Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 4 The Orthodox Yuan Empire of the Han Nationality

Chapter 4 The Orthodox Yuan Empire of the Han Nationality

If it is said that trade routes are the blood vessels that transport wealth, then the East is the heart that pumps blood.

In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, border management was quite lenient, and most commodities could enter and exit freely.But the Ming Dynasty lacked the spirit of free trade seriously. To find him to buy something, he had to find ways to make him happy, which was very laborious.

However, the most profitable products are all from his family.Therefore, in order to earn money to live, I have to bow to others.These diplomatic means are one of the measures.Everyone knows the importance of this matter.

However, the Tuohuan team is indeed not strong enough.

Although he has grown up to be a big fool, Tuo Huan is actually younger than Guo Kang, only 15 years old this year.It's not that this grade can't engage in diplomacy, but judging by his appearance, he is not expected to be a Ganluo.

As for the people around him, let alone.Guo Kang even suspected that the most educated person in this room might be the little boy Constantine...

It is probably for this reason that Guo Kang came.

Although his adoptive father Guo Daxia has always been relatively...pure, but his adoptive mother Huang is more famous.

The Huang family had a prosperous culture, and when they migrated to Persia, they were already well-known in the Ilkhanate.Later, when the Khanate collapsed, Mr. Huang led his people to escape the war and migrated to a small island in the Mediterranean.

The Huang family is known as the "Peach Blossom Stone Huang Family", and it is still named after it to commemorate its homeland.This island is also called "Peach Blossom Island".The surrounding Persians and Greeks respect them very much. Scholars are all impressed as long as this name is mentioned.

It's a pity that although Guo Kang has been making up for it for a few years, the gap in educational level is still quite significant.The adoptive mother repeatedly tried to discipline him strictly and asked him to concentrate on his studies, but was persuaded by the foster father.The so-called hate less when the book is used. At this critical time, he began to wonder if his adoptive father spoiled him too much.

"Who else did you ask for help?" He turned his head and asked Tuo Huan.

"I also invited Sun Wenyuan, Sun Daguan." Tuo Huan replied.

"You invited Sun Shiwan?" Guo Kang was taken aback: "It's the wrong way, can he help us deal with the Ming Dynasty?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Guo." Da Lama Wang said from the side: "The Java dollar is not monolithic. There are many ways in their group. This old man, Mr. Sun, can persuade him to help."

"...Okay." Guo Kang couldn't say anything.

Sun Daguan, named Yi, named Wenyuan, claimed to be from the Yuan Dynasty on Java Island, and is a well-known big merchant today.Last year when he came to Constantinople, he negotiated several big business deals with the Purple Horde, and went to investigate various places along the Black Sea coast. During this time, he happened to be resting in the city.

Guo Kang also chatted with him a few times before.According to his own introduction, his ancestors were well-known big businessmen in Suzhou during the Yuan Dynasty, and later went to Yangzhou to do business. They dabbled in silk and porcelain on the surface and private salt in the dark.Soon, the family accumulated a huge fortune. People of the time borrowed the ancient poem "Wrapped around a hundred thousand guan, and rode a crane to Yangzhou", and nicknamed his family "Sun Shiwan", saying that he was extremely wealthy.

As the head of this generation, business partners from the Nanyang Islands to Egypt are used to calling him by this nickname, and this is the origin.

Guo Kang also learned that in this world, when the Yuan army went on an expedition to Java, they successfully defeated the native leaders who planned to attack him, forcing the local states to surrender and gain a firm foothold.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the south of the Yangtze River also fell into war, and people from all walks of life fought endlessly, and most of the courts were helpless.Many people chose to go to sea to escape, and fled to the Nanyang area where the government of the Yuan Dynasty still existed.

Later, Zhang Shicheng was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang, and the supporters fled one after another, and there was another climax of going to sea.As one of Zhang Shicheng's big benefactors, it was at this time that the Sun family was able to escape in time by taking advantage of their perennial maritime operations.After several twists and turns, I finally settled in Nanyang.

Big businessmen such as the Sun family are wealthy and have their own thugs, servants and fleets.In these days, maritime merchants, pirates and even navies are often interchangeable identities.Relying on these strengths, they gathered together, claiming to still serve Emperor Shun as their master and use the name of the Great Yuan Kingdom.Because the important base is in Java Island, it is also called "Java Dollar".

The relationship between the Javanese Yuan and the Ming Dynasty is quite bad.

Leaving aside those who have directly fought battles like the Sun family, many other wealthy businessmen also feel the same way.The management of the Yuan Dynasty was loose. As long as you paid the money, don't openly rebel. The court often didn't bother to take care of it, which made them quite powerful.Like Sun himself, even if his hometown is lost, he can still dominate one side by relying on the ships in his hand, and the commercial warehouses and shipyards that the family has operated for a long time in Nanyang.

But the management of the Ming Dynasty was much stricter.Sun Shiwan pointed out that the government restricted the freedom of merchants and deprived them of their legal rights to servants.The imperial court was extravagant, competing with the people for profit all day long, and seizing the wealth that the merchants had worked so hard to accumulate.After the founding of the country, it also restricted navigation, suppressed free trade, and wanted to monopolize the huge profits of ocean trade.

Therefore, all the big businessmen in the south of the Yangtze River miss Da Yuan.It is also because of this that he insisted on using the name of the Yuan Dynasty.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, people continued to flee the country in pursuit of freedom.Those who didn't run away also contacted them secretly, usually helping smuggle goods, and tipping off the news during wartime, hoping that the Great Yuan Heavenly Soldiers would come back.

Sun Shiwan believes that this is the aspiration of the people, and it is also one of the sources of confidence for them to dare to confront the Ming Dynasty even though they are at a disadvantage.

At this time, Liang Wang, who was enshrined in Yunnan by the Yuan Dynasty, was attacked by the Ming army, and he was defeated and fled to Burma.The king of Tu in Myanmar did not welcome the king of Liang, and the two sides fought all the way.The maritime merchants saw an opportunity and extended an invitation to the forces of the exiled King Liang, so the Yuan army marched all the way to the southeast, entered Champa via Siam, joined the Javanese maritime merchants, and received supplies and support.

The Chen Dynasty of Vietnam was also afraid of the Ming army that had chased into Burma, so it decided to join forces with them.Under the mediation of everyone, the Siamese and Vietnamese troops united with the Yuan army and maritime merchants to repel the pursuing Ming army.

However, the Ming Dynasty refused to admit defeat as if it was on the top.Two years later, another Ming army invaded Vietnam from the north and fought until near the capital Thang Long before being repelled and driven away.More than four years later, several groups of Ming troops came from Yunnan, Guangxi and the sea, and the coalition forces finally couldn't hold back this time.

Shenglong was captured by the Ming army, and Liang Wang was defeated and committed suicide.The Chen Dynasty in Vietnam was soon banned by the Ming Dynasty, and the defeated soldiers of other princes continued to flee south.Sun and others collected a lot of people, went out to sea again and escaped.

Fortunately, the Ming army really couldn't catch up this time, and gave them a period of breathing time.

(End of this chapter)

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