Chapter 468

"This is information we haven't gotten before." Father Peter was very happy: "So what is the combat effectiveness of the Yuan Dynasty? What is the quantity and quality of their soldiers?"

"The quantity is large, but it is of no use. Of course, what I saw was not the main force of their army, so what I said may not be accurate." Tang Saier thought for a while and added:
"The Yuan Dynasty fleet put down thousands of people at one time, but most of them were Nanyang natives. Their combat quality was not high, and they felt like they were just making up the numbers. The Yuan general probably knew their level, so he just let these people They went to do odd jobs, and only some of them with a slightly higher status were caught in the army and used to fill the front lines.”

"The opinions among the generals of the Yuan army are actually not unified. They also know that the current situation cannot be defended even if they go ashore. But I have inquired privately that they should hope to capture several states and counties so that they can conduct propaganda easily."

"Who is this propaganda for? Other small countries?" asked Lama Wang.

"There must be propaganda from both inside and outside." Tang Saier replied: "The rule of the Javanese court is not as strict as that of the Ming Dynasty. Their government is different from ours. The estates of big businessmen span across states and counties - or Said, the manor is their local government."

"These big businessmen, or manor owners, are not all Han Chinese. In order to win over the natives, some local kings are often invited in. As such local lords, they enter the Javanese court."

"There are indeed larger countries in Nanyang, but those native countries are even more loose than the Javanese Yuan Dynasty. After the native soldiers of the Tu king are defeated, the affiliated city-states will disperse and switch to the Yuan Dynasty with better treatment. . In this way, they quickly annexed many states and established a large-scale country."

"In addition to running manors, most of these local lords are also engaged in maritime trade, so commerce and shipping routes are particularly important to them. The most important families in Java are all powerful maritime merchants. Because these people have the most advanced They have advanced shipbuilding technology and the largest fleet, so small city-states have to obey them economically and militarily, and according to their orders, they pay tribute, produce goods, and even recruit soldiers."

"But, on the other hand, they have to find a way to keep the place loyal. Because if the Tu kings can fall to them, they can also fall to the Ming Dynasty. However, at that time, in order to pursue these Yuan Dynasty people, the Ming Dynasty invaded Cochin, using it as a base, made them feel threatened. I guess that's why they were so united."

"King Tu doesn't like the management style of the Ming Dynasty." Lama Wang probably guessed the reason.

"Yes." Tang Sai'er nodded: "I didn't think so much about it at first. Later, after learning a lot about it along the way, I realized that how the Yuan Dynasty gentry viewed the Ming Dynasty was similar to how these local kings viewed it."

"The Ming Dynasty believed that Jiaozhi was the hometown of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and it was the actual control area of ​​the Central Plains Dynasty more than 1000 years ago. Therefore, after capturing it, they set up officials to conscript the natives, just like the custom in the Central Plains. The native kings there Therefore, they are very dissatisfied, and other natives in Nanyang also hate the Ming Dynasty because of this, and feel that it is more comfortable to follow the Yuan Dynasty."

"That's indeed what they advertised." Father Peter said: "It seems that they are also very lenient to the Tuwang."

"I think the Ming Dynasty was right." Lama Wang was a little doubtful: "Isn't the place in Jiaozhi the same as that in Xixia? They both entered the territory during the Han Dynasty, and after the collapse of the Tang Dynasty, they established themselves as kings. . The hometown of Xixia can be set up as a floating official, and it will be counted as the homeland. Why can't Jiaozhi be allowed?"

"I don't know either." Tang Saier admitted: "But I can guess the mentality of the Javanese court. On the one hand, he wants to warn his subordinates that the Ming Dynasty is very powerful and difficult to fight independently, so they must unite; on the other hand, he also We must produce some results and show them to the internal and external forces. Otherwise, they may find others to protect themselves."

"That's why they are eager to fight, right?" Lama Wang nodded.

"Yes." Tang Sai'er said: "What I understand is that the Yuan army came here to attack the city this time. They hope to capture at least one or two cities. It would be better if they can capture Fucheng. No. If you want to occupy it for a long time, you must at least win a few victories and deliver missions to your family."

"Can it be beaten down?" Lama Wang asked.

"There is no hope." Tang Saier shook his head directly: "I said at the time that if I had come a month earlier, I would still have a chance to seize Yidu. But now, the main force of the Ming army is already on the way. There are many cavalry in the Peking Dusi. The cities and towns along the way are also in the hands of the government. If they want to rush to help quickly, the speed will be very fast. They don't have this time anymore. "

"I suggest that they stop as soon as they are ready, and it is best not to attack Fucheng. After the Ming army's vanguard was repelled by us, they did not completely withdraw, but retreated into the county to wait for reinforcements. The morale of these people has been dampened. See The newly joined Yuan army will definitely be shocked. Let's go and persuade them. If there is only one missing, the soldiers who have retreated in the city will probably break out. This will satisfy their desire to conquer the city. Secondly, There is also a greater chance to kill the former high official."

