Chapter 421 Roman Truth
After the brief ceremony, Guo Kang sat by the side to take a break, watching Captain Lucas pick out the largest residents and make them stand in a row.Then let the other people form a group of ten, each choose the big man they know, and form a team.

He told these people, don't worry about other things when they fight later, just run with the biggest guy.

Guo Ponu came over with a small wine barrel in his arms, and asked Guo Kang to open the kettle to refill the water.Only then did Guo Kang realize that his mouth was dry from shouting just now, and he had run out of water.

Fortunately, they searched out a lot of good things in this mansion in Alexander, including this very popular low-alcohol wine.When it's too late to find clean water, it's one of the best emergency drinks.

Guo Kang gulped down half a bottle, but still felt that he was not satisfied.At this time, Father Mikhail also came over with a basket and two assistants, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there are quite a lot here. If it wasn't for the time rush, we could have a banquet first gone."

"This old guy is really rich..." Guo Kang said helplessly when he saw that the basket was full of baked bread.

Father Mikhail handed them the bread and said, "I can't find a formal communion to distribute to everyone tonight, so let's do it first."

"Eat more." Guo Ponu took it and handed it to Guo Kang: "You two will have to contribute later."

"You consume more than I do." Guo Kang declined.

"Why are you being polite to me?" Guo Puonu handed it to him, and said casually: "Speaking of which, if I didn't see it with my own eyes this time, I really couldn't tell. I used to think that you were like a nerd. There is such a skill."

"Actually... it's not really a skill." Guo Kang thought for a while and said, "It's just telling the truth to everyone."

"Then why are they so excited all of a sudden?" Guo Ponu raised his head to signal to the group of happy residents opposite, and asked.

"That's because no one has ever told them the truth before." Guo Kang said succinctly and straightforwardly.

"Is that so?" Guo Ponu didn't seem to have thought about it carefully.She thought for a moment before she nodded: "It seems to be true..."

"Right." Guo Kang took a bite of the bread and said, "Since here, leaders like Alexander have been planning to trick them into working. I guess, there are also boys, big and small, and leaders from all walks of life in their hometown. Say something like that."

"Afterwards, leaders like Sergey deceived them with their fellowship, and with the loyalty of the gang in exchange for protection. It can be said that as long as they live here, they will be deceived for as long as possible. "

"This lie is too big and ridiculous. So, whoever reminds them and exposes the lie, they will have this kind of reaction. This is not my power, but the power of the truth."

"It makes sense." Father Mikhail agreed.

"If you put it this way..." Guo Ponu thought for a while and said, "Perhaps it is also a very useful communication skill."

"I don't think it's just a matter of skills." Guo Kang continued to deduce: "You see, our church studies philosophy and theology every day. Isn't the goal to seek the truth? Therefore, we should pay more attention to the truth than ordinary people."

"People who live in lies are like being in a fog, how can they see the glory of the Father? Therefore, it is the responsibility of the church to find the truth and expose those liars. I think we have to realize this OK."

"That's the truth." Father Mikhail nodded emphatically, and began to think about it.

"The specific things will definitely be more complicated, and you need to teach the brothers to work according to the situation. But I think, on the whole, it is nothing more than the word authenticity." Guo Kang told him.

"You see, every organization, whether it is the organization of our church or their gangsters, uses a set of rhetoric to organize the core forces and establish order-for the church, it is based on beliefs and doctrines to organize priests; For the gangsters, it is based on the promise of benefits and the guarantee of loyalty in the world to organize thugs."

"With these forces, we can expand the organization and order to a wider group. For example, use priests to preach to the people, and use thugs to control the neighborhood. In this way, this order can be regarded as established."

"Whether the organization is 'good' or 'bad', I think it should be roughly the same process."

"You mean, the quality of these organizations depends on whether their rhetoric is close to the truth, or is it more of a lie?" Father Mikhail seemed to understand.

