Chapter 377
These characteristics of ancient Rome were also inherited by the later Eastern Rome and the church.

Seriously speaking, due to the influence of Greek culture and the addition of learning a lot from the Persians, Eastern Rome is already quite different from ancient Rome in this respect.

For example, the most intuitive way is to directly see the change of the name.In the ancient Roman era, women did not have a "name" in the strict sense, and generally used the feminine of the clan name directly as their own address.

For example, Caesar's daughter, because the clan name is Julius, so her name is Julia; the same is true for Octavian's sister, so she is called Octavia.If there are two daughters in a family, they are called by their sizes. For example, Anthony's two daughters are directly called Big Antonia and Little Antonia.

If there are more, they will be numbered after the clan name. The eldest daughter is called Maxima, the second daughter is called Secunda, the third daughter is called Tertia, and so on.For example, Brutus has three sisters, because they belong to the Junius family, they are called Junius the first, Junius the second and Junius the third.

However, this kind of serial number naming, regardless of transliteration or free translation, is quite strange.Therefore, Guo Kang tends to translate directly into "Sister You", "Second Sister You", and "Sister You".It feels more appropriate this way...

After marriage, Roman women would not change their names, and would still use their father's name.This is also the most direct manifestation of patriarchy.Changing to follow the husband's surname should have appeared only in the barbarian era.

Of course, these habits were limited to Latins at first.Like the Etruscans next to Rome, women had separate personal names.It's just that these ethnic groups gradually Romanized and adopted Roman habits.

In this case, there is no way to take the evaluation of advanced and backward.Etruscans, Romans, Germans, whose customs are more "advanced"?There is no comparison.

In the same way, the patriarchal system of Rome and the systems of other tribes cannot be compared directly.It is also meaningless to say forcibly who is more advanced.

If you have to compare, the Romans still had at least one "outline", while many barbarians were in a state of not having one, and it was only later that the church came to make up for them.From this perspective, in the aspect of "whether the theory is perfect", we can widen the gap.

The "East"—mainly Persia for the local area—was stronger than Rome in terms of the perfection of theoretical institutions; and Rome was stronger than a group of barbarians.Later, Rome did continue to learn from the East and improve its political structure.

But it should be noted that using a new theory does not mean that the original theory must be abandoned.When imitating Persia, the Romans obviously did not abandon their traditions. Until now, there is a very strong Roman-specific cultural atmosphere here.

On the contrary, Guo Kang suspects that this strong sense of "replacement" and "rebellion" is the unique culture of barbarians.Especially after the new teachings, it can be said to be very obvious.

Many customs that have been advocated in later generations are admired not because they have a certain ability to bring benefits to everyone, but because they oppose the original church rules, so they are called "advanced".

Some men like little boys.This phenomenon is extremely common on the Eurasian continent. In many civilizations, people neither regard it as an honor nor a shame.Take a Persian or a Greek, and they might think that's part of society.

However, because religious organizations oppose this kind of behavior, people of later generations will do the opposite and do everything possible to promote it, even to the point of exaggeration.Even inside the church, this kind of hobby can't be controlled at all, and scandals have been constantly breaking out from ancient times to the present, and people with "modern consciousness" don't regard them as fellow hobbyists.

This is actually not difficult to understand.The whole Protestant movement, or the "sworn against religion" movement, was an opposition to the church of the past.In fact, they didn't have much theoretical innovation. Basically, they just turned the original theories 180 degrees and used them.The core of the sect is not to create new teachings, but to oppose the original teachings.

Because this habit is not only manifested in the face of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, but also within the Protestant Church, this kind of reversal is constantly occurring.The newer Protestantism will completely deny the old Protestantism before, and then keep going like this.

The most extreme teachings in those days were the older generation of Protestants—they advocated fundamentalism and opposed the corruption of Catholicism, so they directly filled up the extremes.

The new generation of Protestants, instead of zeroing this extreme, jumped directly to the opposite extreme—they advocated the opposite opinion like revenge, and as a result, they could only jump back and forth between the two extremes.

Thinking about it now, this may be the root cause of the disease since Roman times.Whether it was the Roman Empire or the later church, the “outlines” formed, or social norms as a consensus, covered too narrow a scope and were too fragile.The later barbarians were even worse in this regard.

For any civilization, it is not easy to get out of the mold.For them, even more so.In fact, no matter how much the barbarians jumped, they couldn't jump out of the category opened up by the church back then.

Of course, this is not unique to them.Guo Kang also watched the people of Seris fiddle with it, but he couldn't get rid of the view of the world no matter what.

You must know that since the era of credit history, there are actually two ways to organize the countries in the Central Plains: either it started in the Zhou Dynasty, and the Huaxia kingdoms competed for each other; The structure of thinking side by side.Until Guo Kang's era, the world was still divided into Yuan and Zhou, and these two were still in effect.

This is the case in the Central Plains, and Europe has no choice.

In their situation, once there was a problem with the theoretical system at that time, opponents had only one way to go.And as long as you oppose it, you will often completely reverse the existing order.It's like two people on a narrow road, unable to avoid sideways, they can only bump into each other head-on.

After a long time, the thinking of the barbarians naturally had problems, and each of them became a "diode".

If it is purely internal, this is not serious, anyway, everyone has long been used to it.However, with the strength of the barbarians in modern Europe, the barbarian culture also began to export everywhere.In other civilized environments, this behavior begins to be embarrassing.

The long-term inertia of thinking has led to believers in barbarian culture only "sworn against".Even if he is in a place where there is no "old religion" at all, he will follow the original routine and "swear against" first.In the eyes of outsiders, this is equivalent to outputting to the air, which is obviously problematic...

(End of this chapter)

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