"However, the Yuan people do not agree. They all have internal differences. Some people want to take us directly back to the sea and turn around to attack the Laizhou Guard Station that they did not capture before; some people want to let us lead the way and ambush them. The Ming army will just withdraw, taking away the population and property; but most people still want to fight the Ming army and attack the city. They feel that the roads are familiar and there are many people, so they want to give it a try."

"Are they from the top?" Lama Wang said.

"Their theory is quite good. The mobile force mobilized by the Beiping Dusi is the last support army that can be mobilized in a short time. It will take time for the troops from other places to come over. If you can repel these people, you can clear up the rear. The Ming army stronghold in Jiao Lai will reduce the pressure for follow-up operations; if you move forward more aggressively, you can leave Jinan and go west along the Daqing River to cut off the Ming Dynasty's transportation lines." Tang Sai'er explained:
"This possibility is something they have never imagined before. In the southeast, the Ming Dynasty's defenses are very strict. They are often beaten, and they have not been able to achieve sufficient results for a long time. Such a sudden appearance Given the opportunity, many people are probably interested in it.”

"This has a big impact?" Father Peter didn't quite understand.

"The entire north has been severely damaged due to previous melees and natural disasters. Our Shandong side is relatively relatively good, but the border areas along the Great Wall are even more difficult. There are not many people there, but wars are frequent, making it difficult to be self-sufficient. , every year, a large amount of grain, grass and materials need to be transported from other places to maintain it," Tang Sai'er said.

"During the Yuan Dynasty, the Huitong River was dug to connect the north and the south. When Emperor Zhu, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, attacked Dadu in the Northern Expedition, it is said that he went north along this road. But more than 20 years ago, the Yellow River flooded again. Not only did it wash away nearby farmland and the county town, but it also poured into the canal. This flood was very serious. After the flood receded, the silt would pass through the middle section of the river, and the entire lake, which diverted the water, was silted up. The canal was already poorly maintained. , since then it has been completely interrupted. Grain and grass shipped to the north can only be disembarked in Jining, loaded onto trucks, transported to Texas, and then re-entered the northern section of the canal. The efficiency of transportation has been greatly reduced, and the supply line has become very fragile."

"The canal disappeared all at once?" Father Peter said in surprise: "The Yellow River is so terrifying..."

"Hey, you haven't experienced it. It's hard to describe..." Tang Sai'er shook his head: "In short, after the flood, after a few years of making do with it, the court couldn't hold it in any longer. The sea routes are unsafe and are often attacked. Therefore, the officials still want to reconnect the canal.”

"A few years ago, the imperial court made a new design. They felt that the river channels in the Yuan Dynasty were not good enough, so they planned to dig a new river through Dongping Lake. But digging a river requires manpower, and people still have to be recruited. In recent years Life was too sad, so after we started the uprising, the migrant workers who were digging canal transport either responded or fled. Some people came to join us, and many people simply gathered in the surrounding lakes and became strongmen at Luocao."

"If we can fight all the way, collect the rebels along the way, and cut off this unformed canal, we can have a great impact and disrupt the entire strategic plan of the Ming Dynasty. This strategic prospect is too tempting, and the opportunity is indeed rare. Ming. The opportunity for large-scale unrest within the DPRK could not be predicted before, and it will be difficult to find it again. I guess that is why they can't help it."

"Then why do you object?" Father Peter asked.

"Everyone is not united and this battle cannot be fought." Tang Sai'er shook his head: "The people of the Ming Cult don't want to leave their hometown and can't be mobilized at all. The followers of Jinan Prefecture are not determined. We are all united. , there are people over there who put the old emperor's portrait together again, and said that it was normal for the previous officials not to recognize Taizu, but now it is Taizu's own son who came, and he held up the portrait and the imperial edict to him, it should be useful..."

"I can't stand them anymore - it's been so long, and I'm still thinking about that brand!" She said helplessly: "The number of officers and soldiers may not exceed ours, but there are many cavalry, and there are many veterans. Fighting them, We must be careful to prevent others from seizing on the flaws. But now there are people like this, how can you take the initiative to fight with others..."

