Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 411 Gorse 3 The prince is living among the people

Chapter 411
Although so many difficulties that the Kingdom of England is facing, Princess Jeanne is still very cautious.

"England has problems, but our situation is more serious." She said: "Now the country is actually divided. As long as England has an advantage over the nobles in a certain area, it is enough."

"These are just past problems, right?" Tuo Huan said, "Last time I heard that the crown prince who is succeeding now has conflicts with the old king? Now that the old king is gone, they will change in terms of diplomacy."

"Yes, when the old king was sick and unable to govern in his later years, his ministers and several sons formed their own forces." Princess Jeanne said, "The new king who is taking the throne now has different views from his father. Specifically, his father supports the Armagnac faction, and he supports the Burgundian faction."

"It means that the diplomatic situation in France will deteriorate?" Zhu Wenkui asked curiously.

"Actually, it's not that France is deteriorating, but the situation of the Armagnac faction is deteriorating." Theodora corrected: "Actually, these factions are all 'French' factions—we can even think that, apart from the Duke of Burgundy and the Earl of Armagnac, the King of England is also a 'French' faction. It's just that the Earl of Armagnac directly supports the royal family, so it will have some impact on the situation of the princess and your sister."

"Then, the situation of the royal family can't be described as deteriorating." Tuo Huan thought for a while, and said, "Isn't it that Wang Mang hijacked the emperor, and then Er Zhurong planned to join forces with Cao Cao to 'rescue' the emperor from him? I don't think it makes any difference who wins."


It may be that what he said was too straightforward, and the others couldn't pick up the words for a while.

"It's useless for us to think about these things." Seeing this, Tuo Huan continued to express his point of view: "We should be regarded as a separate faction, and what we should consider is how to protect our own interests, not just who to bet on?"

This sentence is the truth, so everyone agrees.

"The English are eager to find us again, which is probably related to the recent changes in the situation." Prime Minister Wang also said, "The regime over there is very unstable. The crown prince is not so much an inheritance as a replacement."

"Before the succession, a large and stable group will be formed with the crown prince as the core. We all know the history of the Central Plains, and we should understand what this means." He shook his head: "Over there, the situation of 'one emperor, one courtier' is more serious. It is almost certain that England's policy will undergo a series of huge changes."

"Their court over there gives me the feeling that there is a lack of consensus and order." Tu Huan commented: "And this is not just a problem with England. I have met with envoys from other countries before, and I also have this feeling."

"Not only the crown prince, but also other members of the royal family, as well as powerful officials and queens, can form this kind of group. It feels like the threshold is very low. Of course, conflicts often occur between these groups. Look at how many such rebellions have occurred in England? Sons rebelled against their fathers, wives rebelled against their husbands, and vassals rebelled against their lords. They never stopped. The new King Henry V also fought with his father and was expelled once."

"It's really like this..." Zhu Wenkui also thought about it: "In this environment, the crown prince group can't do without being strong. In order to ensure an orderly succession, the king must allow it, and even help him build a strong team. Otherwise, even other pretenders will be unable to fight. But when the crown prince becomes strong, he will have a direct conflict with the king."

"With so many subordinates, my wishes may not be important anymore. Even if I am filial enough, my subordinates will compete with the king's subordinates for a better future."

"Your Majesty is right." Lu Shangshu also nodded: "We can't use the habits of the Central Plains here. For European diplomacy, we can only start with their set of rules."

"So, can you also introduce some new ideas?" Zhu Wenkui had a whim, and suggested to Princess Jeanne: "Scotland has a very good relationship with France. We will use the usurped King Richard as a banner to say that he has gone into exile in France. It doesn't matter how useful it is, it is enough to make the English uncomfortable."

"I don't even think it's necessary to deliberately promote only one person." He thought for a while and said, "In fact, both parties know that this 'King Richard' is fake, but as long as someone believes it, or pretends to believe it, it will have practical effects. In terms of political influence, he is still alive."

"Then what do you think should be done?" Princess Jeanna also became curious and asked him.

In normal times, Zhu Wenkui, apart from dealing with the daily chores of the palace, went to blacksmithing, and rarely spoke about "advanced" strategies and policies.But this time, he had an idea and had an idea.

"Has this king anything to do with you?" he asked.

"It does matter." Princess Jeanne replied: "My third sister, Isabel, married him. Later, the king was deposed, and the other nobles sent her back."

"It's so close." Zhu Wenkui was quite surprised: "I read the history of England before, and I felt that the Black Prince was already a figure in the past legends. I didn't expect that your sister is his daughter-in-law..."

