Chapter 470 Miss Tang San, take action!
Seeing that everything was well arranged, Theodora hurriedly prepared to leave.But Lama Wang suddenly thought of something and pointed to Tang Sai'er next to him: "How about you take her with you."

"This is..." Theodora turned back and looked her up and down.

"My name is Tang Sai'er, from Shandong." Tang Sai'er stood up quickly and introduced himself: "You must be the princess of the Great Qin Kingdom. I have admired you for a long time..."

"The situation is urgent, so you're welcome. The princess is not someone who puts on airs." Lama Wang advised in the middle: "Tell me how many people you have there. As long as they can help, that's all."

"Yes. This...Ms. Tang," although she was a complete stranger, Theodora nodded: "If I can really help, I will definitely thank you afterwards."

"You're too polite, I can't bear it." Seeing her sudden seriousness, Tang Sai'er shook his head repeatedly and explained: "I'm not a young lady, so just call me Tang San - actually, this is who I am. It was my original name, but Lao Xiangu and the others thought it was too vulgar, and they didn’t even know who they were calling, so they changed it to this name temporarily.”

"Besides, our group is all here on the run, and there are only twenty or thirty people in total. How can we expect anything..."

"That's better than nothing. Call them all." Theodora said bluntly without being picky at all.

"No, if you are really short of people, there is no need to call us." Tang Saier quickly reminded: "I'm not saying that I can't help. If you need it, we can come. But now, isn't there an easier way? Is there a way?"

"Ah? Then who else can we look for?" Theodora asked in surprise.

"Aren't there people in the city?" Tang Saier didn't seem to expect that the other party really didn't expect it at all.

After saying this, the two of them stared at each other for a moment, stunned.

"No, Miss Tang, it's not like that." Next to him, Lama Wang quickly smoothed things over: "This is not your hometown. Most of the citizens in the city have not been trained and cannot use it."

"I know it well. If it were in other places, we would have organized the residents to protect themselves, and maybe we could take the initiative to fight them out. But here in Dadu, the situation is really different. Our military system, on the contrary, is here It has never been implemented well in the city. Neither settled citizens nor refugees without reliable household registrations can be mobilized."

"In the past few decades, veterans who have participated in the war have indeed moved to the city. But if we want to recruit people now, we don't even have a channel. We can't just go and smash people's doors from house to house and count who can be dispatched. Bar?"

"It doesn't have to be so complicated." Tang Sai'er shook his head: "Think about it, the enemy we want to target is not the Ming Dynasty army, but just the people who are rioting now. What is the state of these people?"

"Oh, you mean, they are not serious armed forces, right?" Lama Wang understood.

"Yes." Tang Sai'er nodded: "Let me put it bluntly, in our current state of war readiness, if a large group of serious troops really came in, they would have hit our temple long ago..."

"I think our understanding of military affairs is sometimes too formal. This can't be said to be a good thing, but many times, the problems we face are indeed not this kind." Tang Saier thought for a while and gave an example. Example: "In this regard, Yuan Cai actually knows better."

"On my way here, I passed through Nanyang. At that time, the Ming army united with a group of natives to build a fortress at a place called Thonburi on the edge of the Gulf of Siam, trying to cut off the Yuan army's access to the interior. The Yuan army also A large number of troops were assembled and the siege continued.”

"I heard from a Yuan general I knew that the forts built by the Ming Dynasty were very strong, far exceeding the ability of the natives to attack fortifications. But the Yuan army was never willing to let their own people attack, even though they had much better civil engineering and siege skills. Experience. The Yuan army drove the vassal natives, one after another, and fought for half a year, and did not stop until the rainy season. The natives were dead and wounded, and the corpses almost filled up the fortifications. The Ming army guard wrote a letter and shot it outside the city, saying that the attack was At this level, he feels that the killing is too heavy and goes against the harmony of nature. There is still a lot of power left in the city, but there are already many corpses outside the city. I advise General Yuan to stop here and not lose any more lives."

"But General Yuan said, you might as well take a look at the people in this circle: in the north of the city, they are all Siamese. Beat them to death, and the number of thieves in the city will decrease; in the east of the city, they are all Malays. Kill them. If they are killed, the number of thieves in Manlajia will be reduced; in the south of the city, there are all Srivijaya people. If they are killed, the number of thieves in Old Port will be reduced. So, please make more efforts. The more you kill, the more likely we are to kill them. The greater the Yuan, the more stable it will be.”