"It turned out to be as expected. Hey, I don't even want to tell such stupid things." Tang Sai'er shook his head and said helplessly: "The Yuan people also wanted to attack the city along the way after the battle, so they unloaded the cannon from the ship and dragged it with them. Let’s go together. The place where we were operating was originally a mountainous area, so in order to cooperate with them, we had no choice but to venture out. Before we reached the provincial capital, we encountered the army as expected. "

"General Yuan ordered us to form an array leaning against the hill. They were the right army, with the woods on the right, and the flat land in front. We were the left army, and the left was a muddy land flooded by the flood. After the left and right armies, there were also There are 3000 people left as rear troops. Several armies put together, there are less than 2 people, enough to block this intersection."

"In front of the formation, we took off the wheels of the baggage carts and half-buried them. The Yuan people also set up artillery positions between the carts. The Ming army cavalry formed a team in the distance, preparing to raid the formation. The Yuan people fired from a distance. Although there were no I hit a few people, but the formation of the cavalry was completely messed up, so I could only continue to retreat and assemble further away. I didn’t dare to jog over, so I could only start accelerating from a long distance to prevent them from being hit.”

"After several tests, the officers and soldiers retreated. The Yuan people did not bring many horses. We did have some fellow villagers who rode horses to help in the battle, but the horse power, riding skills, and marksmanship were probably not as good as others. Some people still He is riding a big mule. If he goes out to fight with others rashly, he will definitely suffer a loss."

"General Yuan said that although they cannot be caught now, the place where the Ming army cavalry can stay is limited, and there should be support behind them. It is not safe for us to continue waiting here, because the Ming army will definitely try to make a big circle. We are surrounded. We should continue to move forward and assume a posture of attacking the city, forcing the Ming army to come out to intercept and fight us decisively."

"So, everyone loaded up the baggage carts and continued to move forward with the artillery. Along the way, the official cavalry kept appearing and fighting with our scouts. Our scouts could not defeat them. Not only could they not understand their situation, but they even had several For the first time, someone suddenly arrived nearby. Fortunately, we were familiar with the nearby terrain. After walking forward for more than half an hour, we found that the Ming Army brigade had gathered around a nearby market town and was just trimming and drinking horses. See us. When they arrived, they no longer retreated, but came forward to meet them.”

"We believe that this is the main force of the official army. Their number is much smaller than we expected, and they are probably just people rushing to come for reinforcements. But everyone did not dare to rely on them, so General Yuan ordered everyone to reorganize, The Yuan army is in the front line, and we are in the rear line. Those Nanyang natives and other small groups of villagers who are helping the battle are all in the middle. We have a thick formation to prevent problems."

"The official army also released thousands of infantry to meet them. However, the cavalry was the first to rush into the battle. However, the Yuan people's firepower was very fierce. The cavalry's several attempts were beaten back by firecrackers and artillery. Not only that, they also attacked with hundreds of people. They formed a unit, each armed with spears and knives, covering the firearmsmen and archers who came forward, and started beating randomly at the center of the officers and soldiers, trying to force them back."

"But the Ming army was very tenacious. No matter the cavalry or infantry, they were not afraid when they faced the battle. Their commander also personally led people to and fro in front of the Chinese army. The Yuan people concentrated their firepower and fired, and the Yan King's flag was all hit by stray bullets. Interrupted. But the officers and soldiers did not panic, but continued to fight. More cavalry entered the battlefield, bypassed the anxious front line, and began to attack us."

"General Yuan is sending an order for the army to deploy. The central army should move to the left and the rear army should move backward to meet the enemy's cavalry. I don't think this is a problem. It's better to go all out and attack the officers and soldiers from both sides. Those in the central army are not strong enough. But I should still be able to gather some people under my command."

"After the two armies spread out to both sides, I sent people to tell the people on the left army not to move. On my side, I asked the great monk and the others to lead the infantry and continue to advance to the right front. I also mobilized various ministries, riding horses and donkeys. More than a thousand of our fellow villagers dismounted, led their mounts, and followed the infantry."

"As expected, the officers and soldiers also sent people to intercept. There were indeed many Mongolians on their side. We could see that their armor was different. These people's armor was lighter and they moved faster. They circled further away, preparing to attack us. The rear side of this military formation. However, they did not see the situation here and went around too hastily. When they came to the side of the formation, I waved the flag and asked everyone to mount their horses. I asked the old fairy girl to help beat the drum. He took a gun and rushed over with thousands of people."

"Hu Qi was caught off guard and was dispersed by us. Some people rushed over to resist. I shot an official in the head and stabbed him to death. The villagers were very inspired and rushed forward with a clamor and cut down a group of Tatar soldiers. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the other enemies immediately turned their horses and ran away."