"In this way, it will be much easier." He said: "We can also not be entangled in the real king and the fake king."

"Then what do you think should be done?" Lu Shangshu asked.

"We can announce that the third princess actually had a child with King Richard. Compared with the adult king himself, isn't this kind of thing more publicized?" Zhu Wenkui replied: "It is easy to verify whether the king is himself, but it is much more difficult to verify whether a child is the king's son."

"Even if the royal family of England seeks evidence, it is difficult to strongly deny him. After all, he was still a baby at that time, and there was no way to verify it. This kind of situation that cannot be falsified is the most difficult."

"And I believe that people like this kind of character more. Everyone should know the story of the orphan of the Zhao family, right?" He said: "This kind of family suffered bad luck, only the child survived, and the child returned to revenge after growing up. There are many examples in literature and history. From Yuan Dynasty scripts to Greek dramas, it can be said to be endless. It can be seen that people all over the world like this kind of plot."

"We directly declare that when King Richard set off to fight the rebels, the princess was pregnant, but the situation was critical and there was no time to announce it. After the king was captured, she gave birth to the legitimate prince under the cover of royal supporters and hid the baby."

"Didn't the current king of England claim that King Richard tried to instigate his subordinates to assassinate him and first violated the agreement, so he was executed?" He reminded: "We can just admit it directly. It is said that the king already knows that the traitor will definitely not take the agreement seriously. Sooner or later, he will find a chance to kill himself. He simply preemptively contacted the remaining supporters to create turmoil and cover his wife. Sure enough, after his death, the rebels gradually relaxed their vigilance, allowing the princess and the little prince to escape. You see, like this, Don't they all match up?"

"That's okay..." Tuo Huan widened his eyes in surprise.

"Don't say it, it's really feasible." Lu Shangshu nodded: "Your Majesty is indeed a great talent. We really didn't expect to be able to do this before..."

"Oh, I just mentioned it in passing." Zhu Wenkui waved his hand modestly: "The principle is not difficult to understand. Simply put, in order to achieve the interference effect, the more people involved, the better, and the higher the enthusiasm of the people to participate, the better."

"The King Richard of Scotland is known to be a fake. But if 'King Richard' pops up everywhere, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not, because he has become a banner against the current English royal family."

"Similarly, I heard that after King Richard was murdered, the direct line of the Plantagenet Dynasty had been cut off. But we can say that not only did he not cut off, but more than one orphan entered the folks. In addition to this story of the little prince, other people can even be added, such as his younger siblings."

"In the whole story, the more characters that do not interfere with each other, the more people can join in. Maybe there will be various derivative stories among the folks." He spread his hands: "I often deal with ordinary citizens in the city. When they encounter topics of interest, they will take the initiative to think, help us fill in the loopholes in the story, and then write more details."

"The creativity of folk literati is endless. I think there will soon be a sequel to the story of the Plantagenet family, with a bunch of characters like Jin Erniang and Jin Third Prince. In this way, we don't need to spend much effort to add endless troubles to them."

"Judging from the previous peasant uprisings, the people do not welcome the current royal family at all. Under such circumstances, any rumors against the royal family can spread quickly. They can suppress and ban it, but King Richard can be killed, but the third prince can't be killed." Zhu Wenkui said firmly.

"Okay, okay!" Even Bai Saihan praised: "Your Majesty really has a plan, this is indeed a good idea. Princess, what do you think?"

"This..." Princess Rangna was a little embarrassed: "My sister actually passed away a few years ago..."

"Isn't this more...more sad and sympathetic." Tuo Huan said halfway, but was stared at by his mother and sister, and hurriedly changed his words.

"Since the person involved is gone, we should have avoided the link that requires her to be certified. It is a good thing for everyone. And this way, we will have one more reason to announce this matter."

"That's not the problem." Princess Jeanne explained: "My sister was only six years old when she married Richard II. She was only ten years old when the king was killed."

"It's okay like this—oh no, it doesn't seem to work." Zhu Wenkui reacted immediately: "I just said, why does it feel like a junior..."

Bai Saihan and others were also very surprised.

"Hey? Is it really going to die?" Tuo Huan was a little bit regretful: "I still think that idea is pretty good."

"We got married very early there." Princess Jeanne had no choice but to say: "Later, my sister remarried to the Duke of Orleans, and finally died of dystocia. She was not yet 20 years old at that time."

"In this case, from a technical point of view, it is indeed difficult to realize." Zhu Wenkui had a bitter face and thought: "Is it okay..."

Everyone was in a tangle for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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