"Yes." Guo Kang nodded: "Also, everyone knows that whoever is closer to the truth is closer to the will of the Heavenly Father. Therefore, organizations that are closer to the truth will obviously have greater power."

"Theoretically, this is indeed the case." Father Mikhail shook his head with a wry smile: "Unfortunately, in many cases, theology cannot directly solve the immediate problem."

"This should be more than a theological conclusion." Guo Kang told him: "In Serris, there was a philosopher in the classical era, Mr. Meng, who studied ancient history and put forward a theory. He said, who can use a generous and peaceful Whoever manages the country well will be invincible in the world.”

"At that time, it was hundreds of years before Brother Tian began to preach. But you see, as long as you carefully observe the social and historical records, even if they are different civilizations, you will find similar laws. Even outside of our current theological research, these The same rules apply."

"That's why I dare to say that this is also a universal concept, a statement that is closer to the truth." He finally concluded: "I believe that the previous problems are only temporary."

"Lies cannot defeat the truth after all. Organizations based on lies will definitely be defeated by organizations based on truth. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Brother, and Divine Ancestor will witness all of this. I still have confidence in this."

"That said, I also understand." Behind Mikhail, another priest who helped carry the cross nodded and said: "When I was preaching back and forth between various villages, I felt that the believers there always They are all suffering undeserved torture, but they don’t quite understand the reasons for it. If you think about it this way, it’s really easier to understand.”

"That's right. When did the Heavenly Father say that they have the power to force the people to do this?" Guo Kang spread his hands: "So, their rule is also whitewashed by a lot of lies. Our ability is limited. It’s impossible to correct all the mistakes, but at least for the immediate ones, we still have to do our best.”

"Our church claims to have inherited the mantle of the heavenly brothers and saints, and continues what they failed to accomplish in the past. In this case, we ourselves have to be the closest to the truth. Otherwise, how can we teach others?"

"On the other hand, we can't just shut ourselves up in the monastery and read the scriptures. Is it the truth? It's not just talking about it, but we have to show it in concrete ways. Otherwise, what should we do if we don't believe it?"

"Like this time, it is an opportunity. If we can let the people here directly feel the contrast between the two orders, then there is no need to waste any more words. Even people who have never read scriptures will understand why we are Makes more sense."

"Before, we were really talking about persuasion. Occasionally, some brothers tried to do something, and they just taught everyone some planting and breeding techniques. They didn't think of changing the local organization." Father Mikhail reflected: "This is indeed very effective. The lords don't like us, and the lives and beliefs of the common people have not improved much..."

"That's why I kept telling the patriarch that I would like to invite you to join the army." Guo Kang told them: "Originally, our military priests just performed rituals such as prayers and confessions, but looking at it now, this is not enough. .”

"In my opinion, a truly combat-capable army is not just a simple combat organization. We need more and more capable priests to join the army. Not only to educate the soldiers, but also to use the army organization to educate more Educate and publicize as many people as possible.”

"On our side, religious wars have happened many times. Whether it is the Tianfang Church or the Latin Church, they often fight each other under the banner of preaching. But in the end, it is basically a one-off. There is something that can build solid results. Especially in the last few decades, the wars of religion have become a bit of a farce."

"Have you ever thought about why?"

"According to this line of thinking, it's because heretics and heretics are trying to propagate, which is not the truth at all." The priest carrying the cross immediately reacted.

"That's right." Guo Kang nodded and teased, "There is nothing wrong with the army participating in and helping to preach. The real problem is that the barbarians are too uneducated. They always feel that if they want to spread the truth, they only need to go through war." The behavior itself is enough. But in reality? They are not good at war, nor do they understand propaganda, and they can't touch the edge of truth."

The priests couldn't help laughing.

"Actually?" Guo Kang became more serious: "Now that we have read so many historical lessons and experienced it for ourselves today, we should know. Military means are indeed very necessary, even the prerequisite for spreading the truth. Otherwise, those enemies will not let us educate everyone well."

