Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 493 I took the advice and listened to the woman’s words

Chapter 493 I take the advice ≠ I listen to the woman’s words

"Boom boom boom!"



Luo Guanzhong, who was looking at the manuscript paper, heard Li Xuanying's voice and looked slightly confused. However, he stood up quickly, walked to the door, looked out from the crack of the window, scratched his head, and then opened the door.

Li Xuanying stood alone in front of the door. Luo Guanzhong looked back and forth and found that it was indeed him.

"Is it... over?" Luo Guanzhong said in surprise: "So fast!"

"What are you thinking about?" Li Xuanying said quickly: "We were just chatting. But she was quite busy, so she left after talking."

"Oh? Just chatting?" Luo Guanzhong obviously didn't believe it.

"Something really happened today." Li Xuanying shook her head and explained: "There are people in the city plotting to cause chaos - ah, it doesn't seem to be appropriate. In short, there is a big chaos, and someone may even take the opportunity to make changes. She is here Tell me about this."

"Although I am not one of those famous celebrities, when I was in Jiangnan, I dealt with a lot of literati every day. I have never eaten pork, and I saw pigs running around every day." Luo Guanzhong saw this and said directly: "And the people in the market, What I like the most are stories about talented men and beautiful women having sex with each other, so I have seen a lot of these things when I was collecting stories."

"I'm a lonely man and a widower. I suddenly came to call you out in the middle of the night. The result is to teach you how to deal with conspiracies and chaos..." He said speechlessly: "This girl Qingqing is not your wife, but your counselor?"

"You can say that. She is the one who often gives me advice on weekdays. Anyway, most of the time it is very useful." Li Xuanying thought for a while and said, "It really makes sense..."

"..." Luo Guanzhong was speechless now. He was silent for a moment and then said: "There is no need to rush to admit this kind of thing. You are a descendant of the Qin Kingdom. If people know that you rely on women for advice every day, then..."

"Well, I know this is not good." Li Xuanying quickly added: "When we were in school, my husband said that women only have incomplete rationality and are not suitable for complex planning and participating in important aspects of management. According to the sages, I should be the one planning all the theories and bigger things. Eudocia herself told me that I can’t always ask her. But you also know that theories are just theories. In reality, there must be some contingency. .”

"I also wanted to find a way on my own, but her suggestions have always been very useful, so I made some improvisations. Anyway, this is what the sages advocated, right."

"Contingency is indeed Mencius' point of view." Luo Guanzhong had no choice but to nod.

"That's right. I have always felt that the saints from the East are more flexible than the saints from Greece." Li Xuanying commented: "It's their views that I find easier to accept."

"It's not like the sages of the East have never talked about this kind of thing." Seeing him comforting himself, Luo Guanzhong reminded him kindly: "It is said in "Daya" that 'a wise man can make a city, and a wise woman can conquer a city. A wise woman can become an owl or an owl. Women have long tongues and are powerful. Bandits come from heaven and are born from women. Bandits teach and teach, and they maintain the women's temple at that time.'"

"This means that if a man has many plans, he can achieve national affairs; if a woman has many plans, she will destroy the affairs of the country. If a woman is good at words, she will bring disaster. A woman with plans is like an owl, you must stay away from her. This It’s also the teachings of the sages, you can’t say they haven’t taught it.”

"Huh? Is this correct?" Li Xuanying asked curiously.

"This is a lesson learned by the Zhou people from the experience of the demise of the Shang Dynasty. It is said that the Shang Dynasty worshiped birds, owl-like, scheming women, probably from their side. This kind of women led to the Shang Dynasty The destruction of the country actually happened in history and was recorded by our ancestors." Luo Guanzhong told him.

"Then, whose opinion should I listen to? Why is my ancestor's judgment so different from my feelings?" Li Xuanying asked.

"I'm not very familiar with the situation in Taixi, but judging from what we just communicated, the woman's strategy is not credible. It should be more than just Eastern experience." Luo Guanzhong said: "Since the ancestors of the East and the West have come to This conclusion may indeed be true. If you have your own judgment, you can think about it for yourself; if you can't make a judgment, it is better to refer to the wisdom of your ancestors than to guess on your own."

"Well, that's true." Li Xuanying thought for a while and nodded: "But I also thought about it just now, and I feel that what she said makes sense..."

Luo Guanzhong took a breath and looked at the moon in the sky: "Then you'd better make a contingency plan."

"Yes. I followed her advice, which was my own judgment after understanding the situation she said. Therefore, taking the initiative to adopt reasonable suggestions does not mean that I listen to the woman's opinion, right." Li Xuanying After sorting out the logic before and after, I quickly convinced myself: "This way, it does make sense."


Luo Guanzhong was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know how to answer, so he simply asked him: "Sir, should we continue to ponder the music score?"

