Chapter 43

"These two battles show that Japan still has a certain ability to resist." Guo Kang continued: "But by the end of the Yuan Dynasty, this ability basically disappeared."

"Although the war with the Yuan Dynasty seemed like a child's play, it still caused huge damage to Japan's political order." He pointed to the island on the map and said.

"Japan is a feudal country with a low degree of centralization. The sultan in power must recognize the status and power of the local emirs. These local lords undertake feudal obligations to the feudal monarch, which the Japanese call 'Fenggong'; In return, they are granted feudal powers such as land and titles, which are called 'Yuen'."

"Originally, what the Japanese carried out were basically civil wars and pioneering wars. The Sudan would distribute the land and property obtained in the war to the lords as rewards. But in the war against the Yuan Dynasty, the lords made great efforts, and many people suffered. Although they suffered a considerable loss, the Sudan could not even afford compensation, because they themselves suffered losses in the war. This led to the accumulation and final outbreak of conflicts between the two sides.”

"This matter is probably unsolvable for the Japanese." He commented: "Actually, every time there is a war with a major country in the Central Plains, no matter whether it wins or loses, the Japanese regime will definitely suffer heavy losses."

"If resistance fails, the country will be subjugated directly; if resistance is successful, it will lead to internal disputes, and it will collapse after not many years. It can be successfully completed and forced to make concessions to the clans around the world. The main reason is that the Japanese king’s army and prestige were lost in the war; Internal and external problems tossed myself to death."

"So, in this war, if we have to find an experience and lesson, it is that some areas are doomed to be hopeless. Even if we rely on remote self-protection, we will eventually be conquered or even annexed by other areas. This is an inevitable result. Guo Kang concluded: "This is my point of view."

"So, it is reasonable for them to be conquered at the end of the Yuan Dynasty?" Perdicas asked.

"I think so." Guo Kang said: "And we have to pay attention, the Japanese rulers at that time did not have high legitimacy, because the real power was not even the Sultan himself, but a foreign relative."

"It was Sultan Yoritomo who created the Minamoto Dynasty. He had a wife, the Hojo family. After his death, he successively killed the successor Sultan and took control of the regime. The power of this woman and her family was the core of power in Japan later on."

After hearing his introduction, the ministers all looked sideways, some began to glance at the queen intentionally or unintentionally, and some gave him winks to tell him to stop talking.

As soon as Guo Kang finished speaking, he also felt a little regretful.Among the Greek queen mothers of the Purple Horde, there are also such characters, and they still leave a deep shadow in everyone's hearts.If I knew it would arouse everyone's associations, I wouldn't mention Japanese old girls...

He quickly stopped the discussion and forcibly continued the topic.

"In short, the Japanese imperial court was in chaos at that time. Some emirs who were dissatisfied with the Sudan supported the caliphate to re-elect. However, the warlords were still powerful, and another group of warlords even supported the opposing caliphate. Two imperial courts appeared in Japan The confrontation situation. This provides a good opportunity for the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty."

"The one who went to Japan was Wang Baobao, the most important warlord in the late Yuan Dynasty."

"In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, a very extensive peasant movement broke out, claiming to revive the Song Dynasty. Moreover, because of the absence of Zhao Guanjia, these 'Song Army' were extremely capable of fighting, and they crossed most of the territory of the Yuan Dynasty. The Monan area that was passed by caused a heavy blow to the Yuan Dynasty."

"However, the rule of the Yuan Dynasty has always been lenient and popular. At critical moments, the tyrants, gentlemen, and big landowners from all over the country organized themselves to defend the Khan with arms, suppress rebels, and defend the good life of the past."

"Wang Baobao's army is the most important one." Guo Kang pointed to the center of the Seris region: "His subordinates are mainly regiments and armed forces from the Henan region."

"I remember that the Java regime has similar origins." Otrifoss thought of the previous topic.

"Yes, these people are also the main ones. But they are armed forces in the south of the Yangtze River, and there are many maritime merchants." Guo Kang nodded: "It's not just these two. There is also another great warlord Bolo Timur who has been fighting with Wang Baobao for a long time. They are from Sichuan, known as the "Sichuan Army"; in addition, there are also Li Siqi, who followed Wang Baobao's adoptive father before, and later became independent, and these are from the Guanzhong area... In short, they are everywhere."

"These warlords not only suppressed the peasant army, but also continued to fight among themselves. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang in the Jianghuai area was given a chance to develop and grow. When they reacted, it was too late. The two sides fought many times, and Wang Baobao was driven to the northwest. Most of the court Then he fled to Yingchang and faced a difficult strategic choice."

"At this time, he has two optional routes. One is to continue to fight against the Ming Dynasty in the northwest." Guo Kang pointed to the locations of Gansu and Shaanxi: "Here, backed by Monan and Northwest, and the Ming Dynasty Keep fighting."

"The other is to transfer. This is also the idea of ​​the Yuan Dynasty court." He pointed to the area from the west of Liaoning to the northeast: "The court hopes that he will lead troops through Monan, support the Shangdu area, and then establish a base there. This is also backed by Monan, and with the support of Liaoyang Province and the remnants of the kings of the Eastern Road, the conditions are better than those in the Northwest."

"Theoretically, the imperial court's thinking is more secure, but the Northeast region is a place where there is a master. Wang Baobao is a general of the Yuan Dynasty on the surface, but in fact he is also an independent warlord. If he loses his own territory and rushes over, he will inevitably be controlled by others, so he Still prefer the former."

"But this time, the situation has changed again."

"Before, Wang Baobao's younger sister chased all the way to the Kunlun Mountain area in order to chase down the folk anti-Yuan society." He circled the Western Regions on the map to indicate the location: "But the problem is that Kunlun Mountain is the Chagatai Khanate. territory."

"The Chagatai faction has been at odds with the Yuan Dynasty for a long time, and has participated in the anti-Yuan alliances of various Mongolian Khanates many times. Before that, they temporarily compromised because of the prosperity of the Yuan Dynasty. This kind of transnational law enforcement behavior stimulated them even more, making Chagatai The Khans were extremely dissatisfied. At that time, Tuhelu Timur Khan of East Chagatai had just conquered the river and was freed up, so he took advantage of this to increase troops to the east and spy on the border of the Yuan Dynasty."

"And when the Yuan Dynasty lost most of the capital, Tuhelu Timur Khan had passed away, and the power minister Hamaruddin took control of the regime. However, Hamaruddin's legitimacy was questioned by the lords, and his position was quite unstable. He has been doing everything possible to strengthen his own power. Authority. The current situation just gives him a chance."

"So, Hamaruddin began to contact the Ming Dynasty, trying to gain legitimacy from the new suzerain, and at the same time asked the lords of various ministries in Chagatai to send troops to support his move to fight against Kublai Khan's rebels and restore the orthodoxy of the Khanate, so as to obtain righteousness. "

"Wang Baobao soon learned of this movement, and was deeply disturbed by it. In desperation, he had no choice but to give up his plan to flee to the northwest, turned to the northeast, and defected to the court of the Yuan Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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