"I quickly told everyone to stop chasing, turned around and rushed towards the back of the officers and soldiers. After losing this barbaric force, the people behind had not caught up, which was the perfect opportunity. In addition, I also waved the flag to the great monk and the others, and quickly walked towards First, block the position where the officers and soldiers will change their formation."

"This move is very cruel." Lama Wang praised: "The girl is indeed a great talent and can seize this opportunity. So how did the Ming army deal with it?"

"The Ming army's formation has not changed much. I guess they know that it is a little late to change the formation now, and it is easy to cause problems. But their rear army also separated people and prepared to welcome them. At the same time, the official and army chiefs also brought their own soldiers to the Central Army. Come to our side."

"I feel that if we turn around to stop them, the situation will be dangerous. The elite cavalry of the official army will definitely be difficult to defeat. Even if they are held back and attacked together with the infantry, it is estimated that it will be difficult to defeat them before the official army's rear troops come up. These people. Therefore, I waved the flag and sent a message, ordering the first line of infantry to change into a straight line and march quickly into a charge. We must stick to these people. I took the cavalry and drove away their rear troops first. Let's go, then come back and kill this cavalry and other supporting people."

"There were 2000 infantrymen marching forward, each holding a long spear, and they all rushed forward. When I looked back from the front, I felt that the momentum was huge. Ordinary riders, seeing this kind of situation, usually can only avoid it. Even if they are not afraid, they must greet it seriously. The enemy could not be distracted. However, the officers and soldiers ignored them and passed by in front of the formation. Not only were these people skilled in equestrian skills, but they were also very courageous. They did not care about the threats from the sides and rear, and slid past the formation and rushed straight into it. Here I am."

"They were very fast, and they approached here very quickly. I could see at a glance that it was too late to leave as planned. I had no choice but to turn back and save them. As a result, I just turned my head, The official cavalry crashed into the end of our cavalry army, where it was still connected to the infantry. The fellows on donkeys and the infantry armed with spears quickly went to besiege them, but the official army was too strong, and they were killed instead. Dispersed."

"I think it's too late now, so I simply don't let the infantry adjust. When they continue to advance, the enemy's rear army may encounter them. I can only withstand these cavalry. I will let the old fairy beat the drum again to meet the official army - —They are responsible for the main attack instead, and we are responsible for the entanglement."

"But to be honest, I realized now that it would be difficult for the folks under my command to withstand this. But when I got closer, I found that the officers and soldiers had already replaced the flagpole and raised it again—— The vassal king actually came here himself and rushed into the formation."

"Ah? King Yan came over by himself?" Lama Wang finally realized and asked in surprise.

"I guess it is." Tang Sai'er nodded: "Although it is very troublesome, I immediately thought that this is probably the only chance for a comeback. If I can defeat this person in front of the battle, even if it scares him temporarily and forces him If he retreats, the officers and soldiers will have to concentrate on protecting him. In this way, we can get some respite and maybe have a chance to escape. So, I drove my horse and rushed over there."

"The vassal king was a dark, strong man with very conspicuous armor. There were not many soldiers around, so I quickly called everyone to come forward. As a result, the man came forward. I raised my gun and wanted to stab him, but the man's body He was strong and quick, so he stretched out his hand and stabbed him first."

"I tried my best to turn around and dodge, but this time I still grazed my armor, and the handle of the gun hit my body, causing me to almost fall down. My whole head was so dizzy that I didn't even think about anything else, so I reluctantly hugged He mounted his horse and ran into the distance. The man turned his head and looked this way, shouting at a loud voice, 'Why does the thief general still have a baby?' After looking at it twice, he turned to drive away the cavalry behind him."

"That's it..." Lama Wang and Father Peter looked at each other in confusion: "What happens next?"

"There will be no more. Our cavalry army was killed by this group of people, and everyone was running around. I wanted to go back to summon them, but the old fairy came over and didn't say anything. She gave me my baggage and asked me to leave. If you beat me, leave quickly." Tang Saier sighed:

"I was not happy, but the old fairy threw away the drum, slapped me, tore off my cloak, wrapped it around herself, and turned back to face the enemy. I had no choice but to run back. I haven't seen her since."

"There's a big chaos here, and the infantry can't resist it. Behind us on the left, there is another official cavalry. I don't know whether it was a detour or an ambush in advance. It also suddenly appeared and came from behind the formation. The left army There was no way to intercept them and let these people rush towards our infantry. The officers and soldiers advanced on foot and cavalry, trampling the formations and attacking from all sides. They didn't hold out for long, and most of them were defeated. The great monk and the others probably also It’s all gone.”

"The central army of the Yuan army reacted quickly. They immediately abandoned the natives of the left army and ran away, so they escaped a lot in the end. Mr. Da was close to the central army and was wrapped up by them, and they fled all the way to the mountains. The officers and soldiers I was busy picking up the fleeing natives, but I didn’t pursue them immediately.”