"No, there are still things to do." Li Xuanying waved her hands and said, "Oudosia told me that based on the current situation, among the major forces, my family may be the only one that has not participated. In this case, in the end, It’s good to make a final decision, gather strength, rescue people in one fell swoop, and end this farce at the same time to show my strength.”

"This idea is indeed correct." Luo Guanzhong nodded: "But do you have enough servants? And the most important thing is, can you mobilize them now? Is it still too late?"

"She said that she had gone to several places before, and everyone who needed to be notified had been notified, and other people would also contact each other and mobilize. But so far, the night watchman has not moved, so she hopes that I will mobilize." Li Xuanying relayed. : "I replied that I have no military power at all, I am just an idler. The night watchmen are the capital's garrison and have an unusual status. Even those with positions and influence cannot mobilize them. What can I do..."

Luo Guanzhong thought for a while, but did not answer, but asked: "So, she still insists that you can do it?"

"Yes, she said that it was because I didn't have an official position that I could be transferred. I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't understand why." Li Xuanying scratched her head: "She was very angry and asked me to use my own brain. She also said what should I do in the future if this continues? . I said I really couldn’t think of it, and she said, I can ask you.”

"Then girl, you are asked to come to me?" Luo Guanzhong raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself.

"Yes, she said you are very alert, and you do seem to be an experienced person." Li Xuanying said honestly: "Although you keep saying that you have messed up things, I think you are actually a capable person. She also told me that I can ask you to come out again, even if you are my staff again, try it with me. When you look back, all the credit for your suggestions will be yours."

"This is a bit underestimating me." Luo Guanzhong was surprised, but said bluntly: "Although I am in a poor situation, I am not to the point where I want to compete with the little girl for credit. Besides, what do I want this credit for? To become more famous? To be honest, although my knowledge is shallow, I still managed to gain some fame through the freshness of storytelling. Now I even feel that this reputation may be a bit too high. I want to hide for a few days and wait for the audience to get over their anger. …”

"That's not the case. She actually wanted to be in the spotlight as little as possible so as to avoid trouble for herself." Li Xuanying explained: "The incident this time was too big, and my actions will definitely be followed by people asking about the causes and consequences. If I tell everyone , it was her who gave me the idea, then she will definitely face greater trouble."

"Because she has been involved with some of them, and if I were to obey her advice, many people would doubt her and think she was the mastermind behind the scenes. They would also doubt my ability and say that I was controlled by her. String puppet. I have a heavy responsibility, and this kind of rumors will be very detrimental to my future work. My family may also overreact, causing us two to get into trouble. So, it is better to just leave her alone."

"This..." Luo Guanzhong hesitated for a moment: "There is nothing wrong with this statement. It does make sense. But, Master, you didn't realize that if you do everything she says, doesn't it mean that you admit that you are indeed lacking in ability? , are you controlled by her?"

"Ah?" Li Xuanying was a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.

"That...this..." He was momentarily embarrassed. "As the saying goes, you can't be close if you're not close... Hey, I really can't say anything about this kind of thing." Luo Guanzhong took the initiative to save him, shook his head and said, "I think the young master must have made up his mind. In this case, we will Seize the time and set off. As for this idea, just say that you were anxious for a while, and you were lucky enough to think of it. Isn't that enough?"

With that said, he returned to the house, picked up his robe, put it on, hid his sword, and said to Li Xuanying, "Let's go first."

After the two came to this small building, they took out the horses. However, Li Xuanying still felt a little guilty and asked again: "It's really just the two of us?"

"Didn't Young Master say that he can fight better than anyone else in the family?" Luo Guanzhong asked, "In that case, that's enough."

"Shall we go directly to the headquarters of the Night Watch?" Li Xuanying confirmed again, looking like she was unsure.

"Yes. Since that girl understands the situation, it's better to follow her plan." Luo Guanzhong said: "Besides, if what she said is true, it makes sense. You see, other forces have moved and should be maintained The army has not responded to the situation in the city. There must be something wrong."

"Then what should we do?" Li Xuanying asked.

"It depends on the situation." Luo Guanzhong replied: "Just go to their station, shout a few times, and ask them to send troops. Even ordinary citizens, no one is forbidden to report rebellion and military rebellion. And I remember that this army, There should be someone on duty."

"Yes." Li Xuanying nodded: "Then what if they ignore me?"

"Then let's go in and ask for an interview with their commanding officer." Luo Guanzhong said: "You are the heir of the Zhu Kingdom. No matter what they say, they will not force you to get through."

"What if the commanding soldier on duty is not happy either?" Li Xuanying probably understood, but still confirmed.

"Then we don't have to talk nonsense with them. Five steps away, the argument is what people say. Within five steps, the argument is this -" He patted the knife at his waist.

"To be honest, I don't even dare to think about it." Li Xuanying shook his head vigorously: "This is the capital..."

