Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 451 The incident of the priest killing Brother Tian

Chapter 451 The incident of the priest killing Brother Tian

"I understand. It means that although a long time has passed, the organization of the Jews has not changed. When they faced different rulers, the strategies they adopted were also the same. So, even if the times have changed, the ancient The hatred has actually passed, and they will still use the same method to create the same new hatred." Joanna leaned against the carriage, seeming to understand.

"That makes sense. It seems that to understand other people, you can't just look at their present situation." She said with emotion: "No wonder my brother always says that I study too little..."

"It's nothing. It's just because I need to write a script, so I read more of these messy materials." Odosia explained.

"Don't be polite." Joanna said helplessly: "To be honest, you are too modest. Don't people around you think you are too weird? You don't look like a normal Roman girl. , more like a Central Plains person..."

"Then I'll just assume that you are complimenting me." Eudosia smiled.

"It's not that simple. Many businessmen over there think that people from the Central Plains are cruel and cunning guys." Joanna told her: "When these people talk to you, they are always polite, which makes you feel They seem to be feeling guilty and have little confidence. But if you believe it is true and try to take the opportunity to put pressure on them and find the lowest conditions they can be forced to accept, it will easily trigger their overreaction, lead to quarrels between the two parties, and even cause disaster."

"Here they are still preparing to continue negotiating for a price increase, but over there they have decided that you don't want to negotiate at all, and are ready to lift the table and take action. My family has seen this kind of thing more than once. You are always like this, and everyone around you probably I can be scared by you.”

"You are worrying too much, so you won't be so exaggerated." Eudosia smiled and said: "Not all places are like your industry and have to compete with others at any time. For the environment where I live, this is also true. It won’t have any impact.”

Joanna hesitated to speak. She didn't seem to believe it, but she didn't know what to say.After hesitating for a moment, he could only continue the previous topic.

"I have always believed that there are many smart people in the Roman Khan's court." She said: "These things you know, their professionals should also know about it, right? So why don't they care about it?"

"I have traveled in France and Italy. The cities and territories in those places basically have agreed-upon rules and various restrictions on the behavior of Jews. Countries like France also have special laws to stipulate this." She gave an example: "This is the most common situation among us, even in the world of Tianfang Sect."

"According to the idea you just mentioned, we need to study what the Jews and Romans have done over the past 1000 years to explain why there are Jews here but not their autonomous communities. But I feel that the changes here should be It only happened after the establishment of the Roman Khanate. The common characteristics that were difficult to change in the previous 2000 years have changed here. What is the reason for this, I really can’t remember it for a while.”

"In order to do business here, I also studied the current laws of Rome." She introduced her experience: "Compared with the previous dynasty, they have simplified it to a great extent and deleted all these religious-related restrictions. Lost."

"According to our experience, in this indulgent environment, Jewish religious power should develop rapidly and spread everywhere, and the priests would cause trouble everywhere. Why is it the other way around here? I haven't even heard that they and Just like the ancient Romans, they sent troops to suppress and expel these people. To be honest, this is what I can’t understand the most.” “That’s because you don’t understand the Han people well enough.” Eudocia seemed to understand very well.

"Han people...oh, I mean the Central Plains people...that is, the Khitans, right?" Joanna nodded: "My brother reads those books every day, and I have also dealt with them. I should know a little bit about them, right?"

"In fact, it's not accurate. The Han people today are not conceptually the Han people - or the Khitans - 100 years ago. Their scope has exceeded the Central Plains, including the Khitans and the people of the Manzi Kingdom. But... here The changes are also very complicated and cannot be explained in a few words." Odosia explained a few words, but gave up: "You only need to know these concepts in culture. Except for the official personnel of the Ming Dynasty, other people generally do not I will discuss this issue with you in detail."

"Why do the officials of the Ming Dynasty care about this..." Joanna muttered, realizing that she was going too far, she turned back and continued to ask: "What did they do?"

"They didn't do anything directly, but their system locked up the possibility of Jews operating as a power." Eudosia said, "Because they are the first civilization in history to achieve the unity of politics and religion."

"Both Herod and Augustus were still at the level of appointing high priests. They had no way to combine political power with religion, let alone control all high-ranking priests. But in the East, this seems to be an introductory course."

"I heard that when the Mongols first rose, Genghis Khan once relied on the 'Tongtian Witch' to gain a wide reputation. This pagan wizard was said to have the ability to prophesy and convey the will of the gods." She continued to give an example: " Grassland people are generally very superstitious, and these tribal wizards have great influence. Therefore, after winning the support of Kuo Kuo Chu and others, Genghis Khan also received a lot of help. Even his nickname was Kuo Kuo Chu. It was given to him during the ceremony.”

"But after the prototype of the country was established, Kuokuochu expanded day by day. The number of his followers increased rapidly, and his reputation became more and more famous. It is said that people in nine languages ​​​​came to seek refuge. He and his followers were openly in front of Genghis Khan himself. He also held meetings on the grassland, intervened in the internal conflicts of the Golden Family, humiliated the Khan’s brothers, and competed for their tribesmen.”

"Genghis Khan originally made a lot of concessions to him, but when it came time to compete for the people and challenge the authority of the Great Khan, he acted quickly and personally ordered his younger brother to take advantage of the situation and directly killed Kuo Kuo Chu. From then on , no wizard will dare to challenge the Great Khan again."

"In the East, tribes such as the Mongols are the most culturally backward places. Their official system, administrative structure, etc., may not be able to be copied well even by the Han people. But even they have a prohibition on the transcendence of divine power. The basic consciousness of kingship seems to be some kind of instinct deep in the blood."

"This kind of environment is completely different from ours." She shook her head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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