"However, only military means are not enough. If you really want to spread the truth, you have to rely on your own practical actions. Let the people know that the truth can indeed bring about change. Follow the church that spreads the truth, and you can really feel the gospel. In this way, Only then have the premise to properly publicize and educate ordinary people.”

"Can the various religious wars of the Latins also be classified as lies?" Father Mikhail asked.

"Heavenly Father loves the world, and he will not be partial because he was born in the Ross village or the metropolis; when Brother Tian preaches, he will not be partial because of the other party's ethnic group and rank; on the contrary, at that time The Jewish priest worried that his monopolized religious power would be taken away, so he put pressure on the Roman governor, which led to his arrest." Guo Kang cited the records in the scriptures: "So, in my opinion, the Latin Crusades started from a It was wrong to begin with."

"Actually, you can find the problem even if you don't look at the teachings. Their requirement is to kill heretics, not to educate them. This is a huge loophole in itself." He reminded everyone: "Think about it, under what circumstances is the most motivated to kill people? "

"When grabbing things." A priest said without thinking.

"That's right, so the Latin Crusades are not about whether the starting point is appropriate or whether a certain soldier is pious. His problem is that even if there are truly pious people, they will be robbed by many people during the entire Crusade. The people who are drowning and engulfed."

"Moreover, this loophole is bound to get bigger and bigger. I can rob heretics, but can I rob heretics? Can I rob church members who don't seem to be pious? These standards are very flexible, and in actual implementation, they will inevitably change. into a bandit's carnival."

"As you can see from history, they were not real religious wars at all. Later, they hired pagans to fight and attack other believers every day. It was no different from ordinary secular wars. The banner of religious wars they fought, Of course it's a lie, it's just to find a reason for myself to grab something."

"As for the Tianfang Sect, it's even more obvious. The Crusaders still used the slogan of attacking the heretics, and Emperor Timur didn't even bother to talk about beating the heretics during the holy war. Friends, I don't even bother to make up lies..."

"So, these are obviously not the correct forms of religious wars. We must learn these lessons if we want to maintain righteous faith and spread the truth." He spread his hands: "We can't be like them, we can only go our own way."

"This is indeed better. However, the government does not know whether the church will be happy to send so many people to the army." Father Mikhail was still a little worried.

However, Guo Kang is confident.

"Beginning 1000 years ago, the church and Rome have gradually become a whole. A universal empire must have a universal belief to maintain; conversely, a universal belief must also have a universal Imperial institutions to provide security."

"The relationship between the church and the Roman government is like the two heads of a double-headed eagle on the flag." He compared: "The two are actually one."

"The situation you saw on the Ross princes' side is very different from ours - our side is actually developing towards a Central Plains-style country, and the final goal is the complete integration of politics and religion." He told Everyone: "Ideally, a qualified military officer should also be a qualified priest; conversely, a qualified priest should also have sufficient military accomplishments to serve as a qualified military officer. For administrative agencies, of course It's the same."

"So, you don't have to worry about these issues. Not only will the court not stop it, but it will be very happy."

"Is that so..." Father Mikhail scratched his head.

"Because the imperial court can get a lot of help from it." Guo Kang struck while the iron was hot, and said: "It's still the same principle: organizations with beliefs will be more tenacious; the closer the beliefs are to the truth, the more organized and combative they will be. This kind of thing, everyone It’s all you can ask for.”

The priests looked at each other, felt that something made sense, and nodded in agreement.

"Although you say this is not theology, I think your understanding of theology is beyond many people." Another priest praised: "Actually, just now, when you told everyone that the truth is bound to come, I felt that, There's something about the saint 'John the Baptist'."

"It would be great if this is the case." Guo Kang shook his head and smiled, "I hope that all of us can learn from him."

"Theological scholars call John the Baptist 'the vanguard of Brother Tian', because he began to preach actively before the arrival of Brother Tian. I am afraid we do not have this ability, and we have not caught up with that time, but we can still Try to do something before the kingdom of heaven comes."

