Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 388 The Zijun Slaughtered the Patriarch District Again

Chapter 388 The Crusaders Slaughtered the Patriarchate Again

In addition, Guo Kang also expressed to the priests that if they hoped that they could nominate representatives to join the new army and help with various tasks in the future.

In fact, no matter the Orthodox Church or the Catholic Church, there is a tradition of sending clergy to accompany the army.Whether it is to appease the morale of the army, or to participate in the battle in person, there are many examples.In terms of organization, there is also a tradition of setting up military parishes.

However, due to various conditions, the system of dispatching priests and their specific tasks have not been clearly stipulated in the past, and it basically depends on the level of the priests themselves.After the Purple Horde discovered this habit, it immediately learned it.

Patriarch Zhang’s thought back then was that the clergy should be able to lead troops to fight, manage the army, and realize the integration of military and government.However, it was later discovered that these requirements were a bit too high, so they settled for the next best thing, encouraging clergy to participate in peacetime training, and acting as reliable assistants in wartime.Moreover, he also formulated a set of regulations and set up a special department to be responsible for additional training of clergy, and then select them as needed.

Europeans call this model "the unity of church and state".

In Guo Kang’s time, people often associated this term with the world of Tianfang Church, or the Pope of Rome, but in fact, the term was originally used to refer specifically to Eastern Rome and the Orthodox Church.

The unity of politics and religion comes from Latin, written as "Caesaropapism", and this spelling is "Caesar" + "Pope".And Caesar was not so much a political office as a military dictator.Therefore, Guo Kang felt that a more accurate translation of this word should be called "the system of integrating military and sacrifice".

In this way, the people of Seris can see at a glance what its meaning is.

It is used by the Catholic Church, generally to accuse the Eastern Roman Emperor of forcibly interfering with the Church.In many cases, "Caesarism" and "Byzantineism" are synonyms and can be used interchangeably in documents.

It's hard to say that this word is derogatory, or you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.Because the Tianfang Church and the Roman Catholic Church don't have such a perfect system, they can't learn it even if they want to.Only the "Gaulicism" of the French is roughly learned.

However, in terms of the integration of soldiers and priests, the Seris Dynasty was much more perfect than Eastern Rome.The Purple Horde also has natural advantages in many aspects because of this Central Plains habit.Being able to set up a group of clergy with clear functions and establishments in the army is one of the effects.

The priests welcome this very much.

"I heard that the target of the new army this time is Alexandria." A priest said happily: "It was one of the five Patriarchate districts back then, but now it is separated from us and occupied by the Tianfang sect. If I have the chance, I would like to see it with my own eyes.”

Guo Kang nodded, expressing his understanding of their feelings.

The establishment of Ross's new army means a new organization; and if the intervention in Egypt is successful, it is likely to announce that the Patriarchate of Alexandria will be reincorporated into the organization.Given its significant religious influence, priests were naturally more than happy to take part in the affair.

To be honest, these people are probably not focused on gaining fame after being able to persist in the rural environment of Ross for so many years.However, his subordinates can be morally high without being paid. As the leader of the plan, he can't really ignore various rewards.Therefore, the possible benefits and the effort required must be explained to everyone first.

Of course, there are still some situations that need to be told in advance to let them be mentally prepared.

"I know that everyone knows the history of the church, the wealth of Alexander, and the importance of various aspects." He said to everyone: "However, the situation there is not very good now, and the facilities are very dilapidated. When we landed, it is possible Will choose another port."

"Hey? Did you encounter a disaster?" Some priests really had never heard of it.

"Yes." Guo Kang said: "In 1365, King Peter I of Cyprus organized a Crusade. According to them, the predecessor of this country was the Kingdom of Jerusalem established by the Crusaders. The ancestors of the royal family claimed to be King's Crusader Lord Guy de Lusignan. Because of this fame, many Catholic countries are willing to help, so that he can successfully gather an army and raise money with the help of the Knights of Venice and Rhode Island. They got off the transport and said they were going to attack Jerusalem."

"However, this is actually a strategy of deception. After the Crusaders boarded the ship, the fleet sailed to Alexandria. This trick not only deceived the Pope, Venice and other allies, but even deceived many of their own people. "

"Alexander's defenders were naturally completely defenseless. Even the local governor went out on a pilgrimage, and no one was in charge of the city. Therefore, the Crusaders quickly defeated the guards and looted the city."

"As in other previous cases, as soon as the looting began, the army fell into complete disorder. The crusaders slaughtered the city indiscriminately for three days, killed most of the citizens, and captured thousands of people, and carried them away as slaves. Due to the important geographical location here, many businessmen from Catholic countries also settled in the port, and were also robbed and killed by the Crusaders."

"Besides, they are doing senseless destruction in the city. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was damaged in the previous earthquake, and after the Crusaders came, they smashed it again, and now there are only piles of stones left. Peter I Tried to lead the army to continue to attack Cairo, but the crusaders had already robbed enough and just wanted to go home quickly, so they all left the team on their own. This is the end of the crusade.”

"After that, Alexandria never recovered." Guo Kang told them: "The Mamluks later allocated funds to restore the port and attracted some merchants to come to operate it, but the vitality of the entire city was severely damaged, and a lot of trade shares were also transferred to the Other Xingang. If we go there now, we can only see the scenery and historical sites."

"Hey, I knew it." Father Andre shook his head and said, "If you touch the Crusaders and Venice, it will definitely be bad!"

"That's right. Before the First Crusade slaughtered the city in Antioch and Jerusalem, and the Fourth Crusade slaughtered the city in Constantinople. In addition to this, four of the five Patriarchate districts have been destroyed by the Crusades." ..." Father Mikhail was also quite emotional.

The city of Rome was not destroyed more.Guo Kang thought to himself.

But he thought about it, and said, "I really don't blame Venice this time. Alexandria was the most important port in the southeastern Mediterranean at that time. Venetian merchants invested huge sums of money here, and even spent money to contract a large concession. To build a large trading post."

"As a result, the crusaders brought in by themselves robbed their own properties. In addition, important commercial nodes were destroyed, and it was difficult to find a replacement immediately in the short term, so they suffered heavy losses. The Venetians this time are regarded as It's bloody bad."

"It's unlucky, and there is no beneficiary." Guo Kang shook his head: "Peter I, who started the war, was obsessed with fighting. He was either leading the army or lobbying in European countries, so he didn't care about the house all the year round. His queen Take this opportunity to commit adultery with your lover."

"After Peter returned to Cyprus, the queen was afraid that the matter would be revealed, so she acted preemptively and recruited three lovers to kill Peter I together. It is said that this was not an assassination, but an act done in a fair manner, and even the guards at the door did not stop him .”

"This is the only king of Cyprus who can still fight. The subsequent kings have no talent, and they were quickly besieged and eaten away by a circle of forces. Finally, when Uncle Timur entered Minor Asia, we took the opportunity to recover there. This is not A country that benefits no one is over."

(End of this chapter)

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