"General Ming was speechless and could not answer in the end. After the rainy season arrived, the Yuan army was unable to maintain its strength and retreated. However, there were too many corpses abandoned locally, and coupled with the hot and rainy weather, the stench in the fortress was unbearable. The water source was also polluted. The Ming army was worried about the outbreak of the plague, so they could only abandon the city and flee. The operation of this fortress failed in the end."

"Ah..." Lama Wang was also dumbfounded.

"I still feel that the turmoil in the city is not caused by elite enemies. Otherwise, why would they only set fire to make trouble in places far away from vital points." Tang Sai'er shook his head: "I guess this was not their full strength in the first place. It may even be the same as the vassal of the Yuan people, just to be given away."

"We here don't have to rush to put all the elites in. If you ask me, we should wait and see if they have any back-ups - just in case they just want you to put the last elites in Why don't we all go out to deal with the mob so that we can take advantage of the opportunity to act?" She suggested: "As for now, even if the citizens are unable to use force, they should call on those who are capable of action to detect the enemy and kill those stragglers. The enemy is also from the city. It won’t be too strong, they should be able to handle it.”

"When the cannon fodder enemies in the outer layer are eliminated, or even just restrained, if the enemy is really well-organized and has back-ups, they will be unable to hold back and take action. At this time, we will do our best to When we kill them - of course, if not, that would be better. If we just rush into the center and scatter them, we can succeed in one fell swoop."

"But it's hard for the church to take part in this matter." Lama Wang worriedly said: "First, it takes a lot of effort to gather believers, and we are indeed not a strict military organization. We can only put forward some initiatives, but we don't know the grassroots who will respond. How many priests and believers can there be? Secondly, we must also avoid suspicion. If this kind of thing gets too big, the church itself will be embarrassed..."

"Oh, you're afraid of being mistaken for the White Lotus Cult, right?" Tang Sai'er nodded understandingly: "But isn't there still a princess here? You just said that the princess can mobilize the royal family's army. In this case, follow the rules here , can the princess go and gather the people to serve the king?"

Theodora turned to look at her, and a trace of eagerness flashed across her face that had been slightly calmer.However, she still did not speak directly, but looked at Lama Wang.

Lama Wang showed an undisguised expression of confusion.After hesitating for a moment, he muttered: "I don't about going to the Ministry of War and asking?"

Tang Saier glanced at them and sighed helplessly.

"Then I'll assume it's okay." She looked up at Theodora, and reminded with a wry smile: "Don't worry. There's a big difference between theoretically yes, and actually being able to do it. Are you willing to go? When you call people, the people must be willing to listen to you."

"I have only been in Da Qin for a few days, and I don't know much about the situation here. What have you done in your daily life to convince the people to follow you?" she asked.

"I am a princess of Rome. I still have this authority." Theodora said without thinking. "Authority is too weak." Tang Sai'er shook his head: "Only if you have the actual power to control, and let the people feel the help and protection your power brings to them, can this authority be considered effective. Great Qin's Princess, do you have any specific duties you are responsible for?"

"Well, I really haven't taken over any specific administrative responsibilities..." Theodora looked embarrassed.

"Then this kind of authority is just a show. The people will at most just follow it and they won't regard you as the Great Master of Qingtian to protect you." Tang Sai'er shook his head and said.

"It's not all false." Theodora lost face and quickly pointed out: "Look at today's banquet, I actually organized most of the process - my brother only knows how to drink. On weekdays, I also do it from time to time Meet the legionnaires. Their families are regular guests at the banquets I organized. These interactions are real."

"Princess is joking, how many people can you interact with in this kind of communication? I mean ordinary citizens in the city." Tang Saier smiled and said: "Even if you have hosted and entertained those officers and soldiers, how many people can you count in total? And? , this way of dealing with them is too indirect. To be honest, it would be better to drink heavily with them like your brother did."

"You are still a superior being. Most people do not understand your intentions and have little chance to deal with you." She said bluntly: "The common people will not regard you as a friend and help you stand up for this."

"Then..." Theodora looked back and forth at the others, and found that even the priests were looking here curiously, and then said: "If you want to say it is a tangible favor, it is not nothing. I often engage in charity activities, When I was very young, my mother took me to church regularly to do these things. Not only did she call on other ladies and ladies to donate, but she also went into the neighborhoods to inspect the public welfare situation there, meet with the poor, distribute bread, and pray with them. . These were all done in front of Heavenly Father and everyone, and I still insist on it to this day. It cannot be said that this does not count as contact with the people."

However, Tang Saier seemed to feel it more than she did.

