Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 473 Princess Jeanne’s palace battle plan

Chapter 473 Princess Jeanne’s palace battle plan

In the alley outside the wealthy area in the north of the city, a group of people wearing armor and burqas gathered at the intersection, discussing and waiting.

Not long after, a carriage with simple decorations came and stopped at the entrance of the alley.Eudocia jumped out of the car, turned around again, and respectfully extended her hand to greet him.Afterwards, Princess Jeanne also got out of the car.

A group of waiting people immediately came up to her and bowed to say hello to her.Princess Jeanne looked around, but felt a little strange: "Why are you alone? The mercenaries didn't come?"

"You mean those Genoese?" A strong man holding a barrel helmet with a big lion carved on the top of the helmet took the lead in replying: "They are already here, they are at the other end of the road."

"Well, let's drive them over there first." Others agreed.

"I finally convinced those Genoese businessmen to hire them here." Princess Jeanne said helplessly: "What are you doing to attack them?"

"These guys are unreliable, Your Highness Princess." Another person said: "It's okay to let them show up, but in a real war, these cowardly people are useless. If there is anything that needs to be done, we will help Just go up."

"We have too few people, so we must have some professional soldiers to help." Princess Jeanne explained, and emphasized: "We are going to carry out a difficult and great undertaking, which requires us to withstand all kinds of Test. In these little things, give up too much pride."

"This time, our strength is weak after all, and we need to invite as many people as possible to help. I will also find some Greeks later. I know what you think, but now, we really need their help. "

"What should we do, Sir LeBournet?" She said to the strong man holding the helmet: "Are you going to give up the honor of your ancestors for your own stubbornness?"

"Okay, I understand, Your Highness. Then I won't take the lead to chase them away next time..." LeBournet thought for a while and found that there was no reason to refuse, so he had to say: "However, it's really hard to find so many people to make up the numbers. Is it useful?"

"Yes, where did you find the Greeks?" A tall and thin knight next to him also asked.

"Miss Eudocia has been helping me contact people before." Princess Jeanne said: "I contacted many famous families here. They agreed to sponsor us and also agreed to send people to join us."

"The city is now in chaos, but the Roman Khanate has not responded. This is the time for our Crusaders to show themselves and win everyone's trust. I have sent people to inform them, and they will come soon to join us and defend Order in the city.”

"Tonight is the first day after the triumphal ceremony. There is a racing competition over there in the Coliseum, and the rich and leisure people in the city are there. After the game, they will also hold a celebration. We take this opportunity , with their help, if we call on everyone, we should be able to get the support of many people."

"But aren't we going to help quell the chaos?" LeBourne asked doubtfully: "Get these people to help? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, that's not okay."

"I heard that the chaos started in the South District, where poor Russians live. How can the Greeks defeat them..."

Everyone started to question again.

"Don't make any noise, everybody. Don't make any noise, everybody." The tall and thin knight waved his hand, and then explained to Princess Jeanne: "Your Highness, we are not saying that we must look down on the Greeks. But you also know that these days, The Greeks who can fight are all in the Roman legions. These people outside..."

"We do have a small number of people now, but having more people is not necessarily a good thing. Even if these people are willing to help, they are just a drag. Just let them pay. I think it is better not to bring them with us." He said bluntly.

"I don't expect them to do anything, but we must carry out publicity." Princess Jeanne reminded: "This is no longer the 11th century. Just say, 'I will do whatever it takes, just for the guidance of faith, and go to the Holy Land to fight.' , I’m afraid everyone will regard you as a fool.”

"But we people do need more support. Achieving merit and getting rewards in the East is indeed a dangerous but effective direction. It is the same for me, and it is the same for you. For example, you, Louis—— She looked at the tall and thin knight: "If you can really get help, will you still be afraid of your brother who is trying to steal the fief? Even if we can accumulate more strength here and fight back, then we still need to see those What do the English look like? Those territories that were taken away to reward their own people will definitely be returned to you."

After listening to her words, many people calmed down.

