Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 413 The return of the people to benevolence is like water

Chapter 413 The return of the people to benevolence is like water

While others were discussing him, Guo Kang was still in the slums, and the whole team was preparing to go to the next place.

While they ambushed their pursuers, Father Mikhail and the others had settled the victims.And after these thugs were repelled, the surrounding residents returned one after another.

Obviously, they are already very familiar with the process of fighting between different forces.There were even brave people who ran to the square where the battle was fought just now, trying to get something from the slain minions.

However, when Father Mikhail walked out with a few people, the crowd who came to watch were still a little surprised.However, the leading few seemed a little more relaxed.A gray-haired man stepped forward and greeted everyone in unfamiliar Greek.

"We thought it was some gang who came to seek revenge, and the fight was so fierce." He explained: "It turned out to be the priest. May I ask the others...?"

"We are the joint law enforcement team of the Ministry of War and the church." Guo Kang told him: "The gang members here violated military discipline and interfered with the normal activities of the clergy. Some people reported that they were involved in illegal slave trade and smuggling of important materials. We were originally To investigate this series of vicious cases and arrest suspects, but as soon as we arrived here, some people violently resisted and tried to attack law enforcement officers."

"You don't have to worry, this time it's not a gang fire, we'll take care of it."

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while and added: "By the way, we are going to find the leader of this gang, Sergey. Those who were innocent victims before can follow us to confront him directly and identify his crimes. We will record it and ask him to make compensation immediately. Those who need it, please go to Father Mikhail to sign up."

The gray-haired man hesitated for a moment, nodded, turned around and walked back a few steps, and whispered to the people next to him.

"This is definitely not possible." Guo Ponu glanced at Guo Kang in surprise, and reminded: "They have been ruled by the Sergei gang for a long time. You let them directly confront the boss of the gang. How many people can there be?" Are you so courageous?"

"That's not necessarily true." Guo Kang shook his head: "It's just that the time is not ripe. I believe that everyone has the will to resist."

"It's even worse for those who are willing to resist. I guess these victims have resisted. If they could succeed, then Sergey would have fallen long ago." Guo Ponu disagreed.

"Isn't that better?" Guo Kang said with a smile.

He didn't continue to explain to Guo Ponu, but asked Father Mikhail to tell everyone again.The old priest brought his disciples to the square and shouted loudly in Greek and his native dialect.

Father Mikhail seemed to have some prestige here, and some of the onlookers came closer and started discussing in one go.However, no one came forward for the time being.

Guo Kang then walked over again and came to the side of Father Mikhail.

"Don't worry, everyone. The patriarch has entrusted me to investigate this matter thoroughly, and no criminals must be allowed to escape." He said loudly, "We believe that these criminals have committed crimes for many years, and there are many criminal evidences. It will take time to collect and sort them out. So Don’t worry everyone, we have plenty of time to investigate slowly. If you find evidence, you can report it to us at any time.”

Father Mikhail translated for him again.Hearing these words, the people around relaxed a little more.After everyone was quiet for a while, Guo Kang continued: "By the way, there are still a few people in this cell. We interrogated the ones who were captured alive and found that they were all innocent people. We have to keep going, we can't stay Here. But their current physical condition is not suitable for action, can you please help take care of them?"

He spoke very politely, and the leaders nodded repeatedly.The few unlucky ones caught here were all their neighbors and acquaintances, so soon someone ran in, hurriedly carried the victim out, and quickly disappeared among the sheds.

Guo Kang also walked back and told everyone that it was time to leave.

"You see, isn't this a kind of resistance." He also deliberately turned his head and told Guo Ponu: "The ancients said, 'The people return to benevolence, and they will fall like water'. As long as they are given a chance, everyone will naturally know what to do. What."

Guo Ponu was speechless for a moment.

"Hey, it would be great if you can really succeed." She hesitated for a while and sighed.

At this time, Guo Kang was busy changing equipment.

He threw the matchlock pistol back into his bag, thought for a while, and replaced it with an obviously bigger one.

The barrel of this gun is very thick, it looks more like a hand cannon.The holding part at the back seems to be specially designed too. Guo Kang twisted the tail piece a few times to tighten the torsion spring.

Then he carefully took out a thick cylinder of strange shape.

This thing has a pointed cone on the head, and a short tail at the back, with four metal fins, it looks like a rocket.However, Guo Kang first filled the barrel with a small packet of gunpowder pellets before putting it in.Since the barrel is not too long, the head of the rocket is already close to the muzzle after it is installed.

