Chapter 40 The Beggar Gang
Several people discussed for a while, and over there, Lama Wang continued to ask questions.

"We want to know the situation in the northeast of the Ming Dynasty." He said, "Your Majesty and all the ministers are very interested in the information you have. If you can provide useful information, the court will definitely reward you."

Zhao Liang bowed again to thank him, and then said to Lama Wang: "The villain is willing to serve the country, and he is not greedy for rewards. It's just that he has been in trouble recently, and he still wants to ask the court to uphold justice."

"What's wrong?" Guo Kang asked.

"The villain has always kept himself safe. Apart from driving, he trains horses and maintains equipment in the guild hall every day. He has never provoked anyone. Before, people from the Tang Sect came to cause trouble, and the villain also endured the humiliation. He just waited for the chamber of commerce to mediate." Zhao Liang complained. : "But recently, people from the beggar gang came to the door again."

The Beggar Gang is also one of the five major rivers and lakes forces in Rome.These people mainly come from the Ross area in the north, so they are called "Northern Beggars".In fact, they are not real beggars, but they are called beggars by the local Greeks because they are in the lower class of society, so they have this name.

Although the Ross people are not very good at fighting, they are hard-working, brave and ruthless, and they are very conspicuous in the various gang fights in the city.Their leader is good at wielding long sticks. It is said that when he was in Ross's hometown, he was able to kill bears in the woods with one stick.

Although these people are unscrupulous and often cause trouble, their organization is also a resource available in the city, and they have some contacts with the government.At that time, the adoptive father was guarding Dadu, and there was not enough soldiers in the city in a hurry, so he mobilized the Ross people of the beggar gang to help out on the city wall, and finally defended the city.

Therefore, when members of the Ross gang commit crimes, grassroots officials often let them go without excessive investigation.Because of this, they were as arrogant as ever, and they didn't even pay attention to the other sects, and they often fought back and forth.

"What did they do?" Guo Kang's family had also been in contact with these people, and they knew that they were always indifferent, so they hurriedly asked.

"They fought with people from the Tang Sect, and the result was Chi Yu. Some people thought that we were also owned by the Tang Sect, and they refused to listen to any explanations. In the end, they smashed the guild hall and injured my brother." Zhao Liang replied.

Guo Kang asked a few more questions to clarify the situation.

It turned out that Zhao Liang and the others had just arrived, so they couldn't join Junbao's famous motorcade, so they had to stay with a Venetian merchant's shop.The businessman took a fancy to their driving skills and gave them a lot of sponsorship, so the relationship between the two parties was very harmonious.

But recently, the Merchant of Venice appears to have owed money to a Jewish merchant for a failed investment.If the Jewish businessman didn't want to pay the debt, in a hurry, he found a gang of beggars, took them to smash up shops, and forcibly collected the debt. He threatened that if he didn't pay back the money, he would cut off the flesh of the Venetian merchant as compensation.

When mediating the matter of Tangmen before, the businessman established some contacts with them.Seeing that other gangs were calling, people from the Tang Sect came to see the situation.Unexpectedly, the members of the beggar gang were arrogant and unreasonable. When they saw them coming, they thought they were robbing the spoils, so they immediately started fighting.Tang Sect was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

The beggar gang believed that the shop and the racing car warehouse next to it belonged to the Tang Sect, so they took the opportunity to smash it up and snatched all the valuables.

Zhao Liang went to a racecourse in Bulgaria to buy racehorses and happened to be away, so he survived the disaster, but his good buddy Wan Yangou suffered disaster.

Wanyan Gou was staying in the guild hall at that time, but was chased up and down by a group of fierce Ross savages, almost beaten to death, and escaped by hiding in the underground reservoir.After that, Wanyan Gou had a psychological shadow, and he couldn't speak smoothly, and he still hasn't fully recovered.

This dispute has not been resolved so far, and the local officials did not ask at all.Therefore, he took the risk to appeal, hoping that the court would take care of it.

Guo Kang didn't expect that there would be another case behind this matter.He glanced at his adoptive father and felt that with his family's intervention, it shouldn't be difficult to solve it.But now is not the time to settle the case, so we can only settle down first and talk about the business after discussing it.

Over there, Lama Wang seems to have the same idea.

"This matter, I'll contact Yousi to help you solve it." He promised: "You do your job well, and I will naturally help you if you need to help."

Zhao Liang nodded gratefully.

"I heard from Javanese merchants that the Eastern Expedition expelled the Ming Dynasty's garrison on Shuidada Road and took back the main production area of ​​northern pearls, so now a lot of pearls flow into the market through them." Wang Dalai said: "You give Tell us about the situation over there."

"Okay." Zhao Liang took the words, pointed to the northeast of the map, and said: "My hometown is in Gujinshangjing, and there are still clansmen living there, running a fur business. After the rebellion, the Liaoyang Province was established, and it has been governed by officials since then. Nv Zhishui Dada Wanhu Mansion, the government is in our place. Since then, the imperial court has been sending people to manage it, and many institutional systems are still in use today.”

Guo Kang also looked at the picture.

Dada is the official name of the Yuan Dynasty government and the various ministries of Mongolia.Shui Dada is a Shiwei native who stayed in the Northeast back then, and has been engaged in fishing and hunting.The scope of Nvzhishui Dadawanhufu is probably the place where the later Songhua River, the lower reaches of HLJ reach the sea.

It was originally the territory of the kings of the Mongolian East. Later, because the central government of the Yuan Dynasty tried to promote provinces, there were conflicts with the enfeoffment of the kings.Therefore, Naiyan, the king of Zong in the Northeast, joined forces with the kings of Zong in the Northwest and Mobei to launch a rebellion.

The Mongols in the north have always been the biggest enemy of the Yuan Dynasty, and the court has always been vigilant about this.After the rebellion broke out, Kublai Khan immediately decided to go on a personal expedition, leading the guards of the Han army in the northern expedition, capturing and killing Naiyan, and the power of the host kings was severely damaged.Since then, the Yuan Dynasty has been administering the jurisdiction of this place through officials, and it is not surprising that it still has influence.

"The current Conquest of the East started from here." He pointed to the river mouth on the map: "Sezu's crusade against Japan took a very wrong route, probably coaxed by the Koreans—or the Koreans themselves didn't know anything about it. After all, it was the Japanese who crossed the sea to beat them, and I never saw them cross the sea to fight back."

"But this time, they hired a local Jurchen tribe who is familiar with the sea conditions to act as a guide." He pointed to a large area along the coast: "The Jurchens here have been going to sea to plunder Japan all year round, and they are very familiar with shipping routes, hydrology, and wind direction. I heard that the army was about to go out, and the local clan Heshi Lie took the initiative to lead the way. So this time it went smoothly, and after the war, we and Zhengdong province have been using this northern route to keep in touch."

(End of this chapter)

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