Chapter 498 Reinforcements gather

In the entanglement of laws and regulations, everyone waited for a while. Others were not idle and continued to be busy organizing a large number of confidential documents and locking them underground.

During this gap, Kubrat and others were not idle either. The previous group of envoys just returned one after another, and they sent out a few capable officials and asked them to go to the front first to see if there was anything going on around the place where the fire broke out.

After a few brief explanations, the clerks quickly left, while others came over to inquire about the situation.

"Can we still contact the people from Basil's Hammer?" an official hurriedly asked.

"I think it's better not to look for them. Those people are drinking outside the city." Another official replied helplessly: "I guess they and Basileus are all drunk."

"How can the whole battle group be drunk?!"

"The people who stayed behind all went to drink anyway. It's not that there's no one in the camp, but there are only a few guards left." The previous official told him: "I just asked here, and they said they wanted to guard Where's the cannon? This is also an important matter, we can't leave."

"Hey, Lao Gu, do you think we are here to express our position, or are we really going out?" Another official turned to ask Kubrat, who was still pacing back and forth worriedly next to him: "We people, go If it’s less, it’s useless and it’s like dying; if it’s too much, there are so many key documents here, what should I do?”

"Is there any difference?" Kubrat turned around and stood still and asked rhetorically: "Think about it, if we follow the Warmaster and can't suppress it, it means that there are a large number of well-trained people rebelling. This level They are waiting for death at the Ministry of War. It is better to go over there and have a look. You can adapt to the situation and it will be safer to be with them."

"Then let's go together instead of staying behind." Someone suggested: "If the thieves make trouble, they won't dare to come here. Just leave a few people to guard the door. If there is a mutiny, there is no use staying. Why don't we all go? It’s a good fight.”

"That's right. If we lose the battle outside, a few can escape. If we can't defend here, everyone will die together. No one will report the news." Someone immediately agreed.

"Then what should we do with all the stuff we have here?"

"Didn't Mrs. Guo just say that paper is dead but people are alive? People are more important than documents. I think what she said makes sense."

"She's talking about the documents in the hands of the War Commander. It's different here. The documents for pensions and rewards we are dealing with now are all made with blood by people on the front line. How many of them are human beings? His life? Anyway, I can’t worry about it, so I think I still have to watch.”

"Yes, it is said that Constantine can't find anyone, and his sister is also missing. Madam, it's normal for her to be anxious. But we do have a lot of troubles here..."

Everyone started talking again.

"I don't care so much, I'm going anyway." Kubrat stopped and said with a straight face: "On the way, I called out all the people from Basil's Hammer."

"They have so few people... what to do with their cannons?" Someone asked: "I remember when they were patrolling a few days ago, they didn't bring the heavy cannons because it was inconvenient. They still brought a lot of small cannons for display. They are probably all in the camp now. Here. They really value those cannons, they treat them like treasures."

"Isn't what you just said very reasonable? Their camp is the same as ours. If it were just a small thief, I would definitely not provoke them. If there is a bigger trouble, those weapons are waiting for the enemy to get them." Bratt said: "The result is the same anyway, so why don't we use it first. Even if we lose it in the end, we can hit more enemies to avoid wasting it."

"As for gunpowder, we should still have some here, so bring them to them." He ordered.

"Do we still have gunpowder?" Some officials didn't know this.

"Yes, in order to prepare for the celebration, our craftsmen brought some gunpowder from the Ministry of War to make fireworks." Kubrat said: "However, the celebration schedule was already very full, so some were released on the day of the triumph, and the others were used. It wasn’t of much use. I remembered that there was still more than half of the barrel left, so I went back to the workshop to take it out and take it with me.”

"Oh, I don't even know!"

"Yeah, I didn't take a look either, it's too little..."

Everyone murmured.

"It is estimated that the Ming Dynasty is the only one in the world who has the luxury to use gunpowder to set off fireworks." Kubrat disagreed: "If it weren't for the request, I wouldn't even let it go. Okay, stop talking nonsense and go get it quickly! "

"None of us are stupid. We all know that many people in the city are worried about something, but I don't have such worries." He told everyone: "I don't have any background or family. My father is just a hawker who walks around selling things. Later, I lost money selling wine, so I was asked to find a way out on my own. I saw that the army was recruiting people, so I joined the army."

