Chapter 433
"The streets are so quiet."

On the temporarily erected cart, Captain Jessica sighed while looking into the distance.

Zhu Wenkui, who was behind the car, put down the hammer in his hand, wiped his sweat, climbed into the car, and looked out.

"Yeah. I guess they all went to Guo Kang and the others." He glanced around and replied.

It was already dark, and the bright moonlight illuminated this bustling city.But as Captain Jessica said, it's a little too quiet here now.

"In all the years I've lived here, I've never seen the curfew enforced properly. I've always felt unsafe at night - the people here are so energetic at night."

"It is indeed unsafe for us at night, but it is a good opportunity for people with ulterior motives. As long as you dare to risk breaking the law and accept various risks in a fire, then affluent urban areas like this are the best It's a great place to make a fortune," Captain Jessica said.

"And it's still after the triumphal ceremony." Zhu Wenkui nodded: "There should be a lot of Greeks on the street, making trouble while drunk. But now... there is not even a drunk here."

"The reminder from that person just now should be true. I don't know where she got the news from, but something is really wrong in the city." Captain Jessica frowned: "We'd better prepare all the firearms in advance."

"Okay, there's no shortage of this." Zhu Wenkui nodded and pulled out a box.

Since Guo Kang often "customized" various strange weapons, Zhu Wenkui also saved a lot of things here.There was some straw in the box, and the others were all kinds of long and short firearms - almost all of Guo Kang's ideas that they had made before and prepared to verify.

"Where's the cannon we had before?" Captain Jessica asked.

"It's in the warehouse, but is that thing needed? Where to put it?" Zhu Wenkui patted the cart and said, "This platform was added in a hurry. If you put the cannon on it, it will definitely break."

"It's best not to use it, but we have to prepare for the worst." Captain Jessica told him: "It doesn't have to be the same as the previous experiment, filling the gunpowder to the maximum amount. The enemy probably doesn't have any heavy armor. If you put less gunpowder, I think it can be fired."

"Okay..." Zhu Wenkui hesitated for a while, but finally agreed: "It's important to be on guard against others, so be prepared."

He quickly returned to the hut and pulled out a cannon from under Zhu Yuanzhang's feet.When he was dragged to the door, he looked at his grandfather in front of him and thought of his current situation. Zhu Wenkui felt guilty for a moment and wanted to ask for the blessings of his ancestors in heaven.But after hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but smile bitterly again.

"Hey, I don't have the nerve to ask you anything. I hope I won't embarrass you today." He shook his head and left without leaving a prayer, dragging the cannon away.

When they reached the gate, Captain Jessica had already reinforced the wheels.A familiar voice came from outside the gate.Those were the retainers who had gone out, and they rushed back one after another.

"Fortunately, it was relatively timely." Captain Jessica looked over again and said, "The weather is not bad today, at least there is moonlight. Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome."

"I heard Guo Kang say before that human beings are instinctively afraid of the dark because in the ancient times before the Suiren clan and the Youchao clan, our ancestors were no different from animals. Human beings are not very capable of moving at night. Facing many nocturnal beasts , is very dangerous, so it has formed a habit that continues in the blood." Zhu Wenkui sighed:

"And now? Humanity has developed for so long, and beasts at night are no longer a threat. As a result, the situation is getting worse. From this point of view, the biggest threat is, after all, man himself."

"We think so too. The priest told me before that many human sufferings are not natural, but caused by ourselves. So he feels that the first problem is to adjust the relationship between people and bring everything back to the right path. Come on." Captain Jessica put down the musket in his hand, thought for a moment, and said, "Oriental scholars should think so too. I just don't know how we can do it."

"You'd better talk to Guo Kang about this. I'm not sure." Zhu Wenkui thought for a moment, and finally gave up and shook his head: "This topic is too profound."

"I don't care much about philosophical issues. Those are issues studied by monks." Captain Jashka said: "That's why I'm more interested in the legends of your ancestors. I feel that in those stories, there are some … A trait we rarely see here.”

"You mean why he succeeded?" Zhu Wenkui seemed to have expected this question and did not seem surprised.He replied smoothly, jumped out of the car, and continued to reinforce with nails and wood.

"Yes." Captain Jessica nodded, jumped out of the car, and picked up a few muskets: "Think about it, this is like a poor monk who was born as a farmer in Bohemia, and suddenly defeated The various princes of the Shinra unified Europe. Think about it..."

"Why do I feel like this is not the first time I've heard this metaphor?" Zhu Wenkui asked doubtfully: "Did you say it last time? It was like an Italian beating away the Goths..."

"It shouldn't be me. I don't know much about that history." Captain Jessica immediately shook his head.

"Maybe I remember it wrong. Anyway, I get asked this kind of question every three days." Zhu Wenkui felt helpless.

"Because... for everyone, this is really legendary." Captain Jashka sat aside and loaded gunpowder: "I have watched a lot of Greek dramas recently, and none of them dare to write like this."

"There are very few similar conditions here." Zhu Wenkui thought for a moment: "Be it Germans or Italians, their situations are quite different."

"I think people here don't have the concept of a country, so of course they don't have a similar foundation - at that time, we had the concept of a 'Han court' over there, but here, I really didn't notice it. . You see, they don’t care who the king is. In this case, even if there are foreigners competing for the rule of the country, they can’t use this to call everyone and organize people.”

"There's nothing we can do..." Captain Jessica couldn't think of a good answer.He scratched his head and said, "If it doesn't work out, we can only look at France."