"The garrison in the capital has such an important position, but it acquiesces in such a big mess here, putting important people in danger. Do you think this is more serious?" Luo Guanzhong also asked again: "No matter who is in charge, this person is already going to die. The most we can do is help him in advance, it’s nothing.”

Li Xuanying nodded and said no more words. Luo Guanzhong thought for a moment, then whispered instructions.

A station of the night watchman is located at the junction of the wealthy area and their civilian area. Of course, from another perspective, it may be because they were stationed here that the wealthy area was formed in the rear. Although they did find many signs of trouble along the way, the place was relatively quiet at the moment.

The two quickly rushed to the door and jumped off their horses. The gatekeeper was very discerning and recognized Li Xuanying at a glance in the darkness. They did not dare to neglect, and immediately reported inside that Mr. Li had brought someone, and then invited the two of them in.

In the small building opposite the gate, two officers hurried over. Luo Guanzhong winked at Li Xuanying, who immediately took half a step forward, followed the lines he had been taught before, and shouted loudly: "The city is in chaos, and some places are on fire. Why don't you move out quickly to suppress the rebels! "

Seeing this posture, the soldiers on duty all came over. The two officers were obviously guilty and said quickly: "Young master, we have many rules in our regiment, and we are not allowed to act without permission in many cases. Besides, before and after the triumphal ceremony, it is a day when people in the city revel and make trouble. We have arrested them in accordance with the law. Many people have been killed, so there is no need to use more harsh methods to deal with the citizens."

"I'm not here to listen to your nonsense!" Li Xuanying said immediately: "Now the thieves have surrounded the church's team and want to take the opportunity to harm the war commander's son. If you haven't sent troops yet, are you going to sit back and watch them succeed?"

The officers looked at each other and could only prevaricate: "We have to look at the order of the Great Khan. Because someone also came to report that Mr. Guo was a fake. We couldn't judge, so we had to send the news without helping anyone. , waiting for the decision from above.”

"This is meaningless. Your duty is to eliminate the thieves, not not to help them." Luo Guanzhong said sharply: "Or do you think that as long as you don't help anyone, you can survive?"

The expressions of the two of them changed. Luo Guanzhong pulled out his knife and yelled loudly at the surprised soldiers around him who wanted to surround them.

"Listen to me!" he shouted: "Don't pretend to be innocent! You, your leader, have taken advantage of many people and hooked up with powerful people in this metropolis. You know it! Don't use the law as a prevarication! There are a few people who have never done anything illegal, and you yourself know it too!"

The officers and soldiers looked at each other in confusion. Some were still hesitating, while others were brave and drew their weapons with evil looks on their faces.

Li Xuanying did not hesitate this time and immediately drew his sword and turned around to point at them. He is indeed somewhat famous, but now, several people who wanted to break the pot hesitated.

"Master Guo is being surrounded now. As long as something happens to him, no one in Rome can protect you! Prince Wu is also surrounded now. As long as something happens to him, no one outside Rome can protect you! On weekdays The so-called powerful people who are friends with you here are just ants in front of the anger of Rome and Ming Dynasty! Can they continue to protect you?" Luo Guanzhong continued to shout.

"The Great Khan has understood the situation. You know that the matter is of great importance, and the Khan's court knows even better! Therefore, he hastily mobilized his troops and gathered the army. Mr. Li also got the news, and because he cared about his friends, he rushed over and wanted to lead You go rescue people first. This is a rare opportunity for you, but you are still hesitating and trying to shirk it!"

"As soon as the army of the Khan's court arrives, these clowns who can only talk and talk will turn into powder immediately. Do you have to die with them? Do you really not regard your own life as your own!"

"Then what should we do?" Someone couldn't help but ask: "Officials say..."

"Tie up the official!" Luo Guanzhong immediately shouted: "This is the only chance to make meritorious deeds. Who is willing?"

Many soldiers hesitated and began to look at their commanders. One of the officers reacted and called his soldiers to kill the man who disturbed the morale of the army. He then drew his sword and stabbed Luo Guanzhong. Luo Guanzhong blocked it with his sword, but another officer's henchman came over with his sword.

"Sir, come on!" he shouted.

Li Xuanying let out a long breath, and ran out like a rabbit, stabbing the officer in the face with a sword. He turned around and chopped off the arm of the henchman.

Another officer led several of his men and rushed up with a roar. Li Xuanying fought back with his sword and stabbed him to death with two moves. Only then did the soldiers catch up. In a panic, he cut down two more people with one step and one sword move. Seeing that they were outnumbered, the remaining people turned around and fled in a hurry.

The other soldiers finally moved and rushed to protect them. They chased a few fleeing people and rushed out of the camp.

"Raise the troops, raise the troops, kill the thieves!" Luo Guanzhong shouted excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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