Chapter 47 Go North or Go South

"I think so too." Guo Kang agreed: "He said that the Ming Dynasty was the target, but in fact it should be an attack on Eastern Chagatai. The goal is not to conquer, but to prevent others from attacking and destroying the core of his rule. district."

"Why is that?" Perdicas asked: "If it's just like this, there is no need to prepare so many people."

"East Chagatai is the old place of the Western Regions, and the war in that place cannot follow our thinking." Li Xuanying reminded: "Do you know the war between the Karahan Dynasty and Khotan?"

"I read it when I was studying." Perdicas nodded.

"Uncle Timur's main achievements seem to be in the west, but when he was middle-aged, his biggest enemy was the Eastern Chagatai Khanate." Li Xuanying said: "And it's not the entire Khanate, but the tyrant of the Khanate Hamaluddin—that’s what Guo Kang said just now, the power is not stable, so he wants to seek refuge with the powerful ministers of the Ming Dynasty.”

"Hamarudin's territory is roughly the Western Regions of the year, that is, the area directly under the jurisdiction of the Anxi Dufu in the Tang Dynasty. Moreover, his authority has been questioned, and many nobles do not listen to him at all. Even so, Hamaruddin has taken the initiative many times. Attack Timur, compete for the Seven Rivers and Fergana, and even directly threaten Samarkand."

"Tamerur and Hamaruddin fought back and forth for nearly 30 years. During this period, Timur invaded the Western Regions many times, but each time Hamarudin was able to fight back. In the end, Timur finally invaded Kuqa and Khotan. Hamaruddin was nowhere to be found, and this finally temporarily resolved the threat in the east."

"That's why I think this war is very similar to the war between Karakhan and Khotan." He concluded: "Although Uncle Timur is good at fighting, to be honest, his side's performance in the war is like A big Kara Khan. After decades of fighting, even the eldest son was paid, and in the end, such a separatist force was wiped out."

"But what about the other side? He started from the river, and in more than ten years, he fought around most of Asia. From Delhi to Kazan, to Ankara and Damascus, they were all conquered by his army."

"Think about it, if you were you, which side would you choose as your main expansion target?"

"Then why does he still claim that he wants to conquer the Ming Dynasty?" Perdicas continued to ask.

"Let's take a look at the situation at that time." Li Xuanying said: "The strategic situation plays a decisive role in specific military operations. I have also specially studied this case."

"At that time, the situation in East Chagatai changed. There was a half-story of 'Borjijin's Orphan' here."

"Hamaruddin's nephew, Hugeda, was very loyal to the Khan. When Hamarudin massacred the members of the Khan, he hid the son of the Great Khan, Hei Erhuo. Later, Hamarudin was defeated and disappeared, and Kugeda supported Hei. Those who are on fire call themselves sweat."

"Hei'er Huo Zhe called Khan probably in 1390. In 1391, their envoys arrived in Nanjing and met with Zhu Hongwu Hehan, expressing their intention to join the international order of the Ming Dynasty."

"In 1399, Hei'er Huo Zhe died, and Shami Chagan came to the throne. He even publicly wrote to the emperor, asking for permission to conquer Timur and take back Samarkand, the inherent territory of the Chagatai Khanate. The court also specially sent The envoy went to persuade him, telling young people not to be too impulsive, but to calm down."

"At this time, after ten years of operation, East Chagatai has stabilized internally and its strength has recovered. The core territory of Uncle Timur is the former land of West Chagatai. The tyrant Hamaruddin had to fight for it desperately. The orthodox Khan will certainly not let it go."

"Even if he doesn't go east, others will come. In this case, it's better to take the initiative to attack and destroy the enemy before they are ready." Li Xuanying concluded: "Dongchahetai has a close relationship with the Ming Dynasty. If you beat him, The Ming Dynasty will definitely come forward. Since that’s the case, why not just say that you are going for the Ming Dynasty.”

"You see, if you say it directly, everyone will think that 'Tamerlane is a jihadist', 'the fake khan is fighting against the orthodox Khan of the Chagatai system'; but if you say it differently, it becomes 'Warrior Timur Challenge the leader of the heretics', 'God of War Tamerlane swears to break the myth that Peach Blossom Stone is invincible', at least in terms of face, it looks much better. You can also trick a bunch of passionate church members to help, why not Why not?"

"I see. I've been taught." Perdicas suddenly realized.

"It's okay." Li Xuanying waved his hand: "Propaganda is also an important part of war. As generals, we have to understand and learn."

Guo Kang also nodded.

At the beginning, the adoptive father was not optimistic about Timur's actions, thinking that he would not be able to conquer the Eastern Chagatai Khanate.

Even if Tamerlane's Persian army succeeds in taking Doubanli, the effect will not be too good, because the nomadic nature of Eastern Chagatai is very strong, and the real strength of the Khan court is the Mongolian ministries on the grassland.If these people fight against him, the consequences will be more serious than getting lost in the expedition.

Although a large amount of food and supplies have been prepared, no one can say whether they can last until the other party gives up-what if they are like Hamaruddin, and it takes another 30 years?And if the Ming Dynasty really intervenes, the situation will be even less optimistic.

The Zizhang Hanting believes that you should not worry about the east side.Why don't you join forces again to defeat Egypt and overthrow the Mamluk dynasty.

If Egypt can be used well, it is also a very rich place. For this reason, Zizhang put forward a plan very early on, began to prepare the fleet, and invited the French who also coveted there for a long time, hoping that the three families will go together.

But this kind of thing involves the core interests of the country, and Timur really can't compromise, so the plan can only be shelved.With the death of Emperor Timur's uncle, the country fell into division, and this plan came to nothing, which became a great regret for Zizhang.

"Now there is no help from Uncle Timur, and Bei Yuan doesn't seem to be doing well. Are we looking for another way?" Chief Treasurer Otrifuss asked: "The northern route, can I— It's just a hypothetical, can we start from Novgorod or Kazan, bypass these troublesome areas, and go directly to Liaoyang Province?"

(End of this chapter)

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