"Do the French care about this?" Zhu Wenkui didn't know much about this.

"It's better than other countries." Captain Jashka said: "They are indeed in crisis now. Many people feel that if this continues, the royal family will not be able to support it for long. Then we can see if the private sector will appear. What a heroic figure."

"That's right. If they can't produce such heroes, then it's probably impossible for the whole of Europe." Zhu Wenkui agreed.

"In addition to this kind of call, what else can unite ordinary people to fight against powerful enemies?" Captain Jessica continued to ask: "Do your ancestors have any experience in this area?"

"This is the same problem. I don't know whether experience can be used, or whether it will be a hindrance." Zhu Wenkui told him: "It stands to reason that if the oppression is too heavy, even if the oppression does not come from the emperor himself, ordinary people He will also regard everyone from the monarch to the powerful people in the village as enemies and resist desperately. Therefore, the rational king will go back to suppress the powerful people to prevent them from pushing people to the edge and causing the entire court to suffer. But here, there is no Such a habit."

"The poor people in Europe are more miserable than Seris. If anyone among you has the ability to gather them together, that would be great. But I don't think there will be such a chance for the time being."

"Then how did your ancestors do it..." Captain Jessica went around in a circle, still struggling with this matter, and brought the topic back.And Zhu Wenkui really didn't think about it in this direction.

"How can God's will be summed up so easily?" Not knowing how to explain it, he had to use the official statement: "This is obviously not applicable to all situations."

"You don't have to worry about this problem." He pointed out: "Are you really planning to go back and take the villagers with you to beat Sigismund?"

"No way." Seeing him mentioning this matter again, Jessica felt a little embarrassed and quickly waved her hand: "I was just bragging casually, don't take it seriously..."

After that, he loaded the last gun in his hand, stretched out his hand to say hello to an acquaintance who was returning on horseback, and turned around to hand it to Zhu Wenkui.

After turning sideways for a moment, he paused and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Zhu Wenkui looked in that direction subconsciously.

A plume of smoke was slowly rising, especially visible under the bright night sky.

"Where is that place?" Zhu Wenkui blurted out.

"It's Zhulinfang!" A person ran in and replied, "I just went there in the morning!"

"What happened over there?" Zhu Wenkui asked quickly.

"I don't know!" the other party replied: "Everything was normal at that time!"

Zhu Wenkui also frowned and looked serious.

"It seems that the inexplicable little girl is really right." He whispered: "Brother Kang may have made a big fuss this time. But why did he run over there?"

No one could answer him.Everyone stopped for a moment and began to whisper.

"You have to say something quickly." Captain Jessica reminded him immediately.

"Ah, yes." Zhu Wenkui immediately came to his senses and shouted to everyone: "Don't look, don't look! Hurry up and close the door and block it with something from behind! These Greeks in the city are making trouble again, we can't Let them cause trouble here. I have sent people to the Khan's court and asked them to send troops over. Everyone, keep an eye on it for a while!"

Everyone also responded and got busy.

Just as Zhu Wenkui was about to breathe a sigh of relief, on the street at the door, several riders rushed towards a carriage surrounded by riders. Before the carriage could stop, a girl in gorgeous clothes jumped out and shouted into the yard: " I am Guo Kang’s friend, is your prince here?”

"Why are you Guo Kang's friend again? How many girls has he made friends with?" Zhu Wenkui said as he also climbed into the car, but before he could get up, Captain Jessica held him down.

He turned around and gestured to the person next to him. The person understood and shouted loudly from behind the door: "Who are you?"

"My name is Joanna, Joanna di Giovanni." The other party replied: "I have something urgent and I want to say it face to face."

"Do you know her?" Captain Jessica turned around and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. I don't have this Qiao or anything in my mind." Zhu Wenkui scratched his head and hesitated.

"Then I'll go see her." Captain Jessica said, about to jump out of the car: "Don't move around here, we don't know what this person does yet."

"No, you take command, I will go." Zhu Wenkui shook his head decisively: "You arrange their preparations, and you must protect my mother and sister. I really can't command, and I can't help here. Go see her."


"This is an order!"

Zhu Wenkui left a word and ran towards the foyer again.After running for two steps, he remembered something again and turned around awkwardly and asked, "No, where is the armor I modified last time?"

"It's also in the ancestral hall." Captain Jashka said, "All the large unused things are over there."

Zhu Wenkui quickly ran over again.

The warehouse of "Prince Wu's Mansion" is filled with various reserves for daily use.Armor is something I don't need at all on weekdays, so I just throw it away in the hut.

He didn't prepare this thing originally.Last year, they had to drag him to watch the troops, so they left one specially for him.Who would have thought that there would still be a place for it now.

The retainers and servants were very busy, so Zhu Wenkui could only run to the hut alone, looked around, and found that behind the portrait of Zhu Yuanzhang, there was indeed an unimpressive large box.He had no choice but to get under the feet of the portrait and pull out the box under Zhu Yuanzhang's buttocks.When I opened it, I saw that it was indeed a piece of armor. It was shiny and well-maintained.

"Why are you wearing it..."

Zhu Wenkui muttered, dragging the box out of the cabin.He gave Zhu Yuanzhang an apologetic smile and had no time to say anything, so he quickly closed the door and left.

 I’m not done yet, the editor came to see me...I’ll post this first, and I’ll release the rest slowly in the next two days.
(End of this chapter)

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