Since the Accounting: A Chronicle of the Roman Khanate

Chapter 496 The Ministry of War is on alert

Chapter 496 The Ministry of War is on alert

The courtyard of the Ministry of War was also unusual at this moment.

In the center of the Purple Horde Khanate, there were actually two systems. One is the Ministry of War, which oversees the military regions of each province and is responsible for registering soldiers, arranging rewards and pensions, ordering ordnance, raising logistics supplies, etc. One is the Marshal's Mansion of the Northern and Southern Capitals, which manages various battle groups and military supplies warehouses. It is responsible for assembling troops, preparing training plans, and arranging transportation lines.

If a war breaks out, a separate command organization will be organized, which is generally called the shogunate. The troops assigned to fight were under the command of the shogunate. These people manage the dispatching inside and outside the battlefield, and the distribution and retrieval of military supplies.

When the account was first established, there was actually only one command structure. After the territory expanded, each family only had its own set of agencies, equivalent to several central military agencies, each responsible for different directions. Later, Queen Mother Helena conspired to depose the Li family, the largest noble family. In order to offset their functions, the front line and the rear were separated. The shogunate of each family only took care of the front line and no longer interfered with local personnel arrangements, recruitment, and production.

On the other hand, it is also because today's wars are becoming more and more complex. Relying on Sai Khan himself, or sending generals to command, with some trusted staff, is increasingly insufficient to command the army. Moreover, it is unrealistic to rely on temporary mobilization of citizens for everything, as was the case back then. The maintenance of the standing army and special arms can only be afforded by the entire country.

Therefore, the shogunate is actually becoming more and more separated from the general himself. By the time of Basil III, due to the need to conquer Eastern Europe and Southern Italy, he formally determined the establishment of several standing armies. The "Hammer of Basil" that appeared in the previous triumphal ceremony is this kind of army.

They will not disband after the war, but will continue to train and may go out to fight at any time. Commanders can be appointed individually, but various institutions in the army must naturally be permanent. In fact, it has become a state of having staff but no chief executive, forming an institution that can operate independently.

The Marshal's Mansion and the Ministry of War were also separated at that time. After the Civil War, the nominal leader of Nanya Shihou was called Nanya Marshal. He had great power and could take charge of almost all military affairs. But as time went by, even the princes themselves felt that this position had too much power and could easily cause problems, so they split it up a lot.

Later, also because the territory became larger and the management became more and more complex, the personnel and administrative departments of the entire army were simply dismantled, so that the Ministry of War, which had always been a virtual duty, had actual functions. For the remaining ones, the Marshal's Office of the Northern and Southern Capitals was set up to take charge. In Greek, following the Roman custom, the head of the military department was called military minister, which is also where it comes from. As for the Marshal's Mansion, because Nanya is so powerful, Marshal Nanya is in charge most of the time, and sometimes other senior generals who are not on the front line will be sent to take command. In the past few months, because Nanya Marshal Zhang Gongliang went on an expedition with the Great Khan, the War Marshal was temporarily in charge.

Now, it stands to reason that this is the busiest time for these departments. The war has just ended, and a lot of follow-up matters need to be dealt with: the credits accumulated during the war need to be finally verified and registered, and then rewarded according to standards. If someone is killed or disabled in battle, pensions must be distributed, and the local government must be notified to arrange additional care for their family based on the specific circumstances.

And because of military system issues, after the war, the entire army, as a unified unit, will be officially disbanded after the victory. Various staff departments serving as the military command center will be transferred back to their original agencies. Most of the mobilized troops will also return to their own battle groups.

As for specific soldiers, who stayed and who went home, the Ministry of War also had to contact the civil servants of the shogunate to register based on their performance in the war and the soldiers' personal intentions. Some will return to their place of origin and join local war groups; some will be transferred to the standing army; and some will retire directly.

People who join local battle groups are often promoted because of their actual combat experience. Such people need to record and transfer their combat history documents to the local military government so that they can be assigned to suitable positions. Of course, some people may be disbanded and return home. At this time, the resume documents need to be transferred to the local county government - because the veterans of the Purple Horde Khanate are often grassroots officials or even part-time teachers. In short, they are very precious. H.

