Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 458 Professional Fairy Girl Tang Saier

Chapter 458 Professional Fairy Girl Tang Saier
"Although it is a rebellion, we don't have to fight against the officers and soldiers as soon as we get angry. That will only make everyone die." Tang Sai'er said: "For more than half a year, we patrolled all over Shandong. , recruit followers and train people.”

"During this period, another flood occurred in Shandong. The water conservancy of the Yellow River had not been repaired before, so the province transferred all the civilians to prepare for the war, and the floods became very serious. However, the government was in a hurry to fight the war and did not provide compensation to the victims. Urging more urgent.”

"In the spring of the next year, the imperial navy and the Yuan Dynasty's navy from the eastern provinces fought off the coast of Dengzhou. The imperial navy won the battle, and the provincial officials were delighted and quickly wrote a letter to report their merits. But within a few days, the Java Navy The division went north to pick up the defeated troops who had enlisted in the Eastern Province, and then turned around and fought back. The Imperial Navy was laxly guarded and was severely defeated. Many battleships were damaged and many soldiers were lost."

"Before, the province reported its merits too quickly. If the news of the defeat spread again, the emperor would definitely be angry. So the civil servants and military generals in Shandong colluded to block the news first, and then rushed to build more warships and recruit military households. , to fill the gap. We will send troops to sea frequently to attack the islands occupied by the Yuan people, just to win a few battles, so that we can give an explanation to the superiors and cover up the matter. Therefore, the situation among the people has worsened. "

"During that time, I followed the old fairy aunt all over the world, and I saw the miserable conditions in various places with my own eyes." She sighed: "In the beginning, I actually believed more in what Mr. Da said. I felt that the magical powers that the old fairy aunt showed to everyone were all... It doesn't look like a serious Taoist practice, but rather a way to fool people; the sutra she recited for everyone was too superficial, and I suspected that she made it up in some parts, and it was not as philosophical as what the great monk said."

"But I have seen these things so much that I don't think it matters anymore. At this point, whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, or the Four Books and Five Classics, whatever can save all living beings is the right path. We worship gods and Buddhas, don't we just think Is it to make everyone feel better? Since it can really comfort everyone and give everyone confidence, then there will be no problem. "

"Yes." Lama Wang nodded with emotion: "Old man, when I traveled all over the country, I also used techniques such as making fire in water and turning paper figures into soldiers to appease the people and scare away heretics. As long as I can make everyone relax, If you continue to have faith in the light, you will have achieved your goal.”

"Huh? Master, do you also know how to cut paper into people and horses?" Tang Saier came back from the memories and asked in surprise.

"Yes, these spells are all interlinked." Lama Wang did not hide anything and replied: "When I was practicing in Xiaoya, I cut paper to make a strong man shape. Find a darker place and use the prepared light. If you follow it and secretly pinch out the magic formula in your hand, you will be able to reflect the scene of a strong man subduing the demon."

"The Turkic tribes in the mountains had never seen the world. When they saw the strong men wielding pestles, they were all scared away. The people nearby were very grateful and agreed to convert to our religion. Later, I was promoted to the patriarch of the diocese because of this merit."

"I see that the various religions here are quite different from those in the Central Plains. I really didn't expect there to be a mage like you." Tang Sai'er sighed after hearing this.

"Although we are in a foreign land, we have always kept in mind the teachings of the sages and even carried them forward." Lama Wang said quite proudly:
"The Mr. Guo I just told you about improved the art of making paper soldiers. Now, with the special magic circle made by our church, we can not only display strong men and diamonds, but also invite Brother Tian to come down to earth. Every time he appears, he will At that time, the golden light was shining brightly, as bright as the sun in the sky, and mortals with naked eyes could not look directly at it. Next time you have a chance, I must invite Little Friend Tang to observe it."

"Okay, okay." Tang Saier looked very curious and immediately agreed to Wang Dalai Lama's proposal for academic exchanges.

"Our Patriarch also participated a lot in that research. Later... the simplification of the magic circle and the craftsmanship of making paper figures were improved by him." Father Peter added in a timely manner.

"No way, I'm just going to do it." Lama Wang looked very helpful, but he still said modestly.He shook his head and asked Tang Sai'er: "What else does the White Lotus Sect teach?"

"In addition to magic and martial arts, we also teach the art of war." Tang Sai'er said: "Actually, this art of war was originally intended to be passed on to the top disciples in the sect. At that time, the old fairy wanted me to marry him and assist him in doing great things. . However, before we even had time to meet, the government started arresting people in order to collect food. Even my parents were taken away. The eldest disciple led several fellow villagers to fight for food and were seriously injured by the officers and soldiers." "Old Fairy Girl and the Great Monk They rushed back and tried to rescue him, but it was already too late. The eldest disciple died that night, and my parents were not able to be rescued. Soon after, they both died in prison due to injuries."

"Ah..." Lama Wang and Father Peter were stunned, and whispered: "May they rest in peace."

"Hey, it's nothing. I've long been used to it." Tang Sai'er sighed: "Dead people are so common, I'm numb too."

"After that, the old fairy took out her military book and handed it to me. She said that no one else can take over now, so I can only take over."

"Actually, I'm not very happy. I told her that it's okay if I don't just follow her to learn magic and appease the villagers? I should be a signboard to help win people's hearts. This war is a man's business, why should I still do it? Can you really let me go?" She shook her head.

"But at that time, the old fairy girl was already a little..." She thought for a moment, trying to choose a more elegant and euphemistic word, but finally gave up: "Hey, I'm not well-educated, so just say it. I think ...I don’t know if she was stimulated by the tragic situation, but she was a little possessed, and her whole body became crazy."

"She kept telling me that I was the one destined to save everyone, and the Buddha had already given the instructions. She also said that she had long seen that I had wisdom and potential, and I would definitely be able to do this. We couldn't bear it. How long has it been? I have to learn it quickly so that I can lead everyone to fight against the imperial court."

"Actually, I don't know these things myself, and I don't know where she came up with the results. Moreover, although I have no education, Mr. Da once said when he was teaching that war is a major matter for the country and affects the life and death of the people. , the survival of the country, we must study it carefully and carefully. This is the basis of the art of war. Is it too unreliable to ask me to learn the art of war so hastily, and expect me to lead everyone to fight without giving much time?" She said tangledly. explain.

"But she is very stubborn this time. I can't defeat her, so I can only listen to her."

"If you ask me, if you can realize this, you have surpassed many people." Lama Wang shook his head and said: "Old man, although I have never led an army as a general, our Roman Church has to send people to join the army all the year round, so everyone I have seen a lot of General Fang. To be honest, most people are not aware of their limited abilities and are not willing to treat the art of war and war with a cautious attitude."

"Xiangu is the object of everyone's admiration, no less than that of the nobles. Putting ordinary people in this position to lead others will make them even more forgetful. After you become the leader, you can be the first to think of this issue. ...Master You is right, your temper is already suitable for leading others."

"Why are you trying to hurt me here?" Tang Saier waved his hands repeatedly: "Besides, what I did was indeed unqualified."

(End of this chapter)

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