"I first followed the local army to fight the Mazar people. Once I was lucky and went out to fetch water. I met their scouts and hacked one of them to death. The other one fell down while running, and I caught him back. . The chapter leader was very happy and allowed me to officially become a soldier." He recalled:

"After that, I continued to fight there and participated in three battles commanded by Basil III. I made meritorious deeds each time, so I was promoted to a centurion of the teaching regiment. Today, Basileus has his first personal expedition, and I also I was honored to serve under him and participate in the second siege of Buda City. My centurion was the first to scale the city wall, and in the subsequent battle, three Magyar nobles were killed and one was captured alive. After the war, I went there again On the Georgian side, he served as the garrison commander and expelled the Turkmen. Later, due to injury, he was transferred to the logistics department, and then worked his way up to his current position."

"I started as an auxiliary soldier in the Bulgarian mountains, and served under two Basileus and five Pillars. Each promotion was based on my own merits, not my benefactor or family power. Similarly, I There is no need to specifically defend or repay anyone." He said bluntly: "Today has led to this, so I will make it clear."

"If there is a mutiny in the city, where do you think these soldiers come from?" He pointed to the sky: "The people from each battle group are not in the city, and even the night watchmen just dare not provoke them and stay still. Then these people , did it fall from the sky?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Our mutiny in Rome was too straightforward and obvious. But when I was studying the official documents of the legion, I read some books by Siris." Kubrat said slowly: "In their experience, Not everyone can hide a large number of regular soldiers in a key place like the capital. The most famous among the limited cases is a senior high-ranking official named Sima Yi. Relying on family power, he hid in the capital Thousands of soldiers were mobilized and the coup was finally launched."

"Who among us has this strength?" he asked again.

"I can think of this matter, and the night watchmen probably have also thought of it. That's why they dare not take action, even if they are the ones who should move most now." He said with some dissatisfaction: "Going deeper, you can still say There’s more.”

"Theoretically, the Night Watch is also a field regiment, or even a heavy cavalry unit. All soldiers and officers must take turns participating in expeditions to maintain combat effectiveness." He recited the regulations skillfully, and then changed the subject: "However, when I dealt with them, I found that the people stationed in the city were always the same. Sometimes I would switch between different districts, and I could bump into acquaintances when I went to other districts; sometimes, I would simply move together They don’t move. What’s the reason?”

Everyone obviously knew the secret here, and they were speechless for a moment.

"This is all connived by ourselves." Kubrat spread his hands: "We usually think it doesn't matter. Anyway, those who can do this kind of thing are guys with money and background. Even myself, because of fear We have offended people and never taken it seriously. Now, it’s our turn to suffer the consequences.”

"I've fought so many battles, it doesn't matter anymore. I originally thought that I could just be cautious and try to hide away, but judging from the situations Madam mentioned, I guess there's nothing to hide from. I'm going to fight again this time, who are you? If you want to go, just come with me, no need to say anything specifically." He finally ordered: "That's it."

No one raised any objections and continued to wait.

But soon, the Warmaster and his wife seemed to have finished discussing the situation and left the office. Kubrat wanted to ask about the situation, but suddenly someone rushed over on horseback outside the door. After taking a look, he found that it was the person who had been sent out just now. "Gu Shangshu, Gu Shangshu! The reinforcements are coming!" He reined in his mount and shouted quickly.

"What reinforcements?" A subordinate stopped Kubrat, ran to the door, and asked.

"I saw Mr. Li." The man jumped off his horse and said, "He was running south with a group of night watchmen's cavalry, and I happened to meet him."

"Where is he?"

"This is coming."

The clerk pointed back, and everyone heard the sound of horse hooves. They quickly got ready and called everyone in the yard over. The Warmaster, his wife and several of his attendants also sped up when they saw the movement here.

Soon, Li Xuanying ran to the gate, followed by several riders and an old man wearing a long gown, who seemed a bit out of place. But he didn't hesitate and immediately shouted.

"There are several Night Watch officers who are up to no good and have been killed by me! I'm going to suppress the rebellion now, any one of you will come with me!"

No one knew how to answer for a moment, but when the War Commander saw him, his eyes lit up and he ran over quickly and greeted, "My dear nephew! Why are you here!"

Everyone in the Ministry of War and the Marshal's Mansion is somewhat wary now. After all, everyone still doesn't know who the enemy is.