Many of these people were forced into exile because of the war with England.There are a lot of people who are on the wrong team and who are squeezed out by competitors.In order to get a chance to make a comeback, they are willing to take a gamble in a distant place.After saying this, no one raised any objections.Princess Jeanne turned around and thanked Eudocia, who returned the greeting, got into the carriage again, and left first.

"Char, go and call those mercenary leaders over. You have to act with them later." Princess Jeanne continued to order: "Jacques, you are in charge here."

"Ah? Me?" The strong man holding the helmet said unexpectedly: "Why don't you come together?"

"I don't know why something happened suddenly this time, so our plan can only be rushed." Princess Jeanne said: "You take the knights and the Genoese here to the northwest, where King Wu's residence is. . You should still remember the time I asked you to find the way."

"I remember." Jacques nodded: "Who should I go to to help?"

"It's not a response." Princess Jeanne ordered: "Take the Genoese people there, surround the house, and ask them to hand over the prince and princess."

"Louis, bring my horse over. You take two knights and go with me to find those Greeks." She turned around and ordered: "Those people promised before that they would bring people to help. Let's go and have a look. How bragging they have been this time."

"Are we enough?" Louis asked quickly: "The Greeks are always cunning, don't deliberately deceive us. What if they have an ambush?"

"What are you afraid of?" Princess Jeanne sneered: "Didn't you know just now that the Greeks are fierce and cruel? I heard that the senior Crusaders recruited hundreds of wandering knights and mercenaries at the port, and they were able to defeat the so-called ten in one fell swoop. Thousands of Greek troops. We respect the Romans, not these greedy and short-sighted Greeks who are afraid of what they will do."

"If these people set up an ambush, no matter what the purpose is, you will follow me. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand." Louis gained confidence and turned back to lead the horse.

"Uh, Your Highness, I have a problem too." Jacques quickly asked: "You asked me to go there, but they don't know us. What if they are not happy?"

"They don't recognize me either." Princess Jeanne spread her hands: "However, during the previous triumphal ceremony, I went there to participate in the ceremony and observed it. They actually have no power here, so the guards are very empty. There are not many people. There are many of you, so they don’t dare to resist. Get those two people out and bring them to join me."

"What about Queen Wu over there?" Jacques, who looked rough, became more careful and asked again.

"Don't worry about her, just throw her in the house." Princess Jeanne shook her head: "She seems to be a person of high origin and well-educated. She has a high claim power and a transcendent status in name, but she has no What strength."

"No matter what, you must be careful not to hurt these people, otherwise we will be at a disadvantage." She warned: "However, there is no need to be afraid of them. It is precisely because of the absolute advantage in force that we can have enough room to spare. Do this.”

"Yes, I remember." Jacques nodded and agreed.

"The real cunning one is Her Majesty the Queen. Even the Greeks can't compare with her." Princess Jeanne sighed: "In this disadvantageous environment, she still holds on to even the nominal title. We proposed to give In exchange for giving her a land, she refused to break off the engagement."

"In the end, she really survived these years, and she even took the initiative and used tricks to steal my daughter. No wonder businessmen always say that the Seris people are more cunning than the Greeks, but most of the time they are too wealthy. , regardless of small profits.”

"What a pity, just like all Greeks, these elaborate strategies are useless in the face of strength." Princess Jeanna smiled: "She thought that I must play with her within those rules. What kind of palace fight drama is it? In fact, I am already prepared."

"When I contacted the Ming Dynasty envoy, I gave him a hint. The old priest did not reject my plan. It was obvious that they only cared about King Wu and his title. As long as other actions did not touch the basic principles, they would not Interference - I even feel that the envoy is looking forward to my actions." She told everyone: "When this is over, I will go to the Roman court and the Ming Dynasty envoy to openly talk about this matter. They will not object to the established facts."

"Now, let's just grab the princes and princesses and let her cry there alone." She announced happily, jumped on the horse, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed a few times, with a look of great hatred. As if to retaliate, he rode off and left.

(End of this chapter)

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