Chapter 486 The Third New Bianjing City

"Everyone, listen to me!" The man also became energetic and shouted loudly: "Since we all agree, let's quickly elect the emperor and revive the Song Dynasty!"

Everyone agreed, but some people still made different voices.

In the stands, a man with a loud voice shouted: "What kind of Song Dynasty are you talking about? How come I have never heard of it? I have heard a lot of Seris stories told by storytellers in the city before, but I have never heard of it." Did you talk about the Song Dynasty?"

"Yes." Others also expressed doubts: "I have only heard of Xingfu Da Han, but I have never heard of Xing Fu Da Song. Where did you get this trick from?"

"And the emperor of the Song Dynasty, I remember, his surname was not Wanyan? You must be mistaken!"

"That's right……"

These opponents talked a lot and quickly attracted the attention of many people. They all looked at the speaker to see how he would explain.

But the speaker did not panic, but shook his head and introduced his ideas.

"Our revival of the Song Dynasty has well-documented evidence, and it is not just random nonsense." He told everyone: "The Han Dynasty was indeed a dynasty of Seris, but we don't have the Han clan clan in the story here. And in comparison, the Song Dynasty is obviously more suitable for us!"

"How to say?"

"Can you give me an explanation?"

The audience became curious and asked questions.

"You don't understand. I have learned that different Seris dynasties are not the same way." He told everyone: "For example, the establishment of the Han Dynasty was the result of the annexation war; while the Song Dynasty and Unlike other dynasties, it was a general who was elected as emperor by everyone."

"This process doesn't even include those complicated rituals and rules in the stereotype of the East. It just makes him a yellow robe and puts it on him. It means that the legion supports him and calls him emperor. To put it seriously, , In fact, the Song Dynasty is more similar to the situation we are facing."

"We can't find a Han clan member for a while now, but the Song Dynasty is not bad, right? From this incident, it can be seen that the power of the emperor of the Song Dynasty comes from the legions and the people. Compared with the Persian style Of the tyrants and autocracy, the Song Dynasty obviously respected the interests of citizens more - in fact, compared to other eras, the Song Dynasty did attach great importance to the development of the capital and safeguarding the interests of citizens. So I think this choice still makes sense. .”

After hearing what he said, everyone agreed even more.

"I've long disliked those country bumpkins. Why did the court let so many outsiders come in to rob us of our benefits?"

"It must be intentional. This is to deliberately mix things up with us city residents, destroy the spirit of our city, and tarnish the culture of the citizens."

"I heard that our dynasty claims to have a Han surname of Liu? It seems that it is indeed not as good as the Song Dynasty."

"Hey, I really want to go back to the Song Dynasty."

"It seems that I have long been a Song Dynasty person!"


This topic has aroused strong resonance among everyone and made many citizens feel emotional. Now, the voice of opposition has become much smaller.

However, some of their speeches were so radical that some of the gang members present could not stand it. Fortunately today, the whereabouts of most of the Ross gangsters are unknown, so they were not angered by these remarks and directly started fighting with Da Song supporters.

However, compared to the citizens who have only heard a few stories from late Han Dynasty, Mr. Vlahos himself obviously knows more about the history of Seris.

"You guys don't understand anything, so you're just getting excited here." He found an opportunity to show off, stood up quickly, and began to reprimand the people around him: "What's the biggest problem? Haven't you discovered it yet? Who told you? You, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty is named Wanyan? His surname is Zhao."

"Is that so?" Everyone didn't understand this at all.

"The history of the Song Dynasty is very long. Just like us, it has more than one stage." The speaker told them: "At the beginning, the capital of the Song Dynasty was Bianzhou. But later, because of the great internal and external pressure, the original Their ruling method could no longer be maintained, so they divided the country into northern and southern parts and ruled them separately."

"The northern empire still has the original Bianzhou as its capital, referred to as the 'Northern Song Dynasty', and is ruled by the Wanyan family all year round; the southern empire has its capital in Hangzhou, and calls it the 'New Bianjing'. This country is also known as It is called the 'Southern Song Dynasty' and is ruled by the Zhao family all year round. There are two emperors on each side, jointly managing the vast Song Dynasty Empire. Therefore, it can actually be said who is the emperor of Bianzhou."