Moreover, the Khan's court often recruited some veterans after the war to go to newly developed areas and establish new farms. Especially some people who are not citizens originally are eyeing this opportunity. During this expedition, many local people in the Alemanni region came to join the army. Most of them are poor people there. They really can't survive and can only find a new way out. They had little family resources and did not care about moving far away, so many of them were arranged to the vast Rus area north of Crimea to obtain land and cultivate farms. Over the years, many people have moved there.

It can be said that every soldier has more than one official document to deal with. The Ministry of War and the Marshal's Office themselves would not care about such details, but the overall allocation of personnel and task allocation must be arranged by them.

Other things, such as trophies collected in wars, must also be sorted and registered, and then sorted into categories for recycling or simply discarded. These must also be managed by them.

What makes things even worse is that the Khan now has the intention to launch troops against Egypt. Although no formal order has been issued, everyone knows that the winter in the Mediterranean is not suitable for sailing, and as soon as spring begins, major maneuvers may begin. Therefore, various preparations need to be made in advance. These two jobs collided.

Today's wars are much more complex than in classical times. Although many armies, especially the European ones, may not be as professional as the Romans back then, the Purple Horde itself cannot imitate them.

The deployment of every piece of material requires the concerted efforts of countless people.

For example, transporting food to the front line cannot be solved with one order. Before the war begins, before the various legions are assembled, the Khan's court will order the establishment of a command structure, the most important of which is the marching general office. The staff in the government would work day and night to calculate the various supplies the army would need. The Marshal's Office will summarize and verify the situation of various arsenals and granaries under its jurisdiction, and coordinate with them.

Most of the time, these reserve supplies are not enough, and there is always more than enough. Therefore, the Marshal's Office will report the shortage to the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of War will go to various agencies such as the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of Water, and various provinces to request allocations based on the various information it has.

Once the demand is confirmed, the Ministry of Revenue will gather the grain into the storage center planned and designated by the Ministry of War. This step is completed by the local government or the private transporters they recruit and hire. After entering the warehouse, the Marshal's Mansion will specially arrange baggage teams to transport them to various locations designated by the Marching General Mansion. Because the rear warehouse can still guarantee safety, but enemy activities often begin between the warehouse and the frontline assembly area, requiring special escort and route planning.

Frontline armies sometimes designate a staging area, but there are also many times when each legion will act separately and fight on multiple fronts. Therefore, the Marshal's Mansion needs to mobilize the limited forces it has as much as possible, or use the help of frontline garrison groups and local troops. On the one hand, it must try to avoid occupying precious front-line troops, and on the other hand, it must ensure safety and minimize losses. Every time scheduling is also very nerve-wracking. They can breathe a sigh of relief when the marching director arranges for each troop to take away all their belongings. They are responsible for the subsequent distribution and frontline transportation. A bag of military rations has to pass through three or four central departments, and no less than a dozen local yamen, and be transferred by four or five different transporters before it is finally delivered to the ration bags of the frontline legionnaires.

What's more, in many cases, the Ministry of War and the Marshal's Office have to further process these materials. For example, the wheat grains given by the Ministry of Revenue are usually wheat grains that are easy to preserve, but this kind of stuff can only be eaten directly in theory even after being threshed. If the front line is fed boiled wheat every day, the legionnaires will definitely cause trouble.

Therefore, the Ministry of War had to find ways to arrange mills to make flour and then produce military rations. Traditional hard bread is actually inconvenient and prone to problems, so now it has been replaced by a new method: the Purple Horde Khanate brought a large iron pot from the East. They would pour flour into the pot and fry it with oil. . If conditions permit, some other materials will be added. This kind of dry food called "fried noodles" was first popularized in the Yuan Dynasty. In comparison, it is easier to carry and store, and it is also convenient to eat in emergencies.

The production of this kind of dry food has always been handled by workshops run by the Ministry of War. As time went by, it even gained some fame. And of course this kind of thing needs to be taken care of.

Now, the war with the enemy on the battlefield is over, but a war with Wenshanjuanhai has just begun. Although these tasks are unknown and are far less eye-catching and easier to gain fame than the fighting on the battlefield, everyone actually knows that these complicated official documents and sophisticated networks are the basis for the Roman army's efficiency to surpass the barbarians, and also for their opponents. The most difficult part to learn and copy.

