Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 409 Defending the Orthodox Anzas of Rome

Chapter 409 Defending the Orthodox Anzas of Rome
Outside the capital city, a temporary tent was set up.The most conspicuous of them is a huge tent decorated with purple ribbons.This is the current sweat tent of the Roman Empire, and it can also be said that it is the source of the name "Purple Horde".

In the big tent, Saihan John IX is talking with the guests.The current visitors are none other than Zhu Wenkui's family.

Although it was only an informal meeting, the standards of the participants were very high.Bai Saihan himself, Empress Anna, Tohuan Taiji, and Princess Theodora all appeared at the venue.In addition, Prime Minister Wang Zhongren, Minister of Rites Lu Shaoping and others also accompanied him.

However, the time of this meeting was not very long.Bai Saihan and others politely asked about their recent living conditions and whether they were satisfied with the celebration.After exchanging pleasantries, they routinely presented gifts to Zhu Wenkui and Princess Ma, telling them that Rome hoped to establish more trade relations with the Ming Dynasty.

These are all commonplace phrases.As the master of the Purple Horde Khanate, they would come here regularly.This time, we organized a military observation outside the city, and envoys from various countries will appear on the scene, so according to the custom, we will meet with them once more as a routine.

But it was different from usual, because Princess Jeanna was also there, so everyone in the purple tent also greeted her specially and gave her a gift.

"We are deeply concerned about the current situation of the Kingdom of France." Bai Saihan continued his diplomatic rhetoric in a calm tone: "Your country is one of the most important countries in the Mediterranean world and our traditional ally. It is very important to safeguard the interests of the entire Roman Alliance and the order of the Mediterranean world. We sincerely hope that your country can get out of the crisis sooner, restore order, and revitalize the kingship."

"Our two families are also good partners who have cooperated for many years. I will pray to the heavenly father, and hope that my good Anda Charlie can recover soon and lead the country out of the difficult situation." Although everyone knows that this possibility is almost impossible, he still politely expressed his blessings to the king on behalf of the family and the individual.

Upon hearing this, Princess Jeanne stood up, skillfully lifted her skirt, slightly bent her knees, and thanked him with court etiquette.Bai Saihan nodded and smiled, the queen next to him gave him a wink, and he quickly stood up and returned the salute.

Next, the queen looked at the crowd, and then said to herself: "We are also planning to send a routine mission to visit France recently. However, we don't know much about some situations, so I would like to ask your opinion first."

"Please tell me." Princess Jeanne replied politely.

"Oh, it's actually some common sense questions, but we outsiders don't know much about it, so I want to clarify. This is not a formal diplomatic occasion, so don't be cautious." The queen finished speaking to her with a smile, then turned to the Minister of Rites next to her, and directly ordered in Chinese: "Lao Lu, tell the princess."

"Okay." Shangshu Lu Shaoping arched his hands at her, and then changed into proficient Latin, and said to Princess Jeanne; "That's right. We have also had several groups of English envoys here before. Because of our special historical relationship with England, they have been seeking to improve relations with us. They also have their own views on the succession order of the French kings, and some aspects are not unreasonable."

"However, we still have to consider the interests and feelings of our allies first. Therefore, we still want to ask about some issues that your country has been paying attention to."

Princess Jeanne was a little surprised by this.She frowned, but quickly recovered, and continued to nod politely: "Please speak."

"The first is the issue of reconciliation with New Anglia." Lu Shangshu said: "The Anglo-Saxons of New Anglia are our traditional allies, and we have always supported their restoration movement. But after all, a long time has passed, so the Kingdom of England has always had the intention of formal reconciliation. For this matter, they have visited many times, hoping to resolve it as soon as possible."

"New Anglia" is a region of Crimea.At the beginning, after the Normans conquered England, they carried out a brutal cleansing of the local Anglo-Saxons.In order to thoroughly investigate their trophies, the Normans even conducted population and land surveys beyond the times. The level of precision has remained unsurpassed for hundreds of years in England and even European history.

Under this series of "intensive farming", most of the Anza lords in the middle and upper classes were wiped out by force.

Traditionally speaking, new conquerors generally don't do such extreme things.Due to limited administrative capacity, those in power generally tend to compromise in order to reduce resistance.Therefore, in many places where the mountains are high and the king is far away, the local forces can still be preserved.But the Normans are not so easy to deal with, so the survivors can only try their best to find a way.

According to the Saga epic of the Nordic people, it was a great Anglo nobleman named Sigwald who took the lead in finding a way out.His fiefs spread over eight counties, and he was very powerful, so after the resistance failed and he was arrested, the Normans did not dare to kill him directly.

He originally asked the Danish king Sven for help, but Denmark was unable to intervene this time.But another way out for the Danish warrior still inspired him.So, he gathered the remaining nobles headed by 3 earls, and more than 4000 followers, and sailed to Constantinople by boat.The Normans hoped that this kind of thorn would disappear quickly, so they didn't stop it.

At that time, the Crimea peninsula was being attacked by nomads from all walks of life in turn, and it was almost lost.So, the emperor threw them over there, in the name of enfeoffment, but in fact, they were consumed with other barbarians.However, these remnants and defeated generals who fled from the west performed exceptionally well and really cashed in the empty promise.

Since then, the territory they regained and occupied has been called "New Anglia" in imitation of "New Rome".

However, the Anza people are still very grateful to Eastern Rome.After that, other people escaped from England one after another, making this group even bigger.They gradually gained a foothold in Crimea, and have been providing military support to the Greeks, becoming one of the important sources of the Varyag Guard.

In 1204, these people were also one of the few forces that made effective resistance.Ecclesiastical historians record that the situation was "assieged by the French and defended by the Anzas and Danes."After the fall of the capital, Anza soldiers still followed the new emperor to Asia Minor.There were still people who continued to serve until the Paleolio dynasty.

Therefore, for Rome, these Anza soldiers have always been quite reliable.

The Purple Horde originated from the north, and the contact with these people was also very early.At the time of the rise of the Khanate, "New Anglia" still had a string of coastal fortresses and manors, attached to the Genoese who were very powerful in the area.In terms of fighting against the monopoly and exploitation of these profiteers, they have quite a common language with the Purple Horde Khanate in the early years, so they have long been old acquaintances.

After the establishment of the Roman Alliance, many of these people directly participated in France's war against England as mercenaries and volunteers.Later, during the "Wool War", the Purple Horde also organized a large number of Anzas and Nordics to attack the mainland of England.

This time, it made them let out a bad breath.Until now, the veterans of those years and their descendants are still proud of it, bragging about it if they have nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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