"Hey..." Lama Wang sighed: "We didn't mean to say this..."

"I know, it doesn't matter." Tang Saier looked very mature and calmed down quickly.

"After that, everyone knew that there was no way to fight. General Yuan was quite happy and didn't blame me. He said that he simply couldn't win. It wasn't that there was something wrong with the strategy. There was nothing he could do about it. Moreover, even though he lost the battle, But they still have more than 2000 people who ran out, and the losses are not too big. Besides, new opportunities have come again, and the compensation they can get is enough to make up for the losses in the war."

"This person's mentality is too stable. There are more than 2000 left, so the loss is not big?" Wang Dalai Lama said in surprise.

"The main reason is that no matter how much the natives lose, they don't feel bad." Tang Sai'er shook his head and said, "They lost their artillery and engineering equipment, but they moved faster. General Yuan said that although the Ming army won, it was still difficult to see It turns out that their numbers are still not large enough. There are other rebels active nearby, and they probably won't be able to go too far before more reinforcements arrive. Therefore, they are going to the west to see if they can capture a few counties and then withdraw their troops. .”

"We've already been beaten like this, but we still need to attack the city? We've lost all our cannons..." Father Peter asked doubtfully.

"I was surprised too. But Yuan Jiang smiled and said nothing, and took me to the nearby county seat the next day. He didn't wear armor, so he took a few people to wait outside the city. As a result, the county magistrate there also ran away. Come out and be polite to him for a while," Tang Saier said.

"The general of the Yuan Dynasty claimed to be the Lin family of Lin'an, saying that his family was considered a scholarly family and had some property in the local area. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, he gathered volunteers to defend the village. However, the Zhu family's court has always refused to deal with them. Since Zhang Shicheng's defeat, the family has I am even more worried all day long, so I can only abandon my ancestral property and go into exile overseas. Now when I come to Shandong, I find that the people here are also facing the same situation."

"He said that during the previous battle, he met King Yan of the Ming Dynasty on the battlefield. Many soldiers and righteous people who saw it with their own eyes can testify. If you think about it, you know that this matter should not be something that a powerful vassal king would personally run away from. Come on? Then it is very likely that the people he wants to target are not the common people who caused the incident." After hearing this, the county magistrate was even more frightened. General Yuan then said that although he was incompetent and failed to defeat the Ming army, he could still Take all the gentlemen and their relatives away. However, overseas is far from home after all, and the environment is definitely not as good as here, so it depends on whether they are happy or not. Of course, if they agree, culture and education are not prosperous there, and there are a lot of education, There is management work to do, so official positions and status will definitely be provided, and they will not be worse than here."

"In the end, the county magistrate didn't think long before he agreed. General Yuan asked him to go back, lead his cronies and family members, open the city gate, and he would lead people to meet him. The county magistrate agreed, and also said that there were other two families in the city A gentleman, he is also a kind person all his life. He is confident that he can directly persuade them to vote together."

"We went to the city again in the afternoon, and sure enough we saw the city gate wide open. More than a hundred people from three families of gentry, together with their servants and followers, had occupied the city gate. General Yuan sent people into the city, posted a bunch of notices, and hurriedly We looted all the county offices, warehouses, etc., planted the Great Yuan flag on the top of the city, and then hurriedly left with this group of people. It only took most of the day."

"Ah..." Father Peter was stunned: "Is this okay?"

"There is no way. Everyone knows that if they don't run away, the county magistrate and others will be dead." Tang Sai'er was also a little helpless: "General Yuan said proudly, the people in the south of Yidu, Jiaolai and other places will be dead." He has sent people to inquire in every county. So, maybe we can invade and occupy a few more times and pull some people away."

"But to be honest, I really don't like this kind of thing. The fellow villagers who survived were also very angry and wanted to kill these people. But General Yuan insisted on protecting them, so he probably needed to take them back to deliver. He said, I We must have been targeted by the Ming Dynasty. His fleet is still there and can take us away, but we can't make trouble. Apart from those who died and those who broke up, there are still hundreds of people left here, so we can only Agree."

"But I'm still not willing to give in. At this time, I suddenly remembered that there was a Ming army before, and it is still hiding in the southern city."

"Oh? Are you ready to fight back against them?" Lama Wang asked.

"Yes. After our failure, many rebels were frightened and dispersed. They should be out of trouble now. A big shot at the vassal level is coming, and the high official from before will definitely be in a hurry to join them." Tang Saier said.