"So that's what it means." Everyone suddenly realized: "In the past, I did occasionally hear some similar words, but I have never connected them together. Looking at it this way, it really looks more and more like Rome."

"Yes." The speaker nodded: "But later, the Song Dynasty still fell. The emerging barbarians broke through the borders of the empire one after another. The northern empire fell first, and after the southern empire persisted for a while, In the end, I couldn’t withstand it.”

"Although the Song Dynasty was destroyed, people still miss him. You all know the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, right? Someone from his family is in Constantinople now. They raised armies in the name of reviving the Song Dynasty. Only in this way can we get the support and support of so many people and create miraculous results.”

Seeing that he even cited practical examples, everyone felt more and more justified. However, Vlahos was still a little unwilling and asked: "Your previous examples are all wrong. The Wanyan family and the Zhao family are mortal enemies. They have always been at odds with each other. They regard each other as barbarians. They have fought countless wars. That’s not what you said.”

"Oh, sir, you see, back then, the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire were fighting to the death." The speaker reminded: "This is a normal phenomenon, it can't mean anything."


"Vlahos dropped his bag again."

"This guy likes to pretend to be sophisticated and talk about specious things that other people can't understand. Just ignore him."

Everyone was talking a lot, and they obviously didn't believe much in Vlahos' argument.

"It is normal for different political families to have conflicts and even accumulated hatred between each other. Look, last month, didn't Mr. Makris bring people to break down the door and threaten to beat Mr. Vlahos? ”The speaker pointed out:

"Moreover, the Zhao family and the Wanyan family do have a lot in common. They are both the darlings of the muse, and a number of writers, painters and calligraphy artists have emerged from both families. Even the styles and artistic fonts they are good at, They are all very similar. Obviously, we cannot really regard these two families as simply barbarians. After all, the similarities and connections between them are also very interesting."

"We have both the Zhao family and the Wanyan family here." Someone also took the opportunity to persuade: "In this case, we don't have to hesitate."

"Yes, although both Bianzhous have fallen, we can still establish a third Bianzhou." Another good person also immediately put forward his own opinion: "What did the theologians say? Bianzhou in the human world It can be destroyed, but God’s Bianzhou will never perish!”

Everyone responded and cheered loudly. More and more people began to join the discussion enthusiastically, and soon a basic consensus was formed.

Vlahos continues to struggle alone, trying to convince others that their knowledge of basic historical facts is ridiculously inaccurate. However, everyone was in high spirits and no one paid any attention to him.

"What a ghost!" Vlahos was so angry that he could only complain to a few close followers: "Crazy, everyone is crazy!"

"Everyone is prone to going crazy." The follower, who had expressed his opinions many times before but was not accepted, complained: "Didn't you and the other masters make such preparations because of their characteristics? "

"Then they can't go crazy..." Vlahos was still worried about everyone being too disobedient. "Why did you insist on arguing with them just now? Shouldn't you cater to them and then encourage them to do things for you?" Another follower also reminded him: "Why are you doing research with them again?"

Vlahos knew he was in the wrong and didn't know how to argue, so he could only scratch his head and remain silent.

"Speaking of which, don't you think it's strange?" Another attendant seemed a little nervous: "We have been waiting and arguing. It must have been a while, right? How come the other gentlemen and Princess Jeanne are here alone? None of them?"

After hearing what he said, several people became confused.

"Yeah, why is there no movement at all? Isn't that serious?"

"Others don't know, but Mr. Nicolao's close servants are all people who only know how to brag. If they are really moved, they will always run very fast. Even if they are defeated, they will definitely run away a lot. . It wouldn’t be so bad that until now, there is no news at all.”

"It sounds similar to our master's house..."

Everyone underestimated in a low voice.

"What if they defeat Princess Jeanne?"

"As I said just now, they will fight each other, and some of them will definitely be beaten away and come here to ask for support. And with their quality, I doubt they can fight for so long. No matter who wins, they will definitely be busy leading The princess is here, she won’t waste time.”

"Then what will happen if the princess wins? How many subordinates does she have? She won't go directly to do bigger things, right?" Someone asked.