"I have seen too many great philanthropists." She shook her head repeatedly: "To be honest, this kind of charity is mainly just a performance. Think about it, how many people can get donations? I went to the 'Xiacheng District' in the south two days ago When I walked around, I saw dilapidated houses, messy streets, and even thugs beating civilians in broad daylight. If your money really worked and flowed into the hands of civilians, would it still be like this?"

"Since ancient times, there have been many such good people. However, many times, the more good people there are, the harder life is for the people. This was the case when my great-great-grandfather and grandpa were like this; it is still the case in my own generation. These people The better ones are to give myself some peace of mind so that I can continue doing business; the ordinary ones are simply to show it to others - of course, it must be for the superiors or colleagues."

"I'm not doubting your moral character, but it's really useless. Even if you and the ladies around you are sincerely doing good for the poor, these activities are at best a comfort." She shook her head again: "In the hearts of the people It is very clear that this kind of behavior may not convince them. If the people are not convinced, the gods will not bless you. Therefore, this is not expected. "

Theodora was speechless for a moment and wanted to explain, but could not find any specific example.She was usually pampered and was rarely refuted like this.Seeing that the other party said that none of these three things worked, I was a little anxious for a moment, so I replied: "You mean, everyone's good intentions are all in vain? Then I'm okay, my grandma has been doing this for decades. All these efforts , how could it be a waste of effort?”

"What good deeds has she done?" Tang Saier was not in a hurry and asked further.

"She set up a convent of nuns, opened several orphanages, and adopted homeless little girls." Seeing that Theodora was a little anxious, Lama Wang helped explain: "What I just said, we need to increase the number of homeless girls." Those are the places where guards are sent to guard. Even if we don’t care about human feelings, this is still in the name of our church, so we can’t help.”

"Has it been done for how many decades?" Tang Saier asked again.

"The orphanage itself has only been around for more than ten years." Wang Dalai Lama thought for a while and said: "When the Great Khan and the War Marshal were young, the Queen Mother took in orphans. After the death of the First Khan Bashir III, She basically focused on doing this.”

"More than ten years is enough to raise the children at that time." Tang Saier said.

"Yes. From raising to educating, she is the one taking care of everything." Lama Wang said with emotion, "It's not easy either."

"Oh. That should be fine." Tang Saier thought for a moment and nodded.

"Why is this kind of charity okay?" Theodora asked.

"Yes." Wang Da Lama was also a little surprised: "Are those little girls allowed to go to the battlefield to beat people? It is true that the Queen Mother likes to lead people to practice martial arts, but this... is not the case. Although there are indeed female soldiers and generals in history, But war as a whole is still a men’s matter.”

"It's not that we fight directly, but because the orphans are closely related to the common people." Tang Sai'er explained: "The common people will see the adoption and education of these orphans."

"She took in so many orphans, most of whom must have come from poor families. For those parents who are still alive and the poor people who are about to become parents, her behavior gave everyone a glimmer of hope. Because in more than ten years, It’s impossible not to communicate with the outside world.”

"I'm afraid the poor people won't even see your donations. If you're lucky, that is, if you have a good meal, you don't know if you will be beaten to death by the powerful after you go back. But if the child is sent to her, it will really help." I hope to survive." After she finished speaking, she concluded: "This is where the prestige lies, and it can convince everyone. You have a good grandma."

"Then what should I... do?" Theodora asked quickly, barely keeping up with her thoughts.

"Didn't Master Wang just say that there will also be threats over there?" Tang Saier seemed confident and said straightforwardly: "I see there are big bells in various churches? In the name of the princess, ring the bells to summon the nearby people. The residents said that thieves are making trouble everywhere and are threatening the Queen Mother. So please everyone to pick off the thieves. Those who are far away should block the intersection and not allow the thieves to escape; those who are close should assist the guards and help the government and army. ."

"With this status, I estimate that many people will respond. I can use their help to fight against the thieves." She volunteered and said, "If the princess is really willing to do it, I am willing to take my brothers with me." Sisters, let me help you."

"That makes sense." Lama Wang's eyes lit up and he turned to look at Theodora: "Princess, do you want to give it a try?"

Theodora did not hesitate this time, nodded directly and agreed.

"Let's go. I'm sorry to trouble you, Master Wang." She said no more and waved to Lama Wang as a farewell.

"Princess, please be safe." Lama Wang also knew that he could not persuade her, so he had to warn him, and then shouted: "Miss Third, please take care of me, Princess!"

"You're welcome. Don't worry, I'll try my best this time." Tang Saier cupped his hands, grabbed the sword on the table, and left in a hurry with Theodora.

(End of this chapter)

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