"I gave my idea to General Yuan, but no matter what kind of combat strategy the Yuan army leaders supported before, they no longer want to fight. In the end, they only agreed to send the small number of soldiers who followed them away. Give them to me. I also picked out more than 300 people from the remaining rebels and the natives they gathered who still had the courage to fight back, and set up an ambush on the road."

"Sure enough, the Ming army seemed to have gotten the news. After sending out scouts for a day of inspection, the leading officers hurriedly led their soldiers out of the city and rode northward. We set up an ambush in a hill. Successfully intercepted them."

"The officers and soldiers seemed completely unprepared for the fact that there were still people who dared to fight back, and they were completely unprepared. When the ambush came, the officers and soldiers were frightened and in chaos. The senior official tried to run away on his horse, but was tripped and fell into a pit. One of our team members The Jiaozhi natives took advantage of the chaos and threw their spears and stabbed him to death. The rest of the officers and soldiers also fled in all directions."

"This is indeed unexpected." Lama Wang said, "What happens next?"

"After that, I took everyone with me to meet Yuan Ren at the beach as agreed. But Mr. Da was unwilling to leave." She shook her head: "I persuaded him to leave together, saying that he was the only old man left in the village now. But he said he was not asking for death, but that something had to be done."

"Up to now, our rebellion has come to an end. But after the rebellion, there are still many things to do. The government has always given some benefits to the people for their righteous actions. We have already reaped the benefits in the future, but The imperial court must also find someone to vent its anger so as to appease officials elsewhere."

"The villages in our hometown must be evacuated. The dispersed people must also be organized by someone to arrange for everyone to escape or hide to avoid the limelight. Because the government is very likely to take advantage of the victory to kill all the villages in Shouyi Kill them to prevent others from causing endless troubles. Therefore, even if it can bring benefits to everyone, someone must pay the price first. "

"Now, the other leaders are either dead or scattered, but he is still here, so we can deal with it. He was going to arrange these, so he asked the fellow villagers to kidnap him to collect the reward. I...I don't think this is good." Tang Saier He breathed out again: "But Mr. Da said that it's fine as long as I survive."

"He asked me to memorize two more poems, which were called 'Thousands of sails passed by the side of the sinking boat, and thousands of spring trees in front of the diseased trees.' He said that at that time he was self-righteous and looked down on the old fairy girl, but now I see that I am the most talented. Disciple. From now on, I will learn more about civil and martial arts. As long as I can survive, I will definitely have the opportunity to use them in the future."

After speaking, she was silent for a moment.

"You followed the Javanese after that?" Father Peter asked cautiously.

"Mr. Big said that as long as I am still here, the government will not dare to go too far. But I don't want to. As for the resettlement, the big leader needs to personally direct it. I have to finish it." Tang Saier wiped his hand. Eye: "So, I asked Li Laoer and others from the Ming Cult for help. First, I took the hundreds of people who had to go to sea to hide, and I stayed there to take everyone to avoid the disaster."

"Later, it took more than a month to arrange the matter. The Yuan people's large fleet had left, leaving only a few pirate ships from Zhengdong Province. The government issued an order to pacify the rebels in Jinan and dispersed the Mingjiao The remaining people began to search for me everywhere. However, in many places, the villagers sympathized with us. I took a few people, dressed as nuns, all the way to the seaside, boarded a boat and fled."

"So that's it." Lama Wang looked at her and said, "After that, it should be nothing. Are you coming to our side?"

"The journey was not so smooth. As soon as I got on the ship, someone came to harass me." Tang Sai'er said: "The second leader on the ship was a Japanese. He pestered me as soon as he got on, saying, 'The voyage will take a long time, and you don't want to, Fairy Girl.'" "Let my subordinates suffer" and other strange words. In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore and drew my sword directly. "

"The Japanese was also skilled in martial arts, and he immediately went to draw his sword. He moved faster than me, and he aimed the sword at the vital point. But I have also fought many times with the army, and I have some experience, so I didn't let him hit."

"The Japanese's sword skills are very strange, but after getting familiar with them, they are not too advanced. I fought him a few times, and I showed my flaws. The Japanese held the sword in both hands and stabbed him. I turned around and handed him the sword, and he was stabbed to death with one sword. .”

"There was a commotion on the ship for a while, and some Japanese sailors were unwilling to give up and wanted to avenge him. But the shipowner and the big boss came out to inquire, saying that the Japanese wanted to provoke Huanghua's daughter, but he couldn't beat her, so he deserved to die. Those Japanese people will stop making trouble."

