Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 394 Yasheng: The child is both born by the mother and not born by the mother

Chapter 394 Yasheng: The child is both born by the mother and not born by the mother

Guo Kang was also unable to answer Brother Patrick's question.

He has indeed learned some knowledge and seen more world than these people, but the problem is that behind the monk is the entire Greek philosophy.

The so-called Greek philosophy is actually not limited to Greece, but the theoretical achievements of the entire Mediterranean world.Moreover, after the Hellenistic era, its influence has spread to a vast area from Central Asia to Western Europe. Until today, the theologians of Tianfang and Christianity are still learning this theory.

As Patrick said, the Greeks had a very clear idea of ​​this as early as Hesiod's time.You know, this is still the time of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Greek civilization itself has not yet taken shape.

I don't know what happened to the prehistoric Greeks to leave such a strong psychological shadow.But it is certain that the maturity of this mentality was very early and accompanied the development of the whole philosophy.

And Greek philosophy had a great influence on monotheism.The foundation of theology is based on the theories of Plato and Aristotle.Therefore, the theology here also inherits these theories.

Since this tradition is very long, even if Guo Kang questioned it, it would definitely be useless.So many philosophers have used this kind of thinking for 2000 years. The problems he can think of have already been thought of by others.

This phenomenon is very common in various fields, and even has a great impact on the Purple Horde itself.

After the downfall of the Queen Mother Helena, the scholars at that time carried out a series of reflections with the support and acquiescence of the nobles of the Khan court.As to why this phenomenon occurs, many people have carried out very in-depth research.

Among them, many scholars finally reached a consensus: Helena's power is very special.Strictly speaking, she is not a traditional Greek-style political lady, but the first Seris-style queen mother in the Roman Empire.

This historical position should have belonged to her mother-in-law, the Queen Mother Maria, but the influence of the Queen Mother Maria was limited, and the time in power was also very short. Therefore, the main research was almost all carried out on the Queen Mother Helena.

This research conclusion has had a great impact on the civil and official, and even other countries in the Mediterranean.This also leads to some interesting results.

When the Purple Horde Khanate holds the Great Court Meeting every year, many local officials and vassal leaders will come to attend.Every time, when the happy mother Queen Anna attended, everyone called her in various ways: locals in Syria and Latin vassals called her Basilisa; people in the grasslands called her Ketun; The chiefs called her Caralice; the Romanian officials called her queen.

And if Queen Elizabeth appears, everyone will just call her "Queen".

Because, in everyone's eyes, the queen mother of the Purple Horde is not the same as the mothers of the monarchs of previous countries.In the past, people generally used terms such as "widowed queen" and "queen with children".However, these terms obviously cannot accurately describe the situation of the Purple Horde Khanate.In various languages, there is no more suitable corresponding word.

Until now, whether it is a formal occasion or a folk discussion, everyone tends to directly use the Chinese pronunciation of "Queen Dowager" to address the queen dowagers of the Purple Horde Khanate.Including when Guo Kang himself chatted with people, he directly referred to Helena as the "Queen Dowager".

And this phenomenon has naturally attracted the deep thinking of scholars.

Among them, the most influential research conclusion is that in the Greek-Roman civilization organization, the owner of power is only the father, and only the will of the father; in the Seris civilization, the father and the mother are two Personality exists at the same time, and the will of parents also exists independently of each other and has an impact on family members.This kind of organization method of two people and two minds is hidden deep in the core of Seris civilization, which led to these phenomena.

Before Guo Kang, he didn't really understand their ideas.The education he received in his previous life believed that in the Seris civilization, the mother's power over her son was also a manifestation of the father's power, but the Greek philosophers did not agree with this at all.

These people have a much clearer understanding of patriarchy than him, and they have a complete set of theological and philosophical theories to analyze and verify.Among other things, Guo Kang still doesn't quite understand these terms of personality, personality, and aspirations.But the Greek scholars used it extremely skillfully...

It may also be because they specialize in this, so these things that other people seem to be "similar", but the Greeks seem to have huge differences and obvious distinctions, and they cannot be regarded as the same kind at all.

To test this conclusion, philosophers conducted a series of analyses.During the research process, someone proposed a set of criteria that was later widely accepted: as long as one observes whether there is a mother-child relationship that can exist independently, one can judge whether the object of observation is a monopatriarchal society.

In Greece, for example, this result is evident.Scholars have long held that the father is the true source of his children.As in Aristotle's analogy, the woman is the soil, and the seed is provided by the man.The plants that grow in the soil, of course, only come from the seeds sown by the father, and have nothing to do with the mother.

In this theoretical system, the mother and child are not even physically connected, because she is just a borrowed nanny who plants and nurtures the embryo.This philosophical discourse, from the source, denies the relationship between mothers and children, and naturally makes mothers lack sufficient direct power over their children.Even if you have authority, you must rely on your father.

Philosophy did not disappear with the classical empire after Rome fell apart.The church and theology also continued to develop on the basis of these philosophical achievements.

The famous theologian Aquinas pointed out that the father provides the child's form and the mother provides the child's substance.For the child the father is the active principle and the mother is the passive, material principle.Although the father cannot directly give the child the soul, the formal power provided by the father allows the child's body to receive the soul, so it occupies the main and leading position.

Like many other philosophical ideas, this view has been developed in the philosophy and theology of later generations, and it has influence until long after.

According to theologians, the mother has no control over her children, because the soul comes from the Father, and it is the father who provides the bridge between the soul and the material world.Therefore, children are firstly the children of the heavenly father, and secondly are the derivatives and supplements of the father, and the mother is the most basic agent, and of course has no right to interfere with other people's property.

From this perspective, the child appears to be born to the mother, but in the sense of theology and philosophy, it is not actually born to the mother.

Many koans faced by the church in later generations also came from this.

(End of this chapter)

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