Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 461 Yasheng: You are not allowed to eat at the table!

Chapter 461 Yasheng: You are not allowed to eat at the table!

"It sounds so profound." Tang Sai'er seemed to still not fully understand, and sighed.

"Oh, you are still too young - speaking of which, when were you born?" Lama Wang shook his head, but he didn't care much.

"The great monk said that I happened to be born in the first year of Emperor Tianping's reign," Tang Sai'er said.

"The first year... my God, I am so old this year that I have haircuts..." Lama Wang's eyes widened in surprise, and he shook his head helplessly: "Hey, the world is really not easy, and little girls of this age have gone to the battlefield. "

"Actually, it's nothing." Tang Sai'er scratched his head: "It's like this in our hometown. If there is a real fight, not to mention the girls and wives of each family, even the old ladies will often go into battle."

"I heard that you are still the big leader. Can others accept it?" Father Peter was also curious about this. After asking, he quickly said: "I didn't deliberately question it. It's just... we really didn't listen much. Said something like this.”

"Scholars in classical times have recorded women's battles. But when I was in college, I studied Serris' historical theory from my tutor. This theory includes a series of very mature textual research ideas. If you look at it from this perspective, , it is impossible to prove whether these 'Amazon'-style stories are historical facts, exaggerated legendary stories, or simply made up by them. Personally, I am more inclined to believe that these are all false. "He said seriously.

"You guys are just like Mr. Da, why are you still learning this?" Tang Saier said unexpectedly.

"Of course, this is an excellent academic theory after all." Father Peter said, "Our church's research on this aspect is quite in-depth."

"We often debate with the Catholic Church in Rome and refute their various fallacies and heresies. There were some issues that scholars had not noticed before. Now after careful inspection, I discovered that many of the so-called historical documents produced by the Catholic Church are very suspicious."

"Some of the evidence appeared very suddenly, and no supporting evidence could be found; others simply contradicted other records. We also referred to the results of epigraphy, identified some available sacred objects and documents, and found a lot of physical evidence, not only It’s a fake product, and the technique is extremely clumsy. I don’t know how I was able to hide it from everyone until now.”

"In short, because these are indeed very useful, we are constantly learning and improving ourselves. Up to now, it is considered a quite mature subject. Judging from current experience, most of these records can be directly determined as It’s not credible. I still have some confidence in this judgment.”

"The remaining cases are actually just like the female aristocrats in Europe today. They were not elected because of their personal abilities, but they just happened to be in this position." He said truthfully: "Such a comparison If so, it would be very rare for a woman like you who comes from a lower class to become a military leader."

"I think not only me, but many scholars here will be very interested in you. Because a living case is really too rare, and maybe the entire academic world will be affected."

"I don't know what's going on. But the great monk said, 'The winds are different in ten miles, and the customs are different in hundreds of miles.' This place is thousands of miles away from the Central Plains. It is normal that the situation is different. Maybe the women here are inherently weaker. , can't bear to fight?" Tang Sai'er thought for a while and put forward his own opinion.

"I have listened to adults telling stories since I was a child, from Liang Hongyu in the south of the Yangtze River to Yang Miaozhen in my hometown in Yidu. I feel... there seem to be many such stories everywhere, and there are examples from ancient times to recent years. However, outside of the Central Plains , I haven’t heard much about it.”

"Mr. Da boasted to me back then, saying that we Han people are the largest and strongest in the world. I didn't take it seriously at first, but now that I think about it, maybe it's because of this?" She speculated:
"I came all the way from Nanyang and saw many native states. Some states have women in power, but I have never seen them leading troops in person, and I have never heard of any outstanding achievements - actually leading troops. Yes, there are actually quite a few who are Han or call themselves Han."

"Later we arrived at the border of Persia, and further west, there was even less trace. I thought, no matter where people are, men and women stay together all day long. Their women are so weak, and the men must not be much better. , otherwise you can learn more or less. From this point of view, the country and the army here are very weak, so it is normal. "

"Is it okay to analyze it this way..." Father Peter began to think. "I think it's the same here." Tang Sai'er told him: "When we first arrived here, the Greeks who met us didn't believe that I was the leader. The Yuan merchants explained to them that they still thought they were being fooled. Their."

"I didn't care at first. It's a good thing not to mention the defeated general. But not long after, the Greeks invited us to eat, but they didn't let me participate. They said that this is the local rule, set by the ancestors, and it cannot be concession."

"I argued with them, and they started to quote scriptures, saying that there was a sage and so on, and what kind of principles they lived. But in my hometown in Shandong, it is not uncommon for women to be leaders, so the few people who fled with me all felt that this was true. It’s so unreasonable. It’s a pity that our group is too stupid and we don’t know how to argue with them. In the end, all the work was in vain and we didn’t get any food..."

"Ah? Is there such a thing?" Lama Wang quickly asked Father Peter: "Didn't you tell Alexander and the others?"

"I told them that I wanted to receive them, but I didn't say that the leader was this little girl. Because we didn't know it at the time." Father Peter reacted immediately: "Oh, something happened here probably..."

"What did those people do?" Lama Wang said dissatisfied.

"They are retro-style people." Father Peter had to explain: "I didn't take it seriously before, but I didn't expect that this time I happened to meet..."

"The ancients still had this rule?" Tang Sai'er asked curiously.

"Yes. In ancient times, Greeks and Romans did not allow women to eat with men." Father Peter said: "In Greece, if men gather for a banquet, good women must stay away and stay in the inner room. Only Only prostitutes can participate in men's dinners. Therefore, if a woman from a good family is allowed to eat with men, it would be an insult to her and her family."

"The Romans were similar. The ancient Romans ate lying on their sides during dinner. But only adult men could use this posture to participate in banquets. Women and children could only sit on one side."

"These customs gradually faded away. But in recent years, many people have begun to reflect on the decline of civilization and the corruption of society, and hope that everyone can revive the healthier society of the classical era. Especially in literature, art, customs and other areas In spiritual fields, it is even more important to learn from the sages of ancient times.”

"Now, this trend is very popular. Not to mention outside here, even in places like Italy and France, people are gradually beginning to follow it, hoping to restore social morality and revive Roman civilization."

"Is this really the rule of the ancients?" Tang Sai'er said in surprise: "I thought they made it up..."

"It is indeed very ancient. Aristotle was from the Warring States Period. Socrates, their respected teacher, was from the late Spring and Autumn Period, a little later than Confucius." Father Peter said, "Now, The slogans of these people who advocate the revival of classical literature and art are 'respecting Su' and 'reviving'. It's not too surprising that they will tell you a lot about the principles of the classical era..."

"Hey, this is an oversight on my part." Lama Wang patted his head and said, "I can understand it. Although Shandong doesn't have this rule, these Greeks really do. I'll tell them quickly, Tell them to stop causing trouble."

"It's okay, just do as the Romans do." Tang Sai'er was open-minded: "I'll be more careful next time and don't violate this sub-sage's rules."

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(End of this chapter)

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