"We first arrived at Kyushu Island in the Wonu Kingdom, stayed for a while, took a boat to Ryukyu, and then went all the way south to Java. But after we got there, the situation didn't get much better." She shook her head: "The one who recruited us was People from the Lin family. I didn’t find out until I got there. After I led the people to separate operations, it helped him delay some time. He recruited officials from several counties along the way. Many people were afraid of encountering the Hongwu style of disposal, so they started to The city surrendered and he took his family with him to Java."

"Only in Jimo City, there was a hundred households who were not willing to surrender, and this man was very vigilant and had made preparations early. When the county magistrate and the squires tried to seize the city gate, he was discovered. After a fierce battle, all the squires were The soldiers killed them, but the Yuan army did not dare to cooperate with the attack and could only leave in a hurry. However, this result is enough to make a difference."

"But to be honest, even though we are all running away, we still can't get along with them." Tang Sai'er said bluntly: "The Lin family is quite okay with me. They drag me out every day to promote me and introduce me to everyone. But. I still felt very uncomfortable there - the gold and silver treasures they took away were all found by our fellow villagers."

"Just in time, I heard at that time that another great Jia Sun family went to the sea to go west. This matter is quite popular, and many people are spreading rumors that he is going to the Qin Kingdom in the west of the sea to establish a new trade route. I remembered At that time, Mr. Da felt that it would be good to leave here for a long trip and gain some experience. It just happened to be able to avoid the annoying things here. So, he found an opportunity to say goodbye to them and come here. ”

"What happened to your hometown?" Father Peter couldn't help but ask, "Are these plans really useful?"

"It is indeed useful." Tang Sai'er nodded: "Actually, both us and the officials know it very well. As long as the court sends in additional troops, all the officials here will be finished. The battle just ended, and everywhere Before the rebel army had died down, the imperial court sent people to Shandong. Together with the government and army, they arrested and interrogated officials from all over the country. I heard that the emperor was very angry. From the vassal to the governor, all the officials in the civil uprising areas of the province were almost dead. They were all executed. The whole yamen had a new group of people."

"After that, the government immediately opened warehouses to release grain, and also transported grain from the south to provide relief to the victims. In the past, this kind of thing always took off slowly, and there were repeated deductions at all levels. But this time, there was no delay, and it was delivered within the same month. Disaster relief food has been distributed. I have never heard of a time when the government was so clean and efficient..."

"Uh..." Lama Wang and Father Peter looked at each other.

"I later inquired about the situation there several times. The situation of the villagers back there was not bad." Tang Saier continued: "The believers in Jinan abandoned the village and ran away. When the government troops invaded, they discovered They made a portrait of the old Emperor Hongwu. The emperor got off the donkey and said that these people were all good farmers, but they were deceived by me, so they just need to hunt down me, the culprit, and there is no need to hold them accountable."

"However, Mr. Da is also dead. He made an appointment with a leader of the Ming Cult and took over everything. He asked the villagers to kidnap him to the military camp, where he wrote a long confession. According to the official later When the results were announced, he said that all this was caused by his dissatisfaction with the imperial examination."

"The official said that he admitted that he was depressed because he had been unable to win the national examination for many years, so he believed that everything was the fault of the imperial court. It was the imperial court's favoritism for the rich areas near Gyeonggi that led to the extremely high proportion of successful candidates there, far exceeding Over there in our hometown. Because he felt it was unfair, he had a different intention and wanted to take revenge on the imperial court."

"He said that he also recruited the Yuan army. Because he had worked as a clerk in the county government, he contacted these people through the officials he knew. The formulas and nursery rhymes of the White Lotus Sect were also compiled by him - - The members of the church are all ignorant people, how could they make up these things? Even me, he coaxed my parents into becoming his disciples by cooperating with the charlatan Lao Xiangu and others, and taught him this lesson."

"I guess the court didn't quite believe what he said. Maybe he wanted to ask more relevant people. But in the end, he didn't know how many people were involved, and he committed suicide in prison. In this way, the court could only doubt Everyone involved."

"His conjecture at the time was correct. The government was afraid of people like us, and in the end they did not dare to take revenge in the countryside. They could only arrest a lot of monks and nuns, torture them to vent their anger, and said they wanted to interrogate me about my whereabouts."

"The squires over there were also suspected by the court of colluding with the Yuan people, so they had a very bad relationship with the new officials. The court seemed to not trust them at all, and the new officials probably complained a lot, so much so that the court issued a special document saying, Tian Liangdou comforted everyone, and even made an exception to increase the treatment of military households and petty officials there. I guess he wanted to use military households to check and balance the gentry, and then use these new officials to squeeze their positions."

"Overall, it's pretty good." She paused for a moment and said.