"What is our church? Isn't it also the vanguard of spreading the truth in the world for them before Heavenly Father and Brother?" He encouraged everyone: "Perhaps our individual strength is very weak and our knowledge is limited, but everyone As long as they firmly believe in the pursuit of truth, then as a whole, this vanguard must be invincible."

"I think we need to record this idea." The priest who carried the cross suddenly interrupted: "I have a feeling... I think this passage is very enlightening, and we may have encountered a key theory."

"Yes, according to this discussion, both the sages of Serris and the scholars of the church actually support this theory." Another priest also nodded: "This shows that our understanding of the truth is indeed step by step. Accumulated and developed. In this case, it is very important to summarize, organize and record.”

"Most of our previous books and classics are related to doctrine and theological principles. There are not many talks about how to establish and manage church organizations, what church organizations need to do, and how to do better. It is often up to everyone To explore. If these basic principles and norms can be recorded, it will definitely be of great benefit to future generations to explore the truth.”

"That's right." Father Mikhail also said happily: "We, the Roman Church, should also organize our own set of statements about the truth and refute the lies of heretics and moths. This is the most valuable experience." ah."

They were all very happy and felt that they had found a new direction for their efforts.

Father Mikhail was about to say something else, but his deacon poked his head out from the upstairs opposite and greeted him with his hand.He had no choice but to bid farewell to Guo Kang, and hurried to see what was going on.

After the priests left, Guo Ponu was still unsatisfied.

"Hey, hey." She poked Guo Kang: "Is what you said just now true?"

"Which ones?" Guo Kang said a lot at once, his mouth was even more parched, he raised the water bottle, and asked her back while drinking.

"That's all just now. Replace the organization here, establish a new organization, and spread the truth." Guo Ponu summed it up.

"There's no need for me to tell lies." Guo Kang laughed.

"I just think it sounds too good to be true." Guo Ponu sighed leisurely.

"It's all big principles, of course they seem unreal." Guo Kang didn't think there was any surprise: "However, my personal thought is that we in Rome now don't lack the ability to act, but lack these 'big principles'. So , I seem to be so nagging, telling them these things every day."

Guo Ponu thought for a while, but did not answer directly, but said with some emotion: "Hey, I really underestimated you before. I hope you can really do it——I will always help you."

"What you said..." Guo Kang felt that what she said was inexplicable: "Don't you help if you don't?"

"I didn't say that either." Guo Ponu retorted.

"If the language skills are too poor, just say a few words less." Guo Kang remembered that he was often squeezed by her on weekdays, so he took the opportunity to teach: "Don't open your mouth, everyone thinks you are a noble girl from the East; talk too much After a few words, she became a shrew on the streets of Dadu..."

"You..." Guo Ponu was anxious, and stretched out his hand to grab Guo Kang's face again.He stretched his hand halfway, touched the helmet he was wearing, froze for a moment, then retracted.

She looked a little lonely and sighed again.

Guo Kang didn't know what to say for a while, but Guo Ponu has always had a strong recovery ability, so he recovered quickly and continued to ask: "You continue to say, is this useful?"

"I think it's useful. And let's try it." Guo Kang didn't know how to comfort her, so he had to explain directly: "Have you found out? These concepts, such as pioneers, truth, etc., are all worshiped by God." A word I like to use. In the Central Plains, it is rare to see people using this concept in terms of belief and culture."

"But on the other hand, the degree of political-religious integration in the Central Plains is much higher than here, and there are quite a lot of experience that can be used as a reference. So I think this is also an attempt to learn from and learn from each other. The two sides If you combine experience, there may be some unexpected results.”

Guo Ponu thought for a while, and seeing that he was very confident, he nodded and stopped asking.

Guo Kang stood up and saw beside him, Captain Lucas had already had the battlefield cleaned up, and all the weapons and equipment on the slain minions were cleaned up, and he was giving the "Ten Commander" and the big players who were leading the battle put them on.

The quality of these armors varies, some look okay, and some are obviously too thin or worn out.But there is no choice now, so I can only make do with it, anyway, it is much better than nothing.