Guo Ponu had seen some firearms with arrow-shaped bullets before, but now people don't use this kind of thing very much, so I don't know what he is doing.She reminded Guo Kang to stop making unreliable things, but Guo Kang told her that this thing was more reliable, and then hung it on his waist.

Guo Ponu thought about it, decided to keep an eye on him, and followed closely.Together with the others, the two left here.

The captives captured just now led them to the lair of Sergey's gang.In addition, only the Vladimir couple followed in the procession.Guo Ponu looked back, and found that the few people who had just talked to Father Mikhail took out some tools such as axes and hammers from nowhere, and followed them far behind.

"I really followed..." She muttered, "Is your words really useful?"

Guo Kang also looked back.Those people did not deliberately conceal their whereabouts, but it seemed that they did not dare to follow directly.

"Trust is accumulated gradually." He said to Guo Puonu: "If it weren't for these priests who were active here before, people would probably not listen to what I say, let alone say it or not."

"The government here must have talked to them in the past. They may not have said something similar to what I said. These people still have some hope now. If they want to take a closer look, I am afraid it is Mikhail. The priest’s face is gone. What I said is just to push the boat along the way, to give both sides a step down, so that everyone has the motivation to try.”

"...Suddenly I became self-aware again." Guo Ponu complained, "I often don't know how to describe you..."

"That's probably because your cultural knowledge can't keep up with my depth of thinking." Guo Kang thought for a while and said seriously.

"..." Guo Ponu choked again and couldn't speak.

And Guo Kang went to the front of the team to talk with Father Mikhail and the Vladimir couple.

Seeing him approaching, Vladimir was a little cautious.Guo Kang didn't go to comfort him, and asked directly: "I want to inquire about something. When were your son and daughter taken away?"

"My daughter was a week ago." Vladimir's expression changed immediately. Although he was still a little nervous, he spoke fluently: "At that time, Sergey's subordinates said, we can't afford this child anyway, so we should give it to you." If they adopt, they can also reduce some protection fees. If I don't like it, they will beat people directly."

"The city magistrate and the cobbler's guild here have both received benefits from Sergey, and they are not willing to help me out, so I had to go to Father Mikhail for help. As a result, we haven't had time to do anything, about four days Before, they took my son away. This time it was even more difficult. Even Sergei himself came and brought a group of thugs to the door to rob him. They didn't even listen to my explanation, they just arrested him gone."

Guo Kang nodded while listening.

Most of these things he already knew.The reason why I asked specifically is because the Vladimirs are currently the only ones who are willing to follow them.

The rest of the residents were terrified of Sergey's gang, and Vladimir was just an ordinary cobbler, not much better.The reason why he dared to stand up, to put it bluntly, was that he cared about his children and hated the gangsters, which had surpassed his fear of the gang's power.

In this case, let him say it again, which can show his attitude of importance and reassure him; and let him retell the process of gangsters doing evil by himself, which can remind him to remember the hatred for the enemy and the unfinished goals.Although at present, Vladimir has been very firm, but Guo Kang must also try to encourage him, lest he start to feel guilty again when the action is halfway through.

From the point of view of the commander of this team, Vladimir is regarded as the subordinate under his command: if he is not firm, he must be encouraged to be firm; if he is already firm, then he must be made more firm through approval and support. firm.

All in all, the firm belief of subordinates is not something that needs to be doubted and verified, but the result that should be pursued.Especially when the two parties have just met and do not understand many things, it is very important to show a basic attitude.

On the other hand, he also believed that the "curious people" stalking far behind must not be just these few people on the bright side.More people are observing suspiciously.

Moreover, Guo Kang is very sure that the onlookers are not only looking at how his group behaves - because no matter how enthusiastic they are and how they uphold justice, this group will definitely leave.Vladimir, whose background and situation are similar to them, and who knows each other, deserves more attention.

Therefore, Vladimir's attitude is more likely to infect the residents here than Guo Kang's own attitude; what happens to him is also a direct display to the people around him.

If you want to restore order, you need to rebuild authority. If you want to rebuild authority, you need to convince people. If you want people to be convinced, you need to let them see practical examples.And this breakthrough, which can be used as an example, has just been prepared by Father Mikhail and others.Of course, what I have to do is very clear.

(End of this chapter)

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