"Your story is really full of twists and turns, beyond my previous imagination." Lama Wang said, mocking himself: "I have lived in vain for so many years, but no little girl has done as big a thing. I probably deserve it if I can't realize Master's wish. Bar."

"I couldn't be sure before, but now I can say that you are on the wrong track." Tang Saier shook his head.

"How do you say it?" Lama Wang asked curiously.

"Did you educate the people? Did you train them? Did you help them overcome difficulties and guide them to overcome difficulties?" Tang Sai'er asked back: "You have indeed received preferential treatment from the Ilkhanate. What happens after that? "


"So you see, you have no foundation at all." The little girl and the old god shook their heads on the ground, and instead educated Lama Wang: "That Fang Sect, isn't it just a Persian religion, how strong can it be? You can't defeat others, you can only It's my own problem. If it were our White Lotus Sect, I'm afraid they would be the ones to suffer."

"They are not Persian religion either." Father Peter corrected.

"Hey? Don't all Persians believe in this? Isn't it Persian religion? Then why do they all believe in it?" Tang Saier blurted out.

"I don't know. But Persians and Arabs would probably be pissed off by you..." Father Peter complained.

"I really haven't cared about it." Tang Saier didn't hide it: "Because I think this has little impact. Isn't that what Mingjiao is like?"

"Everyone knows that the Ming Cult originated from Persia, and they themselves have the impression. However, the Persian general altar has not developed as fast as the various branches in the Central Plains, and its combat effectiveness and scale are far inferior to those in the Central Plains. Over time, the Ming Cult has grown in My hometown in Persia almost disappeared, but it developed in the Central Plains. But is the Mingjiao in the Central Plains still the Mingjiao in Persia?"

"Well, does that count as a family?" Father Peter asked.

"I think it's no longer necessary." Tang Sai'er shook his head: "Our White Lotus Sect calls the Ming Sect to help, and they are happy to do so. But if the Persians come over and ask them to go back and defend the main altar, they probably won't pay attention. I'll deal with it. At most, the altar leaders and leaders can say a few nice words to smooth things over - who knows who you are?"

"Our White Lotus Sect was originally from Buddhism and came from Tianzhu. But our Maitreya Buddha and the Maitreya Buddha in Tianzhu Buddhist teachings are no longer the same Buddha. As for the Inanimate Mother, it is our own God, it has nothing to do with the people of Tianzhu."

"How a sect develops depends on where it is. The ancients said that oranges grow in Huainan, and that's what it means." She also quoted: "If you have been active in Persia for a long time, you will definitely know how to do it. Become like the Persians. Unless you are not only preaching and preaching, but also conducting all-round education to turn these people into your own people. But the Arabs who founded the Tianfang Sect obviously do not have the ability to educate the Persians. As a result Of course, their religion has turned into the Persian religion.”

"That's what it means. That's understandable." Father Peter nodded in agreement.

"Master Wang, you, like me, started by preaching among the people. How could you not understand this?" She turned to look at Lama Wang and said, "I see that this God-worshipping religion also started by educating people among the people. That’s why there are so many followers, with branches all over the Qin Kingdom. Otherwise, even if it becomes a state religion, the outcome will probably be the same as Lamaism in Persia. The Great Khan changed his mind and the entire religion disappeared."

"In the beginning, this road was definitely the most tiring and the least fruitful. The common people are not like the nobles. They can donate a temple to you, build a Buddha statue, and give you a pile of gold and silver treasures if they can't wave their hands. The most I can do is ask the fellow villagers. You have two meals - the one who can make everyone take care of the food and not have to make a living by himself must be a leader who is doing well."

"But the ancients said that when the wind first appears, it just spins gently on the green duckweed. But given time, if it is allowed to wander between the mountains and rivers, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, it can become a swift and violent wind. We are preaching People should be like the wind, circulating among the common people, before they can rise to the top. Your master, did you think of this later? Unfortunately, it is still a little too late. "

"I understand what you mean." Lama Wang smiled bitterly: "I have never thought about this place. It seems that I have not only forgotten my ancestors by counting scriptures, but also my own experience at that time. Maybe it is because I have been sitting in this position for too long, and I haven't Come to think of it, I need a child to remind me.”

Tang Saier looked indifferent.She picked up the water glass and was about to take a few more sips. Suddenly, a priest ran in outside the door.

"The Patriarch is... Oh, you are still here, something happened!" When he saw Lama Wang, he shouted directly.

Lama Wang stood up, and Father Peter also put down the notebook in his hand.Tang Saier also turned around and looked at him curiously.

"There's chaos in the city..." The priest just spoke, then looked back and said quickly: "Oh, the princess is here."

"Ah?" Lama Wang was confused.

 keep asking for votes

(End of this chapter)

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