Captain Lucas and a few guards were helping them put on the last few pieces of armor.Although many of the armors were not too heavy, the "new recruits" were still not used to them, and they raised their hands and feet curiously, trying to get used to it.Seeing them approaching, Captain Lucas turned around and greeted them.

"Is this okay?" Guo Ponu asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, when I was a mercenary, I encountered many situations that were much worse than this." Captain Lucas replied: "At least these people are willing to fight. Many recruits recruited by the mercenary regiment, let alone Without experience, most people want to run straight away when they see the battlefield.”

"Then how do you fight?" Guo Ponu commented.

"Let's fight the same." Captain Lucas said: "There are no training regulations like yours over there, and there is no system for selecting soldiers. Large mercenary regiments with conditions will screen recruits and let veterans take them for some basic training. training. If there is no condition...then go directly to the battlefield."

"The officers and sergeants will watch over these people, lock them in the formation, and prevent them from running around. As for the next... Anyway, if you can survive a few games, you will be a veteran."

"Hey." He shook his head, as if he felt that that experience was not very good: "Don't worry, the benefit of that experience is that I have a little experience on how to quickly organize these novices and take them to the battlefield—of course , to be honest, if conditions permit, I really don't want to use these experiences..."

"It doesn't matter. Taking them this time, one is because they are so strong, and the other is to let them experience it for themselves, knowing that they have to work hard to bring themselves rewards." Guo Kang explained: "We will not really let They are the main attackers. At most, it is enough to create a chance for others."

"That's not a problem." Captain Lucas had an idea and agreed.

Guo Kang glanced around again.Several other people were sitting on the stone platform, cutting bamboo with knives and axes.

Although there is no bamboo forest on the side of the bamboo forest workshop where the poor live, Alexander and his family planted a few clumps in an arty manner.They also gathered some bamboo poles, which they threw in the garden, presumably to be used as material for repairing the fence.

After the number of people increased, the weapons seized from the thugs were not enough.Captain Lucas also insisted that all new recruits be given a spear.Therefore, the guards and knights who were still idle all ran to help cut bamboo.

Guo Kang took a look and found that the Cavalier Captain was also here.This strong Serbian man with a big beard was imitating the guard next to him with great interest, using a small ax to sharpen the top of the bamboo pole.

"How do you feel?" Guo Kang asked.

"Oh, son, you are here." The knight captain got up and greeted him: "I just heard from them, and I think this plant is very interesting. From writing materials, to weapons, to building materials, everything can be used—is there any? What can't it do?"

"Bamboo, it's just like this, and it's very useful." Guo Kang said: "People in Seris like it, and compare it to a gentleman."

"What is a gentleman?" Someone asked curiously.

"That's the beginning it refers to the nobles, and then it expanded to refer to those scholars with morality and talent." Guo Kang thought for a while and said.

"But in my opinion, this thing is simply a natural weapon for the poor." The knight captain turned the bamboo pole and complained: "Will the master who reads use the poor as a weapon?"

"There are always some moral people, and they are really like this." Guo Kang said with a smile.

Everyone sighed for a while.Someone lit a fire and told everyone to harden the bamboo tips, so they all moved over.

Guo Kang looked back and forth, feeling that he had nothing to do with himself.However, he saw that Captain Lucas was directing those people from one end of the garden to the other.The others followed them, looking good for a while, but after turning a corner, some people couldn't find the leader of the team and started running around.

Guo Kang thought for a while, then ran to the balcony, moved down the decapitated statue just now, and threw it on the ground in front of the team.

"What's wrong?" Captain Lucas asked loudly.

"Send them a sign so they can recognize it," Guo Kang said.

He tore off the big robe from the statue, grabbed the neckline, and with a sudden force, tore it in two.

The material of this robe is quite luxurious, it is black and yellow brocade, and it is also embroidered with various patterns.However, Guo Kang, who has always been frugal, didn't hesitate at all this time, and tore it up again, tearing off a bunch of cloth strips from his robe.