Although Madam made a big fuss just now, saying that she had received reliable information that someone from the Wang family was poisoning her son, everyone still dared not fully judge based on this information - it's not that they didn't believe her, there were many people here Everyone knows her and knows that she won't talk nonsense, but the problem is that in this situation, who can tell whether it is only the Wang family.

After all, it was likely that multiple forces were responsible for such a big fuss. When seeing other people, I always try to take precautions.

However, the War Commander was very generous and ran directly to the door and asked.

Li Xuanying didn't think too much and told him directly: "I'm going to save Brother Kang. But I also got news that the young King Wu of the Ming Dynasty was also surrounded by people. I plan to drop by first and ask him The whole family and the guards there were rescued, and then everyone went to the south to see the situation. However, I heard that there were people here, so I came over to call for them."

"Then how many people do you have?" the war commander asked.

"Marshal Guo." The old man behind him jumped off his horse, cupped his hands towards him, and said, "Rong Xiaolao, please tell me. The people on our side are all righteous soldiers of the night watch army. Because they are dissatisfied with the officers who are corrupt and pervert the law, we Follow Mr. Li and run here, ready to do some heroic deeds. There are more than thirty people here, and there are about dozens more on the way. Over at Prince Wu's Mansion, there are dozens of guards recruited by His Highness Prince Wu before. We also have dozens of people. Taken together, there are roughly more than a hundred of them. Although they are not many, they are all elites, enough for a raid."

"Okay, okay." The war commander nodded repeatedly and said to Li Xuanying: "You have a good staff. I also have dozens of people here, so let's go together."

"Wait a minute!" Someone from behind suddenly shouted.

Everyone turned around, Li Xuanying looked at it, jumped off the horse in a hurry, and greeted unexpectedly: "Aunt Huang, why are you here too?"

"Bo Nu and Kang'er are gone, which makes me anxious." Mrs. Huang shook her head and said, "He is a father and he doesn't even care. Of course I can only come here to urge him."

"Don't worry, I heard some news here, and I probably know their whereabouts." Li Xuanying said quickly: "Well, the previous plan was too slow, so I will take these people there. Please help me. Xiao Zhu and the others will be rescued, and they will join up with the people from my rear team and go to the rescue together. Uncle Guo is the war commander, and those people will also obey. How about this?"

However, Mrs. Huang thought for a moment.

"Xuanying, can you direct more people?" she asked.

"Ah? Okay, how much?" Li Xuanying asked quickly.

"Madam, our young master..." The old man wanted to speak, as if he wanted to give some advice, but Madam Huang said bluntly: "I also ask you to bring the people from the Marshal's Mansion over. I hope you can do it as soon as possible."

"Also, Gu Shangshu." She turned to Kubrat and said: "Can you please take your subordinates and many flags to Prince Wu's Mansion? I heard that the people there are all scattered. They are outsiders, not Roman rebels. If you raise your momentum, they should retreat. This will reduce losses and bring out the people from Prince Wu's palace as soon as possible."

"No problem, madam." Kubrat said immediately.

"Hey? Auntie, how do you know the situation over there..." Li Xuanying noticed something and asked smoothly.

However, Mrs. Huang only frowned slightly and did not answer immediately. She seemed not to want to talk about the source of the intelligence.

Li Xuanying seemed a little curious about this, but the old man on the staff next to him immediately spoke on his behalf: "Please rest assured about our young master, madam. We will set off now."

"Yeah, yes, let's save brother Kang quickly." Li Xuanying no longer hesitated, jumped on his horse, cupped his hands, and was ready to leave. Next to him, the war commander also asked people to open the door, and a group of soldiers and guards mounted their horses, preparing to set off together.

He was about to say something more when a loud noise suddenly came from the southeast.

Everyone was startled, and some war horses began to stir uneasily. It took some effort to settle down. I saw a bright fire burning under the night sky, and a billowing column of smoke rose up.

"My dear brother, isn't that from Xiao Zhu's house!" Li Xuanying was shocked: "Why did it explode!?"

 It's almost the end of the twelve o'clock in Dadu, so I went to PY with other authors

  Today’s mutual recommendations:

  "Stars for the Beautiful Warhammer"

  A fan work based on Warhammer with added star elements. The protagonist is a planetary governor who is on the dark side of the empire. With the joint blessing of the "friendliness" of five good people, the story is about making things happen and developing.



(End of this chapter)

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