"That's not true. How can it be bigger than what's happening here? We've already spent a lot of energy and money. If she could do something even better than us on a whim, that would be too much. .”

They discussed it for a while, but still made no progress at all.

However, the crowd became more and more excited, and Vlahos finally decided to ignore it. He sat back and just shook his head.

"Forget it, whoever wins will deal with the aftermath." He muttered, "I won't wipe their butts anymore. Let them deal with the mob on their own."

"How can we deal with it?" Someone asked: "There are too many people in the mob, obviously more than those few gentlemen. There are only a few people around Princess Jeanne every day, so it is useless to stop her..."

"I'm afraid there will be more than a few. She did only bring a few people to the last meeting. However, because of the previous internal fighting in the French royal family, there were a lot of Frankish knights who ran away. She gathered at least dozens of them." Another one. People Q&A:

"I heard that a Greek poem from that time once lamented that the Franks could not exceed a thousand. If they exceeded a thousand, they would be unstoppable. Looking at actual battles, sometimes a few hundred people can drive our army away. Her men If we had some scale, this would not be a concept at all.”

"It's a little scary to say that."

"Yes." Everyone discussed with some worry.

"It would only be fun if Princess Jeanna won the battle over there." Vlahos shrugged: "I don't care, just let her go - I just don't know if she sees this 'grand scene'. what idea."

Everyone was speechless for a moment, but at this time, the heated discussion among other audience members also came to a rough conclusion.

A group of spectators had already jumped into the arena and found Wan Yanliang and Zhao Gou who were practicing racing on the side. Without any explanation, they carried them out. The two were confused and were carried back to the venue before they understood the situation. More spectators who did something good also cheered.

"Our Song Dynasty will be rebuilt today!" A loud audience member also ran to the middle and shouted to everyone.

"Yes, yes, yes." Everyone responded hurriedly.

Someone found two pieces of yellow cloth from nowhere, put some on them, and announced loudly: "Time is tight, and there are not enough for the four emperors to rule together. Today, we will follow the practice of the Song Dynasty and use this Robe, crown them both!"

The crowd cheered and expressed their agreement, and just like that, they supported the two people who had not yet understood the situation.

"From now on, we will rename Constantinople the 'Third New Bianjing'." Someone else suggested: "Whether it is from a secular or religious perspective, I think it is very consistent."

"That's right! We can also announce that the orthodoxy of Bianzhou is here."

"The Song Dynasty will be victorious, Bianzhou will be victorious!"

Everyone cheered decently and became even happier.

At this time, someone also thought of other issues.

"In the East, a dynasty cannot only have Basilius." He told everyone: "I have met the young prince of the Ming Dynasty before, and I heard that they adopted the traditional method of Serris, under the emperor, the title of A lot of kings have been killed. We should also seal some."

"We don't have a king here."

"Weren't you talking about the young prince just now? Isn't this what it is?"

"Yes. As I said just now, his family actually started by respecting our Song Dynasty."

"That's him!"

After a discussion, everyone quickly decided to call Zhu Wenkui the "King of Wu of the Song Dynasty" and became the first king of the Song Dynasty. Everyone thought about it carefully and decided to go to King Wu's residence later and tell him about the title.

After that, they started looking for officials. Everyone thought about it and found that this one seemed to be even harder to find. In desperation, someone thought of Vlahos next to him. So, a large group of people rushed up and dragged Vlahos, who was grumbling, over and told him, I heard that you have done a lot in school, and you will be the consul of the Song Dynasty from now on! In this way, there will be at least one official.

Vlahos was horrified and kept shouting things like "Don't hurt me!" But everyone was in high spirits, so no one cared about him.

They were having fun when a loud bang came from the distance. Although many people were taken aback, when they saw the fireworks rising, they were no longer worried. According to the tradition of the citizens, where there is a fire, it will help everyone to have a good time. Therefore, after being surprised for a moment, everyone did not go into the details and continued the discussion while holding the "Second Emperor", "Zai Zhi" and others hostage.

In this way, with the explosion of the Ming Dynasty, the Song Dynasty was officially established!

(End of this chapter)

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