"Just use this!" he yelled.

Seeing that the recruits were still hesitant, he grabbed one of them and tied it to his arm.

"This is the spoils of our first battle. I think there is nothing more suitable than this. All captains, come out! This is your privilege!"

Hearing these words, the leaders immediately stepped forward without any hesitation.

Guo Kang grabbed a handful of cloth strips and tied them one by one.However, there were only ten captains. The robes were too big and there were too many strips of cloth. Guo Kang simply tied a circle around each of their helmets, leaving a streamer tail so that people behind could recognize them.

As for the remaining ones, he took the flag with the Eye of Horus painted on it and tied them to the head of the pole.

"When the fight starts, follow the person who brought this! It doesn't matter if you get lost, it's the same with other captains!" He shouted: "The captains follow me, follow this flag, understand! "

Everyone should be.

"Be tidy!" Captain Lucas shouted: "Answer, do you understand!"

"Understood!" Everyone quickly shouted in unison.

"Today's captains are all temporary!" Guo Kang reminded them loudly again: "Remember, we are not those gangs, we have clear discipline and rules. Whoever fights bravely and makes contributions can be promoted to captain, and even Higher; if you are cowardly and dull, and you are at a loss when dealing with it, the captain will not be your turn next time! Do you understand!"


After they shouted, someone couldn't help asking: "Boss! So what counts as meritorious service?"

"Don't talk nonsense without permission!" Captain Lucas almost didn't hold back: "Also, don't call the boss!"

"It's okay." Guo Kang said again and again: "There are many ways to make meritorious service. In this battle, if your team kills a lot of enemies, everyone will have credit; whoever can break through the enemy's formation first and break through the front line will also be rewarded." Merit; being able to kill the enemy commander or cut down their flag is the same. Of course, the credit is far more than that, but you probably won’t be able to touch it in this first battle. I will tell you specifically during the training later.”

"In addition, the army is no different than the outside world. The rules will be very strict. Although you are called to participate this time, you have not yet submitted a registration form to the Ministry of War and officially become an army, so you can be more relaxed. But from now on, discipline must be strictly enforced."

"You have to remember that military discipline protects yourselves!" He said loudly: "The enemies on the battlefield are much more dangerous and cunning than these gangsters. They come in thousands, with only one goal, which is It will kill you—you say, can you relax in the face of this situation?"

"Our discipline is very strict. And I can guarantee that it is stricter than the requirements of other surrounding countries. However, this is the guarantee that our legion can always win battles! Because behind every regulation is Rome The bloody mistakes made in the history of 2000! It is the experience gained by the soldiers and generals who exchanged their blood and lives!"

"Usually, the master asks you to obey orders to work for his own benefit. But it's different here." He continued to explain: "Observe orders for your own safety and the safety of your comrades-in-arms."

"If you can't develop this habit, when you go to the battlefield in the future, you will have to hesitate to give any order, and you will have to dawdle for a while. How can you seize the fleeting opportunity?"

"If because of these problems, the war that could have been won is lost, not only you may die, but your comrades in arms will also be affected by you, and even your family and friends in your hometown may lose protection and be attacked by the enemy. killing and looting. The price is too high for us to afford."

"So, I hope that you will obey the captain's orders without hesitation during training. You will also maintain this habit when you go to the battlefield in the future."

"Of course, it's normal for everyone to have doubts and feel wronged." He said in a more relaxed tone: "You can tell the captain or the priest afterwards—if you still don't understand, just tell me. We will give you Explain why there is such a regulation."

"If you have any questions, you can talk now." He looked at the crowd.

It was the person who called the boss just now, hesitating for a while.Captain Lucas looked at him, and said helplessly, "Raise your hand and signal."

"Go ahead." Guo Kang nodded.

"Why can't you just talk casually?" The man asked innocently.

"If you had come earlier just now, you would have seen us ambush those gang thugs." Guo Kang said, "Think about it, if everyone was ambushing the enemy, and you suddenly said something. Now, everyone has been discovered. The ambush failed, and we were separated on both sides of the road. What do you say?"

