Chapter 364
In the past, if his foster father praised Guo Kang so much, Guo Ponu would be somewhat unhappy.But this time, she thought about it and didn't refute it.

"If you have seen their methods, you won't be so naive." The foster father continued: "These people can gain a foothold, largely because they have the ability to deter the gang and ordinary people. Not only internally, Externally, you can also use your attacks to threaten other ordinary people and intimidate them to serve the organization, otherwise the loss will be passed on to them."

"If we can't catch them all, we will not only breed new villains, but also intensify these 'newcomers'. In this case, the means of cracking down on gangsters will naturally have no effect."

"Then we should feel ashamed." Guo Ponu said bluntly: "As a Zhu kingdom, can't even deal with these little thieves?"

"It's not that they can't be cured." The righteous father shook his head and said, "It's okay to really hurt them, but you have to use unconventional methods. If you really tear your face, it's not impossible, but there is a question of whether it is worth it."

"These gangsters are essentially mosquitoes that breed in a chaotic environment. They are of no value in themselves, but are only raised and used by people with good intentions. For the master messenger, the cost of driving these people is very small, but the gains can be great. If we Going off in person, you can't let them take a real blow, but you are in trouble."

"These people are the kind of worthless garbage soldiers." Guo Kang probably understood, and he helped to explain: "This is the same as the messy vassal state armed forces in the Persian army. They can earn money in exchange for something." , It’s not a loss without him.”

"Back when Tuoba Tao besieged Xuyi, he wrote a letter to the general, saying that even though he killed the soldiers who attacked the city, he was not worried. Because the people who attacked the city in the northeast of the city were the Huns and Dingling people. The more the Huns died, the more bandits in Bingzhou The more people die in Dingling, the fewer bandits in Changshan. The Di and Qiang attacked the city in the south of the city. The more they die, the fewer bandits in Guanzhong. So I am not afraid of these people at all. Casualties, death or death is a good thing.”

"In a situation like this, using violence to fight hard is definitely not the answer."

"That's right. It's not worth it for a family like ours to break the normal rules just to eliminate a group of these people." Yifu said: "So many times, we can only hesitate, unless they Make a big mess, otherwise I really don’t know where to start.”

"Ordinary people, even the small officials who manage the city, often don't have enough power and influence to effectively attack them, and they may even be retaliated against. Like this, it is useless for the upper class, and too large and terrifying for the lower class. so that they can survive.”

Guo Kang nodded.

Although he didn't participate much in the various battles in the court, giving people a sense of honesty and loyalty, but the foster father obviously still sees it very clearly.

Thinking about it now, he also considered so much before suggesting to Guo Kang not to be in a hurry, hoping that he would rather lose some timeliness and weaken the effect of the strike than act without authorization.

However, Guo Ponu was very concerned about this plan that was not proposed by himself.She thought for a while, and then asked: "How did the second grandpa do it back then?"

"Your uncle didn't just fight gangs back then." The adoptive father pointed out: "What he really wanted to do was to re-plan the city. In order to implement this plan and achieve effective management, it is necessary to break the blocks controlled by gangs before. It's really a 'side effect'."

"At that time, the urban planning of Dadu was already too chaotic—or there was no planning. The urban areas were growing randomly and wildly, and the resulting chaos not only made the environment worse, made riots frequent, but also hindered management and even transportation. .”

"When the city was at its most chaotic, the guilds and gangs were so rampant that they could control the entire city. If they wanted to repair the roads and improve the traffic to the port area, they would obstruct them. The forces behind these people were also very complicated. During the period, the relationship is intertwined, and it is difficult to rectify and develop, which also hinders further development here."

"However, everyone knows that this city used to be the wealthiest city in the entire Mediterranean world, and as the surrounding area of ​​the Black Sea finally settled down, it can be expected that the former status will be restored. Just look at the past records, and you will know that most of the cities in the past How prosperous it is, and what exaggerated income it can bring to Rome. In the face of interests of this scale, the gangster's industry is really nothing."

"Moreover, Uncle Ni had the support and cooperation of Basil III at that time. Xian Khan arrested a large number of nobles in the city under the pretext of cleaning up the remnants of the Queen Mother Helena. Especially the influential Greek nobles in the local area were under the spotlight. Many old aristocrats who operated here in the previous dynasty, or even earlier, were uprooted."

"Khan came to power first because he had the support of the legion. Therefore, these nobles had no ability to resist. At that time, he deprived more than 50 nobles of their hereditary rights, and exiled more than a dozen big nobles to Kiev. With the aftermath of this incident, your uncle was able to break the original rules in one fell swoop and push forward this plan with force."

"So it's like this..." Guo Ponu muttered.

"Your uncle's crackdown on gangsters is just a means, not a goal. Judging from the results, it is indeed a huge momentum, but in fact, the importance may not be as important as measures such as facilitating transportation and improving sanitation." The foster father teased Dao: "Cleaning up the dirt on the street brings more value than cleaning up the gangsters. For example, in the west of the city, the Greek stonemasons' guild was forcibly split up because it refused to redefine the streets and clean up the roads."

"Is it so serious?" Guo Ponu was a little surprised.

"Hey, the city was dirty at that time." The adoptive father shook his head again and again: "If you don't care about it, most of it will become the Paris of the East..."

"Of course, you should be able to see it. What really provides the impetus and support for this action is the huge financial potential of the entire city. What Kanger lacks is the corresponding 'reason'." He finally concluded.

"Your uncle made great efforts to remove many obstacles. But you see, by now, new gangs have grown up in many places. Even the organization methods, living space, and even the slogans adopted by many gangs are different. It's pretty much the same as the old ones."

"So, just like there will always be rat holes in the debris pile, and rats will continue to be born in it, this is unavoidable."

"And it's the same at the upper level. After the downfall of the group of nobles back then, the supporters of the gang did not disappear, but a new group of nobles established contacts with various forces in the city. There are many, many things involved in this. It's complicated, and I can't even explain it—maybe your mother knows better, so you can ask him later." He sighed and said:

"Back then, your uncle, as an experienced expert, had the ability to run the military mansion and build a new city in the Ross area. It took a long time to figure out the situation before he acted. Now, you have to come up with Only one reason can be convincing.”

(End of this chapter)

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