As the commander of this war, the Ministry of War and the Marshal's Office were naturally very busy. Daxia Guo is indeed not just looking for an excuse to work overtime - although it is all paperwork work at the rear, this kind of affairs requires people with battlefield experience to coordinate the arrangements, and scribes who do not understand the army cannot make hasty decisions. Therefore, his workload and responsibilities are indeed very large.

But today, the daily atmosphere in the office compound was broken.

A group of scribes hurriedly came out of the small office building with documents in their arms, put the documents into the basement, and arranged them carefully. A large group of people who were writing at their desks also put on armor for the first time in a long time and were at the door. There are also people constantly coming in and out of the office, delivering various messages.

Boris Kubrat, Minister of War, was also at the gate, pacing back and forth.

Due to functional issues, the offices of the Ministry of War and the Marshal's Mansion have always been together. In this way, it will be much more convenient to handle many daily tasks. At the very least, clerks can save a lot of energy when carrying massive amounts of official documents.

But today, when chaos first broke out on the street, everyone didn't pay too much attention. Anyone who has lived in Dadu for a period of time knows that when it comes to festivals or celebrations, if you want no one to cause trouble on the streets, you may have to let Heavenly Father take care of it. Especially this time, the scale of the triumphal ceremony was very large, and the streets were filled with drunkards and idle citizens. If there was no chaos, everyone would have to wonder if they were planning something even more shocking.

In this regard, the Ministry of War and the Marshal's Office have responded skillfully: in the past few days, the number of guards has been doubled than usual, and officials and guards who are on shift are not allowed to go home. They have to make floors in their offices for convenience. When something happens, you can respond promptly. Logically speaking, this kind of preparation is enough. After all, even the drunken citizens, few dare to run wild here.

As for organized gangs - they can be organized in most cities, often not because they are powerful, but because someone needs them. These people will not be in trouble with the most important departments of the Khan's court.

However, the development of things quickly exceeded expectations. Over at Zhulinfang, a fire broke out, and no one responded.

The management style of the Purple Horde Khanate is different from that of ancient Rome. The responsibility for dealing with disasters has long been returned to the government. Moreover, in the capital, there are many informants of various forces. Generally speaking, there will not be such classic cases of deliberately setting fires and then collecting money from the locals. Way. Under normal circumstances, the government offices in most counties would mobilize manpower to maintain order and put out fires. The soldiers stationed in the Night Watch and several other camps will also set out soon to control the situation. Because many times, the biggest damage caused by fires in the city is not the fire itself, but the people who take advantage of the fire after the fire breaks out.

But this time, the fire burned for nearly half an hour, and no one took care of it. In the office area, some keen old officers felt something was wrong.

For this reason, they immediately sent people to the palace to issue a warning, and also sent another envoy to watch the situation on the night side. However, Bai Saihan and his family have gone to have a banquet outside the city, and there is no one on duty in the palace who can make decisions. The response from the night watchmen was also wrong - they obviously didn't want to care about this matter, and they were trying to explain it away in their words and deeds. Obviously, they probably already know something about the situation, but there is something that makes them jealous. In the end, the night watchman even tried to hold back the envoy from the Ministry of War, but the envoy was already prepared. Before he came out, the men watching outside had already gone back to report the news. Therefore, even though the people left behind here did not know the ins and outs at all, they immediately started preparations.

Kubrat believes that the situation outside may be very complicated, and now we should focus on self-defense to prevent the government office from being destroyed. However, ever since the fire started, the Warmaster has become a little restless and keeps saying that he should go take a look.

Of course everyone is opposed to this situation.

He is now the backbone here and the best player in the entire courtyard - many people still firmly believe that he is the best player in the metropolis and even in Rome. If he ran away, regardless of the safety issues of venturing into unknown areas, what would happen here? Zhulinfang is a slum area, no matter how important it is, it is far less important than here. And what if the thief wants to lure the tiger away from the mountain?

Therefore, everyone tried to persuade him. He wanted to leave several times, saying that he wanted to see where his son and daughter had gone, but everyone kept talking about him - if it was only Guo Ponu, everyone might still suspect that she would run around and join in the fun. But Guo Kang has been an honest "otaku" for many years. He lives a life of two things at home and church every day. Many people know him. Even if he was out in the field, he should have gone back long ago. How could he suddenly go and set fire to someone...

(End of this chapter)

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