"Or, there is a person in your team who is not very firm, or even someone who has been bribed by the other party. During the fight, he suddenly told everyone that the front seems to have failed, everyone run away. You can't see the front now. , unable to verify, everyone panicked, causing the team to collapse directly. Tell me, what should we do?"

"Ah..." The questioner seemed to think of the question: "Understood. Then I won't talk nonsense..."

"When we talk and do things, we must pay attention to the occasion." Guo Kang said: "This principle is universal no matter where it is. Everyone thinks it is right?"

Seeing everyone's approval, he continued: "Our legion was formed to protect Rome and defeat the enemy. Our only goal is to defeat the enemy; all the rules are developed around this goal."

"After so many years of war, we are confident that these rules have clear goals and are indeed beneficial to everyone. That's why I dare to say that you can rest assured to obey."

"Of course, we are all mortals, and there may indeed be something inappropriate. If someone can find out and prove that there is indeed a problem, that would be a good thing. If after our investigation, we find that it really needs to be corrected, then we should give him a reward instead. . because it also increases the probability of victory and helps in defeating the enemy."

"So, just remember one thing: For different situations, although the requirements are different, the goal is always the same, and that is the interests of Rome. Also, don't be afraid to discuss these issues with me, because our goal is also Unanimously, they all fought for Rome."

"Now, do you understand?" he finally asked.

"Understood!" Everyone replied happily.

Guo Kang nodded, gave the flag to Captain Lucas, asked him to show everyone a familiarity, and stepped aside.

"Hey, tell me." Guo Ponu poked him again: "What if they really find something wrong with the rules?"

"You have some confidence in our military regulations, okay?" Guo Kang said helplessly: "These recruits don't know a single word. Do you really expect them to be able to pick out the questions in the regulations? It's too difficult for them."

"I just tell them to let them know that all this is fair and let him abide by the rules. It is not an unreasonable request, but has a clear logic and a clear purpose." He explained: "The rules are in their own favor. , they can be willing to abide by it from the bottom of their hearts, and urge others to obey it. This will facilitate future management.”

"In this case, will other people say anything?" Guo Ponu reminded.

"Who made our brigade a new establishment?" Guo Kang seemed to have prepared his speech a long time ago: "Everyone is a countryman with no education, the number of officers is also small, and the training time is seriously insufficient. Our The method is also due to the special circumstances of the Ross brigade, which has nothing to do with others."

"If anyone is dissatisfied, let him pay to help us formalize faster." Guo Kang spread his hands: "Anyway, I was forced to take care of this mess. Who made me propose this plan? And here It's just a trial, and it will have to be promoted to the Ross region in the future, and there will definitely be all kinds of problems. I don't believe who will take it up..."

Guo Ponu thought for a while and found that this was indeed the case.These Ross people are given to other legions for free, and they are not willing to take them.It's hard for others to say anything about Guo Kang's management...

Guo Kang raised his head and looked towards the sky.

It was getting late, and the setting sun dyed the whole sky red.Layers of clouds spread out like they were on fire, and a few birds hovered under the clouds.A breeze blew from the direction of the ocean, the brigade's flag was erected high, and the black and yellow cloth strips at the top were scattered, swaying under the crimson sky.

He looked at the people around him again.Because of the prayer and bread distribution just now, more people gathered.Some who didn't receive the bread were still asking around.The priests can only tell them that the reserves here are insufficient, and there will definitely be more in the next place after the fight is over, and they will be reissued to everyone at that time.

"I think the timing is almost right now." Guo Kang thought for a while and said, "Before, I saw the banquet held by Theodora and the others. Usually, at this time, distinguished guests arrive at the venue one after another, ready to start. Now Action should be the best time."

"Then I'll call someone?" Guo Ponu asked.

Guo Kang nodded.

"I have done everything that needs to be done, and do the rest as best I can." He said, "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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